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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: sorefinger on April 15, 2015, 09:13:25 AM
Ya, and if you do not have a smartphone yet, you can pick one up for $19.95 in any dollar store, download TuneIn radio, and now you have a WiFi radio.  And you don't even need a data plan.  Knowing this, no one would spend $159 for a WiFi radio at CC crane, one you can't even put in your pocket and carry with you.

A few years ago I picked up a Logitech Squeezebox wifi radio (since discontinued). Even though I have an iPad and iPhone 6 with Tunein, I keep the Logitech in the bathroom and play it while getting ready in the morning. One of the favorites is set to U7.

I can also run a server from my computer and access my entire music library from the radio.

So while it isn't an essential item for those who don't need it, they're still pretty damn cool. The C-Crane's bluetooth capability is giving me some tech envy.


Quote from: Kolchak on April 15, 2015, 02:32:38 PM
A few years ago I picked up a Logitech Squeezebox wifi radio (since discontinued). Even though I have an iPad and iPhone 6 with Tunein, I keep the Logitech in the bathroom and play it while getting ready in the morning. One of the favorites is set to U7.

I can also run a server from my computer and access my entire music library from the radio.

So while it isn't an essential item for those who don't need it, they're still pretty damn cool. The C-Crane's bluetooth capability is giving me some tech envy.

yeah, i think there's something nice about a physical radio that just sits in one convenient location and simply works when you push a button while walking by.


Quote from: MV on April 15, 2015, 02:40:01 PM
yeah, i think there's something nice about a physical radio that just sits in one convenient location and simply works when you push a button while walking by.

I completely agree!  I will most likely buy the c.crane  :)

Quote from: MV on April 15, 2015, 02:40:01 PM
yeah, i think there's something nice about a physical radio that just sits in one convenient location and simply works when you push a button while walking by.

Definitely - I'm kind of obsessed with them, actually. I have two of the older Grace models, a Logitech UE Smart Radio, and the SiriusXM TTR1. Being a radio geek, I definitely get enjoyment from having dedicated radio devices rather than just relying on my phone for audio.


Quote from: AZ/CO on April 15, 2015, 03:01:13 PM
I completely agree!  I will most likely buy the c.crane  :)

i'll have to take a look at that.  i'd like to have a solid wifi radio.


Quote from: MV on April 15, 2015, 03:37:15 PM
i'll have to take a look at that.  i'd like to have a solid wifi radio.
This is how it starts. Once Art figures how to get his head around all the nifty things we could all use, get your checkbook ready. Art will make you want the radio, which I bought and sadly left on a boat I sold. I still want the wooden headphones -- he made them sound so glorious.

We need a Midnight wi-fi watch, with the show's app on it. There's an idea for somebody.


Im so glad about the news Art. .. You have helped  me out so much.. im going through the worst time of my life and you have kept me from taking the easy way out... Im so excited for July


I am so happy we finally got the official word


While we wait... I'll just leave this here...

Art Bell

Wow, I just saw a ad for HBO which is going to open its doors directly on the Internet. My goodness this is all coming down much faster then even I thought. I can only wonder what is going on in Board rooms in company's like IHateArt and the others out there that have collected Billions of Dollars in Radio stations, love to be a bug on that wall.

It is possible to cover more People with a Internet stream then 600 Stations can even think about. We are truly in the middle of a sea change and it is in favor of the content providers this time! The only thing they still have going for them is people's habits and those are about to change.

I am still puzzled why those who have gone to the Internet have not done so live, there is magic in live content, anyway to quote a CNN show "Somebody's gotta do it" and it might as well be me. Mark my words, there will be many to follow.



Did a search for "art bell" on reddit and it seems Art's return is top of the list in 'paranormal'... http://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/top/?sort=top&t=day


Great post Art,  im glad you see where things are headed.. im gonna look into that HBO


Quote from: Art Bell on April 15, 2015, 05:09:18 PM

It is possible to cover more People with a Internet stream then 600 Stations can even think about.

absolutely right.


Quote from: Delphi on April 15, 2015, 05:16:34 PM
Great post Art,  im glad you see where things are headed.. im gonna look into that HBO

Just FYI it's called HBO Now.


Quote from: Doctor Who on April 15, 2015, 03:47:22 PM
I have a Grace and a C Crane.  Take a look at this one. 

That's the model I got when Art initially announced "Dark Matter".  I love it.  The sound quality, versatility, and reliability are all excellent. 

Ready for the ride, ready to give Art all my money.

Well, there's always Hayhouse Radio, live new age internet radio.

Quote from: Art Bell on April 15, 2015, 05:09:18 PM
I am still puzzled why those who have gone to the Internet have not done so live, there is magic in live content, anyway to quote a CNN show "Somebody's gotta do it" and it might as well be me. Mark my words, there will be many to follow.

If it's not live, I just put off listening to it for a long time and maybe even never listen to it.  Live radio is the best.

Aussie Dave

Quote from: Catsmile on April 15, 2015, 04:55:12 PM
While we wait... I'll just leave this here...

The spelling on those undies is atrocious.


Just saw the artbell.com at the top of the page. Thanks MV for anticipating my needs. 
Just wish you had remembered extra au jus for my sandwich.  It is rather dry


[quote author=Art Bell link=topic=30.msg370028#msg370028 date=1429139358

I am still puzzled why those who have gone to the Internet have not done so live, there is magic in live content, anyway to quote a CNN show "Somebody's gotta do it" and it might as well be me. Mark my words, there will be many to follow.


I totally agree.  I don't know what it is, but I will take live over a podcast any day.  Odd as it sounds, I almost think it has something to do with knowing you are sharing the experience with others even though you can't see them and don't know them.


That said, I live in NYC and have a job, so it will be the podcast for me.


There is  a few live streaming shows on the Dark Matter Radio network now.
Last night, Dr. J (Art's new producer) did a live 2 hour show, one hour with a guest followed by an hour of open lines with a few  abductee callers telling their own stories.
Future Theatre is also live on Monday nights.
I think there are a few other shows that might air live there as well?
Of course Jimmy Church's show was live when he was on the DMRN, now moved to another network.


Quote from: dan7800 on April 15, 2015, 03:40:31 AM

I'd LOVE to interview Dave. I'd do such a crappy job as an interviewer. I'd show up drunk and ask him about irrelevant questions and make it clear I wasn't paying attention to him.

Give him a dose of his own medicine.
If Falkie does not ask "so, what got you interested in this thing in the first place", I will be sooo disappointed...


Quote from: Danger!UFO on April 15, 2015, 10:50:28 AM
Hi Art

I have a suggestion for your new show:

Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?: . . . and Other Questions from the Astronomers' In-box at the Vatican Observatory
Hardcover â€" October 7, 2014
by Guy Consolmagno SJ (Author),  Paul Mueller (Author)
Didn't Knapp do a show with them?  I don't seem to recall throwing my radio against a wall... and I seem to recall that I enjoyed the interview without screaming in frustration.  Either Knapp conducted the interview, or through divine intervention they overcame the suck that is Dave and emerged leaving a great impression.  (Either way, it is a great guest suggestion.)


Quote from: Morgus on April 15, 2015, 07:32:53 PM
There is  a few live streaming shows on the Dark Matter Radio network now.
Last night, Dr. J (Art's new producer) did a live 2 hour show, one hour with a guest followed by an hour of open lines with a few  abductee callers telling their own stories.
Future Theatre is also live on Monday nights.
I think there are a few other shows that might air live there as well?
Of course Jimmy Church's show was live when he was on the DMRN, now moved to another network.
All nights at 10 pm are live, I think -- leading up to Art's show, which will also be live. Tonight's 10-live slot is Skywatchers Radio and I will be popping in for a few minutes to do the news.


Quote from: kennedymaure on April 15, 2015, 11:17:52 AM
Oh yeah, I'm paying. Now he has to stay alive long enough to broadcast... Come on Art, you can do it!

With all the anti-aging shows Art did with Dr. Ron Klatz, I bet Art has a stash of good stuff to keep him alive & kicking til at least age 150.

I'm with the others, Art please take my money. Let Hendrie do weekends. Been a while since I've heard General Johnson Jameson...


Furthermore, Martin Willis is on live right now. It's useful to check the network every now and then, I tell myself. Particularly the evenings.


Your happy radio home on the webs.


Quote from: lonevoice on April 15, 2015, 05:24:47 PM
That's the model I got when Art initially announced "Dark Matter".  I love it.  The sound quality, versatility, and reliability are all excellent. 

Ready for the ride, ready to give Art all my money.

Is that clip from The Little Rascals, when Spanky was splattering bugs on the wall with a hammer, then unwittingly hit the button to his father's secret stash compartment where the money was hid, and now he's throwing all the money out the window?

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