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Messages - yumyumtree

For Greater Glory 2012
Consolation Marriage 1931
Random Topics / Re: Your most hated band?
February 12, 2017, 01:54:38 PM
Heart is in heavy rotation on the classic rock stations here because the Wilson sisters are from here, and still do t hings for the community and stuff, I think. My ex boyfriend saw them at the Aber Day kegger at the Oral Zumwalt rodeo grounds near Missoula before they were big , but was impressed with them. It turned out he was right. Why the Aber Day kegger ceased to be is a not her interesting story...

All my life since I was 12 or something, I've disliked Badfinger. But the leader of a band  I like must adore them, because they cover more than one of their songs
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Rush Limbaugh Phenomenon
February 12, 2017, 12:18:31 AM
The 1994 Republican Congress made Rush an honorary member.I always remember that whenever people,including him, say he's just an entertainer. I know he says things to be funny, but if you had heard this monologue, I think you would have agreed he was serious.

I will look at the Soros links when I have time. I know he has his finger in many pies.It just seems that the more and bigger protests (including the Womens March) we have, the more likely it is that they're truly organic. Remember that Nancy Pelosi dismissed the Tea Party as " astroturf" at one time, but I'm not sure she even believed it herself. These accusations seem to be the go-to thing for opponents now.
At one point, I understand the Milo speech at UW was called off because UW claimed that the needed security would be too expensive. College Republicans then attempted to raise money to pay for it. Listeners to John Carlson and Kirby Wilbur on KVI pitched in when they found out.(I know because I was listening to the show.) Personally, I could think of a lot of better causes for my money, but it's a free country.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Rush Limbaugh Phenomenon
February 11, 2017, 11:51:22 PM
Rush is a disaster when he ventures into the area of science, medicine or the arts. He explained once that he knew that climate change was a crock because of the people who were on board with it. To him, that was proof it was bogus. He explained that this is how he evaluates a lot of ideas--if people on the left support them, they must be wrong. This was a few yeare ago. I was shocked, and lost a lot of respect for him.

Incidentally, he also believes that a lot of the people in recent protests are paid by George Soros. This is a popular idea with a lot of conservatives, but not proven.

Not long ago he announced that fact-checkers, such as factcheck.org and Snopes are biased and not trustworthy. I'm sure a lot of George's guests agree. But it shows that Rush seems to be in his own world to a greater and greater extent.
Good Heavens, I knew nothing about this. This is a good example of why bellab is such an indispensable resource. Thank you.
This is Spinal Tap 1984
Birdy 1984
Yes, last night I discovered that a true crime site famous for its boards where amateur sleuths and true crime buffs could talk about cases had gone away.

Thanks for the heads up about the internet movie database. Some people posted links to lists of the lists of books on Murphys shelf (in Interstellar). I want to collect those.
So lately everybody claims that left leaning demonstrations are funded by George Soros, to some degree or another. This may not be true, but it been pretty much accepted by a lot of people like Rush Limbaugh. But now there are theories that some Trump people may have planted agent provocateurs in the Berkeley anti-Milo demonstration, to make trouble, make them look bad, gin up support for clamp-downs, etc. I think this is less credible than t he Soros theory myself. A lot was going on there, and a little if it might have been orchestrated by plants,  but I think that the worst of the vandalism and mayhem was probably done by anarchists from out of town, maybe other west coast cities, and the usual opportunists of the kind that showed up for the WTO protests in Seattle. Since I was not on the ground in Berkeley, it might be better to leave the assessment up to people who were, though.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
February 04, 2017, 01:00:19 AM
Savage must feel a mixture of vindication and jealousy these days, since Trump has gotten so many of his talking points from him
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Rush Limbaugh Phenomenon
February 04, 2017, 12:54:52 AM
Rush has turned into one of the most disgusting pro-Trump whores. I'm a Never-Trump conservative, for those who are new here. I am appalled at what's come over a lot of t hese people, including some on the   Christian station. I heard one local evangelical talk show hostess brag on what a great father figure Trump is. (When liberals used to talk that way about Clinton or Obama, they got ridiculed.) I heard Dennis,Prager claiming, that by admitting to being a sexual harrasser Trump has proven he doesn't hate women.After 2016, I'm coming to hate them all--liberals, conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Evangelicals, men, women, Pepe, everybody. But especially talk radio. And I believe hating is wrong.
Random Topics / Re: What kind of ad's do you get?
February 04, 2017, 12:38:10 AM
Just got one for Chadwicks. Not surprising since I ordered a skirt from them last month.
Dead Reckoning 1946 Humphrey Bogart, Lisbeth Scott
Random Topics / Re: Your most hated band?
December 04, 2015, 04:18:30 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on December 04, 2015, 11:20:31 AM
I'm sorry but I never got the Grateful Dead.  They have 3 or 4 good songs but the rest.......is boring.

Were you listening to albums or going to concerts?  I never went to any of their shows, but understand that that was the only way to truly experience them.
Random Topics / Re: Your most hated band?
December 04, 2015, 04:17:10 PM
"Hate" is a strong word, but I used to get awfully tired of the Australian soft-rock invasion bands like Little River Band and Air Supply in the 80s. With some notable exceptions, I didn't find the 70s or 80s good eras for rock.
Politics / Re: Ads, Percs, Beer, Booze, Smokes, Lefty
December 04, 2015, 04:13:08 PM
I actually had to take a drug test for the new job. I passed, but now I understand why people don't like them.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
December 04, 2015, 04:09:58 PM
Because of my current schedule, I don't stay up late enough to listen to Savage too much, but a couple of weeks, he was a little disenchanted with Trump for picking on Ben Carson.  Not disenchanted enough to stop supporting him--he made that clear, but a little annoyed. He said something to the effect that the that the "girls" who were advising Trump were making a strategic error.  I like the way he assumes they were female. Anyway, I had assumed that Savage himself was one of the people advising Trump.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Richard Syrett
July 12, 2015, 04:08:02 PM
I heard a few minutes of the first guest last night--thought he was obnoxious.  What does he have to back up his claims?  He says that kids should go out of their way to hang out with stoners (well, I guess Obama did, so it worked for him) because they're the smartest, etc., I wonder if this guy has children of his own?

Incidentally the anti-marijuana side often doesn't do any better job backing up their claims.  In the Herald this morning was a letter to the editor about the city of Everett's efforts to tighten zoning laws for recreational marijuana. This letter writer said that 1 in 6 youthful marijuana users becomes "addicted"( a term that may not even be applicable to marijuana).  When it comes to local marijuana issues, I generally say, the voters voted for it. I personally did not, but deal with it. When you see the rest of the vice that's rife in Everett, the whole thing is pretty silly.

But don't be a damn fool about it, as the Syrett's guest last night was.

Marc Emery, Canada's prince of pot.
The Painted Veil 2006
Politics / Re: Behold: Our New American Culture
July 11, 2015, 03:07:36 PM
Remember when Ian Punnet theorized that older people (like me, for instance) bemoaning the state of the world was actually nature or god's way of preparing them for death?  Since things were getting so shitty, they wouldn't feel so bad about leaving. Something  like that. I have to admit that there is a bigger and bigger list of stuff I won't miss.
Quote from: karios8 on July 09, 2015, 12:22:36 AM
I caught the ass end of this conversation but Jorch's guest said something about haters will poof be gone and Jorchie got really bright eyed, bushy tailed.

You mean just POOF! and gone? All the Haturz?

I know that I'm a couple of days late to this, but this guest was awful, IMO. He's a 911 truther, among other things.  He seems to think that beings from other worlds("galactics", I think he calls them) will save the day, taking care of the haters, etc. He seems to think that young boys join radical Islam because they don't have enough to do. He says he's in his seventies.  How does anybody survive to that age believing crap like this?

Gordon Asher Davidson. Who was it here who said that 3 names signaled nut? I know there are exceptions, but still.
Quote from: VoteQuimby on July 05, 2015, 02:11:58 AM
So many guests cross over into so many different categories... I would say just about every guest is a charlatin to some extent otherwise they wouldn't be seeking publicity. They're also for the most part delusional otherwise they wouldn't be interesting enough to be on Coast.

With that said...


Tess Gertisen
Terrence/Dennis McKenna
George Carlin
The FBI Profiler Lady
The Fire Chief who was the last one out on 9/11
Congressman Steven Schiff
Peter Davenport
Dr. Edgar Mitchell
Micho Kaku
Madman Markam
The guy who wrote the God Part of the Brain
Malachi Martin (although I could make the argument he was a delusional charlatan too)


Whitley Streiber (you could throw him in any three of deluded, charlatan, crazy)
Michael Horn
Col. Phillip Corso
The Flying Rods guy


Richard C Hoagland
Sean David Morton
John Hogue
Sylvia Brown
Dannion Brinkley
Bob Lazar
Jonathan Reed
Ed Dames

Fun Charlatans (people not trying to con anyone other than telling a fun bullshit story)

Mel Waters
Bugs The Bigfoot Killer
The guy who trapped a ghost in a bug zapper
Riley Martin


Dallas Thompson
Red Elk
George Green
Preston Nichols
Harlot The Witch
Al Bielek
John Lear (pains me to say it)
Judith Baker (the lady who said she was having an affair with Lee Harvey Oswald)

Pretty good list.  What about the guy who claimed to be the Lindbergh baby?
Quote from: zeebo on July 04, 2015, 11:15:41 PM
Haha ok fair enough.  Reminds me of an ad from years ago, where this guy - I forget now what he was selling - but he'd say at end: "It's the biggest no-brainer in the history of mankind."   And it was so silly that I'd always laugh and actually came to love that one.

I think that was John Juge(sp?) Wasn't it gold or investments or something?  You must be in the Puget Sound, well the Puget Sound AREA, not actually in the sound.  It's wet in there.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Connie Willis
July 03, 2015, 03:31:25 PM
I think George said something about Connie Willis hosting tonight. Mayb e they will have Craig Hulet or somebody like that on tonight.  That would be a combination. I have to get up early tomorrow though.
Random Topics / Re: Cooking With Chefist!
July 03, 2015, 03:19:34 PM
What's on your July 4 menu?

Because I'm volunteering for the Everett Fourth of July Parade(Stars and Stripes Forev erett) we are having it July 6.

Hamburgers(my favorite recipe from Better Homes and Gardens cookbook)
Hotdogs(I get Hebrew national and some tofu for vegetarians)
Bean salad (also from BHG cookbook)
Lettuce salad with my own homegrown lettuce
Flag cake(this is a post Sept. 11 recipe from the Orange Co. Register by way of Tacoma News Tribune.  I will be making it with raspberries instead of strawberries.)
Whatever beer and snacks people bring.
"Extremely bad or unpleasant", Google says.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Michael Savage
June 30, 2015, 08:22:10 PM
The execrable John DiPetro has been filling in a lot lately.
Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 29, 2015, 11:06:56 PM
Oh, I saw Love and Mercy about 2 weeks ago.  Forgot to comment on it. I enjoyed it.  I'm rather partial to Brian and The Boys though because my Mom is a Wilson and I'm from Long Beach not far from Hawthorne.  No relation though unless very distant.  I wish the movie had been longer and focused on his whole life but that would take a miniseries.  It was well done though I preferred the young man who played young Brian.  John Cusack was way too mannered as older Brian and really looks nothing like Brian.  I think Giammati handled Landy perfectly.  It is a nice, inspirational film about a man who was lost and found himself again with the love of a good woman.  I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

Giammati handles most parts perfectly.

Vicki 1953

I'm at the Everett public library and there's a guy at a nearby computer talking to himself who sounds like the demon in the Exorcist. Pretty soon it looks like I may be making more money and can afford to have internet at home again.  That will be nice.
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