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so who] has had the "Drop out" issue on xmsirius app that art spoke about

Started by tweet75, November 04, 2013, 11:40:43 PM


I kept getting the 90 minute time out even if I did something. And I had issues fast forwarding sometimes too. Once I hit FFW to go to the next segment and it took me back to a show that was on like 2 slots before Art. I've also had it crash a couple times while adjusting the volume.


Happened to me several times (every time I listened live) as well as when I listened on demand. Personally found it very annoying , reported it to Paul the Producer as requested, but also told Paul I was willing to hang in there with Sirius and give them time to correct the bugs.


Quote from: DickyC on November 06, 2013, 02:08:29 PM
Did Art quitting help?
Kinda. the time slot and having to listen via the app wasn't quite working for me. It broke into my workout time and I had to stay up later to listen to the whole show. I'll be happy as can be if Art just starts podcasting.

I've had the 1001 error happen 2 or 3 times on the computer and I've had the android app crash a couple of times too...

.. on demand has crashed a few times and started over again


Quote from: DickyC on November 06, 2013, 10:27:03 AM
It worked perfectly. Bell is a quitter. Probably had a hand in Ramona's death as well. He is a piece of shit.

Oh, Jeeze.  I'd hate to think that. 
I suspect that he and R might have had difficulties.  There was a point at which she was no longer on the show and he stopped mentioning her name, whereas before she was the love of his life. 

Yeah, and maybe he was talking to his current wife on the net a lot longer than we'd normally think. 

But for Art to do something so dastardly he would have to be convinced that there was no life after death and I think he's a believer, deep down inside.

We never know truly what goes on in a relationship, do we?  A lot of disagreements are not one sided. 

Enough time has passed.  He remembers Ramona with what sounds like real affection.  Maybe he married so soon because he was in shock.  People react to these things differently, don't they? 

Anyway, I have a Sirius home radio (2, as a matter of fact), bought specifically because of Art.  My WiFi signal is excellent.  The signal drops and resets itself usually from one to four times in a four hour period but there are nights in which this does not happen at all.  The worst time was when that recorded message came on.  I even went to listen on my computer and that naturally did the same thing.

So Art is willing to trying to forgo his pay to do freestreaming, which will have him broadcasting on Sirius and on the web? 

Why?  Is he getting bored?  Is he happy in that (what I picture) kind of desolate town in the middle of a desert?  If he just volunteers his services, who pays his staff? 

I just don't get it.  I guess I am too used to being lied to by politicians and media types. 



Quote from: Dont Fear The Reaper on November 04, 2013, 11:59:50 PM
Never had a problem. Use iOS app, android app, tabletop internet radio, and a satellite radio.

Really. Wow. One guy, and 5 different methods to listen to one show. Hmmm


well I have excellent hardware and great connections.

On both hardwired and wireless between PC's, Laptops, iOS devices, I have only had about 4 nights of errors.  BUT those errors occurred on the same nights most everyone else was having the same issues.  So, it's clearly a software/stream problem on Sirius' end. 


Quote from: SpooksKFC on November 06, 2013, 06:26:01 AM
Worked fine all the time.  Opera browser with hardwire 20mb net.

The only people who would have problems either have shitty internet or shoddy wireless, buy a friggin radio then.
YA! - because NO ONE on here know's how to build a good PC or has good internet. pffft!



Never had an issue.  Streamed fine over windows 7, iOS, and mac. Been streaming since Howard came over in 2005. No issues.

I wonder how many of the people who had problems were just streaming with bad connections.  This whole issue could be on giant cluster f of user error. Go figure.

Spooky Matter

No problems at all here but now we know who wormed their whines and what probably affected the senior mind of Art Bell to abruptly pull a Houdini on his contract.  Pathetic!  Big deal if u dropped, use on demand ffs!


Quote from: Spooky Matter on November 07, 2013, 04:26:27 AM
No problems at all here but now we know who wormed their whines and what probably affected the senior mind of Art Bell to abruptly pull a Houdini on his contract.  Pathetic!  Big deal if u dropped, use on demand ffs!
Wow, i never wormed Art on this matter there spooky matter...FFS use the ondemand feature yourself lol.   Personally I liked it Live, and thought you listened to my stream anyways FFS, so your opinion on the matter is worthless as well!

and i quote..."I am content with YouTube and I'm sure down the road there may be more choices.  I'm certainly not giving them more than what coast gets to listen to one damn show!  It should not cost more than *just fifteenth thence a day!"


I had problems it seemed every show. Gave up because atleast on my system, the pirate streams were more stable, very few drops on the pirate stream. Which is weird, concidering.

I know it's not just my internet, because I can listen to tune in/I heart radio/etc for hours with nary a problem.I never had a problem with the Fineartstream.

Dident have any problems on my android phone( then again, I never used it live, only ondemand)

Never sent art a message about it though, seeing how he seemed to know about it.

I've never had a problem with it when using On Demand to listen to older shows, though I prefer to use my home receiver for live radio if I'm not in the car. No issues on the satellite end.


Quote from: TumbleWeed on November 07, 2013, 05:10:25 AM
I had problems it seemed every show. Gave up because atleast on my system, the pirate streams were more stable, very few drops on the pirate stream. Which is weird, concidering.

Oh jeez wonder why?  ;)  Because any respectable pirate knows cold how to get a reliable stream, and use reliable equipment.
They are not going to use wireless, they will not pay for a shitty ISP, and they usually build their own systems from scratch.
One of the best streamers out there is a guy called Ipokesmot.  His stream ran 4 hours every night flawlessly, that is until he sometimes passed out drunk.


I had it about twice each show. That's on a Windows 7 laptop with a wired connection. It sucked, but it wasn't *that* bad.


I streamed it on my phone with the just the 3g/4g signal and it worked just fine.  I know that these analogies aren't real data but from a personal perspective I just didn't experience the issue which art is using as his reason to exit.

I'm actually MORE disappointed now than I was initially, if art did magically return I don't even know if I would tune in.  I'm kind of over it.


Quote from: Job on November 05, 2013, 12:16:12 AM
People have posted that Sirius is giving pro-rated refunds upon cancellation.  Hope this is true.
I received an email letting me know that my cc had been refunded yesterday so I had zero issues in getting the account cancelled.  This may not be indicative of everyone's experience though as customer service at Sirius is spotty.

Quote from: nika01 on November 06, 2013, 07:30:12 PM
Really. Wow. One guy, and 5 different methods to listen to one show. Hmmm

Hmmm...not just to listen to one show. I have had an iPod touch for years - to listen to all my music, podcasts, TuneIn, and SiriusXM. I have an Android smartphone, which is not exactly a rarity in society these days. I have had a SiriusXM satellite radio since 2007 because I like listening to satellite radio...shocking isn't it? Got the tabletop radio on the cheap because I like having XM available on that platform. And the desktop app because, like nearly every human being in the civilized world, I have access to a computer.

In the end, I'm just impressed that you were able to count to 5.


live in the middle of the jungle in a third world country (on assignment for work)... with a shitty ass 128kbps dsl connection which limits my DLs to 100kb/s and I NEVER had an issue with the stream dropping on my iPhone app!  >:(


Quote from: urbie88 on November 06, 2013, 11:12:47 PM
Never had an issue.  Streamed fine over windows 7, iOS, and mac. Been streaming since Howard came over in 2005. No issues.

I wonder how many of the people who had problems were just streaming with bad connections.  This whole issue could be on giant cluster f of user error. Go figure.

I have the shittiest connection ever and never had an issue. iPhone 5... wonder if its an Android issue, seems to me folks streaming from Android are having all the issues lolz


Quote from: iBelieve on November 07, 2013, 09:32:02 PM
I have the shittiest connection ever and never had an issue. iPhone 5... wonder if its an Android issue, seems to me folks streaming from Android are having all the issues lolz

I streamed with the Sirius android app and never had any issues.


I never had an issue, except the 1001 timeout, which was quickly remedied by simply moving the cursor on the SXM page.  Never tried it on my phone, even though I downloaded the app.  Couldn't log in.  Greedy bastards apparently want you to pay separately for a mobile streaming option?


I just had a 1001 error for the first time. I've not seen it as 1001 error until now, but just a regular error of some sort without a number where I had to wait to login again. I'm listening through the Internet Radio feature through a laptop with a DSL connection and a 2.50 gHz processor. Nothing else is running. I was listening to channel 111 for a few hours. My battery was nearly at 10%, though. I was able to log back in after quitting the firefox browser (new 25.0 version) with Windows 8. The channel was not on 111 when I logged back in, but on channel 108. I sent feedback.


I received the response below as a result of sending feedback:
QuoteThank you for contacting SiriusXM regarding the error that you are receiving from your SiriusXM Internet Radio. We are sorry for the inconvenience that this issue may have caused you.

Tune away from your current channel and then back to it. If you still get the error code after that, close any open applications as they may be slowing down your computer. A slow or temporarily disrupted Internet connection can cause this error.

• If the Media Player is not loading properly, please verify that your Internet connection is consistent. An intermittent connection can cause Flash applications to fail to load content, especially streaming content.

• If you are hearing music, then the Player might be slow in loading graphics.

• If you do not hear music or see any graphics, then try refreshing your page by pressing F5, Control R or Command R.

Subscribers listening to SiriusXM Internet Radio on their computers will need the following:
For PC - Windows XP SP1 and up, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
For Mac - OS X v10.6
Connection Speed - ISDN or higher
Browser - Internet Explorer: IE7 and up; Firefox 4.0 and up; Safari 5.0 and up; Chrome 10 and up
Flash version - 11.1 and up

Windows Media Player - Windows Media Player Version 9 or greater is required. To download the latest Windows Media Player, please refer to the link below:


For helpful information about Media player features, such as frequently asked questions and troubleshooting tips, please click on link below:


The instructions above should help you troubleshoot this issue. However, if you continue to experience any difficulties please give us a call at the number listed below.

We are committed to providing you with the best in listener care. If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this email. You can always manage your account online 24/7 by clicking

Thank you,

SiriusXM Listener Care

If you have received continuous 1001 error messages, have you phoned Sirius? I'd be interested to know what they say.


Quote from: Wednesday on November 10, 2013, 02:00:38 PM
I received the response below as a result of sending feedback:
If you have received continuous 1001 error messages, have you phoned Sirius? I'd be interested to know what they say.

At least for me changing from a wireless connection to an Ethernet connection fixed the problem. But it shouldn't have been a problem. I watch HULU, Amazon Prime, and listen to several other internet streams every day and often several times during the day. Yet SiriusXM needed "more". They suck. They offer 80% shit and the other 20% is a mixed bag.

Several people here have talked about Art's low ratings... could be, I have no way to argue, either way. I can say that the other shows on Indie 104 sucked dog dick. The ratings for covino and rich, jay thomas, and pete dominick must have sucked. their shows were tepid at best.

SiriusXM isn't the worst thing I have ever bought. In fairness they offer continuous play no matter how far you drive in the US. That is a pretty good feature. But their internet service was lousier than a maggot filled mouse sandwich.

I had them here and there after the first two weeks. Sometimes it would drop out and I would have to wait about 15 minutes to get back in (but the rest of sirius worked fine).

It became so annoying I started listening to a stream from other sources.


Quote from: SpooksKFC on November 07, 2013, 06:17:42 AM
Oh jeez wonder why?  ;)  Because any respectable pirate knows cold how to get a reliable stream, and use reliable equipment.
They are not going to use wireless, they will not pay for a shitty ISP, and they usually build their own systems from scratch.
One of the best streamers out there is a guy called Ipokesmot.  His stream ran 4 hours every night flawlessly, that is until he sometimes passed out drunk.
well i personally didn't like his stream and he interjected - I only turn the commercials down a bit...

my stream is/was running off an ipad mini and only had minor issues, that forced me to move to the pc/webplayer - and went back to the pad within the show 2twice.  EVERYONE got hit by that error too so...

the 1001 errors occured at random but with the pausability of the show, they were non existent and a minor bump to my over 200 listeners on willstare ...so...at 64kbs which is exactly the match to sirius no less...

right now I've been streaming to jtv for 15 hrs at 1900 kbs --128kbs audio-- you tell me lol if it can't be done better !



Never had an error nor could I even intentionally get one. Sorry to those that were plagued by it though. We are a vocal minority at this site either way.


Quote from: urbie88 on November 06, 2013, 11:12:47 PM
Never had an issue.  Streamed fine over windows 7, iOS, and mac. Been streaming since Howard came over in 2005. No issues.

I wonder how many of the people who had problems were just streaming with bad connections.  This whole issue could be on giant cluster f of user error. Go figure.

I think its a vocal minority + Art not being able to accept that his ratings were that bad. "Obviously this 1001 error is to blame! Now that I don't stand to make as much as I calculated, I will make an unreasonable demand and get out asap."

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