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Messages - yumyumtree

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Glenn Beck
March 13, 2015, 04:16:52 PM
Quote from: ONeill on March 09, 2015, 01:34:25 PM
More-on trivia is fabulous. You have to give it to them - they are really entertaining.

I used to listen to Beck almost daily but I switched to Limbaugh. In terms of political analysis of things he is simply second to none and Glenn spends to much time preaching and crying.

I have somewhat done the opposite. I listen to a half hour or so of Rush now and then, and often he's good.  But a lot of the time he simply re-hashes stuff he had on the show 20 years ago, or takes calls from kids talking about the Rush Revere books, or talks about football...He also embarrasses himself from time to time talking about science or other stuff that a reasonably well-informed adult should know better about.  I don't hate him--I still admire him, but I think the show jumped the shark about 15 years ago.
Beck, on the other hand, I think has been vindicated, on the caliphate, for example.  I used to mistrust him and thought he might be some kind of con artist.  And who knows, maybe he was, then.  But I think he has gotten increasingly worthwhile.
Random Topics / Re: beer
March 13, 2015, 04:08:32 PM
Quote from: bound4bristol on March 12, 2015, 04:50:41 PM

lol I'm originally from Helena... which bar?

small world, etc.

That must be an old poster from an Aber Day kegger.  Don't get me started on Aber Day.

It was the Fairway Lounge, in Tremper's shopping center in Missoula, which he renamed Squire's Pub. The package store remained Fairway.

On second thought, get me started on Aber Day.
OK, I know George Knapp did a show on the Gottis not too long ago.  Evidently the author was this Anastasia guy.

I dont know about the rest of you because I haven't read the comments yet, but I was somewhat disgusted last night, not just with George who was inane as usual, what with his questions about Jimmy Hoffa, etc., but with the callers.  A lot of them were really buying into this "man of honor" meme and Gotti was all too happy to accomodate, with all the "man's man" and family values crap.  Maybe I'm being too hard on him, I don't know. Then there's the trick of dismissing anybody with a different version of events as being a snitch or of low character.  Then there's the impugning of the motives of law enforcement and others.  I swear these people could teach Alinsky things(maybe they did)
I don't know too much about Curtis Sliwa, except, of course, he founded Guardian Angels. If I lived in NY I might listen tohis radio show.  As it is, I heard him sub for Hannity a time or two and he seemed all right.  I suppose it's possible that the murder attempt or whatever juiced his ratings.  But to me it sounds more like the kinds of things that  Manipulative unrepentent criminal types say about their victims.

As for the old girl who called in saying how respectful they were of women, I'm glad she had a good experience.  She was probably really beautiful when she was young.  My hunch is that most of them respect SOME women--their mothers, nuns, women they hope to bed.  Women they're mad at or tired of, prostitutes, women of different races, not so much.  Just a hunch.
Random Topics / Re: beer
March 11, 2015, 05:14:50 PM
I remember the hipster Pabst fad.  I never would drink Pabst.  I'm sure it's fine but I had a bad association with it because when I was working in a bar a customer drinking Pabst wet his pants. It stood out in my  mind because Pabst was an Eastern beer we sold very little of.  My alcoholic uncle also drank a lot of Lucky and wet his pants, so I had a bad association with that.  Also when my boss in Missoula bought the bar, the previous owner had had some sweetheart deal with the distributor and we had Lucky til heck wouldn't have it.  We finally marked it down and sold it. I got sick on Olympia when I was a teenager.  Still won't touch the stuff, except occasionally on tap, actually when somebody gets a keg.
I Confess -- Don't know the year off hand, but judging by the clothes and hairstyles, early fifties.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Lisa Garr
March 10, 2015, 05:56:52 PM
Quote from: Pam J on March 09, 2015, 06:56:55 AM
Didn't George Harrison say Faul was so stupid when they made that trip to see Deepak?

Are you sure it was Deepak?  I know that they went to see some controversial guru, but Deepak isn't a guru in the usual sense.
Quote from: 3OctaveFart on March 10, 2015, 04:16:42 PM
Dennis Miller on Facebook:


He can say words on fb he can't say on his radio program.
It turns out that I was missing some facts--I didn't realize that it was a personal server--holey moley. And that she did not use the dot gov email at all. That's different.

I can't believe they actually mentioned Benghazi on Sat. Night Live. I don't watch TV but heard clips.

Now, I wonder if there might also be stuff regarding Bill's Epstein scandal on this personal email.
Quote from: ShatteredGlassDome on March 07, 2015, 02:53:30 PM
jorch keeps bragging about haveen 600 stations, he was born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple

To be fair, most of them play games with ratings and how many stations they have. I think 600 is a magic number because that's about what Rush had at his peak.
OK, thanks. I think Sarah Palin was still governor at the time, though.
Well, I didn't do that link correctly, but it's easy to find on heraldnet.com.

One of the commenters on heraldnet pointed out that he also has a linkedin profile, which as of right now, hasn't been taken down.  Apparently he's a master gardener, and was also active in bi-polar support groups and stuff.  The profile is full of sociopathic b.s. I imagine his 9 contacts are pretty embarrassed, a good reason for not automatically accepting connection requests on social media, I guess.
I'm trying to stop posting so many things of regional interest, but this one just jumped out at me.  I had to re-read it several times to make sure I read correctly.


Of course if he was out of prison in 1985 and murdered somebody in 1974, do the arithmetic--he did no more than 11 years! There has to be more to this story, though for the life of me, I can't imagine what it might have been.  I didn't live in the area then.  This is a good example of why experts consider pedophiles the worst candidates for rehabilitation. Frankly, I don't know why this guy didn't hang in Walla Walla 40 years ago.

I'm a little confused by all this fuss, and am not a Hillary fan, by any means.  Today in the paper was a list of politicians who have used personal email, all Repubs except for one.  I know that Sarah Palin (not on the list)used personal email because it got hacked. Isn't it OK to have personal email for personal stuff--cat humor, pictures of the grandbabies, alerts from bellgab, correspondence with the doctor?  Why do people need to know I've ordered pantyhose, and what size and which catologue? My friends and I can exchange numerous emails deciding what time to have dinner--agonizingly boring to anybody but us.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Lisa Garr
March 08, 2015, 05:02:37 PM
Quote from: Major Ed Damien on March 08, 2015, 04:19:46 AM

Once I almost bought a book by Deepak Chopra.

Then I thought about it for awhile and decided it would cost a lot less just to chopra off my deepak.

New York Magazine did an expose on Deepak Chopra back in the nineties.  He's had his ups and downs.  One of the things that caused me to hold Oprah in lower esteem was her admiration Deepak Chopra.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Lisa Garr
March 08, 2015, 05:00:09 PM
My ex-bf used to drive a limo and declared certain celebrities jerks.  It was partly, but not altogether, based on the way they tipped.  But Dyer was one of his least favorites. He hated Sylvia Browne.

I was thinking about this past life regression stuff the other night.  Of course reincarnation is incompatible with certain other belief systems, therefore a lot of people don't believe in it.  So if you don't believe in reincarnation, can you still be past-life regressed? If reincarntion doesn't exist, are past-life regressors con artists?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Mark Levin, The Great One
March 08, 2015, 04:54:58 PM
yes, Supreme Court issues are pretty much the best reason to tune in to him.  His personality sure isn't.
Random Topics / Re: beer
March 08, 2015, 04:50:51 PM
My tastes get darker as I get older, though a lager is nice in hot weather. I used to drink Deschutes Mirror Pond, though it sometimes made me sneeze.  Lately I have been hooked on Scuttlebutt, made here in Everett. I would like to try Moose Drool, because I would like to support something made in Missoula, but the name is just too disgusting.

For national beers, I like Corona, Stella Artois( a sponsor of the Seattle Film Festival) and Amstel( though that commercial with the raw chicken was creepy.)

If you like ale, you could do worse than Rainier Ale.

I suppose most of you know that some local beers have been bought out by InBev(Anheuser Busch) I won't name names, because I don't want to get it wrong, and have to correct myself.
I'm a chick and I LOVED this segment on beanie babies.  I'm not sure that George got many of the guest's points, and it would have been better to have Bissonette on with a host who didn't stumble and bumble as much, but still. I want to get the book.  Ive been interested in this ever since I read about the man who spent[I don't remember exactly how much, but I think in six digits] on Beanies as a scheme to provide for his childrens' college.   He was obviously planning on the investment paying off pretty soon because they were elementary school age then.  Needless to say, the kids did not go to college, or  if they did, it was due to other means, but one of them did make a documentary about it.  I think it was called "Bankrupted by Beanies". The family had spent their weekends running around to different stores who sold Beanies to get around the limits imposed by stores.
I had barely heard of them until I started working at the Swedish Ballard gift shop in 1997.  Then I learned all I wanted to know. We were always alerted when a shipment came in so we could call security with our panic button in case things got out of hand. I stopped working there in 2001.  I guess I didn't realize that the bubble burst--I guess I just thought that they went out of fashion.  I owned 7 or 8, I suppose, mostly dogs, because they were cute. I would never seriously count on something like that as an investment. They've been given away long ago. Bissonette is right about the collectibles market, though.  It's definitely not what it used to be--partly because of internet vendors and also because people felt burned by the Beanie debacle. I'm kind of glad people don't do stuff like that so much any more.  It was sad to see dolls and things made and sold but never played with by real children.
Random Topics / Re: What kind of ad's do you get?
March 06, 2015, 05:51:19 PM
Yes, now they're not in hijabs any more, so I don't know what's the deal with that.
Quote from: Bleefy on March 06, 2015, 01:19:52 AM
This poor woman called in to say that she's unable to read any of these books since they're not available to the visually impaired. Jorch mumbles "Yeah, I know how you feel."

How do you know how it feels, Jorch? How? How could you possibly know this, you freaking fartcake. Go to hell.

Then I think he suggested she email about it or something, and she explained that that wasn't really feasible either.  How embarrassing.

I don't know the name of this first guest, but I am really sick of this crap. Lars Larsen interviewed a guy who had written a book about (mostly presidential) assassinations and attempts and not once did the subject of Kennedy conspiracy theories come up.

Here are my thoughts about JFK Jr: (Disclaimer: I did not know him personally, these are just my best guesses)

1. Despite Democrat fantasies, I don't think he really wanted to be in politics or government.  Remember how much trouble the poor kid had passing the bar in NY?
2.  He wanted to be an actor, but his mother nixed it.
3.  He probably wanted to marry Daryl Hannah, but his mother nixed it.
4.  In typical Kennedy daredevil fashion, he did not do a pre-flight check on that last flight.  My guess is that he may have had some other bad habits as a pilot.
5.  His wife and sister-in-law also died in the crash.  I think it's possible he and wife Carolyn were quarreling.  I think the marriage may have been on the rocks.
6.  Just because he was haunted by his father's death doesn't mean he believed any of the conspiracy theories. When a person loses a parent at an early age like that, especially in a violent fashion, it is natural to be haunted by it, especially as one approaches the age the parent was when he or she died.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
March 06, 2015, 05:23:43 PM
Quote from: albrecht on March 05, 2015, 09:04:08 PM
Did he mention any skinny dipping? I don't mind his rhetoric and actually agree with some of his views (haven't listened in a few years due to local AM radio format changes though.) But I never quite believed the guy believed his stuff. I'm sure I'll be called anti-Semite but something about him rubs me like it is an act. The new name, his odd history, his asides about his RockStar energy drink son and the money. His fiction book was formulaic, even considering the standards of an airport "thriller" novel, and pretty poor. But I still like to hear him rant and especially when he eviscerates a caller. But something is still 'rotten in Denmark' to me.
Pretty much sums it up. I think he has issues with women, but can't quite put my finger on it.

I don't think that he personally has mentioned the skinny-dipping, but photos are out there on the internet, and evidently not doctored. Either Slate or Salon( I get them mixed up) did an expose on him several years ago. The closest he gets to mentioning it, it snide comments about poets in the Bay Area, City Lights book store(not mentioned by name but that's probably it), people who betrayed him, etc.

I usually listen to an hour from 9 to 10, then switch to Coast at 10. Savage was doing a full live three hours for awhile, but now seems to be back to his old tricks with a partly fake third hour. I've seldom seen a host with so little respect for his audience.

One thing I did like yesterday was his comments about the elephants.  I don't know if this was who he was digging at, but Levin, supposedly an animal lover, was complaining "What's a circus without animals, blah, blah." Cirque deSoleil has  been doing it for years, I think. Savage is right on this one--conservatives should be on the right side of animal welfare issues--they certainly sound like idiots when they ridicule these causes. This doesn't mean being anti fishing or hunting or a vegan, it just means a happy medium(no, not that kind of medium)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Truth or Trash
March 05, 2015, 07:44:12 PM
Quote from: nextgen.fm on March 02, 2015, 02:53:37 AM
I think when he had that Dave guy on...that was pretty damn low

You'll have to be more specific.  Do you mean Wilcock? If you do, I agree.

Over the years, let's see...
One I heard back in the 90s, in the days of Art, was an old girl who believed that cosmetics caused HIV/AIDs.  A lot of the health and medicine stuff has really bothered me--people who believe microwave ovens are bad, radical anti-vaxxers, cancer quacks, people who think mammograms cause breast cancer, even people like Peter Breggin.
Kymberlee Ruff had to be the worst of the "fake Indian" genre, though there have been a lot of them over the years.  I knew there was something wrong when she was mixing Tibetan lore with Native lore.
You all know how I feel about Bob Larson, the guy who wanted to have an exorcism reality show--most irresponsible thing I've ever heard of.
All the anti-Bush crap.  I have had issues with the Bushes myself and really don't want Jeb for the next president, but if I hear about Prescott Bush's connections to Nazis one more time, I'll puke.

Blame America first types--can't think of any names right now, but you know them when you hear them.

Delusional people in general--these are often callers, but sometimes guests. People who have had things implanted, who are being stalked, mind-controlled, whatever.  I know that these things really happen to people, but I get the sense that some of these people are egged on by the guests on Coast.

The women who were sex slaves for the CIA.  In general, I don't like these guests who smear people who are conveniently dead, or rely on second or third-hand stories heard from somebody who's conveniently dead.  There's a reason this stuff is considered hearsay in a court of law.
Killer's Kiss 1955
The Canterville Ghost 1944
A Star is Born 1937

I have changed my mind about 50 Shades of Grey and plan to see it.
Quote from: Unscreened Caller on March 04, 2015, 09:15:53 PM
Filling the Void
The Secretary

Was that Secretary or The Secretary?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
March 05, 2015, 07:19:44 PM
Exactly. And now he's on the fake pearls thing again. He's ridiculing Marie Harf (remember she's the one who suggested that Islamofascists needed jobs programs and she richly deserves to be ridiculed, but not for that) for wearing "costume jewellry" and "clothes form Goodwill."  What the @#*%  business of his is that? Some women can't afford real pearls.

And I was just thinking today, has any liberal ever become a conservative because they heard a conservative make fun of somebody's clothes or physical appearance or parentage?  I don't think so. Other hosts do these kind of personal attacks, but Savage is by far the worst.
Do you eat a lot of soy?  You might want to go easy on the soy.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
March 03, 2015, 08:03:48 PM
So now Savage thinks that it may have been the CIA, not Vladimir Putin, who engineered the murder of Boris Nemstov.
It's called The Missing One. It's an advance reading copy I got from a Little Free Library. I think the author's name is Lucy Atkins. It's about a British Woman who goes to B.C. to learn some things about her mother after after her mother dies.  It turns out that the mother was an orca researcher.  So if you liked the movie Blackfish, it might be of interest.  I think it's a first novel, little over-written, but the author shows promise.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
March 03, 2015, 07:50:13 PM
Quote from: BattyBrooke on March 02, 2015, 12:56:38 AM
Fascinating and fulfilling to know. Seriously! Thank you, albrecht.

Oh, yeah.  Just hang around a mental institution, clinic or any other place with that clientele, and you will guess that.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
March 03, 2015, 07:46:40 PM
I clicked on Noreen Renier's website and she's actually quite an attractive old lady.

She was speaking at, I guess the University of Arkansas, and the podium said Clinton School of Public Service.  Has to be a joke in there somewhere.
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