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Messages - Murder101

Lewis is insane. Absolutely not the guy needed. Howard Hughes would be the best possible replacement.
I know Art is just trying to sell the archive but that was silly. There was no trickery last night. The reason there was nothing spooky is because he got a REAL Satanist not a cartoon witch/Cultist. Either Art didn't understand what was being booked or he's just trying to swing it because of fan reaction.
This has been my favorite show since the comeback. A topic not done to death with a legit well spoken guest. Listening to this makes that crap Patsy spouted sound hilarious.
Honesty time. I've never liked Ghost to Ghost. Most ghost stories are "I saw a shadow and my tummy hurt" or "I saw Grandma\Grandpa\Dad\mom\Great Aunt Georgia and they had light and I felt warm in my pants" with the occasional  Civil War solider marching through.
Quote from: area51drone on July 27, 2015, 01:42:58 AM
+1    I was shocked when Redacted said she and others from bellgab were going to go out and be Art's army against piracy, and even more shocked to hear former pirate himself Art say he was going to have the producer actively try to take stuff down.  This seems like such a waste of time and such hypocrisy considering she probably gladly stole premier's shows for years and never felt  one bit of guilt over it.    Even if she didn't, the VAST majority of us here have been.   I support Art and he can do what he wants, but I think he is better off letting piracy go rampant and offering value adds as albrecht suggested.   How about 1 on 1 chats every month like that other program - but god forbid you copy C2C's ideas though, right?   How about  releasing week or month-old programs to youtube yourself so that you build a big subscriber base on youtube and add ads to the channel so it is another revenue stream?   Promote the hell out of being a time traveler on the youtube slots.    How about creating the After Dark newsletter again in digital form, and releasing that for subscribers?   Throw last night's shows up on itunes for downloading at a buck a piece as another revenue stream and so being a subscriber looks like a great deal and offers a non-piracy option for those who missed the show last night.    I'm sure there are a million other ideas people can come up with that are better than trying to stop something that the RIAA with its millions could never do.

Another point - I know $5 isn't that much now a days.  But in this day and age, people are cord cutting like crazy - and when they see entertainment like Netflix available for $8/mo that you get to download a myriad of shows with 10,000x the bandwidth of what a month's worth of Art Bell programs are, subscriptions to Art Bell seem like only a die hard fan option.  If I were Art, I think I would offer a yearly subscription for $20 so that you're deeply undercutting that other show and making them look like a bunch of butt fuckers.   When people have and hear about the option of buying their paranormal talk at a discounted rate for a much better show, they will probably drop their C2C subs and join in with Art.    Assuming Art is reading this - as good as you are, Art, you are still fighting a battle against a huge amount of other entertainment options which are becoming increasingly cheap or free.    Don't make the mistake of putting people off by paying for your program.   There are some podcasts out there that make millions in ad revenue that charge nothing for the podcast at all.
There is a format that a Wrestling show does that I like. They only offer so many shows for free at once and when a new one comes out the oldest free one goes into the archive. So lets say the past week is always free, that means there would perpetually be 5 free shows on iTunes or whatever and each day when the newest ep goes up it'd bump the first one into the archives that only subscribers can get to. Thing is I think the backlog would have to be bigger than it is right now to get people into that.
Quote from: transistor under my pillow on July 24, 2015, 09:38:24 PM
I've been saying this all week. We waited 2 years for Art to return to the airwaves and the first world problems of some of his fans start on Day 1.

To the original poster, if you didn't enjoy the very first phone call, there's nothing here for you.  Good news though. C2C needs more listeners.
Oh piss off. There is plenty to enjoy if you don't like open lines and callers. Like the guests, you know, the ones that make up the largest chunk of the show. Don't get shitty because someone doesn't enjoy the same exact aspects of the show as you.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: First Caller "Rose"
July 23, 2015, 06:52:50 PM
I've never liked callers on any show. I'll post what I told Darkness Dave when I responded to a message he sent me here

"Even though I'm an Art fan and a lot of what he did was based around calls I've never been a fan of call-ins. There is nothing that makes me want to turn a show off faster than a caller "umm-ing and ahh-ing" their way through a story or repeating themselves, especially if they have an unpleasant voice. That's why I skipped Art's open lines when he was on XM even thought the new Art show was the most exciting thing in the world to me. My attituide on callers has always been that I listen for a host who knows how to talk on the radio and guests who do as well, I don't listen to hear Jim-Bob down the street stumble all over himself because he finally got on the radio . "

As far as audience interaction goes I vastly prefer emails being read.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: First Caller "Rose"
July 21, 2015, 09:43:51 PM
Guess I'm the only one that hated it then? I just hate callers in general though.
I listened on the Tune in App on my ipod with it connected to my Stereo. the skype calls sound amazing.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
May 26, 2015, 02:05:44 PM
Quote from: nooryisawesome on May 17, 2015, 04:21:29 AM
Seems darkness radio has been better of late.
Really? I haven't been able to listen regularly in a long time. I hate Para-share because of his insistence of taking callers instead of reading E-Mail. I can only take so many people talking about how they "just knew so and so was telling me it was ok" and it seems like every guest is some kind of Psychic or some new-age Hoodoo bullshit. a couple weeks ago I caught a UFO show that was ok though. It's just nothing ever seems creepy anymore which is odd with the intro they have.
Native myths and legends.
I once enjoyed an episode of this show where Clyde talked about Wendigo. There was also a great wolfman one once too. anything like that recently or has he doubled down on conspiracy stuff?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
May 08, 2015, 04:43:14 PM
I love the sound of an actual radio even though I mostly listen to shows online. It doesn't much matter when I play some white noise behind whatever I'm listening to.
Normally I put on one of those, a old Art show,light a candle, turn out the lights, turn the fan on high and play a video game.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: ANYONE JUST SEE WHAT I SAW
February 11, 2015, 11:55:21 PM
I listen to a couple popular mainstream radio shows through Podcast and know that they have to cut music out so the station doesn't have to pay out the ass so I know art isn't lying on that front. That said, it'd be super easy to find new music. There are a ton of channels on youtube that create royalty free music and Art has such a big fanbase that he could do a contest for people to send him their original music.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
June 15, 2014, 12:52:15 PM
Quote from: Scully on May 31, 2014, 03:45:27 AM
I like Dave Schrader when he's on Coast, but what I've heard of him on his own show, the bumper music drives me crazy and the off-topic "guy talk" that goes on and on and on while some woman laughs hysterically at everything the guys say is a dealkiller.  Maybe I've just listened on the wrong nights.   :P
Sounds like you're listening to Supernatural News or Para-Share. Those nights are meant to be light and funny. Just dave,Tim and Mallie having fun while reading news and listener mail.

The most recent one had me cracking up, crying when Dave was talking about Tim shoulder-tackling Caribou.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
January 30, 2014, 07:50:51 PM
Quote from: BattyBrooke on January 27, 2014, 03:51:55 PM
So, as I said before, I was an instant fan of Dave Schrader when I first heard him on C2C in December so I started listening to Darkness Radio on a daily basis during my morning run. Since then, a bit has changed. Don't get me wrong, I still really enjoy Dave himself but, there are a few things I could do without. #1) The female host who does Paranormal News with him is beyond annoying. So much so, that I'd become irritated to go into detail as to why, so I won't. No, I am not one of those women who just doesn't like other women. My very fav C2C guest is Linda Moulten Howe, and I also adore another top talk radio host who is female that I will not mention here as most hate her. Let's just say I truly appreciate intelligent women that don't rely on sex appeal (you shouldn't sound like you're having phone sex when you're on air) or playing stupid (talk talk giggle giggle talk giggle). #2) The silly banter between Dave and Tim (I think that is his name) can become really tiresome. I guess when I listen to shows in this genre, I expect a certain level of focus and seriousness. The "funny" tangents they go off on together, the joking/teasing they do with eachother (especially when a guest is actually on the line!) really rubs me the wrong way. Often they will be in the middle of an interesting Q&A with a well spoken/great topic guest and just take a sidebar to go at it, and then, to top it off, the humor isn't even funny. Now, I do have a sense of humor. I find funny men sexier than "hot" men and have a healthy amount of stand-up comedy DVDs as I am a huge fan of comedy, but it's just so out of place to me on this type of radio show. Maybe I am to used to, and comfortable with, Art Bell's style, as well as George Knapp's, that I feel such humor during one of these shows is somewhat insulting to the genre. With that said, I do understand Dave himself has stated Darkness Radio is like Coast to Coast Lite AND, I do appreciate that when he did fill in on C2C he remained focused and serious throughout. Solution? Have Dave Schrader replace George Noory as a permanent host and remain true to the style/form of C2C, and while we're wishing, cut the C2C commercial time by 75%. Thanks.
I've been listening since about 07 when I found Darkness on The Edge of Town on Planet Paranormal. The show use to be way more serious and it's much better now. I totally disagree with you about Mallie, she's been a great addition and she's perfect for the News shows which are supposed to be relaxed and funny.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dark Matter Network Content
December 05, 2013, 10:22:57 PM
Quote from: forgottenpassword on December 04, 2013, 06:42:56 PM
This venture is going to fail anyway.  Podcasts are meant to be on demand not streamed on a website.
KGRA,Z-talk,Inception Radio Network, Free Thought Radio. Online radio is a thing that works.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dark Matter Network Content
December 01, 2013, 02:05:11 PM
This needs The Unexplained. Howard Hughes is as professional and smart as they come.  He's been in radio for years and is a big fan of Art himself. After Dark is the highlight of this lineup, though.  Also, this needs to be available on Shoutcast. I can listen to KGRA,Z-Talk and Freethought Radio through Shoutcast so it's possible.
Pam Stone. I miss her show more than anything.
Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on November 07, 2013, 11:15:12 PM
Some of this stuff he streams is interesting. He has some origin of the universe thing on now.
He had police scanner stuff on yesterday. I listened for about 5 minutes. Guess a domestic violence was going on out in the Vegas area.

Anyway just made me think of my own site.
Me and a friend talking over police scanner radio from somewhere like West Virginia or East Texas where shit gets crazy. Or Eastern Washington.
Sort of llike MST3K meets Waynes World.
That sounds insanely interesting.
Quote from: Skyehype on November 06, 2013, 09:15:30 PM
Found this linked to on another thread in the forum.
Thought it might deserve its own thread - As people may like to help out and test the stream for Art.
Out of sheer curiosity I just have a question concerning how you've phrased the title of this thread.  How old are you and how long have you been on the internet?
Quote from: DickyC on November 06, 2013, 02:08:29 PM
Did Art quitting help?
Kinda. the time slot and having to listen via the app wasn't quite working for me. It broke into my workout time and I had to stay up later to listen to the whole show. I'll be happy as can be if Art just starts podcasting.
I kept getting the 90 minute time out even if I did something. And I had issues fast forwarding sometimes too. Once I hit FFW to go to the next segment and it took me back to a show that was on like 2 slots before Art. I've also had it crash a couple times while adjusting the volume.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
November 05, 2013, 01:37:10 AM
From Artbell.com
We are sorry that Dark Matter on SiriusXM has come to an abrupt end. We'll examine our options and may be able to return in a different format and medium.

In the mean time, ArtBell.com will still operate as long as financially possible, hoping for a workable solution to bring Art back to you, soon. Keep checking back here often
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
November 04, 2013, 09:21:12 PM
Quote from: weeberwubber on October 21, 2013, 10:36:31 AM
If you go to the Darkness Radio website and follow the links you can find a ton of shows downloadable as free podcasts.  http://www.darknessradio.com/  His local radio station hosts them.  They are good.  When hiking nightly in the woods I like to listen to talk and found myself listening to Darkess Radio way more often than Coast to Coast.  Problem is that Darkness doesn't get a lot of guests and so there is a lot of "paranormal in the news" type shows.  On some nights Mallie Fox is there too and she's teh hotness.   http://www.paranormalgirl.com/

When Schrader (calling him by his last name so I don't confuse the Daves*) does interview someone he doesn't stand for BS or pull punches.  He had a time travel guy on several months ago, if I remember right, and really gave him a hard time.  Maybe someone else can recall which show that was.

You also might remember him from co hosting the last Ghost Adventures live show on Halloween a few years ago.

There is no Dark Matter on Friday anyway.  I'd suggest giving Schrader a chance and not projecting opinions of the other Dave on him.  Maybe you'll like it and can fill in your Dark Matter downtime with Darkness instead of C2C.

*because it would be SO EASY to confuse that statement with the other Dave, amirite?
Supernatural News is honestly my favorite thing. I make sure to listen to that above everything else. I pick and choose other shows based on guests.  I love when they get to be funny. But about the Time Travel guy. That was a guy claiming to be John  Titor and when he let it slip that he wasn't Titor, Dave shut him down and ended the call. He also shut Down an EVP guy a few weeks before that when the guy refused to admit that they figured out one of his EVPs.

This tells about the EVP show incident.

Here are the links to the "Titor" show

Dave is nothing like Art and doesn't try to be like him. There can be more than one good host in the world. Dave is great and has been for a long time.
Yep. He's filling in for his second time. I love Darkness Radio so I look forward to hearing Dave in the big chair again. I'd listen every night if Dave was there.
Radio and Podcasts / Allan Handelman
October 13, 2013, 05:47:57 PM
This is the man that got me into late night radio. Use to listen to his show every Sunday night. Haven't listened in a while because he stopped coming on the usual stations but now he uses UStream.
He talks about alot of Rock & Roll  but he also covers the kinds of things Art does. He even does C-Crane ads and uses some of the same bumper music.
Christ, some of you people seem like you have to find something wrong with everything. Last night was an awesome and fun show. The only bad thing about was the amount of people going"Is this me? Am I on?".
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