Quote from: ONeill on March 09, 2015, 01:34:25 PM
More-on trivia is fabulous. You have to give it to them - they are really entertaining.
I used to listen to Beck almost daily but I switched to Limbaugh. In terms of political analysis of things he is simply second to none and Glenn spends to much time preaching and crying.
I have somewhat done the opposite. I listen to a half hour or so of Rush now and then, and often he's good. But a lot of the time he simply re-hashes stuff he had on the show 20 years ago, or takes calls from kids talking about the Rush Revere books, or talks about football...He also embarrasses himself from time to time talking about science or other stuff that a reasonably well-informed adult should know better about. I don't hate him--I still admire him, but I think the show jumped the shark about 15 years ago.
Beck, on the other hand, I think has been vindicated, on the caliphate, for example. I used to mistrust him and thought he might be some kind of con artist. And who knows, maybe he was, then. But I think he has gotten increasingly worthwhile.