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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


The problem here is Art's insistence on disappearing with bullshit, cryptic messages that do nothing for the people that care. He's abusive. If he has plans, he should speak the fuck up like a man and reveal them. Sirius or not, I would have been fine if he came out with a press release explaining everything and saying he has plans for the future that will allow for more people to access the show. Instead, typical Art appears and quits before the shit drops. I'll bank on it being the end of Art, and really, that's how it should be. Sour taste.

Wonder what Sardondi thinks.


The thing that's really lame is vanishing with no explanation. At least he could do one last show to explain. But the fact that his FB has now vanished makes it look like he's just running for the hills. I hope he at least posts something on his website.

Wonder if he's watching these boards just to see how "loyal" his fans really are now. You hurt our feelings, Art. We've been defending you from all the naysayers for all this damn time and now this?


Quote from: indigoo on November 04, 2013, 06:09:12 PM
The problem here is Art's insistence on disappearing with bullshit, cryptic messages that do nothing for the people that care. He's abusive. If he has plans, he should speak the fuck up like a man and reveal them. Sirius or not, I would have been fine if he came out with a press release explaining everything and saying he has plans for the future that will allow for more people to access the show. Instead, typical Art appears and quits before the shit drops. I'll bank on it being the end of Art, and really, that's how it should be. Sour taste.

Wonder what Sardondi thinks.

THIS. I should have just pointed up at this post.


I told you guys it wouldn't last. XM is way too shitty to be of use to anyone. There was far too few listeners to support Art, I said this from the beginning.



I've now-and-then wandered into coastgab / bellgab over the years and started lurking a little more frequently after the news of Art's new show started building.  I couldn't always listen live but it was nice to read other reactions when I could listen.  I appreciate the board being here.

I've been listening to Art since about '96 and so was pretty excited like most of you about the show on Sirius.  I already subscribed for Stern but what a nice bonus that Art was coming back.  I just use the internet apps through home speakers so wasn't out anything, but I still feel as though this particular move was disrespectful to his audience. 

I understand his personality is the type to say "I'll do it my way or not at all," and my default position is anti-authority so I understand those feelings --- but all things considered I don't understand what was so bad as to initiate self-destruct.  Especially considering they appeared to go to great lengths to work this out for him.  He very consciously stoked up his fan-base in anticipation of the new show, and even though I personally wasn't out an investment, I do not blame people for being angry.  This seems like taking advantage of that audience as a bargaining chip, more so considering the financial investment.  There was no harm in his asking Sirius, but it was clearly such an extreme request given Sirius' model that making it an "all or nothing" proposition can't help but appear self-destructive.  I like Art and his show over the years but man this feels like taking the audience for granted.   There's a point where the fans want the show, not just to be used in negotiating.  My life doesn't come to a halt because of it, but frustration is understandable.  It was a nice retirement gig:  moderate audience, income, doing what you purport to love.  WTF?!

Graham Hancock has been removed as a guest.
It's not a hack folks.
This sucks!!!

Here's a difference between this flake-out and those previous; we (most of us) have money on the line here.  Before, Art was quitting "terrestrial" radio, which was free to the listeners.   This time, a lot of us committed (like as in CONTRACTED) to pay S/XM SOLELY to hear Art.  

I am so disappointed.  

Art, you are squandering the affection, good-will and loyalty of a lot of people.

You owe us an explanation, and an apology.  I hope both are forthcoming.  If they are not, then I  am "all out".


Hey, I heard Art quit!

too soon?


Yanno , art bell is an emotional man ..i think he's up to something , and the end result is going to be great ..but he gets caught up in the game and makes some bad thoughtless mistakes ..
I forgive him


Quote from: onan on November 04, 2013, 06:53:21 PM
Hey, I heard Art quit!

too soon?

Well, apparently Art didn't think it was too soon.

Quote from: onan on November 04, 2013, 06:53:21 PM
Hey, I heard Art quit!

too soon?

Onan, you tear my heart out!   ;)

In the words of the inimitable Marvin the Martian, I'm not angry... just terribly, terribly hurt!


Maybe the 14 people that actually listened to the show should request a refund from XM. Like my dumb ass.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on November 04, 2013, 06:50:36 PM
Graham Hancock has been removed as a guest.
It's not a hack folks.
This sucks!!!
He'll be on with Noory tonight, smh

Quote from: West of the Rockies on November 04, 2013, 06:57:32 PM
In the words of the inimitable Marvin the Martian, I'm not angry... just terribly, terribly hurt!

Yeah.  I think I'll go make myself a drink now.  Maybe two or three.      ***sob***


I am so sad to hear this news :(

The only thing I can do now is hope that he's going for a free internet-only show so that he can reach his entire audience like he wanted to.

I really don't know what to think..  I'm a bit beside myself on this one.


I just heard the news folks. However I do have a feeling this is not the end. There is something in the works.

Spooky Matter

What the hell is going on?  I just can't speak.  There are no words.  What the hell is going on?  He can not NOT let everyone know what the hell is going on!  I mean what in the hell is fucking going on here people???

Spooky Matter

Maybe NOW you'll post pics of your clocks. CLOCKS.  Mirrors and lamps are acceptable too.

Please go here  ;D:



Wow. Based on Facebook people are really pissed. This does make him look really not great... The problem wasn't that bad for him to quit. He must have been very unhappy with the quality. I doubt anyone will hire him now. He's got to do a podcast or nothing.



I just found out the [bad] news. I can't believe it!
I hope this is just a temporary thing. No way he'll stay off the air!
If not Sirius, maybe some other place.


this is just sad. glad I didn't waste any money on an satellite radio

can't believe Art is going to roll out of here like a no class clown. can't even finish out the week?! wtf

No chance anyone is going to take a chance on him again


So Art's very final words on the last show were, "again thank you all very much. Thank you for spooky matter. All the spooky stories, even the one, that never came to the point. And i'm sure given the opportunity, never would have ended. Good night all"


awwww geebus!!!  I'm just getting the news........  seriously, just damn.  damn.  damn. 

c'mon Art, we're with ya man.  Whatch doin???


Yeah Art!
Let us know the real story. I'm getting tired of all this bullshit and trolls with their negative nonsense.
Just get back on the air somewhere.  ;)


Quote from: onan on November 04, 2013, 06:53:21 PM
Hey, I heard Art quit!

too soon?

good one.  nope.  you're on the mark as usual.


This reminds me of years ago. I worked in this shop and I had things really good. Good pay, co-workers etc. I had to quit and move to the other side of the Country to work in the military. Finally after a few years I returned home. I had the option of returning to the same shop I used to work at. But something told me I shouldn't and I should move on to something new. Despite my concerns and my inner feelings telling me not to go back I did indeed go back. Well things were never the same there. Things had changed so much and it was just not the way it used to be. I ended up wasting another 2 years there before I finally moved on. (which I should have done in the first place.) Well this reminds me of what has happened today with Art. This should remind us all never go back but move on.  :-X  :(


Should have seen this coming. How many times were we able to get through and get on air? Jaz was practically an Ed McMahon sidekick

So sad

Well, I am disappoint.

So you can't really do open lines. Fine. How about making it a straight up interview show? There are many podcasts that don't take open lines. I'm listening to Spooky Matter again tonight. Hearing all of the callers here I really don't see a problem. So the scale of the show is smaller than it was on AM. Who cares? Take skype calls and have some fan service for the next three years until your contract is up then call it quits.

This is really too bad, because all of the fans that went "all-in" to listen to Dark Matter are now screwed, and that seems to be due to one guy and one guy only. After such hype went into this with the Time magazine piece and all the talk of "running the show the way he wanted" it fell flat within two months. I think someone at some point on this thread said they give Art three. Well, I suppose whoever that was gets one depressing "ding".

All I really have to say is that the website is still up, and the stuff on the Sirius end of it has not yet changed, Dark Matter is still listed on the app and so I'm thinking maybe there is still some negotiation going on. I'm going to hold out hope and see what we hear over the next week. Maybe there's still some hope that this can be salvaged.

If not, this is a lesson in how to turn a fanbase against you.

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