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pate/K_Dubb 2020 - "We are going to fix this shit"

Started by pate, July 18, 2020, 04:06:34 PM

Three of the five below are the correct answers, you are invited to choose one. Just remember that the odds are in your flavor, but which is the favorite oddity?

Biden/Harris (D)
2 (7.7%)
pate/K_Dubb (aye)
7 (26.9%)
pate/K_Dubb (eye)
8 (30.8%)
pate/K_Dubb (I)
5 (19.2%)
Trump/Pence (R)
4 (15.4%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: November 23, 2020, 09:01:44 PM


Two hundreded nineteen, Thursday into Friday."JEWELED ALIEN'

Momentous silence.

I reckon nine years my old friends laugh at my folly!

Hah, yesterday I drank a draught for each of them...  I was much surprised that another had joined the ranks.


Hur der yew


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 05, 2020, 11:41:08 PM

A minuscule font with the full title "...chief dog-walker" etc. would be just the thing for this crowd, perhaps with a little panting doggy face to show that I am harmless and just want to be petted.  I will not let you down, sir.

Why not just go straight to the cat meme and be done with it?


Quote from: WOTR on August 06, 2020, 04:15:58 AM
Why not just go straight to the cat meme and be done with it?

It seems fair and just:  if there be a multi-vote that ignores my existence;  I should return the favor.



I am reminded, that nine years ago a few friends lost their gamble.

This is an auspicious Thor's Day!

In addition to those feasting at the banquet table, I learned of another warrior this Sunday past that joins the...

I have said too much!

Thank you in advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2020
"We are going to fix this shit"[/ii]


Quote from: WOTR on August 06, 2020, 04:15:58 AM
Why not just go straight to the cat meme and be done with it?

Nonsense!  I may be an antifa goon-squad agitator in a sleek black hoodie and skinnies but I love my country.


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 06, 2020, 06:50:42 AM
I may be an antifa goon-squad agitator in a sleek black hoodie and skinnies but I love my country.

Have a bike lock I can borrow? Asking for a skull I'm gonna bash in.


Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on August 06, 2020, 07:46:14 AM

Where did ya hide #patey ?

I'm searching all the threads & men's stalls and ladies restrooms here on BellGab...

He was just here!!!  :'(



pate/K_Dubb 2020

Hey, big boy -- is that Drakkar Noir?  You might try the little closet under the stairs where he sometimes passes out.  Would you like to see my anus?



Quote from: AZZERAE on August 06, 2020, 09:59:57 AM
Have a bike lock I can borrow? Asking for a skull I'm gonna bash in.

Of course, sweetie, right between the concrete milkshakes and the mollies.  Don't hurt yourself!


Quote from: AZZERAE on August 06, 2020, 10:27:59 AM
Very much so!!!

Ok let me figure out where this schlimazel keeps all the blow first.


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 06, 2020, 10:37:56 AM
Ok let me figure out where this schlimazel schmendrick keeps all the blow first.



Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on August 06, 2020, 07:46:14 AM

pate/K_Dubb 2020

DAVID RUBINI, I believe your official Make America Pate Again callsign shall be "THE RUBBY."  Understand that even high-caliber individuals cannot choose their callsign.  They are usually created on the spot, in an ad-hoc manner and during initiation procedures.  That is not to say that through valour, stupid mistakes and general esprits de corps that other callsigns may be assigned, as the individual case merits, warrants or becomes clear.

In short, RUBBY, a small honorific has been bestowed upon your questionable head:  this begs an answer to the rhetorical question;  "What would you do with this honor?"

On this most inauspicious, quizzical and mysteriously auspicious day the banquet table has many empty seats left;  would you have one?

This is a decision that may be taken as lightly as the plum that comes with:  understand that it is forever.  One does not simply "lose" their vote or multi-vote in this exchange;  for it is a wise, lucrative and fair deal.  All parties involved walk with new found wealth, prizes and duties that are impossible to deposit in a simple FDIC insured bank account, safe deposit box or other intangible places; to include bonnes idées.

First in my mind for you, is the creation of a very special new arm of the government.  An important one.  To aid in the categorization, description and annotations of the Book of Laughter we will need a new Federal Office of Clowns and Clowning.  The titular position holding the reigns may be a Chairperson, Secretary or Director, this is not yet decided.

Beit known, RUBBY, this plum is offered to you at a low-cost, bottom floor and initial price!  You are cognizant of dealings;  this has not escaped my "Argus" eye...

This offer may have a limited temporal scope, self-destruct code or other sunset clauses;  decisions are encouraged to be made with alacrity, much deep cogitation and perhaps a dash of mirth.

What do you say RUBBY?  The Chief of Clowns position (first among equals) in the newly-soon-to-be-established-preferably-by-next-Terrible-Tuesday Office of Clowns and Clowning is offered to you!

This is not the only plum available for your precious franchise, but it is a hat that I deem very suitable for your wizened pate!

While you ponder this delicious offer, perhaps you would enjoy a few Musical Selections that I am currently reviewing to determine which shit-list they belong to:




Thank you in advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2020
"We are going to fix this shit"


"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 06, 2020, 10:26:58 AM


Mirable Dieu!  K_Dubb this is Ed Zachary the sort of super-star shining shit that you continually amaze us with!

I figured that you would be an excellent running-mate, I fear that our Every Other Tuesday Shirtless Jog/Presidential De-Brief and Press Conference, will happen with a disappointing infrequency during the initial first one hundred days of Making America Pate Again:  my back of the envelope, bar-napkin and/or guest-check calculations indicate ~7.14 occurrences depending on where the Terrible Tuesdays fall in that thyme.

Whew, I am already fatigued from the constant speechifying, high-horsery and frankly stumping work of this campaign.  It is increasingly difficult to keep track in a conscientious manear of all of the individual items on the shit-fixery lists!

To again, lead from the front and truly be on point:

That song paradoxically is on both the Only Good Music and the despicable Shadow Governments'
Quote from: pate on July 22, 2020, 04:50:54 PM
...Terribly Funny Music...

I would share this delicious irony with you, if you are able to take my meaning.  Perhaps it is out of order to make such decisions on this Thursday into Friday, but as I have indicated already the sixth of August will always be a special day...

I am considering making it an unofficial Shadow Government holiday, but have not fully pulled the trigger on the idea.  I must be careful:  the trigger, like many bare-chests (but not all to be sure), is hairy!

Hah, very amusing, K_Dubb!  Feel free to help yourself to any of the many unclaimed plums at the table, I will direct the waitstaff to have them replenished before any proposed butts hit the seat before them.

Jackstar, if you would review that last sentence and discern its meaning in spite of the awkward structure and make any recommendations:  why, that would be nice/just fine and/or swell!

Thank you in advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2020
"We are going to fix this shit"


Quote from: pate on August 06, 2020, 02:01:13 PM
Mirable Dieu!  K_Dubb this is Ed Zachary the sort of super-star shining shit that you continually amaze us with!
Jackstar, if you would review that last sentence and discern its meaning in spite of the awkward structure and make any recommendations:  why, that would be nice/just fine and/or swell!

Thank you in advance!  It is an honor to serve.

okay but the complication is I read your first paragraph and it was completely not in my area and then I just ignored everything until I skimmed down and then saw my name and then I don't know if you want me to analyze the last sentence I read or the last sentence that you had typed before my name or the last sentence I'm going to remember reading before I blow my f****** brains out because I'm on the edge of dude

Quote from: pate on August 06, 2020, 02:01:13 PMpate/K_Dubb 2020
"We are going to fix this shit"

It had will to have been expected that I would be out of the Infinite Mode summoning loop by now. What are you waiting on to fix something; Christmas?

I'm beginning to suspect that you're just making up problems to keep me a square. It won't work. I'm already a round.

Don't get me wrong. I like Infinite Mode. I love Infinite Mode. I like it so much that I bought the company. I want to marry Infinite Mode and have little Infinite Mode babies.

But there are some circumstances that Infinite Mode is not well suited for.


This is just one example. Tread lightly... Candidates. For that is what you are, until the Cinestar voting machines are online.

And that's probably going to take a minute. Or a year. Or four months, or three months, or less than 90 days! Who can say with any authority at this point? Not me! I can't even stop myself from asking rhetorical questions! What kind of a man am I? A (CLASSIFIED) one to be sure, but that really doesn't cut the mustard at this point.

I'm supposed to be out of this loop. And, just when I thought I was out, they keep pulling me back in.

Still--superior to a Clinton presidency.

Enjoy this time of your lives Gentlemen--this will never come again for the first time. I'm told sometimes people get it right the first try. And believe me, it doesn't get any better the second time around.

Except maybe for the pussy.


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 06, 2020, 10:37:56 AM
Ok let me figure out where this schlimazel keeps all the blow first.

Grapefruit and I don't really like blow--we're particular--so, if you could keep looking for proper entheogens, that'd be great. We're going to need you to come in on a Sunday too.

Also, she says, "cocaine just makes me want to sit around and sew," so if you've got any darning that needs mending--socks, shirts, boat engines, et cetera--you might want to think it over.

In Minecraft. You're a saucy little Candidate, aren't you? Yes, you are!


Quote from: pate on August 06, 2020, 02:20:19 AM
Two hundreded nineteen, Thursday
Momentous silence.

For those of you paying reasonably close attention to the goings on here, I can report that the Spirit of Art Bell has been mercifully quiet muted for quite some time, thank God.

It's amazing how less interesting that guy is when you can't just turn him off easily with a little dial. He's cool though, or at least he says so, or it's all that cough syrup. You know--whatever. you know, when I was a kid, I really wanted to know what was going on in the world, and now that I know, I don't give a f*** anymore f*** all y'all a bunch of f****** reprobate bastards on this f****** rock

Oh shits, did I say all that out loud again? Oh, bother.


Quote from: pate on August 06, 2020, 02:01:13 PM
Mirable Dieu!  K_Dubb this is Ed Zachary the sort of super-star shining shit that you continually amaze us with!

I figured that you would be an excellent running-mate, I fear that our Every Other Tuesday Shirtless Jog/Presidential De-Brief and Press Conference, will happen with a disappointing infrequency during the initial first one hundred days of Making America Pate Again:  my back of the envelope, bar-napkin and/or guest-check calculations indicate ~7.14 occurrences depending on where the Terrible Tuesdays fall in that thyme.

Whew, I am already fatigued from the constant speechifying, high-horsery and frankly stumping work of this campaign.  It is increasingly difficult to keep track in a conscientious manear of all of the individual items on the shit-fixery lists!

To again, lead from the front and truly be on point:

That song paradoxically is on both the Only Good Music and the despicable Shadow Governments'  playlists.

I would share this delicious irony with you, if you are able to take my meaning.  Perhaps it is out of order to make such decisions on this Thursday into Friday, but as I have indicated already the sixth of August will always be a special day...

I am considering making it an unofficial Shadow Government holiday, but have not fully pulled the trigger on the idea.  I must be careful:  the trigger, like many bare-chests (but not all to be sure), is hairy!

Hah, very amusing, K_Dubb!  Feel free to help yourself to any of the many unclaimed plums at the table, I will direct the waitstaff to have them replenished before any proposed butts hit the seat before them.

Jackstar, if you would review that last sentence and discern its meaning in spite of the awkward structure and make any recommendations:  why, that would be nice/just fine and/or swell!

Thank you in advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2020
"We are going to fix this shit"

I will try to contain my disappointment, sir, and feel the irony you speak of very keenly.  Your offer is kindness itself but f it's all the same to you, I'd rather just have plums, those impossibly dark ruby ones that taste of wine, little yellow Mirabelles, even the little dusty oval soft ones with the apricot interiors and juice that will not be constrained.  You can keep the pert fuzzy peaches, nectarines, apricots -- plums when perfectly ripe and achingly sweet are quite possibly the most eye-rollingly, tongue-lollingly sensual fruit out there and I long to gorge with abandon.


Quote from: AZZERAE on August 06, 2020, 01:33:35 PM

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Hot damn, AZZERAE, that is fucking gorgeous!  I want to have gentle, loving, and tender mind-fuckery with all of it!

Wholeheartedly APPROVED: With one relatively minor caveat;  I typically do not intentionally engage in contracts, contractual obligations or contractions.  I would have worded it "WE'RE WE ARE GOING TO FIX THIS SHIT" on the Official signage, but this will do nicely.

This day brightens a bit more, in about fifteen minutes local I intend to attempt to fix this particular sixth of August shit with a few genteel, civil and delicious adult beverages;  I note that the seventeenth hour of the day approaches inexorably.

Very, Tasty, sir!  I am pleased to have you at the helm of the AFL(II)C-SA.  You are doing excellent work!  Praise, Applause and a great many Honorary Plums will be awarded accordingly to such efforts.  I salute you.

Thank you in advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2020
"We are going to fix this shit"


Quote from: Jackstar on August 06, 2020, 02:46:28 PM
Grapefruit and I don't really like blow--we're particular--so, if you could keep looking for proper entheogens, that'd be great. We're going to need you to come in on a Sunday too.

Also, she says, "cocaine just makes me want to sit around and sew," so if you've got any darning that needs mending--socks, shirts, boat engines, et cetera--you might want to think it over.

In Minecraft. You're a saucy little Candidate, aren't you? Yes, you are!

Oh I am sure this dude hasn't hallucinated on anything more potent than the smell of his own farts.  But how unspeakably fortuitous!  I have a whole batch of sewing to get through:  luau shirts were supposed to be big this season and I bought a bunch of true vintage ones, obnoxiously loud barkcloth with the buttons that look like little Chinese coins, off ebay in anticipation, but you know what happened to the social season.

Nevertheless I am soldiering on, taking them all in to fit -- you know a size small over there would comfortably house a migrant family on the border.  Hawaiian shirts are just about the sexiest thing you can wear even if you are a sweaty meatball, but even more so if they taper to a shockingly narrow waist, when undoing only the second button reveals a honeyed sweep of flesh from sculpted clavicle to the base of your sternum.  A hint of pectoral cleft, the tiniest wisp of silver chain floating on the expanse.  Formal, with low-cut suede loafers and those little invisible footies, or casual for morning-after brunch, I would have turned heads!  Maybe next year.  In the meantime I am tweaking my nipples and making kissy-face in the mirror, and the grocery store gets an eyeful once a week.


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 06, 2020, 03:54:36 PM
...  You can keep the pert fuzzy peaches, nectarines, apricots -- plums when perfectly ripe and achingly sweet are quite possibly the most eye-rollingly, tongue-lollingly sensual fruit out there and I long to gorge with abandon.

In my ongoing battle with Gluttony I will leave fuzzy peaches and apricots for others to enjoy.  One of my guilty pleasures is the enjoyment of smooth-skinned fruits perfectly ripened on the branch to such a degree that they fall effortlessly into one's hand, truly manna from heaven these.

I believe any land that you cede to the People's Free Democratic Republic of pate subsequent to my inevitable, impending and inexorable exit from Presidential duties at the conclusion of the first 100 days of Making America Pate Again will be generously planted in the many fruit bearing trees suitable for the climate of Kansas City.  I believe peaches, pears, apples and plums do very well here and certainly hope that apricots and nectarines do so as well.

It would be nice for my people to be able, when in season, to pluck a tasty plum (or other delicious fruit suited to their individual tastes) while walking along the Path to the Presidential and Patian Archive Museum and Library.

I believe I will open a Miller High Life tall-boy and Ponder on this, among many others pieces of shit that need a-fixin'...

Hey, that reminds me!  K_Dubb:  Attend;  my desired First Lady apparently needs a steady supply of fresh, creative and perhaps friendly insults, castigations and/or chastisements from you in order for her graceful presence to be elicited here in this miserable sewer.

It is selfish, or Greedy, of me to request that you abuse my sweet cookie in this manner;  and also might result in the need for a Duel if your attempts on my behalf go too far afield.  I trust you completely in this, so the fears of a Duel should not be a thing that should dissuade you from the loathsome, pernicious and despiteful chore I respectfully place on the table before you.

My love of sweet, tender and crisp cookies and the tending to their desires is paramount, however distasteful the task of acquisitioning may be:  It must be done.

This request is personal, and in no way Official.  As friend, some-time ally and dude I would willingly hang out shirtless with, I beg this small "plum" for myself.

Will you help me in my questionable quixotic quest, dear friend?

I thank you in advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2020
"We are going to fix this shit"


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 06, 2020, 04:12:55 PM
  I have a whole batch of sewing to get through:  luau shirts were supposed to be big this season and I bought a bunch of true vintage ones, obnoxiously loud barkcloth with the buttons that look like little Chinese coins, off ebay in anticipation, but you know what happened to the social season.
One sort of weird, but good, tradition at Danish weddings is that the groomsmen seize the groom and cut his socks. So his new bride needs to prove her worth by being able to darn them later.
ps: apparently Luau shirts are actually 'in season' right now in some right-wing online community at least. Lots of scary articles about them. Beware the dreaded Hawaiian shirt and that evil "right wing" based on a bad break-dancing movie, with an admittedly funny name.  Beware lest the Hollywood, media, or the antifada crowds mistake your stash of Hawaiian shirts proof that you are a member of the Boogaloo boogieman! 





Quote from: Jackstar on August 06, 2020, 02:40:08 PM

Fortune's wheel doth turn slowly, whilst waiting for worms to do the same...

I gently Ponder which list that selection belongs on.  This gives my heavy heart a boost, a lift or perhaps even a lightening of the load on this memorable, unforgettable and quite eternal sixth of August.  I loathe and anticipate this day every single year since it first became remarkable...  I am with you in spirit my friend.

Quote from: Jackstar on August 06, 2020, 02:54:53 PM
For those of you paying reasonably close attention to the goings on here, I can report that the Spirit of Art Bell has been mercifully quiet muted for quite some time, thank God.

It's amazing how less interesting that guy is when you can't just turn him off easily with a little dial. He's cool though, or at least he says so, or it's all that cough syrup. You know--whatever. you know, when I was a kid, I really wanted to know what was going on in the world, and now that I know, I don't give a f*** anymore f*** all y'all a bunch of f****** reprobate bastards on this f****** rock

Oh shits, did I say all that out loud again? Oh, bother.

Jackstar, I have read and comprehended the meaning of this with the aid of my common lexicological surfactant that is present within my tool-box of finely honed skills gained over the course of my lifetime.  Still, I am submitting it in it's entirety to my Cryptological Department (this plum is unavailable by-the-by, it is kept "in house") for further analysis.

My initial takeaway is the phrase "He's cool though."  This reminds me of the many flavors of "frood."

Delicious as always, Jack!

I thank you in advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2020
"We are going to fix this shit"


Quote from: pate on August 06, 2020, 02:01:13 PM
...our Every Other Tuesday Shirtless Jog/Presidential De-Brief and Press Conference,

I suggest a rephrasing of the above. As it stands, it would appear that we will be receiving a live press conference of a presidential porn flick every other Tuesday.  :o

Please don't "de-brief" while you are sweaty and shirtless.*  ;)

*Unless polls indicate that it would win you a significant number of votes.


Quote from: albrecht on August 06, 2020, 04:25:36 PM
One sort of weird, but good, tradition at Danish weddings is that the groomsmen seize the groom and cut his socks. So his new bride needs to prove her worth by being able to darn them later.
ps: apparently Luau shirts are actually 'in season' right now in some right-wing online community at least. Lots of scary articles about them. Beware the dreaded Hawaiian shirt and that evil "right wing" based on a bad break-dancing movie, with an admittedly funny name.  Beware lest the Hollywood, media, or the antifada crowds mistake your stash of Hawaiian shirts proof that you are a member of the Boogaloo boogieman! 




I do not wish to interrupt your exchange with the Veep, al.  Good of you to stop by the Campaign HQ!  Eavesdropping on your conversation with K_Dubb caused me to think of a new Initiative.  It should not be too alarming in its scope, the naming of it must be careful.

It begins with "A Shirt Is Just A Shirt, Dammit" and ends with "No One Owns The Rainbow, Give It Back" these two are perhaps too spicy for the official Make America Pate Again movement.  It might become a program for the Janus Initiative under the aegis of the Shadow Government under the really long name Operation:  "A Shirt Is Just A Shirt, Dammit/No One Owns The Rainbow, Give It Back" or "Operation ASIJASD/NOOTRGIB" which might require a slight re-arrangement to be readily apparent and comprehensible.

I am just spit-ballin' hear, and really only wanted to jot down the rough Idea before I lose it in my cups as the evening progresses!

I am pate, and I wrote that gobbly-de-gook above!

pate/K_Dubb 2020
"We are going to fix this shit"


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 06, 2020, 04:12:55 PM
In the meantime I am tweaking my nipples and making kissy-face in the mirror, and the grocery store gets an eyeful once a week.

Seems like you're doing pretty well with that crippling injury you have. Carry on. I'm certainly not complaining, neither over your efforts, nor of the smell of your farts.


Quote from: WOTR on August 06, 2020, 04:51:57 PM
I suggest a rephrasing of the above. As it stands, it would appear that we will be receiving a live press conference of a presidential porn flick every other Tuesday.  :o

Please don't "de-brief" while you are sweaty and shirtless.*  ;)

*Unless polls indicate that it would win you a significant number of votes.

Howdy, WOTR!  That is a rather prurient thought that had not occurred to me until you made the observation.  With that in mind, I think we should keep the wording just as it is;  I willingly accept and demand that even the "dirty" multi-votes in my our favor be counted!

I am putting another nail in that quite solid campaign Plank!

The fixing of shit can and does get dirty, luckily hands may be washed after the work is done.


I thank you in advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2020
"We are going to fix this shit"


Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on August 06, 2020, 05:09:29 PM
Guys: Pate et. al. Yeah, whatever, I'd be happy to clown around. You guys are on a "different" level of "weird" so I am not hip to whatever the fuck is REALLY going on.

You guys email and do secret handshakes and blow each other. I am just some old dude that's fuckin' around here. I mean no harm. I do not intend to sue. I really am pissed @ MV
for not having a friendly chat. Because I genuinely like him and BG. I really do not get it at all? That's fine. I should prob split. I have enjoyed the weirdness, and that is undeniable. I was looking for Art Bellian comradely at some sentimental level but I can't even talk to KR or Heather anymore. It's really fucked up. I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone.
I am super forgiving. Everybody seems to be SO OVERLY sensitive and unforgiving. I don't get it at all. I wish you all well.

I'll prob be back in 20 mins. or I could jet forever.



Call into my show LIVE on Saturday night, Pubini!



Quote from: pate on August 06, 2020, 04:24:27 PM
In my ongoing battle with Gluttony I will leave fuzzy peaches and apricots for others to enjoy.  One of my guilty pleasures is the enjoyment of smooth-skinned fruits perfectly ripened on the branch to such a degree that they fall effortlessly into one's hand, truly manna from heaven these.

I believe any land that you cede to the People's Free Democratic Republic of pate subsequent to my inevitable, impending and inexorable exit from Presidential duties at the conclusion of the first 100 days of Making America Pate Again will be generously planted in the many fruit bearing trees suitable for the climate of Kansas City.  I believe peaches, pears, apples and plums do very well here and certainly hope that apricots and nectarines do so as well.

It would be nice for my people to be able, when in season, to pluck a tasty plum (or other delicious fruit suited to their individual tastes) while walking along the Path to the Presidential and Patian Archive Museum and Library.

I believe I will open a Miller High Life tall-boy and Ponder on this, among many others pieces of shit that need a-fixin'...

Hey, that reminds me!  K_Dubb:  Attend;  my desired First Lady apparently needs a steady supply of fresh, creative and perhaps friendly insults, castigations and/or chastisements from you in order for her graceful presence to be elicited here in this miserable sewer.

It is selfish, or Greedy, of me to request that you abuse my sweet cookie in this manner;  and also might result in the need for a Duel if your attempts on my behalf go too far afield.  I trust you completely in this, so the fears of a Duel should not be a thing that should dissuade you from the loathsome, pernicious and despiteful chore I respectfully place on the table before you.

My love of sweet, tender and crisp cookies and the tending to their desires is paramount, however distasteful the task of acquisitioning may be:  It must be done.

This request is personal, and in no way Official.  As friend, some-time ally and dude I would willingly hang out shirtless with, I beg this small "plum" for myself.

Will you help me in my questionable quixotic quest, dear friend?

I thank you in advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2020
"We are going to fix this shit"

Yes that is when they are perfectly ripe!  There is an abandoned plum orchard near my folks house we used to pillage, both yellow and red, but they put up signs saying the fruit was reserved for the food bank a few years ago and now the succulent fruits just drop and rot on the ground, as none of the needy see fit to bestir themselves for these morsels.  More shit to fix.

It will not surprise you to learn that, having viewed your motions from afar, I foresaw this request with some trepidation.  I have a great deal of affection for Roz; she is bright and (having heard her call Hoagie once) charming and personable and (as you no doubt have ascertained) interesting, which puts her head and shoulders above the rest of her monotonous sex preoccupied with the mandates of biology.  However, if I take the course you suggest, she will indeed frequent to forum to see what villainous things I am saying in jest, but any affection I might win thereby is not transferable:  she will fall in love with me, partly because I strut and preen like a fighting-cock, but mostly because I am unavailable, I do not want her in that way, and (her protestations to the contrary) I am (of course) the only one she can trust as a true friend and ally.  I have seen it too many times:  friendly smiles become longing glances gently spurned, and good-natured raillery turns to private confidence which turns to possessiveness and strife.

I know your noble character will rebel at the notion but chivalry is long dead; your modern woman wants less to be courted like a queen than to be fought like a bull in the ring, with style, finesse, and really tight pants.  I have shown you the way but, Sir, you must be the one to alternately lacerate and cajole if this is not to turn into the stuff of grand opera, a triangle of unrequited passion. 


Quote from: albrecht on August 06, 2020, 04:25:36 PM
One sort of weird, but good, tradition at Danish weddings is that the groomsmen seize the groom and cut his socks. So his new bride needs to prove her worth by being able to darn them later.
ps: apparently Luau shirts are actually 'in season' right now in some right-wing online community at least. Lots of scary articles about them. Beware the dreaded Hawaiian shirt and that evil "right wing" based on a bad break-dancing movie, with an admittedly funny name.  Beware lest the Hollywood, media, or the antifada crowds mistake your stash of Hawaiian shirts proof that you are a member of the Boogaloo boogieman! 




Haha yeah I lamented this a while ago.  But a glance at my tastefully understated accessorizing, which runs more toward midcentury Norwegian enamel-and-vermeil bracelets by David Andersen and the Sandefjord-based Axel Holmsen (my wrists are the size of a girl's) rather than bandoliers and fatigue should dispel any illusions of that kind.

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