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Messages - yumyumtree

Still Alice 2014
The Paperboy 2012
Quote from: Bavarian Joe on June 13, 2015, 11:30:02 PM
Lost treasure stories like Yamashita's gold or the Amber Room.
The Peralta Stones/Lost Dutchman's mine. Extra points if you throw in James Addison Reavis, the "Baron of Arizona".

Actually, the whole concept of treasure-hunting and the crazy things people do when the bug bites would be good.

Another phenomenon is "Into the Wild." Most of us are somewhat aware of the Sean Penn film with Emile Hirsch, which I thought was quite good. But in Jon Krakauer's book, he discusses similar cases, some in Alaska, others in other remote places.
Quote from: Juan Cena on March 28, 2015, 11:18:08 PM
I've always wanted to see C2C tackle Ayn Rand. Not just the usual economic and general liberaterian stuff, but some of her more metaphysical ideas as well.

Obviously, this is a topic I'd rather see Knapp tackle, as Dave just doesn't have the chops to handle it.
Since her death in 1982, several Rand biographies have been written.  Some (but not all) touch on her childhood and young womanhood in Russia, how she came close to not escaping Soviet Russia, her early days as a Holllywood wardrobe girl and her crazy relationship with Nathaniel Branden.  There are a lot of directions to go with this. But yes, she would be a terrific topic.
Random Topics / Re: where is your personal mecca?
June 10, 2015, 12:39:57 AM
Flathead Lake, Montana, west shore.

Certain parts of the Olympic Peninsula.
Random Topics / Re: What kind of ad's do you get?
June 09, 2015, 09:48:20 AM
"Savvy Cats Sleep Better." Mattress ad targeting people, in this case a woman, who sleep with pets, in this case, a Siamese cat.  Its scary how much these internet companies know about you.
Quote from: onan on June 09, 2015, 02:50:34 AM
All of them, because they are sports teams.

I have a friend who calls the Mariners and Seahawks "extortionists" because of all the crony capitalism involved with stadiums, etc.  He likes the Huskies because he's a UW alum and likes the cheerleaders.

I worked with a girl who auditioned twice to become a SeaGal. She was good looking and I'm sure could dance and stuff. Losing that last 5 lbs. weight was Her obstacle
Quote from: deltalitprof on June 09, 2015, 01:56:08 AM
And whattaya know, this friend of Newt Gingrich immediately says Iran is the most likely country to attack us with an EBT weapon. Nice little political jab at Obama's negotiations to do away with Iran's ability to mount these kinds of attacks.

Wouldn't North Korea be the more likely threat by far to launch an EBT weapon? What with their ability to launch missiles and their constantly renewed threat to send us back to the stone age?

EMP. EBT is a different contoversy.
Random Topics / Re: "US POW/MIA" found to be fraud
June 09, 2015, 02:47:07 AM
This is one of the reasons I've lost respect for Michael Savage. He covered this story on his show, not realizing it had been debunked.
Random Topics / Re: Worst Movies Ever Made
June 09, 2015, 02:39:24 AM
Just saw one--Cutbank.
Random Topics / Re: Painful Movies
June 09, 2015, 02:32:55 AM
I've never seen Thelma and Louise again.  Once was enough. I never had a desire to see Magnolia again, either, though its good.

Some of the others mentioned, such as A Clockwaork Orange and Leaving Las Vegas, are favorites that I have seen numerous times.

A Woman under the Influence is as difficult movie to watch, but good. In the Realm of the Senses, a Japanese film, is quite disturbing.
Seattle Sonics.  We knocked ourselves out over them, and they went to Oklahoma.  I know its all just business, but still.
Radio and Podcasts / Eric Metaxas
June 09, 2015, 01:57:26 AM
I've discovered him on the Christian station here.  I had been following him on Twitter and heard him a time or two on Dennis Prager. If you are interested in faith-related subjects, this is a great show. He has good bump and theme music too.
Hail the Conquering Hero 1944
Quote from: giza2200 on June 09, 2015, 12:20:13 AM
"It sounds kind of farfetched, yet I can't tell you how many people have had this syndrome... the 'Old Hag Syndrome.' Apparently, there's this little old lady who comes into your room at night, sits on your chest and tries to suffocate you. You can Google her - she'll pop up. She's out there."

“Maybe an asteroid will hit or something will happen to the magnetic polar fields, ... Or maybe the guy who was making calendars ran out of paper. Who knows?”

Old  Hag Syndrome and asteroids have long been two of George's pet subjects.  He works them in whenever he can.
Random Topics / Re: "The General"
June 08, 2015, 07:08:52 PM
Before getting too carried away--remember he's married.
Random Topics / Re: What kind of ad's do you get?
June 08, 2015, 07:03:10 PM
Russian Senior Dating for Men.  Don't know if this means that the women are seniors or the men are supposed to be.

Lots of Ashley Madison.
We're about due for the monthly visit with Joel Wallach, no?

I just checked.  William R. Forstchen is on tonight.  One of my favorite guests--fortunately I don't have to be up terribly early tomorrow.
Sorry to hear that the Homesman isnt too good. I was hoping it would come to redbox.  I may watch it anyway if it does.

I would like to see the new biopic about Brian Wilson(I forget the name) but so far it isn't in Everett, only Lynnwood.

The Everett historic theatre is having a silent movie series.  Metropolis, which I've seen, is the first.  Later is Birth of a Nation and Hunchback of Notre Dame.  I'm looking forward to those.  They made it clear that Birth of a Nation is only being shown for artistic reasons, not the politics or ideology.

I understand that Greed is based on the novel McTeague by Frank Norris.  Maybe I'm confused.  But McTeague, which I had to read for a college literature class in the 70s, still sticks with me after all these years.

I just checked.  Love and Mercy is the name of the Brian Wilson m,ovie.  It may be worth a trip to Lynnwood.
Politics / Re: Denny Hastert
June 07, 2015, 05:35:43 PM
Yes, a lot of people brought that up.  I don't have enough money for this to be an issue, but another example of rights gradually being eroded,, and banks becoming another arm of the government, but we already knew that, didn't we?

Some hve specualted that something like this happened to Justice Roberts, and this is why he ruled the way he did with Obamacare. I don't, personally.  I think he just thought it was the right way for some reason known only to him.
Politics / Denny Hastert
June 07, 2015, 04:10:14 PM
It doesn't look as if anybody else is going to wade into this one, so I guess I will.

I have two basic thoughts about this.  The first one is what is it about the cover-up mentality?  I have been observing this ever since Watergate happened when I was a teeenager.Sometimes the stuff people do in the process of covering up is more evil than whatever the original thing was. Why do they think they will get away with it?  Well, I suppose to be fair, we don't know about the cases in which they do get away with it, because the cover-up has worked.

The second point is a lot more sensitive because nobody wants to look as if they are blaming the victim.  In this case, however, people can't be blamed for having  a few questions. This guy (the first one) must be in his fifties now. Interesting that he must not have realized how traumatized he was until Hastert started making big money as a lobbyist.  Also notice that much like the Chandler family in the Michael Jackson affair, cashing in was more important than being a good citizen, possibly protecting future victims or bringing a wrongdoer to justice.
Quote from: ItsOver on June 07, 2015, 03:15:12 PM
Dave endorsing a taxi service?  Oh, yeah.  That really works.  ::)

Actually the spots are soliciting people to drive for Uber.  Lots of talk shows are doing them, but like Lifelock, Ancestry.com and others, they are each sort of personalizing them.  Leave it to George to say he might get into your car.
I love reviving old threads.  Start Me Up(Which I think used to be the theme music of the Kirby Wilbur show here in Seattle.)

Kirby Wilbur was definitely NOT a harmful host.  He was especially good on American history.
Coulter always makes the  rounds when she's flogging a book, and she cranks them out pretty frequently.  I can't stand her--she's one of my least favorite conservatives.  She said something nasty about 911 widows-that's enough for me. Hosts like Lars Larson are always fawning over her. Didn't she recently say something mean to a fat girl or something? Bitch.  Sorry, that's not Christian of me,  but...bitch.
George Noory says if you drive for Uber, he might get into your car.  That's not sweetening the deal.
Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 04, 2015, 10:49:59 AM
Well I just found this thread.  I just watched 2 movies with Douglas Fairbanks.  The Nut and The Three Musketeers both from 1921.  Both feature a stunning actress, Barbara La Marr.  She played Milady de Winter in the 3 Musketeers. Leo B. Mayer renamed Hedy Lamarr after Barbara.  She was a wild cat who only slept 2 hours a night and had many lovers. Barbara died tragically in 1926 at age 29 apparently from tuberculosis.

Anyway the films were very good but not Fairbanks' best.  So far of the ones I have seen, my favorites of his are The Black Pirate (1926) , The Gaucho (1927), and A Modern Musketeer (filmed in 1917 at the Grand Canyon and Canyon de Chelly).
Yes, I've heard of her.  Some of these silent-era stars were very Colorful.
Strawberry Blonde 1941
Cake 2014
A Walk Among the Tombstones 2014
Passion Fish 1992
Cutbank 2014
Safe 1995

I'm afraid I didn't like A Walk Among the Tombstones as much as the  other person who posted about here recently. But it wasn't a complete waste of time and money.  I can't say that about Cutbank, which must be one of the worst movies I've seen in months, years, probably.

Now about Dr. Phibes.  I have a friend who seldom watches movies made after 1960. But he makes a few exceptions.  One is for Dr. Phibes.  He had gotten me to watch The Abominable Dr. Phibes several years ago and I was underwhelmed.  The other night we were sitting around trying to decide what to watch, and I thought I should give Dr. Phibes another try. I still don't like it as much as he does, but am beginning to appreciate them a little more.  I suspect that Michael Jackson watched these, and that's one of the reasons Vincent Price was in one of his videos.
Quote from: MV on July 21, 2014, 12:40:33 PM
been saying this for years.  nobody would listen.  thank you, sir.  you're a great american.

i don't know about "toxic" where hannity is concerned... and i think it's really dangerous when everyone agrees, so i don't have a natural aversion to division, but i find hannity to be wholly ineffective at what he does.  he's definitely one of the weakest links in all of conservative talk radio.  i've pissed and moaned about it elsewhere on the forum, but he brings leftists on the show who are almost caricatures of leftist ideology knowing they'll be easy to laugh at, and then he also stacks the debate with a second "conservative" voice, and both he and the "conservative" will shout down the "wacko leftist" with no real debate or exchange of ideas ever taking place.  then, when he's not busy doing that, he's busy regurgitating the same worn out philosophies rush has been repeating for a quarter of a century.  there's not an original idea in the guy's head, and you won't come away from his show with an adequate understanding of what's happening in terms of political news.  it's just regurgitated neo-conservative philosophies, many of which have been discredited, in my opinion (like sending our military to the other side of the world to fight wars we can't win or shouldn't be involved in).  agree or disagree with rush, at least when you listen to him, you'll know what's happening and you can form your own opinions (unless you lack critical thinking skills).
I lost a lot of respect for Hannity when I caught his TV show once about 6 years ago and he spent an hour talking about the water situation in the Central Valley of California. It was awful. No  attempt to get a reasonable voice from the other side, or anything. He evidently went down there with his mind made up and clearly has no understanding of the intricacies of a problem like this, which has been decades in the making, I think.The fact that they fixate on the idea of the Delta smelt being only 4 inches long shows how dumb people can be about science in general and environmental matters in particular.

Then there's the matter of Hannity's freedom concerts. Debbie Schuessel did an expose of the small amount of help veterans actually get from them, and some of the typical charity problems, such as a lot of money spent on travel and administrative costs. Charity Navigator, however, gave them a pretty good grade, though I guess. That is even more troubling to me--Charity Navigator's credibility.  I rely on them, or rather I would, if I had more money to give to causes. If you google this, I will warn you, Debbie Scheussel is contoversial and has made a lot of enemies all over the place.(She's kind of like Pamela Geller.) Hannity's friends made the usual classy move--they attacked her.

I think we all mean slightly different things by "destructive" too. It could mean scaring the horses, making people not vaccinate their children, spend their money in silly ways or just experience brain rot that willl manifest itself in electing bad politicans or following the wrong gurus. I persnally dislike hosts who are proud of hating vegetables.  Some hosts are destructive because they're meaner than snakes--cynical and angry--lashing out at other hosts, callers, their own staff.  Well, actually that's pretty much just Michael Savage.
The combination of George and this guest may actually be the kind of thing that makes listeners lose IQ points, so I'm shutting it off and going to bed in a few moments.

I believe that George made the brilliant observation that dogs eat grass and this led the guest to suggest that dogs are wiser than us because they eat their own shit. I've about had it with these guests and hosts who insult the listener.
Another show makin g people feel bad for using pharmaceuticals.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
May 25, 2015, 11:40:47 PM
Quote from: Nick el Ass on May 25, 2015, 06:42:09 PM

Based off the reaction of the three titted lady in Total Recall I'd say people would love a little more. However, no one remembers that Lycia Naff also played Sonya Gomez in a couple of episodes of Star Trek.

Spernumerary nipples are not too unusual, but the extras are usually just little blemish-like things, nothing like a real nipple.

I think at one time the supernumerary nipples would brand a woman a witch because it was thought that it was used to nurse a familiar. Another example of the good old days not being so good.
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