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Messages - yumyumtree

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jimmy Church
February 01, 2015, 04:50:01 PM
Actually, it's not a contest, it's "Spend a day-personal retreat". There are some jokes in there, but I haven't thought of them, yet. Bet it costs a bundle, too. Shades of J.Z. Knight and Ramtha.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jimmy Church
February 01, 2015, 04:40:29 PM
Quote from: expat on February 01, 2015, 11:33:20 AM
My review of Church/Bara last night:

Thanks, now I know what I missed.

Actually I did listen until midnight.  the first guest, Swerdlow, sounded like a big fat fraud or else candidate for mentally ill guest,but my money is on the former. The predictions he made were within two years, so it will interesting to see what he says, if anything, when those don't come true. I need to look up this Montauk movie on imdb.

I clicked the links of both him and last night's guest, Seelman, and they're both the trashy, bells-and-whistles type thing you would expect.  I think Swerdlow is running a contest to spend a day with him or something.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
January 31, 2015, 05:31:13 PM
So, what's new with Savage?

Well, yesterday, he said if there was any justice, he would have won a Nobel prize. But I think he's said that before.

On two different days this week, he has referenced "Bilderbergs" ( a new thing for him, I think, but I'm not sure) and blame them for Mitt Romney deciding not to run for president.  He has long believed that the Republicans dont' want to win presidential elections, and deliberately "throw" them with unappealing candidates because everything is really decided by unseen forces. (On other days, when in a different mood, he will either tell people to vote for republicans or support some new scheme, such as a third party.) For the 100th time, he described the North Beach dinner he had with Romney before Romney's handlers told him to stop associating with Savage.  OK.

He also seems to think that Nifong(remember him--he was the infamous prosecutor in the Duke LaCrosse case a few years ago) was a woman.  He seems to do that a lot lately--get peoples' gender confused.
Yes, I heard this too.  I was overwhelmed. Whatever you think about Medved, he's been dealing  with this like a trooper.  Boze will also be doing some filling in, in addition to Mark Davis, who I think has been a regular  Limbaugh fill-in, also.

I think it's important to note that this was discovered by a dental hygeinist and dentist during a routine dental checkup. They recommended that he have it looked at.  Another good reason for routine dental check-ups.
No, sorry.

This was a woman interviewed by Lisa Garr on Coast to Coast in July.  Her daughter Lorrin(now deceased) suffered a terrible reaction to a "hot lot" DPT vaccine when she was six weeks old.  She's big in the anti-vax movement now. This book is about her daughter's life.  I disagreed with some of the decisions she made with Lorrin, who was seriously disabled, while she was alive. There was a bit of discussion about it on these boards at the time.
Quote from: Eddie Coyle on January 25, 2015, 11:54:40 AM

   "Get A Life" is one of the few shows I enjoyed as kid that I still can watch and actually enjoy it. I have them on VHS from 1990-92. It used to get pre-empted by Celtics games(especially in 91-92 when it was on Saturday nights) and end up airing at 2am...and it was even better in that time slot.

    Late Night With David Letterman was often terrific. Late Show With Letterman almost never came close to what he was doing at NBC. His relationship was CBS was too cozy and the edge was gone.

oh, yes, Chris Elliott was from the early days of Letterman, in the early 80s, when I was still living in Missoula. and there was Larry "Bud" Melman, too.

I really liked "Get a Life", too.  I remember the actress playing his mother had actually been a sitcom queen from an earlier era and I thought that was interesting casting.  She was usually seen in a bath robe.  I think she had been on Father Knows Best or something and also played Andy Griffith's girlfriend in the 60s.

I seem to remember some TV show with Chris Elliott playing a doctor, too.
As you may remember Karen Kain was interviewed by Lisa Garr in July.  I finally got around to posting my review on bookcrossing.

This isn't the best book review I've ever written, by a long shot.  It was very difficult to write, for reasons I've explained.

Since the anti-vax issue comes up a lot on C to C, and lately, in the news in general, it may be of interest, though.
David Boze did a fine job filling in for Medved today.  In the third hour he discussed the vaccination debate and related topics.  He interviewed somebody who had written a book and there were some heated exchanges with callers when the guest seemed to endorse jailing parents in extreme cases.
For those of you who access radio shows online, I highly recommend this if you are interested in the subject.
Quote from: zeebo on January 24, 2015, 11:47:45 AM
I so agree - I found it unbearably slow, dreary, and emotionally overwrought.  For a laugh check out some of the imdb reviews, not the fake ten-star ones, but the others by people who actually sat through it.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.  I loved it,a nd cried buckets.
No, and have no desire to be. 

I seldom fly anymore, mostly because I can't afford to travel at all, but also because, between the TSA and the airlines themselves, customers are treated like crap. I'm actually old enough to remember when people could smoke in the back and they gave you a real meal instead of a bag of nuts.

I can think of few more disgusting places for sex than an airplane restroom or any public restroom.

If your'e talking private jet, I may get back to you on that.

But I once read about somebody in flyover(literally) who was really offended that people were having sex regularly above their farm or whatever.  I guess some private pilot was running a service for people for that purpose.  Whatever.
I haven't read the other Sherry Tenpenny posts yet, but I was really pleased that a disagreeing caller made it through.  He wasn't abusive or foul-mouthed or anything(though he did sound a little angry), but merely challenged Sherry Tenpenny.  I wish we's hear more of that on C to C, especially with this type of guest. In response, she said that vaccination wasn't really what stopped polio.

Now I'll read the other posts.
Quote from: albrecht on January 20, 2015, 03:28:38 PM
Since when is being logical a "compromise of "much vaunted" principles?" It is just a rational choice when one is confronted with two likely bad choices, and there no other alternative, to make the "less bad" choice. Of course, I'd rather have better choices but in a national Presidential election that is very likely not going to happen any time soon. Locally, or even statewide, one usually has better choices. Certainly "not voting," at least in the Presidential level, is a valid choice but you will still be stuck with a bad choice- and likely the "worse bad" choice.

ps: pigs are actually fairly smart animals and don't like to "roll in shit" except when we make them to do by bad farming practices. They do roll in mud or dust as a way to kept cool in hot temperature or root around in dirt to find food (even used to find expensive morels, truffles, etc that Hollywood-types and French chefs pay big, big money for.) A better analogy for you is politicians, and their welfare constituents (whether inner-city lay-abouts or corporate millionaires wanting some fat contracts or gains by regulatory capture) acting like "hogs at the trough" on our tax dollars.

Thank you for saying a kind word about pigs.  Many animals take dust baths.
Quote from: NowhereInTime on January 21, 2015, 02:37:52 PM
Ted Cruz is the George Noory of politics.

Carry on.

I don't recall Alan Dershowitz saying anything complimentary about either Noory or Wells.
Quote from: analog kid on January 18, 2015, 11:42:03 PM
Excuse the source, and this proves nothing, but his dad is at least a nutjob.


Cruz was "blessed and anointed" by a "dominionist pastor," for whatever that's worth.

As opposed to Obama's dad, who was a paragon of respectability and responsibility.  Clinton and Reagan both had embarrassing dads. So did Kennedy, when you get right down to it.  This is America.  We don't judge you by who your parents are.
Paranormal - Conspiracy - UFOs - Etc. / My First Ghost
January 19, 2015, 03:19:38 PM
I will be 59 next month and have honestly never been able to say that I've perceived anything that couldn't be explained rationally.

But Sat. night I was catsitting in a large house in Seattle that's probably 90 or 100 years old. One cat was outside (I'm pretty sure) and the other cat, Patch ws sleeping on the foot of the bed.  I got up about 3 to go to the bathroom and saw a spectral figure of a small animal heading toward another bedroom whose door was open. I assumed that Patch had just decided to move from the foot of the bed where I was sleeping to this other room.  Nothing unusual about that.  But when I got back to he room she was on the foot of the bed!  I suppose she could have changed her mind again and hurried back to that bed. I suppose it's also possible that the other cat wasn't really outside.

Downstairs, a light that I knew I turned off in the little room where he keeps his stereo(a very fine stereo, I might add)was on.  Coming off an on at random isn't usual with old electric lights--it happens at my place, usually with lamps. Sometimes it can be from something like dead insects in the socket. I should add that a lot of things in this house are wonky and in poor repair.  This guy has been a wonderful friend to me and I don't like running him down, but the state of the house is no secret.

I know that he has had at least one other cat in the past who died.  I was not frightened by this, just couldn't get over that something paranormal had finally happened to me.  I will bring it up the next time we see each other in person.
Jamaica Inn 1939
Considered one of the inferior Hitchcock films and even included in a 50 worst films books by Harry Medved and some other guy.  But I liked it.  Apparently the personality clashes of Hitchcock and Charles Laughton created a lot of problems.

American Sniper 2014
Now today people on imdb.com are whining about "fake babies' and I have no idea what they're talking about.  Could somebody who saw American Sniper please enlighten me?  I didn't spot them, I'm afraid.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
January 18, 2015, 01:55:31 AM
She seemed pretty defensive about what I thought was a reasonable question from Knapp.
The Ladykillers 1955
Under the Volcano 1984
North to Alaska 1960
Tree of Life 2011

I know I saw Tree of Life not that long ago,  but I wanted to see it again.
Quote from: 3OctaveFart on January 15, 2015, 04:43:50 PM
Can somebody here explain Woody Allen's "humor" to me? This guy is as funny as jock itch.

And why does he get a pass and Bill Cosby doesn't?
Jury's still out.
I heard about this.  Firstly,  I remember  hearing on the news that some Michael Brown protesters in Seattle were throwing canned food at the cops.  I have a hunch it came from the food bank.  Just guessing, of course.

It seems to me that among other things, they are displaying a lack of understanding of physics.  A can of food isn't going to throw as good as something like a baseball or even a rounded rock, and for somebody like me who throws like a girl and always has, this problem will be compounded. So, back to the drawing board with this one.

I got the idea to use the word"firstly" from another thread.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Connie Willis
January 16, 2015, 05:27:43 PM
Quote from: b_dubb on January 16, 2015, 01:00:42 AM
Hellboy meets Twilight .... I cannot imagine that movie. Thankfully.

I like the Hellboy movies
[/quoteI had heard that they were good, the first one, anyway.  I started watching it, but I think I needed to see it on a bigger screen because I lost interest.  I need to try again now that I have a bigger screen. But that was the concept, right?  Some kind of nazi super-soldier?

I made the Twilight connection because of werewolves, but she made abundantly clear that they weren't werewolves, so I suppose that's not fair.
Quote from: Major Ed Damien on January 16, 2015, 12:56:39 AM
My god.  Imagine going through divorce proceedings with this Love-Woman nutcase.

I think I'd just walk away from all the money and property just to avoid the fucking embarrassment.
I was thinking things along the same lines. I came up with some interesting ideas, though.  If this stuff is for real,why don't dead murder victims or missing people who are in fact dead find a way to finger their killers or  tell us what happened and end speculation--D.B. Cooper, Amelia Earheart, JonBenet Ramsey, Jimmy Hoffa--I'm serious. And how about lesser secrets--old recipes, computer passwords, wherabouts of misplaced objects, etc.  Come on, dead people, spill it. you could sure help out some of us working on family history projects.

Jamie Turndof made much of the fact that she also is a real psychiatrist.  Still, it hasn't seemed to occur to  hat not everybody wants communication with certain dead people.  I can guarantee, for example, that my  mother had no desire to communicate with her mother in law once the old bag was dead. And the girl whose father molested her--after the water was under that bridge, I'm not sure I'd want to hear from him, period. I think that Jamie Turndoff is also anxious to dispel the traditional notion that mediums are mostly con artists out to exploit desperate, unhappy, grief-stricken people with a bunch of b.s.  But at the risk of sonding like a cynic, I lean toward the traditional notion myself.
At least that 's the way I heard the story. I haven't seen it in print yet, only heard it on the radio.

Naturally I'm glad that Mr. Boehner is OK, but shocked that the bartender is reported to have mental issues.  Don't they know that people in the food and beverage industry are paragons of sanity, respectablity, sobriety and clean-living?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
January 14, 2015, 08:31:55 PM
Quote from: bateman on January 14, 2015, 07:15:20 PM
"Savage" is someone I feel is genuinely suffering from untreated mental illness. What you hear are the ramblings of an insane person. He has no idea how to do a radio program - the only reason he's had some semblance of success is because his stream of consciousness blather occasionally resonates for one reason or another.


Sorry, but that's exactly why this 'pivot' is happening. Get ready for more riveting segments on his mother's meatballs. He's like Jean Shepherd if he was an angry repressed homosexual.

So true
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
January 14, 2015, 08:30:43 PM
Quote from: Sumthins Goin On on January 09, 2015, 10:56:09 PM
I find myself asking that same question of myself lately. He is an enigma wrapped in a riddle. I listen because 20% of what he says is good, whilst 80% is tripe. I would hope some day (it happened about 2 days ago) that someone would put him in his place. I only get pissed off when he contradicts himself or goes on a me, me, me show. I foresee him going away soon because he has really been off his game lately.

I ponder this a lot, too. I mostly listen out of morbid fascination, I think.

Did you hear a few weeks ago when Savage garbled the Randy Weaver story? He claimed it was Randy Weaver himself and son Samuel that got killed.  It was actually his wife Vicki.  Randy is still alive, and remarried, I think.
Quote from: Juan Cena on January 10, 2015, 12:17:11 AM
Z ("zed")

My ex-boyfriend(now dead) said al-yoo-MIN-e-um for aluminum. Where did he get that extra "i"?  He was British, but I don't think that had anything to do with it.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Connie Willis
January 14, 2015, 08:19:42 PM
This first hour guest was so out there, as soon as I heard "Nazis" and "supersoldier" I wanted her to be on for two hours and the following guest on for one hour less. Especially in view of the number of callers and emails Connie claimed she was generating.  Can you envision the movie--"Hellboy" meets "Twilight."
Quote from: Jorch Einstein on January 14, 2015, 05:29:36 PM
Dang did y'all hear that there show with Conny Willis and that really credible southern gal who done told us about them lycandroids and them Nazi cows? I cain't believe it, but me and my brother Cleetus went out ta do some cow tippin' the other night, and we done seen some of them Nazi cows! They even had a swat-sticker on em! It sure weren't something I was a expectin' ta see! Do ya'll think them Nazi cows were left here by them Project Paperclip Nazi people that done come over and built them spaceships? I wonder if them Nazi cows was used in the war? Maybe old Adolf was a breedin' them Nazi cows to fill up the atmosphere with so much methane fart gas that the whole wide world would say uncle! I believe them round UFO bases they found in Nazi land were really the beginnins of big domes they was a fixin' to build to protect them there Nazis from that methane fart gas. Whoo-eeee!

Oh, yes!  As soon as I'm done here, I plan to go to the Connie Willis thread.
Yes, that pharmacist was really something.  At least he admitted openly that "doctors don't agree with me." Seriously? But he has doctor friends, but I'll bet they wouldn't want their daughter to marry him.

I would have told the guy with the constipated girlfreind to have her eat more fiber. Plus, how much do you want to bet that she weighs 300 lbs. and scarcely exercises?  Just a wild guess. The guest kept saying that "oatmeal is bad" without getting into specifics. Except for the anti-carb or maybe anti-gluten fanatics, it's hard to find anybody who is against oatmeal. I would have actually recommended it to the constipated girlfriend. Where does coast to coast dig these people up?

Incidentally if anybody is interested in a GOOD book about health and nutrition, read Diet Cults by Matt Fitzgerald. So refreshing.  He really launches on the raw food people, paleo people, anti-carb nuts, anti- exercise nuts, you name it.
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