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Messages - yumyumtree

"Execrable" was the word I was searching for when I used "damnable" instead.  I really am losing it.
Random Topics / Re: What kind of ad's do you get?
June 30, 2015, 08:10:36 PM
Jessica London, lots and lots of Jessica London. (It's large size womens' clothing.)  I just went on Jessica London and entered a sweepstake.  I tried to order something, but it's not my fault that they were out of the style I wanted in the size and color I wanted.

Huggies--that ship sailed folks.  Anyway, I'm a cloth diaper fan.
Tonight is Ben Fuchs.  He has something to do with the damnable Critical health News. That may be all you need to know.
Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 28, 2015, 11:52:12 PM
Wild (2014) with Reese Witherspoon and Laura Dern. I was sooooo looking forward to this and was utterly let down after watching it. I was hoping this movie would be more about the scenic beauty and struggles that occur while walking it.  I was not expecting a story that focused on Reese's promiscuity and drug use.  I get the story.  A young woman is unable to cope with her mother's death and slips into promiscuity and drug use to numb the pain.  Realizing that such behavior is not helping her make peace with herself, she decides to walk the Pacific Crest trail with 12 condoms in her backpack just in case.  Really?  There is no redemption in this story.  The only characters I like are Laura Dern as the mother and the little kid who sings "Red River Valley".  Also there were a couple of nice shots of the scenery around her but there should have been more. I wanted more scenery and less depravity. I'm not a prude as I can get into some really trashy exploitation films but I was not expecting or wanting it in this film. I was hoping it would be something more along the lines of Annaud's The Bear from 1988.  Its hard to like a movie where you can't empathize with the main character.  Also she should have been quite tan after hiking for 94 days, some of it in the desert. There should have been more suspense. I wish I didn't buy the Blu-ray because I won't watch it again. 1 and a half stars out of 5 for Wild.

Sorry, yumyumtree. Maybe I'm being too harsh on the film but I had heard great things and had such high hopes.

It's all right. A lot of people on imdb shared your misgivings.

My plans to see Love and Mercy today were thwarted, but I still hope to see it in Lynnwood later in the week.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
June 29, 2015, 03:35:42 PM
Knapp has never been one of my favorites either.  Part of it is his politics, probably.

I don't get the black-eyed children thing either.  One thing that's always struck me is the callousness of these adults.  I mean if your'e positive that they are some  sort of otherworldly demonic characters, that's one thing.  But if there's even a possibility that they're just regular children, perhaps in distress, these adults have no problem running as far and as fast as they can. This has always bothered me.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
June 29, 2015, 03:29:16 PM
Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on June 29, 2015, 11:35:41 AM
Funny.  I would have taken him as clean shaven and boyish looking.

Yeah, me too.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Infectious diseases Gary Ridenour
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
June 27, 2015, 02:49:13 PM
Did anybody hear Savage launch on anti-GMO people last night? That half of George's guests.
Quote from: Unquenchable Angst on June 25, 2015, 09:11:32 PM
just put myself through  "North-South" a a  mini series from the 1980's. Lots of cameo appearances by many great stars at the ends of their careers. A rather plodding plot that moves from 1840's to 1866  Seems to have been 3 seasons of it as it was based on 3 books.So that should not have did die like maybe they wanted more money so a quick death rewrite. . Somehow they got about every old star from the 40's-50's and 60's into it while they still breathed.me characters that should have died early did not some that died too soon. . Lot's of war scenes,Mexican War, Civil War. Seemed like some sub plots began and then sort off dangled into oblivion with out a finish. While some seem to plod on. Anyway, the whole damn thing can be found on You Tube. What the hell were women subjected to hoop skirts for.

It must have been good.  I still remember stuff from it. Elizabeth Taylor played a madam. Kirstie Alley was in an interracial relationship. Wayne Newton played a nasty officer at a confederate POW camp(I'm also reading Andersonville now.) This was the golden age of the miniseries. Have you seen Winds of War?
Quote from: zeebo on June 23, 2015, 11:50:02 PM
Hi coast to coast listeners ... I'm a big fan of george noory because his topics are fascinating ... my fave supplement is beyond tangy tangerine ..."  Just, no.

Anything to do with Critical Health News is trash, IMO.
This one is Seattle centric, and I don't remember the product, the 72 year old lady is bragging about scrubbing her kitchen floor and riding her horse.  Enough.
Quote from: NW Kro͞oˈsādər on June 19, 2015, 05:57:48 PM
EVERYONE is making fun of Noory.


And this paranormal dating site is ridiculous!

Like the majority of dating sites.

This guy isn't bad looking, but I could never consider a truther.

That reminds me, did anybody hear Michael Savage launch on the anti-GMO people?  Savage is pretty vocal about health and nutrition and somewhat knowledgable, too(though I don't agree with him on homeopathy) so this is interesting.
Quote from: pyewacket on June 23, 2015, 03:02:31 PM
I heard there was a spin off site in development. A paranormal clothing line.

May I put this on Pinterest?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
June 27, 2015, 02:29:51 PM
I have to say that this is one of the best Coast to Coast shows I've heard in a long time, even though I had some issues with this guest(her constant superlatives--"the most haunted spot, the biggest stained glass window", etc.)  I also disagree with her about Brunvand, the urban legend guy. I think that most urban legends ARE just that, not verifiable, though the tellers assume that they are. And I tend to agree with him that many of them are morality tales(just like dirty jokes, if you think about it). Resurrection Mary may not be a good example, but some of them, such as the one about the dead grandmother, or spiders or various animals, are feedback loops between movies, TV shows, Dear Abby and so-called reality.  For example, I think that the dead grandmother story may have originated with The Grapes of Wrath, since one of the Joad grandparents died en route. The Resurrection Mary story is similar to a tearjerking pop song("Laura", I think) in which the singer meets an elusive girl and when he tries to locate her is told by her father that she's been dead for a year. Hill Street Blues(funny she mentioned that show)featured at least two urban legends, including the one about alligators in the sewers.  You know me, I'm not from Missouri, but should be.

Tonight, I think we can look forward to some conspiracy theories about deaths of prominent people.  Sorry folks, John Lennon was killed by a nut, and Kurt Cobain blew his head off in a garden shed.

Shoot, he said that the photograph with the handprints and the bent bars would be on the site, and I just went there and it wasn't.

This story has been around for awhile, but this is the most detailed account I've heard.

Sorry it didn't come out a hyperlink, but I think typing it into the browser will work.
Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 24, 2015, 11:45:42 PM
Soon, Jorch will be able to buy one of these.  He's saving up, folks.

Lars and the Real Girl.  Now that was a good movie.
This business of gown men being afraid of dolls is very disturbing, a sad commentary on the state of American manhood.  I realize that one of them was trying to sell a book, but still.

"Chucky" was not a very good movie, BTW, IMO.
Boom Town 1940
The Wolfpack 2015

If you like documentaries, or "triumph of the human spirit" type movies, I recommend The Wolfpack.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
June 22, 2015, 05:03:19 PM
Quote from: Juan Cena on June 21, 2015, 11:55:14 PM
Been trying to listen to both Knapp and Rich Russo on Little Steven's Underground Garage. Luckily Russo got around to playing the Manic Street Preachers like I requested on Twitter (Though he played "You're Love Alone Is Not Enough" as opposed to one of the songs I requested, but I ain't complaining cause he mentioned my name on the air.

Nice to know Little Steven's Underground Garage is still on the air.  I used to listen to it in Seattle.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
June 19, 2015, 07:21:25 PM
I'm with you there. Every so often somebody on talk radio proposes that anybody on any kind of benefits not be allowed to vote.  I have to hand it to Medved.  He pointed out to one of them that this would probably include a lot of senior citizens, because even if you don't count Social Security, a lot of them get food assistance, subsidized housing, etc. And he claims( and I have no reason to doubt him) a lot of them vote conservative, at least part of the time.

Then you get somebody every so often who thinks that people should own property(they probably mean real estate but don't make this clear) in order to vote. A lot of people, including me, would get disenfranchised with that one.
Politics / Re: Trump
June 19, 2015, 07:09:27 PM
Quote from: 136 or 142 on June 19, 2015, 07:05:12 AM

Had I said every Republican was like Trump, you might have an argument, though there is at least some evidence that strongly suggests Democratic politicians are far more likely to be mostly factual and to not engage in rhetorical mudslinging to anywhere near the same degree as Republicans.  There are probably 25 Republicans in the House who frequently make asinine hyperpartisan comments, with Louis Gohmert and Steve King being the most visible now that Michelle Bachman has thankfully retired and who are completely useless legislators (which they seem to think is a plus).

On the Democratic side I can only think of DWS and Alan Grayson and while Alan Grayson clearly has a temper and has made some hyper partisan comments, he is also, at least, one of the hardest working, most productive legislators who has on a number of occasions effectively grilled people in oversight hearings.

Anyway, your argument is moot, given that I made no comment here on any Republican Presidential contender other than the Donald himself.  I have on another thread also mentioned Carly Fiorina,  Bobby Jindal , Ben Carson and Chris Christie of also using overheated rhetoric while providing no substance.  But that still leaves at least 12 other declared or prospective Republican Presidential candidates who I don't believe primarily engage in that.

Louis Gohmert has always bothered me too. He sounds ignorant sometimes when I hear him on talk radio.  But he was a judge, which means he very likely got through law school.  Not certainly, but very likely.
Politics / Trump
June 18, 2015, 05:24:32 PM
Today on the Medved show, RINO pinup girl Jen Rubin made the most vehement criticisms of Trump I have heard yet on talk radio. She used the phrases "huckster" and "carnival barker".

I had heard her on Larry Cudlow a few weeks ago being negative about Trump, and at that time tended to agree with her, beliieving that he would draw all the wrong kinds of tabloidish attention to the debates and races, and also drown out out more thoughtful and serious candidates and their ideas.

But after listening to some of his supporters(or at least people who are more positive about him even if they aren't planning to vote for him) on talk radio(particularly Mark Levin) I've decided that it isn't such a bad thing after all having him in the race, for whatever his real reason is. It will steer the debates and discussions toward topics like immigration and free trade that are really on peoples' minds and also frame the conversation in more plain language instead of the politically correct double talk we get so much of.

There is one criticism of Trump that I wish would get aired and I haven't seen it yet.  That may be b ecause when it first happened, it got more coverage form the left. (I first heard of it from Clark Howard.) That's the story about the "Trump University" fraud in late 2013. Trump tried to distance himself from it, and also blamed the guy who went after him, comparing him to Elliott Spitzer, and accusing him of wanting to enhance his own career.  But since they were clearly using Trump's name to market it, he couldn't have it both ways.  I think that Trump supporters would do well to revisit this story and decide if they really want to elect somebody to lead the free world who handles challenges like this.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
June 18, 2015, 05:10:06 PM
The past couple of days Savage has been all excited about Donald Trump.  He revealed that he's a member of Mar-a-Lago. I predict that his love affair will end if and when Trump stops coming on the show.  Trump is normally the kind of person Savage denounces as a false prophet.

BTW, the next time(if there is a next time) Savage begs money for one of his legal defense funds, keep in mind that Mar-a-Lago membership.  I have a feeling its like an Elks' membership only a lot more expensive.
Stir of Echoes 1999
It is scary that EWU, the Spokane NAACP and the Spokane Police Dept. all had someone on board who very likely had serious mental issues. She supposedly recieved hate mail in connection to her position with the NAACP, but there is reason to believe that she wrote and planted the hate mail herself.

Usually these phonies pretend to be Indian, and apparently Rachel Dolezal toyed with that for awhile too. A few years ago the Seatttle PI did an expose of a guy named Terry Tafero who was making a living leading motivational and sensitivity training type stuff for companies, etc. and claiming to be a gay Indian. It turns out that he wasn't Indian, but he was gay. I don't know where he is now.
Have you been following the Rachel Dolezal case?
Quote from: Jorch Einstein on June 15, 2015, 11:54:36 AM
Heh heh. Remember when he said he thought Coast listeners should be given some kind of "degree" for all the knowledge they acquire by listening to the show? Yeah, a degree in moronic bullshit.

He probably got that idea from Rush.
Quote from: zeebo on June 12, 2015, 11:28:35 PM
"Every day millions of people suffer from good health ..."  friggin infomercial supplement ad.  Supposed to be cute & clever but total insult to people dealing with real problems.

Oh my dog. These Texas Superfood spots are on EVERY show.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Connie Willis
June 15, 2015, 08:37:28 PM
I just googled it.  Preston Nichols is that guy.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Connie Willis
June 15, 2015, 08:36:02 PM
So, she referenced Preston Nichols...was he the crazy old guy who talked about masturbation on her show some months ago?

This figure of 100,000 youths disappearing or being killed, or whatever --that's a lot of kids, even if a lot of them were runaways or whatever. Don't you think they'd be missed?  This is reminicsent of Joel Wallach's autopsies. One of the fastest ways to call our liars is to do the arithmetic.
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