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Messages - yumyumtree

Politics / Re: 2016 Likely Candidates for POTUS?
February 10, 2015, 05:24:51 PM
Thanks.  Welcome back.
That was the one with an anachronistic telephone on the wall?
Richard C. Hoagland, but he's been conspicuous in his absence lately. I don't actually turn the radio off, just read a book or something.

He did win an Ig, though.  I have never heard this mentioned on Coast.

Oh, yes, the numbers lady.  All that perkiness--I have a hard time with that, plus the dopey content.  I guess she knew the Seahawks would lose, though.
Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 09, 2015, 04:35:21 AM
For a second, I thought the topic of this post was "Who on this Forum do you least like?"

I think there was one like that, but MV removed it.
Politics / Re: 2016 Likely Candidates for POTUS?
February 10, 2015, 05:10:06 PM
Quote from: VtaGeezer on February 09, 2015, 06:54:06 PM
I woke up to let the dog out last night and turned C2C.  There was Gov. Mike Huckabee hawking the secret 30-day Type II diabetes CURE.  Classy, Mike.  Presidential material fersure. The perfect guy to represent the mono-eyebrow wing of the GOP.

I know.  I heard that one too.  I was appalled.
Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 10, 2015, 02:15:41 AM
Yeah, but they invented The Hangtown Fry -- a great omelet with bacon and oysters and lots of other things.

The legend goes that a prospector struck it rich and went into a local hotel's restaurant to ask for the most expensive thing they could cook.

Eggs, oysters, and bacon were luxuries -- so he wanted all that in his meal.  The result is now called "The Hangtown Fry," and the best place to get it now is a joint in San Francisco.

Yes, that was the first thing I thought of--food.  We make it with prairie oysters--just kidding.
Quote from: OdawgHI on February 10, 2015, 01:55:34 AM
Last caller was funny he called out jorch for pronouncing a callers town Placerville "place-er-vill" it is "plass-er-vill" the caller then butchered the word cabal. Maybe he was doing a ca-bell gab

(Placerville is a small town in Northern California I think he mispronounced it on Friday)

I have a hard time with that.  There's a street in Butte called "Placer" and I can never remember how to pronounce it.
I'm anxious to hear Shermer tonight.  This is a guest that I had long hoped to hear on C to C, but never expected it to happen. I wonder if they will touch on the topic of Edgar Cayce.  George, of course, idolizes Cayce, but Shermer holds him in very low esteem.

Now, last night's guests--what Canadian PM had this heckbird in the cabinet--Trudeau?  I realize the parliamentary system works differently, but I almost was throwing things at the radio.

I had insomnia, which was to be expected.  I went to a neighborhood assoc. meeting and somebody brought in a box of hot Starbucks Pike Place blend.  I'm boycotting Starbucks but since somebody else paid for it(or more likely they donated it) it was OK.
Anyway, probably everybody expects me to think that the second guest, John Hall, was full of it, but actually I'm not sure.  I think that about 90% of the people probably are mentally ill or lying or whatever, but the other 10%...It would help explain all of these murder rampages(I won't say shooting, because they don't always use guns) high number of murder-suicides in which people take out their families, including young children, etc. I wonder what he thinks about Fryberg and Marysville-Pilchuck case? Of course, what motive would the government have for doing this with a young teenager like him?  I don't know. As far as the callers, I think the lady from Arkansas, and maybe some of the others, were probably really mentally ill.

Was it last night or the night before when he had Peter Breggin on and Breggin referenced the movement of mentally ill people who hear voices and and have decided to embrace it.  Now this may be dangerous territory.  Breggin really lives in his own reality.  About 10 years ago a guy in Seattle with Prader-Willi syndrome died after getting involved with a mental patients rights group.  Does anybody think Noory is irresponsible for having these kinds of guests?  One time an MD got through and gave George hell for egging on people he(the doctor) believed were clearly mentally ill.
Politics / Re: 2016 Likely Candidates for POTUS?
February 08, 2015, 06:33:31 PM
Glenn Beck had a survey in which Ted Cruz came out on top, getting a letter grade A+.  Sarah Palin was #9, with a letter grade of  B-. I think Lindsey Graham was at the bottom, with an F, and I didn't even know he was running.

On the other hand, a week or so ago, before Medved took his leave of absence, he claimed a survey said that 59% of Repubs think Sarah Palin SHOULD NOT run.  I would have thought  maybe 30 or 40%, but 59, that's a lot.

Myself, I'm still undecided, though some, like Jeb, I am quite unenthusiastic about.  I'm smart enough to not to badmouth any of them too much, because, as a Republican, I may end up having to vote for one of them, since it's very unlikely I would want to vote for the Democrat or 3rd party.
I try not to be a hater.  There are sections--such as Art Bell  and Bugs, that I seldom if ever visit.  The sections dealing with podcasts and streaming I seldom if ever visit, because I can't access it. I don't really understand why there's still a john B. Wells thread, but some people access Caravan to Midnight, and it seems pretty active, so who am I to judge?

If you hate a section, just don't visit it.
"Shrill hypocritical outrage"--haven't been accused of that for awhile.
Random Topics / David Crowley
February 08, 2015, 06:12:43 PM
Has this been discussed on Coast to Coast, and I missed it?  Is there already a thread on it here?  I don't think so.

I had never heard of this guy, who apparently was working on a film called "Gray State" about conspiracy theories.  He was found dead, along with his wife and young daughter, last month.  It's assumed to be murder-suicide, which certainly seems likely to me, but of course some are saying otherwise.  I first heard of it on the Lars Larson show.  A caller    was pressing the issue.  Lars had heard of the case, but thought it was murder-suicide.   

Here's a little story from HuffPo Crime.

They play up the gun angle, since that's scary to people who read HuffPo, I guess.                                                                                                                                                           
Random Topics / Re: How did YOU choose your BellGab name?
February 08, 2015, 05:52:47 PM
Quote from: Roswells, Art on January 25, 2015, 08:45:52 PM
As a Chef (yes I'm going all Falkie on your ass (not a Chef anymore after that horrible hot grease incident*))  I have to say I looked up the recipe for Yorkshire Pudding and here it is in all its glory:
Ingredients   Original recipe makes 8 servings 

           1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
        3/4 teaspoon salt
        3/4 cup milk, room temperature

           3 eggs, room temperature
        3/4 cup water
        1/2 cup beef drippings
at least you could have called yourself an English Muffin.

*joking, no hot grease incident

I will have to print this.  I have a friend who keeps asking me to make toad-in-the-hole. He reads all these dang English novels.  That's what I think it is, anyway.
Random Topics / Re: How did YOU choose your BellGab name?
February 08, 2015, 05:51:30 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 25, 2015, 01:31:37 PM
As you all know I'm a Yorkshireman (yes, really), and Yorkshire has a delicacy called Yorkshire pudding; I shortened the name, not realising it's slang in the colony for something that can't be said in polite company.

Who said we were polite company?
Random Topics / Re: How did YOU choose your BellGab name?
February 08, 2015, 05:47:59 PM
I might have picked my avatar before my name.  In any case, something went wrong and my avatar isn't visible any more, but it used to be Jack Lemmon, an actor I admire.  A friend helped me locate a Lemmon picture on the internet that's in the public domain.  I decided to use a screen name from one of Lemmon's silliest and least-remembered movies.
I think it's important to note that there is a difference between talk hosts like Rush Limbaugh who deal in opinion and sometimes satire and humor, and make no bones about it, and mainstream media people like Dan Rather and Brian Williams, who are claiming to be serious at all times AND non-partisan.

As far as the story about having a housekeeper score oxys, I think that was in the Enquirer, and while the Enquirer has had a surprisingly good track record with stuff like that(John Edwards) lately, sometimes they do print stuff that isn't true.  Carol Burnett successfully sued them, I think, for claiming she was drunk in public.
The oxy business with Rush, just like Bennett's gambling(which nobody ever talks about it seems) was in his personal life. Brian Williams story was very much about his life as a journalist.  Wasn't the lesson we were supposed to take away from Bill Clinton was that what you did in your personal life doesn't matter?

Finally that yellow pill story has urban legend written all over it, but if it's true, that person should be fired for violating medical privacy.
Quote from: The General on January 14, 2015, 06:54:55 PM
Ooh get the stinky dog away from me!

Remember that Dynovite saved Jake from being euthanized, and there's also Dynovite for cats.
I was somewhat disheartened when Jack Daniels stopped being 86 proof.  Most Montanans, like me, like a good Canadian whisky, too.

I don't know if Vermont teddy Bears are creepy--actually the workmanship is probably pretty good.  But people are either the stuffed animal type or not. And most adult women probably are not, truth be told.

I just think it's amusing to hear some of these radio hosts shilling for these products, especially Michael Savage for Shari's Berries.  In real life, he holds chocolate in low esteem.  He can't hate on caffeine because I think Rockstar(owned by his son, Russell Weiner) has a lot of it.
Radio and Podcasts / Valentines' Advice
February 07, 2015, 04:13:32 PM
Since talk radio advertises so much Valentines junk this time of year, I though you guys might want some advice from a real woman. Naturally I don't speak for all women, but I probably speak for a high percentage of them.

Shari's Berries and other candies. Since the majority of women, especially over 30, have weight issues, don't get them candy unless they have asked for it. Especially if you are one of those "no fat chicks" types who insists that women stay in really good shape, this is cruel and sends mixed messages. For me personally, I prefer 100 Proof Southern Comfort, which I know has a lot of calories, but at least you can get drunk on it.  This may have some side benefits for you, as well.

Vermont Teddy Bears and other stuffed toys. NO, unless she is a stuffed toy type of gal, and you will already know if she is, by taking a look around her house.  Remember the Cheers episode where Sam has issues with Diane's stuffed animals?

Flowers.  Most women, not all, but most do like cut flowers. Those who don't may like a potted  plant or flower unless she has a black thumb, which you will be able to guess, again, by looking around her house or apartment.  Not all women like roses best, though.  Daffodils can be very nice, and don't cost much. Lilies are poisonous to cats, so don't get those for a cat lady. If you don't know anything about the language of flowers, you may want to bone up or risk a gaffe.  For example, red roses mean love, but yellow roses mean friendship.

Hope this has been helpful.  Jack Daniels is also nice.

I haven't read all the comments yet, but as soon as I heard this Seth guest, I knew that bellgab would be on fire, and not in a good way.

"Reality Creator's handbook"??

This stuff is such boilerplate new age, it isn't even funny.  People create their own reality, God in is you, you are God, blah, blah. I'm sure children being buried alive by ISIS and ISIL get a lot of satisfaction knowing they created their own reality.

It reminds me enough of J.Z. Knight and Ramtha, it makes me wonder if J.Z. Knight got the idea for Ramtha from it.

Now I'll read the comments.
Now the latest is that the mother is pregnant.

Their names and pictures were in the print edition of the Herald today.

I know that what I am about to say is rash, but I honestly believe that there are a handful of people that judges should order sterilized, and this woman may be one.  I know that this is is a civil liberties slippery slope and people are rightfully worried about abuses, but it's kind of like the death penalty--dole it out sparingly to the worst of the worst, with protections in place.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Truth or Trash
February 04, 2015, 01:39:38 PM
John B. suggesting Sandy Hook was false flag, guy who thinks brassieres cause cancer..oops, my time is up.  I'll get back to you tomorrow.
Here's one for you: Wii 365 or whatever it is--"eat a hot pepper to raise awareness of global warming."  I swear, this is like a parody of hashtag activism or slacktivism.  It puts me in mind of Rush Limbaugh and the deficit spending awareness ribbon.  Remember those?
I don't know why that link didn't come out right.  But if you type in heraldnet.com, its right on the front page.
Since George often mentions morbid,sensational  cases involving children and animals, this one will probably come up tonight.  John Carlson dealt with it this morning. He says, "this is why I don't support legalizing drugs" (Since drugs are almost certainly involved here--it has the hallmarks of meth parenting styles and the mother had been in drug court in 2009).  But meth isn't marijuana, meth is already illegal, so what point is he trying to make?

Quote from: Treading Water on February 04, 2015, 12:02:17 PM
I know he has a life, but I really, really, really, really, really miss onan.    :'(
He IS a god.   
Come back, o.  Even if it's just to say "hi" and run....

Well, I wouldn't say he's a god, but I do miss Onan, especially when you need some light shed on a medical question.
Random Topics / Re: What kind of ad's do you get?
February 01, 2015, 05:12:46 PM

They're all in hajibs, not burqas, but hajibs. But some are cute.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jimmy Church
February 01, 2015, 05:05:54 PM
I looked at imdb.com, and the film is called Montauk Chronicles.  It was released Jan. 17 2015 and already has an 8.5 rating.  But that doesn't mean a lot. People can game these things, and I wouldn't put it past people like Swerdlow to do so.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jimmy Church
February 01, 2015, 05:01:54 PM
Quote from: DanTSX on February 01, 2015, 01:29:49 AM
Church's guest tonight is a real nutjob.

He talks to ET through his nipples.

He reminds me of when Robert Ghostwolf would paint himself into a corner and go into "indian" mode.

Dude is just making shit up.

Jimmy I know you are reading this on the break.  Cut this dope off and go to open lines.  Jazmunda is trying to call you.

By Dude, you mean Swerdlow, right? Yes, I agree. There's another Jimmy Church thread under AM Hosts, where I have posted some thoughts.

Your avatar always puts me in mind of a scene from a musical called "Rewinding Montana" which was written and performed in 1989 to commemorate the centennial.
7 Minutes 2014

Special preview of a heist drama shot in and around Everett and Snohomish which will be released this summer. Low-budget, but you get to see Craig Skotdal's(local real estate tycoon) apt. And lots and lots of shots of the Hewitt Ave. trestle and stuff like that. Probably nobody in it you've heard of except Kris Kristofferson, and his part is quite small.
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