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Art Bell Quits Dark Matter

Started by DesertFox, November 01, 2013, 08:13:24 AM


*** finally caught up with this thread.. ***

Jesus Christ (JC!),  listen to how passionate all of you are about Art.  You would not be so angry with him if you didn't love him to pieces.   The fat lady hasn't sung yet folks.   Welcome to the ride!

Quote from: guildnavigator on November 05, 2013, 12:46:23 AM
What?! Where were you when this happened in 1998? 2000?? 2002?!! 2007??? All he's fucking DONE is abandon his audience. This is par for the fucking course and has nothing to do with his skills as a radio host. I'm pissed off that it happened too but if anything, what he's done tonight is a great showing of consistency, not any sort of revelation of true colors. If you're going to talk shit you ought to know what you're talking about first.

The difference is there was always someone else to blame in the past. This time it's a slap in the face right from the man himself.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on November 05, 2013, 12:33:43 AM
Fool me once ... fool me twice, shame on you, Art.
I can never trust the man again, can you ?
I'm not picking on you Falkie... Yours was just the first post of many expressing the same same thing when I scrolled up.

The fact is that people are emotional right now.  I recall the same thing being said over and over when Art was dangling the "stay tuned" and other teasers that did not turn out.  People were mad and would never forgive him or trust him.  Then he actually came back and everybody was thrilled and tuned in.

Give it time for the anger to drain and Art to announce a new show, a new format or a new podcast and I can almost guarantee that people will be back.  They may not "trust" him (what is to trust?) but they will tune in because regardless of the past (his quitting and false starts) he still produces one of the best shows out there.  Take each one for what it is- a gift.


Art wants to return to the Phillipines IMHO.  He's afraid of the Fukushima radiation that's descending on the west coast of this country, and not without reason. He's worried that Airyn eats a lot of fish. He's also afraid of the US economy, and feels his money would be far safer in the PI.  Don't forget that he was already ready to move back if the US government defaulted on their debts. He said he'd called his banker about converting his "sheckels" to pesos.  I've sensed real fear in his voice on both those issues.

I don't believe for one minute that he's leaving Sirius because they're not providing listeners with sterling reception.  Art talks in deliberate riddles, and as someone said recently, he's the supreme puppet-master.  I feel like I've been kicked in the gut, and I'm filling the role of one more puppet if I don't just get over it soon.  Art Bell will be 70 years old in 2 years, and he's already lost any drive he ever had, and his memory is suffering.  By then, he may be just one more doddering old fool.

I could be wrong.  We'll see.  :'(


Quote from: Needle woman on November 05, 2013, 12:45:29 AM
At the last break, George played "It's Over" by Roy Orbison. :(

Yes, sob.  :'(


Quote from: Scully on November 05, 2013, 12:49:53 AM
Art wants to return to the Phillipines IMHO.  He's afraid of the Fukushima radiation that's descending on the west coast of this country, and not without reason. He's worried that Airyn eats a lot of fish. He's also afraid of the US economy, and feels his money would be far safer in the PI.  Don't forget that he was already ready to move back if the US government defaulted on their debts. He said he'd called his banker about converting his "sheckels" to pesos.  I've sensed real fear in his voice on both those issues.

I don't believe for one minute that he's leaving Sirius because they're not providing listeners with sterling reception.  Art talks in deliberate riddles, and as someone said recently, he's the supreme puppet-master.  I feel like I've been kicked in the gut, and I'm a fool if I don't just get over it soon.  Art Bell will be 70 years old in 2 years, and he's already lost any drive he ever had, and his memory is suffering.  By then, he may be just one more doddering old fool.

I could be wrong.  We'll see.  :'(

I believe Art has said he can do the show through Sirius in the Phillipines if he had to go back.


Quote from: wotr1 on November 05, 2013, 12:40:31 AMThe other advantage is that it really did cure me of Noory.  I still will not be tuning into Dave aside from the occasional few minutes here and there.  It was a good way to wrap up Coast and put it to bed for me.
That's sure true, isn't it? I haven't even thought of listening to Coast, and don't plan on going back.


Quote from: Scully on November 05, 2013, 12:49:53 AM
Art wants to return to the Phillipines IMHO.  He's afraid of the Fukushima radiation that's descending on the west coast of this country, and not without reason. He's worried that Airyn eats a lot of fish. He's also afraid of the US economy, and feels his money would be far safer in the PI.  Don't forget that he was already ready to move back if the US government defaulted on their debts. He said he'd called his banker about converting his "sheckels" to pesos.  I've sensed real fear in his voice on both those issues.

I don't believe for one minute that he's leaving Sirius because they're not providing listeners with sterling reception.  Art talks in deliberate riddles, and as someone said recently, he's the supreme puppet-master.  I feel like I've been kicked in the gut, and I'm a fool if I don't just get over it soon.  Art Bell will be 70 years old in 2 years, and he's already lost any drive he ever had, and his memory is suffering.  By then, he may be just one more doddering old fool.

I could be wrong.  We'll see.  :'(

Whatever his reasons - let him go.  Fuck him.


Quote from: HumanBeing on November 05, 2013, 12:56:35 AM

:D oh.
Did you sign?? =D
Sign this petition to allow Art to stream his show Live.



Quote from: Designx on November 05, 2013, 12:53:35 AM
I believe Art has said he can do the show through Sirius in the Phillipines if he had to go back.

He could, but do you really think he would???

I'm really disappointed in Art. Come back and finish the contract. If you wrap it up in 2 years and decide thats it, no problem.

Go back to work, build your brand, start grooming some replacement talent.


Quote from: Agent : Orange on November 05, 2013, 12:29:03 AM
Maybe this was all done because Art had a beef with Premiere and over time he realized his heart was not really in it.

He sure SOUNDED like he was into it -- he sounded happy and delighted.  I remember thinking -- several times -- boy, Art sure seems glad to be back.  Didn't it sound that way to you?


Quote from: HumanBeing on November 04, 2013, 09:06:06 PM
hehe mad respect for the optimism. But I'm giggling with the image of you wearing pompoms right now hehe  ;D Gimme an A....
my pom poms have evolved into two bottles of old grand dad.

Quote from: someguy on November 04, 2013, 08:56:13 PM
I'm not pissed, Art is old and can do whatever the fuck he wants. Sucks but oh well!

My favorite mathematician/logician is 94.


If Art stays as mentally sharp as Raymond, Mr. Bell could have listeners on tenterhooks for thirty more years.

He could outlive TIME magazine, the iPhone, SONIC, and my CCrane LED flashlight.

T H I R T Y  M O R E  Y E A R S.

Gives me duck duck goose bumps just contemplating it.

Quote from: wotr1 on November 05, 2013, 12:49:37 AM
Give it time for the anger to drain and Art to announce a new show, a new format or a new podcast and I can almost guarantee that people will be back.  They may not "trust" him (what is to trust?) but they will tune in because regardless of the past (his quitting and false starts) he still produces one of the best shows out there. 

Hey I'll be the first to tune back in if he starts something new. For now I'll remain pissed off that the genius that produces such great shows could be so unsympathetic to the fans that followed him around for years.

Quote from: wotr1 on November 05, 2013, 12:49:37 AM
Take each one for what it is- a gift.
Yes, a gift that you pay for which costs the price of your SiriusXM equipment plus the cost of subscription divided by the number of shows he did. Which, unless he comes back later in the week is a paltry month and a half.


From Art:


I saw a post recently on Bell Gab that said the Spooky Matter show was the weakest ever. I agree, and it would be downhill from there under
the current situation. I thought it was entirely reasonable to ask for a Year to try and reach the users who had tried the 30 day trial and
threw up their hands and left. All I wanted was streaming that worked. The success of my original show and the new show depended
on callers, many of my best shows were as a result of open lines. Yes I could fill the lines with truckers, bless their hearts, but I could not
have made the kind of show that you and all the other callers had a right to expect. Cell phones just do not work well going down the street
at 70 MPH.

I had hundreds of email's from people who had left because of a stream that kept cutting out, that was my base and all I wanted was to
keep that group, so I asked for free streaming for a Year or until they could fix the problem, they said no, so rather than have a show go
downhill I chose to end it. Doing a quality program is very important to me. I understand some people will hate my guts for it but sometimes
that is what we buy with our decisions. I made this choice for the show, not me. I love doing the show but not in a half ass way.

Is it a 100% done deal? As it sits, yes. It is my position that if they let me stream until the problems are fixed I would be back at the mike in a second
but I think they will not do so. That is the situation in a nutshell. BTW my Producer agrees as does my friend Bob Crane who saw his sales start
well, get better, then sharply decline as people got frustrated and dropped.



A question for anybody who is regular at artbell.com.  Did it used to have the radiorage download or listen now link on every page?  If it is new, it leaves me speculating a little more and makes me wonder...


Quote from: Luna on November 05, 2013, 12:30:40 AM
I have listened to Art Bell since I was 13, and now I am going though some tough times, his voice gives me comfort and nostalgia of a time when life was better. I really want his show to continue!

Sign this petition to allow Art to stream his show Live.

I'd love for Art to continue... but I think he really messed this opportunity up and disrespected his loyal listeners, such as yourself.


Quote from: wotr1 on November 05, 2013, 12:40:31 AM
I have only read a few dozen pages... but it seems that I may be the only one who is just shrugging for now.  I am disappointed if DM really has ended.  Having said that, Art still does not owe me anything.  He does not need to return for me and I still wish him the best and hope he finds happiness.

Overall, I am still going to hope that somehow this gets resolved or that Arts agreement would not stop him from broadcasting a whole new show if he so chose.  He put a lot of work and effort into this (rounding up Ross Mitchell, the bumper music, the guests, the website and so on.)  If he is ending it, he is hurting himself much more than his fans.  To spend the time and energy that he has for 6 weeks is a lot worse than being upset that there were only 6 weeks of shows broadcast.

(I cannot believe that I am saying this...) I am happy that we had another 6 weeks that brought me to a different time and managed to put a smile on my face almost nightly.  I am hoping for more, but may have to be satisfied with what I got.  The other advantage is that it really did cure me of Noory.  I still will not be tuning into Dave aside from the occasional few minutes here and there.  It was a good way to wrap up Coast and put it to bed for me.

I agree with much of what you said. Ah, I really loved all the cool special little things about DM. Everything was coming together. Bellgabs involvement was so much fun. I will miss the live posts so much.


Quote from: guildnavigator on November 05, 2013, 12:46:23 AM
What?! Where were you when this happened in 1998? 2000?? 2002?!! 2007??? All he's fucking DONE is abandon his audience. This is par for the fucking course and has nothing to do with his skills as a radio host. I'm pissed off that it happened too but if anything, what he's done tonight is a great showing of consistency, not any sort of revelation of true colors. If you're going to talk shit you ought to know what you're talking about first.

Ive been listening to Art since 1993!! Put the fucken weed down,  I never said Art was not a good host!! Read my post again. This is also not the first time that art has quit, only to change his mind and come back. Hes done it at least three times before! Absolutely it shows his true colors, that after only 6 weeks and after thousands of loyal fans putting up $$$ to support him, he decides to quit over technical issues that could have been resolved had he given it a chance!!!


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 05, 2013, 01:01:10 AM
From Art:

Wow, thanks for that.  Very interesting stuff and it really does sound like it may be over for now.  Too bad...

Thanks for sharing that and throwing a little light on it.


I don't know how many people here are twitter savvy, but if you do a search for @sirisuxm and check the "@mentions" within the past few house at leastr 80 percent of them are about Art Bell. I can't imagine any of the crappy celebrities like Jamie Foxx or Oprah have meant that much to Sirius. Gee, imagine listeners actually wanting to hear RADIO HOSTS. They threw millions at celebrities to do losing channels on Sirius, but they can't accommodate a curmudgeonly radio LEGEND who has an idea to make the show more accessible to the largest number of listeners?

Whatever. There are definitely no winners here.

Quote from: maren on November 05, 2013, 12:59:58 AM
He sure SOUNDED like he was into it -- he sounded happy and delighted.  I remember thinking -- several times -- boy, Art sure seems glad to be back.  Didn't it sound that way to you?

Absolutely, I was impressed with most of the shows that he did, and had the best times with it while on here chatting about them as they played. It was a lot of fun, which I would gladly take back.

We really know nothing about what his personal thoughts are and what the circumstances of this are. But it doesn't seem like the audience is his priority when he makes the proclamation that his show is over then deletes his facebook and cuts off channels of communication with his fans.

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