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Art Bell Quits Dark Matter

Started by DesertFox, November 01, 2013, 08:13:24 AM

Quote from: popple on November 04, 2013, 11:09:01 PM
You keep saying this.

And it's true.  If Art Bell decides to work things out with Sirius, I can't see people resubscribing all over again.  And you know the callers would be infuriated.

This is all the ingredients of a fucking backlash.  And he is dead to me.


I'm bummed but will give him the benefit of the doubt. If he shows back up on the radio, I'll listen; and if he doesn't come back, I'll survive.

I'm trying to be more thankful and less cynical in life so all I've really got to say is that I'm glad I got to hear some new shows from him.


Quote from: EarthAlien007 on November 04, 2013, 11:06:13 PM
You would prefer a radio host say, " I know their streaming sucks, but fuck you. Deal with it."
No, Art wanted a quality streaming show for all his fans, and Sirius couldn't do that. That was the issue, "fix the streaming". It was NO demand. He asked them to fix it and offered to help even.

But IHeartRadio is the 'premier' radiostream, and they suck horribly. A sports station I listen to even has a contest "how far into the week can we make it without IHR effing up?" - their record is TUESDAY.

People listening online can also be victims of their service providers - a lot of the companies allow you a limit of usage, then afterwards they make it slow so you'll sign for new plans (they're phasing out unlimited).

Sorry, Art clearly watches too much "24" or other shows that show the Net as being seamless and always perfect.


Quote from: Philosopher on November 04, 2013, 11:07:52 PM

It is not a good night.

Noory's mug in the Huffpo article finished me off.  What a nightmare.  :P

I have the same feeling as I did when I supported Ross Perot for President in 1992.  He makes tremendous strides then just quits.   No wonder I have so little faith in humans anymore.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: ItsOver on November 04, 2013, 11:12:48 PM
Noory's mug in the Huffpo article finished me off.  What a nightmare.  :P

      Sadly, he WILL be on in about 50 minutes.


Quote from: dortmunder on November 04, 2013, 11:06:34 PM
Well, I was hoping this shitty news wouldn't set the tone for the rest of the week and I guess it hasn't. I just scored a writing gig.  :D Won't pay too much but at least it'll make up for paying a month-and-a-half's worth of Sirius. And it will give me something to take my mind off of worrying about Art Bell. And, God, I do need the money. Hope you all get some good news too this week.

Congrats on the gig  :)


Bottom line: SiriusXM promised me a satellite radio subscription and an internet radio service. Both of which they have delivered - without me experiencing any problems with either. Art Bell stated he was coming back to radio, on SiriusXM, on a three year contract. He further went on to encourage his former listeners and fans to purchase subscriptions to the service as well as any needed equipment. For all of the AB apologist, please explain who didn't deliver on their end of the deal. For Art Bell to publicly attempt to extort a service he knows SiriusXM won't deliver on is crap. If they do, next it will be Opie and Andy, Howard Stern, and on and on. Soon they'll be providing a free radio streaming service with very little ability to generate revenue and cease to exist as a business. This situation is on Art and is fairly indicative of how he always behaves. I love his talent and he is absolutely the best in this genre, but his ego - or disorder - whatever you want to call it, has caused this. Short of him coming to the mic tomorrow and doing the job he agreed to do, he can kiss my ass. Yes, I'm mad, but his take my ball and go home attitude is why I'm mad.


Quote from: SomeVelvetMorning on November 04, 2013, 11:14:24 PM
I have the same feeling as I did when I supported Ross Perot for President in 1992.  He makes tremendous strides then just quits.   No wonder I have so little faith in humans anymore.

I may have to turn to human beans.  Maybe they're more reliable.

Quote from: ItsOver on November 04, 2013, 11:12:48 PM
Noory's mug in the Huffpo article finished me off.  What a nightmare.  :P

In fairness, Noory shouldnt have even been mentioned. He even did the "right" thing with the no comment. Noory still sucks though.

Heather Wade

Williedee, I may be too depressed for a couple of days to work on the archive.

Or maybe working on it will soothe the pain.

I'm still in the "what the fuq?" stage.   :(


Quote from: RealCool Daddio on November 04, 2013, 11:06:01 PM
I never had a problem with the Sirius stream being unreliable.  The host of Dark Matter, however, is another issue entirely...

yeah no shit.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on November 04, 2013, 11:08:24 PM
Noory did something right. No comment. That is exactly what he should continue to say.

I think he said:  "Gnow Kwamment" - with a mouth full of searing-hot pizza roll.


Quote from: bateman on November 04, 2013, 11:09:18 PM
That sounds pretty final to me.
Seeing Noory's picture in that article, one of his trolls probably sent this shit out to the press.
Good. More publicity for Art when he's back on the air somewhere.
"By mutual agreement, Dark Matter will no longer air as of tonight."
I don't think he's gonna be held to any non compete stuff.


Heather Wade

Quote from: SgtRocko on November 04, 2013, 11:00:14 PM
Tail between legs, re-subscribed to the C2C newsletter. 

Say it ain't so...

I was just re-listening to Art's mid-90's interview with Fr. Malachai Martin.  I remember when I  heard it live, driving out of Reno at midnight and the signal came in so clear and loud, and there was only me and a bunch of 18-wheelers on I-80, and I thought this was the best most riveting weird thing I had ever heard.

And it was.  

But it was a long time ago.

Art,  I am sad.  You squandered a great and loyal audience.

Without an explanation that is coherent, and an apology, I am "all out".


Quote from: Philosopher on November 04, 2013, 11:16:38 PM

I think he said:  "Gnow Kwamment" - with a mouth full of searing-hot pizza roll.

I guess Tommy wasn't around with a 3x5.


Quote from: dortmunder on November 04, 2013, 11:06:34 PM
Well, I was hoping this shitty news wouldn't set the tone for the rest of the week and I guess it hasn't. I just scored a writing gig.  :D Won't pay too much but at least it'll make up for paying a month-and-a-half's worth of Sirius. And it will give me something to take my mind off of worrying about Art Bell. And, God, I do need the money. Hope you all get some good news too this week.

Freelance writers unite! Congrats! I got an assignment today for an article on doomsday preppers. Like yours, it doesn't pay a lot, but damn, it'll be a fun one to write! The one bright spot in my week. :)


Quote from: (Redacted) on November 04, 2013, 11:16:19 PM
Williedee, I may be too depressed for a couple of days to work on the archive.

Or maybe working on it will soothe the pain.

I'm still in the "what the fuq?" stage.   :(

that's okay, i'm too busy with school this week to do much as well. at least we wont abandon that project like a certain someone we know ;) haha


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 04, 2013, 11:07:28 PM
I guess I'll have to go back and start defending Noory again. That's about as appealing as flavored butter, but shit, I've got nothing else left.

All I have left is Bateman pranking Gnoory.


Quote from: popple on November 04, 2013, 11:04:10 PM
Paranormal Radio Host Art Bell Mysteriously Disappears From SiriusXM


NSFL WARNING: There is a picture of Gnoory's mug in the article.

"The 68-year-old co-creator of the hugely successful 'Coast to Coast AM'"

Co-creator? CO-CREATOR????????? Fucking Huffington Post. God, I hate that site!


Does anybody know what Art's numbers were?

I'm wondering if they weren't as good as he'd anticipated and his ego was kicked.  It was all "THIS is how you do talk radio!"  But if the ratings were soft, he may have wanted to up the ante with the free-for-all on his site. 

I also think his ego would preclude him from coming back.  I don't think Art does humble well. 

And those who are hoping he's playing poker, I'm reminded of my fellow Obama followers going "he's playing three dimensional chess!"  when it was really no, he just did something too fucking stupid for words. 

I think this was really stupid of Art.   I'm fucking disgusted.  I feel betrayed!  By a talk show host I've never even met!  How fucking pathetic. 


I, for one, will sit back and see what happens.  Sure, I'm upset this has happened. Let it simmer overnight and see what floats to the top. If it's done, it's done. Art is a man, and just that. Human. For what it's worth, we got a good ride while it lasted. You want to know what made part of it worthwhile? The live discussions during the show. I've never laughed so hard in my life!  Felt good to be a part of something. It was like I would imagine riding cross country with Ken Casey in FURTHER.  51's and Roswells!


Well look on the bright side Art Bell is gone but........ The McRib is back! So anyhow the whole thing is over the connection thing? Also do to half of his audience subscribed or got the free trial and now half are gone. If you looked around the web I saw some of them people streaming the program  and the server had like 1k listeners. So I am not sure many people would pay 15 bucks a month. I know I would not pay that much. I don't see why he dose not just do something via the internet once a week or some shit? I would not even had paid that much to listen to Sterrn when he used to be good now he is what he said he would never be a kiss ass. Anyhow I also thought the Spooky Matter show sucked. Pretty much the whole Dark Matter Show sounded lame. It was just not that good. Sorry Art. Well I feel bad for them people who paid for 6 months or whatever maybe you will get your $$ back.

Quote from: williedee on November 04, 2013, 11:19:19 PM
that's okay, i'm too busy with school this week to do much as well. at least we wont abandon that project like a certain someone we know ;) haha

I think most people done want to listen to art right now.... but it will change in a few weeks and we will be glad for even the 6 new weeks of shows.


Where the heck is Steelbot tonight??!!! He never misses a "show".


Quote from: (Redacted) on November 04, 2013, 11:18:12 PM
Say it ain't so...

Yeah, I don't get that. You want a side of shit with your shit sandwich..?


Will Gnoory inform the c2c audience right away of DM's end or will he wait over two weeks to announce it like he did to tell everyone Art was returning to radio? My guess is it will be his 1st news item.


Quote from: (Redacted) on November 04, 2013, 11:18:12 PM
Say it ain't so...

the FREE one, not the pay one.  I only pay for XM (if I was going to pay for any show to hear their restreams it'd be Stephanie Miller).

eddie dean

I am officially back to hating Mondays again!
TGIM my ass!

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