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Messages - yumyumtree

Random Topics / Dr. Oz
April 22, 2015, 03:02:22 PM
My apologies if there is already a thread on Dr. Oz.  Has anybody on coast to coast talked about this controversy?  If they have, I haven't heard it. I didn't realize how over-the-top Oz had gotten.
Thirty-10 Weight Loss for Life. Many of the hosts in the Seattle market are shilling for this now. John Curly is also shilling for Dr. Jerry Mixon's Longevity medical clinic. I have another thread on Mixon.

The embedded Lifelock commercials are getting a bit much too. Everybody knows that Lifelock doesn't actually prevent identity theft, nothing can, it just notifies you when something suspicious happens. I think Noory even does these.  It's funny to hear Mark Levin on a tirade about the Liberty Amendments or something and have to segue into a Lifelock story.

The Caspar mattress spots are also interesting.  Levin  makes it sound as if mattress salesmen are inherently creepy.  I've bought a mattress or two in my life and haven't found them to be so.  It's like buying a a dining table and chair set, a sewing machine or any other household item.  Get a grip.
Gone Girl 2014
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Lisa Garr
April 19, 2015, 04:40:17 PM
Quote from: albrecht on April 19, 2015, 03:05:40 PM
The first guest wouldn't budge on Garr's attempt to get her to talk about "supplements for attention" (other than caffeine, Ritalin, and adderall) and also disagreed with Garr's idea that parental arguments are good for children and didn't seem to like Garr's comment that "you can say what bad things happened at the dinner table." Having said that I found myself perplexed by agreeing with what much of a C2C guest said, even though much of it was common-sense: kids need exercise and play in addition to school, too early/too long school without exercise etc is bad, don't give powerful drugs so easily to children for "conditions", less video-games/tv, don't fight around children, family is important, etc.

Though after googling her I'm guessing she is of the "Dr.Breggin" type which is almost as ridiculous as the people who think all children, and people, should be doped up. Why there are never any guests or "experts" who realize that there are middle-grounds.

Garr seems to be more interested in mushrooms. I wonder why.... ;)

To me, that's pretty much the whole trouble. It seems like  nobody understands the concept of "middle ground" in health matters, especially when it comes to nutrition.  That's why I liked this book called Diet Cults by Matt Fitzgerald which I discovered a few months ago. Finally some common sense.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Lisa Garr
April 19, 2015, 04:37:34 PM
Quote from: Humilia Lepus Foramen on April 18, 2015, 03:58:46 PM
I'm probably in the minority here but never was a fan of Ian - for a man of the cloth he seemed really full of himself, snarky, and overly-amused by his own stale jokes.  Bring on the Garr!  :P

Men of the cloth ain't what they used to be.  That being said, I liked Ian, I think partly because I liked the types of guests and topics(usually) that were on when he hosted.
The King and I 1956
Random Topics / Re: What kind of ad's do you get?
April 18, 2015, 04:49:40 PM
Victoria's Secret, flip-flops, to be exact.  Caught me.
Did a caller actually posit a theory that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are secret Cuban agents? That's a new one. Doesn't Bob Menendez fit in there somewhere, too? He opposed Obama on Cuba.

I couldn't get over these  women calling  up expressing concern about Hulet's safety.  With all due respect, I don't think that the Clintons or whomever they're worried about consider him important enough to come after.  This one woman sounded like she was in love with him or something.  He hates Dick Cheney so much, it makes me think there must be something personal, like his cousin was fired by Halliburton or something.

Wasn't Hulet the one who referred to bodies of war dead from Iraq and Afghanistan as "carcasses" a few months ago?  I'm not sure if it was him, but it pissed me off.

I haven't even heard of these radio shows he brags about being on, or the hosts.
Quote from: nextgen.fm on April 16, 2015, 09:10:01 PM
yeah he did that all the time before he joined cumulus, he still does that for hour 3?

I don't usually listen that late, but when he first joined cumulus, he was eking out 3 live hours, then slipped back into his old ways.  The fake third hours are more artfully faked now, though, it seems to me from the few times I've listened that long.
Quote from: onan on April 15, 2015, 04:58:51 PM
Anyone that states "if you think you have the early signs, you probably have it" is certainly a quack, and should be reported to his state board of medicine.

There are many reasons for what may be considered dementia. Chronic anxiety, or depression can appear as dementia. Certain illnesses can present with what appears to be dementia. And substance abuse can also appear as a form of impaired memory.

And not to forget (yes there is a pun there), as we age our retrieval factors suffer and our memory is not as quick as it once was... that isn't senility.

If you are 71 or older there is a 1 in seven chance of some form of dementia and the odds increase from then on.

Thanks. As I said, google Dr. Jerry Mixon and you will find some stuff that makes him appear not altogether credible or ethical.

Somebody told me once that a diagnoses of Alzheimers can't be confirmed until after the person is dead and there's an autopsy.  That's why I always use the term "senile dementia".  I notice that Mixon does not use the word "Alzheimer's" either.

I get concerned about exploitation of the elderly. From internet dating scammers, to phony IRS phone calls to grandparent scams, it seems like high tone nowadays to defraud old people.
Quote from: Juan Cena on April 16, 2015, 11:47:35 PM
Man, did that film ever suck!

Better stick with asking Art about Somewhere in Time. I'm sure that film will cause a gleam in his eye.

I wonder if he still has the painting of Ramona wearing the dress from the film in it.

1. No, no, the 90s era cult, not the 1980 movie.

2. There are versions shortened down to 2-3 hours.  Watch that and give it a chance.  Of course I'm biased because it was filmed near where I grew up.
Quote from: Chocolate coated jackboot on April 13, 2015, 01:24:49 PM
that's right up there with the  Sylvia Browne/Amanda Berry debacle

too bad Art constantly defended Dames

Sylvia Browne had done a similar thing in regards to another missing kid--Shawn Hornbeck.
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 03, 2015, 09:32:16 AM
Just don't mention Heavens Gate...Arrrghhhhhh


So I guess that there was some sort of connection with Art and Heavens' Gate?--I don't mean connection actually, but that some  in the media blamed Art to some extent for a lot of millennial madness, which was not limited to Heavens' Gate.  I heard Norry mention it--the problems it caused.

This was an era during which talk radio was getting blamed for a lot of stuff.  Remember Clinton implying that Rush Limbaugh was to blame for the Oklahoma City bombing?
Here's something I have been getting increasingly concerned about over the past few weeks. As most of you know, I am not a huge fan of a lot of alternative medicine.  I don't take the rigid, zero-tolerance approach of say Stephen Barrett on quackwatch and I do try to keep an open mind unless an idea is clearly ridiculous(like the notions being peddled by a lot of coast guests).But I evaluate the ideas based on what I know about the human body and find that most of it doesn't hold up. Since I have a chronic illness myself, I get a lot of well-meaning people taking me aside and telling me that I'd get better if I only gave up eating nightshades or whatever. My favorite is applying WD-40 to your joints.  I'm not kidding--people have recommended that to me. It doesn't help that a lot of alternative medicine proponents and practitioners believe a lot of other silly crap.  Do you really want to take medical advice from somebody who's a birther, a truther, talks about the Bilderbergers and illuminati, etc.?

I listen to Dr. Jerry Mixon on KTTH (Seattle)and KIRO most Saturdays from 8 to 10.  I just happen to be home and awake at that time very often.  I know that it's basically an infomercial and he wants to get people to his seminars and to sign up for auto-shipments of his supplements and stuff.  I don't plan to do that, but I enjoyed the show for some of the general information.  "Longevity medicine" has been his thing.  But now he's talking a lot about senile dementia(not Alzheimers' neccessarily, but the same type of thing.)There aren't too many diseases scarier than cancer, but for people in my age group, this might be it.  He's saying things  like, if you think you have the early signs, you probably have it. He's saying that the early stages can be reversed.  This doesn't sound right to me.  Slowed almost to a stop I could believe, but reversed I have trouble buying. One caller asked about games and puzzles that people do to stay sharp.  He told her that it will only make you really good at those particular games and puzzles and not accomplish anything else. Naturally he was peddling a seminar for $400 and something and of course you know that would only be the beginning.  He doesn't take insurance.

If you google Dr. Jerry Mixon probably within the first five hits will be some of the peccadillos he's been in.  I think illicit use of human growth hormone may have been one, but don't let me spoil it for you, look for yourself. 

So how about you? I think that this has the potential to be one of the big new alternative medicine scares over the next few years, as baby boomers like me become senior citizens.
Suspicion 1941

I think this may be my favorite of all Alfred Hitchcock movies.
Have any of you noticed that ad "Cheats for Men Over 40" on the coasttocoastam website?  I don't want to click on it, but was hoping maybe one of you had so I wouldn't have to. What is it?

The girl is wearing a white dress and doesn't look like she's wearing what I would consider adequate undergarments.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
April 11, 2015, 03:16:02 PM
Quote from: Bonanza Pilot on April 08, 2015, 07:09:13 PM
I tuned into savage today to hear his take on the South Carolina cop shooting. Savage's stance on the NY choke hold death was refreshing, as he was one of the only right wing hosts to take a stand against out of control LEO's unlike Hannity (who I cant stand) for example who constantly gives law enforcement a never ending blow job. I listened for about the first 45 minutes and he didn't mention it once. It was just the same old, same old. His show is slipping, IMO.

Yeah, I know what you mean. A person needs some intellectual honesty. I will go a step further, and say that not everybody who puts on a US military uniform is a nominee for sainthood either, but a lot of hosts seem to think they are.  And don't accuse me of not supporting the military, please.  But Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine, for cats' sake.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
April 11, 2015, 03:11:26 PM
Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on April 11, 2015, 01:57:53 AM
The guests were good, but the 911 topic brought out all the freaks.

Pretty much my sentiments.  That guy from Malibu sounded like a rageaholic.

Just a reminder, most of you already probably already realize this, but just because a caller SAYS he/she has worked for the government, is ex-military, has friends in high places, etc., doesn't mean it's true.  I think some of these nut callers lie like rugs, frankly.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Connie Willis
April 11, 2015, 03:07:56 PM
The good news: Connecticut ghost-hunting tomorrow night.
The bad news: Connie Willlis is hosting
The Maltese Falcon 1941
I must have gone to sleep before Wallach made the comment about GLBT.  But it doesn't surprise me.  Is that "Guests Most Likely to be Mentally Ill" thread handy?
Quote from: 136 or 142 on April 07, 2015, 12:20:47 AM
I'm not sure if this is your point, but I agree with you that not everything should be political.  For example, I was reading an old ABC News Story today that Scott Baio endorsed Scott Walker and the liberals on the board were mostly all saying "This guy is no longer a celebrity."  Do you really need to bash Scott Baio?

I don't agree with his politics, but I'm aware he is still at least a bit of a celebrity as he had a fair size role on Arrested Development, and, he was very funny on the show.

Of course, I was sadly one of a handful of people who watched that show.

Yes, Arrested Development was one of the few sitcoms I enjoyed before I stopped watching TV. I'm sorry I missed Baio's appearance.
Quote from: akwilly on April 06, 2015, 10:25:50 PM
coast to coast is like the women in my town. they are ugly and terrrible but they are all I've go so I don't complain to much, and Art is like a hottie that just keeps teasing me.

Do you live in Everett?
Quote from: DanTSX on April 05, 2015, 11:34:26 PM
Actually, there isn't anything against charity in practiced objectivism if the motivation and choice is their own and pure.

And RUSH was never a rote adherent to Rand.  (Is anyone ever really?).  They adopted elements to their lives and wrote some music exploring the idea, but it was never their ethos.

Rand is best adopted and understood by applying elements to your life, and a wake up call to your own potential, desires, and motivations.    Attempting to apply strict objectivism is just an autistic circle jerk.  Rand had to be extreme in her views to get her point across and provide an intellectual anchor.

If you need proof of this, read The Passion of Ayn Rand by Barbara Branden or check out the nearest objectivist and see how happy their personal life is.

If you took out the term circle jerk, this would be a good way for Rand-loving political candidates to answer questions from the media.
I'm a few days behind, because I didn't have time to log in on Sun. or Mon.

But, if anything Wallach was even worse than the last time I heard him.  No wonder Art is distancing himself from coast now.

Again, he was talking so fast that he wasn't enunciating clearly.  Is he on something or is it ill-fitting false teeth? (That's something my mother blamed for a range of problems, when in reality, sometimes the people were probably drunk or something)

Like Marjory Wildcraft, Wallach seems to have these all-or-nothing views.  He tiold George that the reason he didn't die when he went off supplements was that there were residual amounts of supplements in his body.  Did anybody understand what he was trying to say about stove ashes?  And the business of doctors having a life expectancy of 56?  Huh?  This means that for every one who lives to 76, another one has to die at 36.  Either he pulled the figure out of his ass or he's including all people with doctorate degrees, not just MDs.  What's this about moldy bread?  Thrift shops and food banks do not hand out moldy bread, not around here anyway.  Sometimes it may be only 24 hours from molding if you don't use or freeze it, but it won't be moldy when they give it to you, certainly not as moldy as he says. As far as these people in Costa Rica having long life expectancies--maybe they do, though it's the first I've heard of it.  Has it occurred to him that it may be due to other factors?

I turned off last night's guest a little before 11.  I did google him and some kind of Obama-identity theft conspiracy theory comes up.  Maybe it's a different Stephen Sindoni. I always smell a rat when somebody talks about American Indian shamans.  According to the helpful people at NAFPS(new Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans)the term "shaman" is only correctly applied to people in Siberia.  People who apply it to American Indians probably don't know what they're talking about and anybody outside of Siberia who bills themselves as a shaman is bullshitting.
Random Topics / Re: Marysville Shooting
April 04, 2015, 01:20:19 PM
Mr. Fryberg has been released now, with some fairly stringent conditions. I have a feeling that he won't live up to them.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Alex Jones
April 04, 2015, 01:12:44 PM
Quote from: Chaim on July 19, 2014, 04:51:35 PM
Alex unbuttons his shirt for a redhead milf

That's what Katherine Albrecht looks like?! Thanks for posting.  I do use ixquick sometimes and like it.

Jones got a favorable mention on Savage a few days ago.
Quote from: zeebo on April 03, 2015, 08:58:22 PM
She said at one point that a carrot from like fifty years ago was eleven times more nutritious than one today.  I'd love to know if there's any truth to this.

Me too. This morning I heard Dr. Jerry Mixon say a similar thing about a peach.
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