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Messages - yumyumtree

Quote from: Major Ed Damien on January 08, 2015, 01:12:20 AM
"Journalism should always comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."

                                                                                       -- H.L. Mencken

"If you draw cartoons about Muslims and get slaughtered for it, then you did that to yourself, and you should have known better."

                                                                                                                                                                            -- G. Noory

It's funny--I've always heard that saying applied to religion, not journalism, and I think Mencken was an atheist.
Quote from: Major Ed Damien on January 09, 2015, 03:44:37 AM
This quack "scientist" kook just bragged, "I have a page on Wikipedia."

Wow, what a badass!

Hell, so does Paris Hilton.

Any many, many more even lesser people.
Quote from: maureen on January 09, 2015, 10:21:28 AM
the prude, prim ignoory is in his prime.

I do.
Quote from: 136 or 142 on January 07, 2015, 08:57:06 PM

YumYumTree, I really don't understand you.  You have a computer yet you complain of missing the show.  There are places where you can listen to it archived. CKNW for one (www.cknw.com).  Just click on listen, go to archives and it's 10PM to 2 AM.  I really hope this helps.

I don't have a computer at home.

I also forgot to mention that underneath the "Nelly" comment was some hostility on George's part.  It's been my experience many times that when some passive-aggressive people(George, in this case) are jealous of someone else holding forth, they turn the conversation into some sort of scatterbrained joke.  It usually backfires on them, of course.  Just a theory.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
January 07, 2015, 04:53:40 PM
Back in the 80s, Larry King used to claim that calls to his CNN TV show were unscreened, but trust me, they were screened, to some extent.

This is one of scores of gimmicks that Savage has thrown against the wall to see if it sticks.  It will be interesting to see what happens with this scholarship project.

He's really goofing on Jake Tapper every chance he gets now because Tapper said something mean about him a couple of months back, but I forget what it was.

If Savage were really not screening calls at all, he's get more of the kind of calls George Noory gets.  He'd also get obscene calls, calls from mental institutions, calls from that guy who thinks Stephen King was behind the John Lennon murder and most especially, people who hate his guts and want to challenge him to stop trashing other hosts every 10 minutes.
Quote from: TheMan WhoFell ToEarth on January 04, 2015, 08:46:17 PM
One for my blood pressure and an anti-depressant.

What I meant was "How many drugs do you have to take for it to seem like a good idea to get ink injected in your eyeball?"  I wonder how many tattoo parlors he went to before he even found an artist that would do it?

One thing about him--he seems remorseful for the things he's done.  At the end of the day, he may actually be a good candidate for rehabilitation.  That's why it's such a shame.
Quote from: 136 or 142 on January 07, 2015, 09:15:26 AM
I found the following from Ure rather entertaining:
1."Upcoming robot technology will displace between 30-50% of U.S workers"
2."There is no innovation in the United States anymore"

Either George or Celente claimed"We aren't making anything anymore." I live in Everett.  We make airplanes here.  There's even a couple of places in Everett that make beer.  Of course what they really meant was that a lot of consumer goods that used to be made here are now made in China.  I get that.  But it may still be one of those things people know that ain't so.

I turned in at one and missed the last hour of Celente because I had stuff I wanted to do this morning.  I ended up not sleeping that well anyway so I probably should have stayed up. It sounds like I missed a doozy.

I'm still looking for that dignity graph, by the way.
Quote from: Major Ed Damien on January 07, 2015, 02:28:02 AM
Gerald Insante sounds like a lovely human being.

Like a New York mobster with a clothespin on his nose.

He's a regular on the show, actually.  I've always liked him, though I think he believes some weird stuff.

I was anxious to log on here today, wondering if anybody else would say anything about the "Nelly" comment.  Of course they have.
Now this happened after Celente had already mentioned that Connolly's wife was named Nellie.  And don't forget that the Kennedy assassination is one of George's favorite subjects.  Celente must think Noory is an imbecile.

Connolly is conveniently dead, so can't dispute any of these things attributed to him about that day.  Celente indicated that Nellie Connolly was shielding her husband.  A person never really knows for sure, but I don't think that I would be brave enough to do that for my husband.  Maybe men have sensed that, and that's why I'm not married.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
January 04, 2015, 05:25:02 PM
He's changed his program's function oftener than some people change clothes.
Random Topics / How many drugs do you have to take...?
January 04, 2015, 05:22:26 PM
This dude is scary even by Everett standards, and he's in Alaska.

Wild 2014
Interstellar 2014
The Great Gatsby 2013

I liked "Wild" and was disappointed to see how many people were trashing it on imdb.com. 

I got to see "Interstellar" by chance when my doctor appointment in Lynnwood on Fri. afternoon was cancelled.  There's a multiplex nearby, and I went over. I walked in the door at 3:10 and there was a showing of "Interstellar"at 3:10.  I cried so much at this movie that I didn't even need to remove my eye make-up when I got home.  At the very least, it should get Academy Award nominations for photography and effects, I think.

The Great Gatsby was all right. It makes me want to revisit the book, which I had to read in college, and the Robert Redford movie, which I don't remember too much. This is the first time I've made it through a Baz Luhrmann film.  I realize he is famous for visual feasts with opulent, extravagant sets, exquisite costumes, singing and dancing, BUT what the @#%* was up with that ghastly soundtrack?  Who puts rap music in a movie about people in Long Island in the 1920's?
Gilda 1946
Quote from: ItsOver on December 28, 2014, 06:12:44 PM
How about "The Imitation Game?"  The preview looked good.  It's on my "to see" list.  A local theater will also be showing the special cut of "Blade Runner" this week so I may catch it, too.

I thought about Imitation Game but decided I don't want to improve my mind that much.
Handmade afghan springs to mind, not so valuable now that cats have abused it.
Coming Home 1978

Anybody else see this or remember it?

I usually go to a movie alone on New Year's Eve unless I get a better offer.  Here is the short list of possibilities.  Amazingly all are showing in Everett.

The Gambler
Big Eyes

I will entertain recommendations, but will probably just go to the thing on the list that's showing first.
Random Topics / Re: Silly 999 Calls
December 28, 2014, 05:45:51 PM
Quote from: West of the Rockies on December 27, 2014, 01:10:32 AM
I recall from my days as a civilian in law enforcement a call to dispatch from a young woman (sorority girl) who had been pleasuring herself with an egg-beater(!) and got it stuck; she requested female EMT's be dispatched to her home.  I am totally going to now steal Redacted's raised Spock eyebrows "Fascinating!" thingy....

I call bovine excrement.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Lisa Garr
December 28, 2014, 05:43:19 PM
Quote from: Gassy Man on December 28, 2014, 12:58:48 AM
Why is the guest whispering dramatically.  It's almost unlistenable.  Lisa isn't bad, but she's trying too hard to sound sexy.

oh, is that what it is?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Lisa Garr
December 28, 2014, 05:42:26 PM
I've noticed a lot of bait-and-switch on coast to coast lately.  Last night's show with Lisa Garr is an excellent example. She said somebody would be on to discuss weather in 2015 or some such, which sounded pretty good, but the next thing I know I'm hearing Bilderbergers and chemtrails.
Random Topics / Re: Russian Ruble
December 26, 2014, 06:22:19 PM
People will really make booze out of anything, won't they?  I didn't realize that's what kvas was.  Sounds like something you'd drink in prison.
Random Topics / Silly 999 Calls
December 26, 2014, 06:16:51 PM

I realize that we have equally frivolous 9-1-1 callers  in this country--consumer complaints abput fast food seem to be high on the list, but it struck me funny.  These aren't the same people who braved the Blitz.  I also recently learned the term "bovver boy" in this forum, and it sounds like this guy from Manchester might be an example.
Lincoln 2012
Rebecca 1940

I am on a Daphne DuMaurier kick now, and really want to see My Cousin Rachel, though it's not that easy to obtain. Since Richard Burton is in it, I'm especially interested.
Straight from the Heart 2003

I could lie and say that I didn't see this. Since it was a TV movie I watched on DVD, it may not count.  It was, as one imdb user put it, "pure schmaltz," the kind of thing you would see on Lifetime, pure chick flick.  But it also got a 7.0 on imdb, and I suspect that there are Fellini and Bergman films that don't get that.  So go figure.
Quote from: albrecht on December 20, 2014, 05:11:01 PM
Dave Schrader. He has his own show in Minnesota called "Darkness on the Edge of Town" (shortened usually to "Darkness Radio") which can be pretty good though he often has "true crime" nights which I don't like so much. But, on whole, he is pretty good at hosting C2C. Tends to allow callers a little too-much leeway sometimes (reading diatribes or scriptures) but better than you-know-who.

I thought it was Schraeder, but then I looked at the Schraeder thread on bellgab and didn't see any fresh posts, and that didn't seem right.
So, this may not be a very bright question, but who was hosting Fri. night?
Quote from: The General on July 31, 2014, 09:18:58 PM
But seriously, if anybody needs some 80's movies reviewed, or if you'd like to hear an argument about why George W. Bush will go down in history as one of America's great presidents, Medved's your man.

He also recently announced that history will be very kind to John Boehner.
The Sixth Sense 1999
Quote from: Unscreened Caller on December 19, 2014, 08:33:18 PM

"Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death." Love that film, but I'm also a big Rosalind Russell fan and she was absolutely brilliant.

It was originally "sons of bitches" or "bastards" but due to the Hayes code was changed to "suckers" for the movie.  Personally I prefer the musical versions, but this was entertaining enough.
Politics / Cuba
December 18, 2014, 07:37:25 PM
Bad or good?  I tend to be cynical and think that this is not the right tack to take with Cuba, but I know a lot of people think otherwise.  Also, isn't it curious that Elian Gonzalez(remember him?) has grown up to be a big commie?  I wonder if he even remembers the time he spent with his cousins in Miami or the ordeal on the raft with his mother.
Random Topics / Russian Ruble
December 18, 2014, 07:33:57 PM
So I apologize if there is already a thread on this.  I didn't see it.  Glenn Beck was comparing this to the Weimar republic today and spouting doom, destruction and despair, then a Goldline ad.  So, what does everybody think?  Is this really as serious as he thinks?  People are pretty preoccupied with Cuba and N. Korean Sony hacking right now, not to mention terrorist horrors in Australia and Pakistan and continuing racial unrest here at home.  Beck thinks this is part of the trouble with  a global economy, but isn't a global economy inevitable with modern travel and communication?
Random Topics / Re: First World Problems
December 18, 2014, 07:28:59 PM
I accidently bought a mini bottle of Courvoisier instead of a mini bottle of Grand Marnier for my cranberry sauce recipe.  The guy at the liquor store was nice and exchanged it, though.
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