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Messages - yumyumtree

Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
April 10, 2017, 10:27:00 PM
Quote from: ShayP on April 08, 2017, 10:13:39 PM
Gun shots.  Nearly every single night between 11 pm and 2 am.

Goodness, where do you live? We only have them now and then here.
Wallach is the veterinarian, right? Or is he the one who claims to have done 5,000 autopsies?
Quote from: Ciardelo on April 05, 2017, 01:04:11 AM
What exactly is "spanking new?"  ???
Brand new. Probably comes from a doctor spanking a newborn to make it cry.

Janine Turner had a brief role on General Hospital in the early 80s. When Genie Francis (Laura) left for other opportunities, for several months there were a few pointless storyline involving lookalikes also named Laura.
A young Demi Moore played her sister. Even then, Demi's gravel voice was unforgettable.
Quote from: ItsOver on April 05, 2017, 12:22:28 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if Jorch and Tommee stay at the Marriott.  Jorch will probably start at the bar during happy hour, to get "warmed-up" and check out the locals.  I could also see Jorch meeting-up with his senior citizen groupies after the event at the Marriott.  "Water's on Jorch, everyone!"

Well, keep in mind that the Snohomish county  jail is also nearby, the courthouse, the police station some mental health outpatient places and bail bond joints.Lots of bail bond joints.

There's  one way to put this tactfully--Everett women (except for me, of course) are notoriously badly dressed. Mr. Blackwell's head would have exploded. And the ones in the age group George and Tommee would prefer seem to be morbidly obese or meth addict thin. If you see a good looking well dressed youngish woman in downtown  Everett, chances are she just works here and goes home to Seattle or some place at night.
Seriously this guest sounds like somebody who had a pretty impressive resume, but kind of went off the rails. I don't so much dispute  his illness, but some of his other remarks seem a little over the top, the name-dropping and everything.
Well, that's good, because I looked up the tickets, and they're  $40, too rich for my

There's a spanking g new Marriott between the 7-11 and the theatre. Don't you think they would be more likely to go there?  I've been to the bar, and it's nice.
There's a 7-11 one block away in another direction( I think half my neighbors buy their groceries there) but it's not a very nice one. The owners are nice and try hard, but it's a pretty rough clientele. There was a Trump r
ally a few blocks east last fall. He quoted the Snake poem.

I can't think of any Greek restaurants, unless Romios pizza counts. There's a pretty good Gyro place, but it's not close. It's actually in a place where the risk of getting shot is higher than here.

It's funny, the Everett Historic theatre is  a venue I was commenting on in these boards a couple of weeks ago, because they have so many tribute bands.
Thanks. Glad to know that my movie comments are appreciated.

So now it seems that Jorch will be appearing ONE BLOCK from where I live in Everett at the end of July. Assuming that the tickets aren't astronomically expensive, and I don't have a conflict, should I go or no?

So in other words, if any of you have ever said "I wouldn't go across the street to see George Noory", this will be put to the test.

"Formaldehyde--what they put in dead people."

Incidentally, I wonder if this guest has seen the movie Safe with Julianne Moore?
Oh well, that's true of so many of them. I notice he cited "evil" as the thing keeping Trump doing as he wants. Whatever.
I hadn't of this Afghan giant business. Anybody heard of this?
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
April 03, 2017, 12:24:12 AM
I was basically being a smart-ass. He asked if this was my first visit to earth.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
April 02, 2017, 09:40:20 PM
Yes. I don't believe  in reincarnation.
Deep kisses that last for days--isn't that what Kevin Costner said in Bull Durham?

Now I see somebody beat me to it--complete with clip. It was a great speech.
Death of Marilyn Monroe. There are some others, but can't think of them offhand now.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
April 02, 2017, 09:18:40 PM
Why do people get on the elevator before you have a chance to get off? This accomplishes nothing for anybody.
Politics / Re: Guns
April 02, 2017, 09:16:00 PM
So this shower story has been picked up by HuffPo and the Daily Mail, in case you want to look it up. I am not good at posting things.
Politics / Re: Guns
April 02, 2017, 09:06:22 PM
I really screwed up that last post, put my comment in the middle of the quote.

I saw a story from KOMO today about a guy in Mason co. who shot a guy he caught taking a shower. The guy had broken in. It is rare for me to say this, but I think the householder was overzealous in this case. But I wasn't there. He is being charged with 2nd degree murder.
Politics / Re: Guns
April 02, 2017, 09:05:16 PM
Quote from: albrecht on March 27, 2017, 11:48:32 PM
I have a few useful tips:
(basics, first)
1) every gun is loaded
2) don't point at anything you don't intend to shoot
3) don't have trigger on finger until intending to shoot
4) read the manual, learn how the gun works, how to clean, how to disassemble, etc
5) safely store, depending on your personal situation
6) know how, depending on your situation and laws, how to deal with LEO if you have the weapon on your person, in car, house, etc

Good. I would do they don't mix with alcohol.

But also an ALERT:
Situational Awareness. I had a relative who got burgled when he was at work and he thinks, later, that some thugs were watching the range and followed him to his house. And then broke in when he was away. They didn't deal with the gun safe (or computers, wife's jewelry, tvs, etc) but stole the unsecured guns in their place. Guns are a 'hot' commodity and I would be careful and keep an eye out returning from ranges, hunting, etc. I knew someone also, living in a very rural area, who same thing happened. Isolated but they were redoing some road so more workers around. Old lady left and house burgled and guns stolen. I also, somewhat paranoid here, wonder about 4473s and CC #s used to purchase and gun show purchases and dodgy employees or criminals accessing them, even. For your own sake also DOCUMENT the serial numbers, descriptions, etc of your weapons so that if they are stolen they can be recovered and that you won't be put into some situation of being accused of some crime when some "youth" stole them and shot or robbed someone later. And best to lock them up when not in need or there to access (that also is a good safety issue anyhow.)
I wasn't going to ask. But that would mean it's the same reason he dislikes Jerry Seinfeld and Woody Allen. Didn't know Olbermann was Jewish. BTW, why are so many sports journalists obnoxious?
I have long suspended that Savage is, from time to time, half in the bag when he does his show. This business with the Bells sounds like one of those times. I always suspected that this was the origin of the now-famous autism rant.

BTW, Keith Olbermann is back in the news. Does anybody know the origin of Savage's weird claim that Olbermann urinates,on the floor behind his desk?
Random Topics / Re: Your most hated band?
March 12, 2017, 12:56:54 AM
Tribute bands make up the most of the schedule of the Everett Historic theatre now. I've never seen a tribute show.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: CBS Radio Mystery Theater
March 03, 2017, 10:48:36 PM
I used to listen to CBSRMT almost every night in in Missoula in the late 70s and early 80s, KGVO, I think
. Now I listen on Youtube. My most favorites,are the ones that include the old commercials and news. It's eery to listen to old Special K commercials and news about Nixon and Patty Hearst.
Anybody catch Rush saying that the Lords Prayer isn't in the Bible week before last?
Pardon me if there is a thread on this already. Apparently this show still exists. Does anybody know if it's heard in the Seattle market?
Liked La-La Land, Arrival and Hacksaw Ridge. Was underwhelmed by Hell or High Water, though I normally like Jeff Bridges. Would have liked to have seen Mel Gibson get the Oscar, but I guess his comeback is going well enough without it.
Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 02, 2017, 11:38:14 PM
Never saw Phantasm though I do have a dvd of it that I plan to watch at some later date.
Phantasm is good, for what it is. It's one of those films where kids pretty much fend for themselves, without a lot of adult supervision.
Random Topics / Re: Your most hated band?
March 03, 2017, 10:16:43 PM
Quote from: comaphobe on February 13, 2017, 02:28:11 AM
i know people like who they like, and i never judge, but i never could stand the following assholes:

pearl jam
stone temple pilots
those particular greasy, generic and constipated ugly and pure talentess faggots from canada who simply will not go away
the black eyed peas (thank god they finally went away)
barenaked ladies (suck total shit, and will not go away no matter what)
alantis morrison (the worst)
red hot chilli peppers (die.)
this deadmau5/skrillex horseshit (jesus christ, something in the water.)
kansas/boston/journey/doobie bros/foreigner/REO faggotwagon
korn (skitzo+constipation+teenage angst+7 string guitars = TOTAL SHIT from day one)
limp bizkit (see above entry)
any nu metal
U2 (insincere assholes, fuck you boner you phony!)
kiss (the worst band in the history of rock music.)

i left out a ton of 90s bands, and i wish the entire current breed of pop stars would all go to the bottom of the ocean ASAP, start with pink and she can take the rest with her.

also, that overproduced fat bitch with the cock in her mouth needs to go die immediately too.

i miss fiona apple and amy winehouse, they were great. pj harvey, now that is a woman and a talent.

adele is merely a pig.

no offense if anyone likes that bitch or any of the shitty rock bands above.
I usually avoid personal comments here but you seem like a very unhappy man.
Random Topics / Re: Your most hated band?
March 03, 2017, 10:12:00 PM
Quote from: albrecht on February 13, 2017, 07:13:49 PM
Menudo? Maybe an original pizza-gate thing? Considering that Menudo for normal Hispanic types, is a soup made from tripe etc that you eat (and helps hangovers)- and name a band of pre or teen Latin boys, some of which came out somewhat messed up, after something you eat?
One Menu do guy, at least, turned into a big star in his own right. It was Ricky something. His big hit was Living My Vida Loca or something. He came out as gay much later.
Random Topics / Re: Your most hated band?
March 03, 2017, 10:08:34 PM
Quote from: zeebo on February 12, 2017, 02:14:10 PM
Remember that band Bread?  Their cloying sentimentality is insufferable.  Whenever I accidentally hear them I must immediately cleanse my soul by blasting the Who at top volume.
They had the one about finding the diary underneath a tree, right?
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