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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Good morning Senda.  How's your appeal for donations coming along?  I understand you need money so you can attend more woo woo CONS and buy more electronic toys to keep Senda Broadcasting in business. 

Believe it or not, even haters like me donate money.  I'm a regular contributor to St. Jude Children's Hospital.  I should caution you, Senda, that you may find the following video disturbing.  St. Jude Children's Hospital provides free medical care to children all over the world, even to those "non-caucasians" you find so objectionable. 



Quote from: Who on December 05, 2015, 06:41:43 AM
Good morning Senda.  How's your appeal for donations coming along?  I understand you need money so you can attend more woo woo CONS and buy more electronic toys to keep Senda Broadcasting in business. 

Believe it or not, even haters like me donate money.  I'm a regular contributor to St. Jude Children's Hospital.  I should caution you, Senda, that you may find the following video disturbing.  They provide free medical care to children all over the world, even to those "non-caucasians" you find so objectionable.


Mooch doesn't mind children getting free medical care, as long as he gets more.

Yorkshire pud

Senda, I went along to the carol concert last night; and once again it was inspiring to see young life limited children just getting on with it. One little girl who has a condition so rare only 30 children in the world have it turned on the Christmas tree lights. Part of the condition means she's rendered deaf, but in sign language she thanked everyone for coming and wished them a merry Christmas and a (this will kill you, trust me)...a prosperous new year. She's ten years old you fat fuck, and unlikely to enjoy too many more Christmases.

One other young man sang in a duet, and he had a good voice too, he too won't reach adulthood. Several of the kids from the hospice were there too fat twat; and all of them will never reach your age, most will never reach twenty. A good amount even younger, as young as 6 months old.

I didn't feel overly emotional this time though, I can't explain that; maybe because they looked at life and faced it with a raised chin and a spine and said 'C'mon fucker, give me all you have, I can take it', and I'd feel bad crying on their behalf when they can smile and in some cases laugh at their situation, what right do I have to complain at the shit in my life when they don't? ALL of them and their parents have more guts, selflessness, compassion and sheer humanity than you could possibly imagine.

I almost forgot; One guy, a local sports personality was due to read something. He didn't, because the day before his own daughter had been diagnosed with a spinal tumor, cruel irony eh Senda? What would be cruel irony for you? Finding that you had to wash your arse after a day and finding out you didn't need to?

You're still a pile of dog shit being sieved through a string vest with extra filth thrown in. You puke festering fat fucking shit pile.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 05, 2015, 07:06:53 AM
Senda, I went along to the carol concert last night; and once again it was inspiring to see young life limited children just getting on with it. One little girl who has a condition so rare only 30 children in the world have it turned on the Christmas tree lights. Part of the condition means she's rendered deaf, but in sign language she thanked everyone for coming and wished them a merry Christmas and a (this will kill you, trust me)...a prosperous new year. She's ten years old you fat fuck, and unlikely to enjoy too many more Christmases.

One other young man sang in a duet, and he had a good voice too, he too won't reach adulthood. Several of the kids from the hospice were there too fat twat; and all of them will never reach your age, most will never reach twenty. A good amount even younger, as young as 6 months old.

I didn't feel overly emotional this time though, I can't explain that; maybe because they looked at life and faced it with a raised chin and a spine and said 'C'mon fucker, give me all you have, I can take it', and I'd feel bad crying on their behalf when they can smile and in some cases laugh at their situation, what right do I have to complain at the shit in my life when they don't? ALL of them and their parents have more guts, selflessness, compassion and sheer humanity than you could possibly imagine.

I almost forgot; One guy, a local sports personality was due to read something. He didn't, because the day before his own daughter had been diagnosed with a spinal tumor, cruel irony eh Senda? What would be cruel irony for you? Finding that you had to wash your arse after a day and finding out you didn't need to?

You're still a pile of dog shit being sieved through a string vest with extra filth thrown in. You puke festering fat fucking shit pile.

It is always so very difficult to attach meaning to your posts.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: onan on December 05, 2015, 10:32:11 AM
It is always so very difficult to attach meaning to your posts.

I've always found it difficult to express myself. I blame my late mother. She was the same.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 05, 2015, 07:06:53 AM
Senda, I went along to the carol concert last night; and once again it was inspiring to see young life limited children just getting on with it. One little girl who has a condition so rare only 30 children in the world have it turned on the Christmas tree lights. Part of the condition means she's rendered deaf, but in sign language she thanked everyone for coming and wished them a merry Christmas and a (this will kill you, trust me)...a prosperous new year. She's ten years old you fat fuck, and unlikely to enjoy too many more Christmases.

One other young man sang in a duet, and he had a good voice too, he too won't reach adulthood. Several of the kids from the hospice were there too fat twat; and all of them will never reach your age, most will never reach twenty. A good amount even younger, as young as 6 months old.

I didn't feel overly emotional this time though, I can't explain that; maybe because they looked at life and faced it with a raised chin and a spine and said 'C'mon fucker, give me all you have, I can take it', and I'd feel bad crying on their behalf when they can smile and in some cases laugh at their situation, what right do I have to complain at the shit in my life when they don't? ALL of them and their parents have more guts, selflessness, compassion and sheer humanity than you could possibly imagine.

I almost forgot; One guy, a local sports personality was due to read something. He didn't, because the day before his own daughter had been diagnosed with a spinal tumor, cruel irony eh Senda? What would be cruel irony for you? Finding that you had to wash your arse after a day and finding out you didn't need to?

You're still a pile of dog shit being sieved through a string vest with extra filth thrown in. You puke festering fat fucking shit pile.

My baby niece was on chemotherapy for cancer from 6 months to 3 years. No money or insurance but her oncologist re-opened a wing in the  hospital just for her and other little angels like her, so they could be treated regardless of circumstances.  She didn't have hair until she was 3 1/2 years of age, and she was as fragile as a snowflake, but she has shown more courage in facing her infirmity and painful therapy as an infant than I see on this thread from a fully grown adult who complains about a bad knee and medical services for the "undeserving". Oh, and today she's a gorgeous redheaded adult, so there really are deserving people and good things happen to them.

That was a moving post, YP, a love letter to the courage and spirit of those children and their families. I hope each and every one of them gets a miracle, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to the smug and self-entitled. To them, it would be everything.


Falkie, you need a new white whale other than a terrible Noory TV program. Start there Jan. 1.

Why are you so opposed to at least a 20-hour-a-week job? Why do you get to not work for your baubles and I have to work for mine? Do you not see the gut reaction that produces in people?

Quote from: akwilly on December 04, 2015, 09:04:26 PM
I wonder what Falkie would wear to "the club" if he were to try and pick up some chicks.

Falkie isn't a slave to fashion and would want to be comfortable in one of his custom tee shirts.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: WOTR on December 05, 2015, 02:30:59 PM
Let me get this straight.  You are going to donate to a hospice where people go to die with some dignity and comfort over G. Senda who could live a long, happy life buying apple products with your donations?

I went last night; and yes, I and I imagine the vast majority contributed to the hospice-it costs £3.5 Million per year to operate. They do it with a full time fundraising team of five. And of course many volunteers. Of course if the 250 or so families they support (Past and present) would just get a grip, accept their situation and man up they wouldn't need to have all this stupid infrastructure, 24/7 care, therapy pools, family apartments, and care for the siblings and parents for as long as it's needed.  I'm digressing here, sorry.

Senda of course deserves more support, what was I thinking; but just in case he grows a conscience, let him have a look at this:


Or a more up to date one....


One of many in the UK and USA...

"Welcome, Robert.  It's been a long time...and, finally, here we are!  What took you so long?"



Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 05, 2015, 04:06:57 PM
Shit, followed with more shit..Shit flows easily here...Oh the stench.

It's all a matter of perspective, I suppose.

That's what you get when you're constantly wallowing in the pit beneath the outhouse, looking up at those above you, anxiously awaiting your next feeding.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on December 05, 2015, 04:20:49 PM
It's all a matter of perspective, I suppose.

That's what you get when you're constantly wallowing in the pit beneath the outhouse, looking up at those above you, anxiously awaiting your next feeding.

I'd agree, but having no direct experience of that, you and Senda might need to enlighten us.


Quote from: Psycho Gerry on December 05, 2015, 04:00:08 PM
"Welcome, Robert.  It's been a long time...and, finally, here we are!  What took you so long?"

Reposting the videos of a pedophile on Bellgab.  You've got a lot of class, Psycho Gerry.  Now that Senda has rejected your daughter, are you going to offer her to Casio?

Quote from: Who on December 05, 2015, 05:02:04 PM
Reposting the videos of a pedophile on Bellgab.  You've got a lot of class, Psycho Gerry.  Now that Senda has rejected your daughter, are you going to offer her to Casio?

All too easy...

Quote from: Who on May 13, 2015, 07:34:26 AM
Here's a video of Robert Casio discussing his love and support for North Korea.  He posts videos on YouTube as "Robert Riplie."  If you search YouTube for either Robert Riplie or Robert Casio you'll find a lot of truly disturbing videos.  One of them features still photographs of the filth in Casio's apartment - photographed by Casio himself.  It's truly sick.  Seriously, the word "filth" doesn't begin to do it justice.  In another series of videos, a young man confronts Casio during a Skype chat.  Again, disturbing.  If you watch any videos by or about "Robert Riplie" or Robert Casio, don't do it before or after eating.  It's really sick stuff, pure depravity. 


Quote from: Who on December 05, 2015, 05:02:04 PM
Reposting the videos of a pedophile on Bellgab.  You've got a lot of class, Psycho Gerry.  Now that Senda has rejected your daughter, are you going to offer her to Casio?

You don't know that George has rejected her.  He hasn't even seen her picture yet.

Are you advocating that I turn her over to Casio?  Are YOU really even suggesting such a thing?  It was YOUR mind that came up with that one - not mine.  Who's the real "psycho" (leaving the end of this sentence unpunctuated - not sure if a question mark or period is more appropriate, and reading it with either is a valid interpretation given the poster's name)


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on December 05, 2015, 05:20:59 PM
You don't know that George has rejected her.  He hasn't even seen her picture yet.

Are you advocating that I turn her over to Casio?  Are YOU really even suggesting such a thing?  It was YOUR mind that came up with that one - not mine.  Who's the real "psycho" (leaving the end of this sentence unpunctuated - not sure if a question mark or period is more appropriate, and reading it with either is a valid interpretation given the poster's name)

Anyone that would "offer" their daughter to the mooch, even in jest... well, I suspect you have problems with all your children.


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on December 05, 2015, 05:20:59 PM
You don't know that George has rejected her.  He hasn't even seen her picture yet.

Are you advocating that I turn her over to Casio?  Are YOU really even suggesting such a thing?  It was YOUR mind that came up with that one - not mine.  Who's the real "psycho" (leaving the end of this sentence unpunctuated - not sure if a question mark or period is more appropriate, and reading it with either is a valid interpretation given the poster's name)


Quote from: akwilly on December 02, 2015, 06:35:22 PM
If this story is to reach a wide audience then we need a female that shoots a bow and arrow at some point.

Good idea.
Pat and Kat take turns shooting apples perched on Faultiez bloated melon.
Nao thats a video I'd watch!!


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on December 05, 2015, 04:00:08 PM

"Welcome, Robert.  It's been a long time...and, finally, here we are!  What took you so long?"


a big congrats to you Gerry on a new follower. I have heard of this Casio guy but don't know much about him. That said if he is your friend then he must be s great guy.


ThIs thread is called The General Musings of Falkie.  I have not once seen him muse about anything.  Bemoan, bitch, demean, slander, whine and vituperate yes, muse no.  I want my money back for false advertising.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: whoozit on December 05, 2015, 09:09:51 PM
ThIs thread is called The General Musings of Falkie.  I have not once seen him muse about anything.  Bemoan, bitch, demean, slander, whine and vituperate yes, muse no.  I want my money back for false advertising.

MV makes it clear in the very small print; there's a no money back guarantee. Ever.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 04, 2015, 10:01:43 PM
Gerry needs to STOP bringing this incident up.
I was forcibly raped by 4 convicts.
It was not a matter of choice.
I was threatened with death.

OH.  You had a choice.

You chose to be fucked?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: paladin1991 on December 06, 2015, 02:30:38 AM
OH.  You had a choice.

You chose to be fucked?

Even if he did it's none of your business so STFU.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: paladin1991 on December 06, 2015, 03:24:44 AM
Video later?

If a video existed of Senda in a state of undress, taking part in what we'll politely call 'coitus', it would be banned in every country in the world, apart from Australia.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 04, 2015, 10:01:43 PM
Gerry needs to STOP bringing this incident up.
I was forcibly raped by 4 convicts.
It was not a matter of choice.
I was threatened with death.

mmm... gettin' me all worked up.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: MV on December 06, 2015, 03:47:06 AM
mmm... gettin' me all worked up.

Did Senda give you permission to post on his thread? Somehow I doubt it.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 06, 2015, 03:50:21 AM
Did Senda give you permission to post on his thread? Somehow I doubt it.

no, but when my account was upgraded to "turbo mode" it enabled me to sneak in unrestricted.

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