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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM

Lightning strikes again... wow... welcome back Aldous!

Quote from: FortRock on March 05, 2012, 08:29:50 PM
... as much as I would love to participate in the Podcast as you've conceptually thought it out, I cannot. I work as a Substitute Teacher, and participation could affect my professional status...

How about if MV promises to only ask George Noory questions.  'How are yuh?', 'whut got you innereshted in posting garbage on line?', 'whut'sch nesht for you?'.  'You know I doan beeleev in coinshdenshes, but whut about sickrinicity?', 'clowns?'... Followed by a segment where he reads questions you sent in advance, then to thuh pfones with thuh paid callers? 


Quote from: anagrammy on March 05, 2012, 12:24:05 PM
Hi All,

Here I was googling around this morning and suddenly bumped into one of my own old Coastgab posts on Wikipedia--about Art Bell!  Then a few clicks later I read that he has posted here---which is the equivalent of a Catholic reading that the Virgin Mary is appearing in the air above their old hometown, Medjugorje, and the whole world is talking about it. AND SCULLY DID NOT EVEN EMAIL ME? ??? ?  ...


Jesus Joseph and Mary --  Welcome back, Anagrammy!  It's like a get together at the Home what with you and Aldous and Fort Rock all popping in here.  ;D

Sorry I believed you when you said you were dumping Art for a better catch.  You can bet I won't let that happen again.  ???

Aldous, welcome back to you, too.  Hope you'll stay this time.  Really have missed you.  8)

Fort Rock, be careful or you're gonna wind up with a horse's head in bed with you!  :o



Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 06, 2012, 12:55:50 AM

How about if MV promises to only ask George Noory questions.  'How are yuh?', 'whut got you innereshted in posting garbage on line?'

lol, awesome.


I saw the notice on Wikipedia as well. Pretty awesome.

"Fort Rock, do you believe in Angels?"

Whats up all, should have registered earlier, been lurking forever.

Oh and Art: Please come back man. Nobody can do this show better than you.


 :-[  I feel left out of the hate.

Who is Fort rock? Lol.

Can I bash him too? ;D




Quote from: Test4echo on March 06, 2012, 12:11:12 PM
:-[  I feel left out of the hate.

Who is Fort rock? Lol.

Can I bash him too? ;D



you've heard of JC Webster? Kind of like that.


I recommend searching through this thread and reading his posts.  He's a real hoot.

Quote from: Test4echo on March 06, 2012, 12:11:12 PM
:-[  I feel left out of the hate.

Who is Fort rock? Lol.

Can I bash him too? ;D





please for the love of all things happy and good lock this thread right now!  Do it before any more of my nightmares come true.

The General

Quote from: themudking on March 06, 2012, 04:50:24 PM

please for the love of all things happy and good lock this thread right now!  Do it before any more of my nightmares come true.

LOL, really!

The General

All we need now is Lena.  Come back Lena!  Alejandro would love to meet you!


Quote from: The General on March 06, 2012, 06:45:59 PM
All we need now is Lena.  Come back Lena!  Alejandro would love to meet you!
Im fine with that but if you go back and look at her posts from the very beginning she was all about making personal attacks against me. I think she called me a coward in her first post. It must be my phallic avatar that (s)he found so threatening


Hi everyone,

I got an email from the General. He informed me Art had posted here. I figured there would be a bunch of buzz over that. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed everyone's company.

To all of you... I do enjoy your words.

I am glad Art is doing what he wants. I think we already knew that... I mean his post was friendly but he doesn't post here enough to be a friend. Just a celebrity that we like. So?

As to Fort Rock... is it possible to change his name to Doesn't Matter?

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: onan on March 08, 2012, 11:57:24 AM
Hi everyone,

I got an email from the General. He informed me Art had posted here. I figured there would be a bunch of buzz over that. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed everyone's company.

To all of you... I do enjoy your words.

I am glad Art is doing what he wants. I think we already knew that... I mean his post was friendly but he doesn't post here enough to be a friend. Just a celebrity that we like. So?

As to Fort Rock... is it possible to change his name to Doesn't Matter?

      Really cool to see you back. A welcome return...



This is now the coastgab family reunion thread.

Hey Onan. Great to see you back!
Hope all is well.


Does any one know of any broadcast where Art credited or referenced earlier talk radio show host with influencing the style and direction of Coast to Coast AM or it's earlier incarnation Area 2000 ?


This thread's recent string of dramatic flourishes give it an air of 'season finale'

All we need now is a good cliffhanger. Art?

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: BobGrau on March 08, 2012, 04:30:14 PM
This thread's recent string of dramatic flourishes give it an air of 'season finale'

All we need now is a good cliffhanger. Art?

      Hopefully including Noory, a car without brakes and a cliff.


Welcome back Onan. Hope you can stick around for a spell


Thank god this thread has been unlocked. My life can go on now. :p


Onan, you have no idea how much you have been missed by some of us here.  Your thoughtful analytical musings have always bolstered my belief that there's more than one way to skin a cat.  ::)

Please come in and have a comfortable seat.  Welcome.


Lovely Bones

Welcome back, Onan.  Your voice has been missed here. 


I know this isn't going to be popular, but I believe if you stop and think about it, and abandon your prejudices, you can't help but agree.

Art Bell could not host a live show in 2012 with live callers.

Before you skewer me, roast me on your spits, and dump me in the fires of hell, hear me out.  There's two reasons I don't think he personally could do it for very long.  If you listen to his shows over the years, you become aware of two things he cannot cope with.

The first is people who still have their radio on once he unmutes their channel and begins talking to them.  His reaction grew from mild annoyance in 1995 to outright animosity towards the callers by 2004. I'm sure a lot of this had to do with a decade of people not turning off their radios. It also had a lot to do with the only people calling in being less than intelligent, stoned, drunk, or first time callers.  Art is smart enough to know it's going to happen most of the time, but by the end of the show, his voice is rising to a fever pitch and he is counting down to the dreaded hang up like a fevered, new age wiccan priestess. You an't expect any different from the audience in general now, so it would be a huge point of contention for him now, as it was then.

Secondly is Art's phobia of bad phone connections and cell phones.  How many times over the last few weeks of listening to the live stream have I heard Art inform someone that they are calling on a cell phone (as if they don't already know it) and that they need to get a land line.   Even GUESTS over the years are subjected to the phone humiliation, and if you notice, it happens more and more often as the shows go on.

How in the hell could Art do an open lines show in 2012? He couldn't, unless he has somehow resurrected Father Malachi and been excorcised of these two very important things. Well, let me rephrase that. He COULD do a show, but how long would it take for new listeners to tune out because they got tired of him hanging up on 99% of the callers because they were on cell phones and the other 1% not having their raidos off? 

He wouldn't be enjoying it, and I suspect most of the avid fans on this site wouldn't enjoy it either, once the novelty of hearing him on the radio wore off. It's like going to see a band you loved 20 years ago. Sure they play the same songs, and it's ok, but in the end you walk away with the feeling that they should have just left it alone.

Now please, before you flame me and damn me to hell. Art and C2C impacted my life in a great way during the mid to late 90's .  I think he is a radio god.  This post is just my opinion and I don't think I know anything more than anyone else.   Just some thoughts.


Quote from: Blutsauger on March 10, 2012, 12:42:53 AM
x          x          x

Art Bell could not host a live show in 2012 with live callers.

Before you skewer me, roast me on your spits, and dump me in the fires of hell, hear me out.  There's two reasons I don't think he personally could do it for very long.  If you listen to his shows over the years, you become aware of two things he cannot cope with.

The first is people who still have their radio on once he unmutes their channel and begins talking to them. . . .

Secondly is Art's phobia of bad phone connections and cell phones.  . . .

How in the hell could Art do an open lines show in 2012? . . .

He wouldn't be enjoying it, and I suspect most of the avid fans on this site wouldn't enjoy it either, once the novelty of hearing him on the radio wore off. It's like going to see a band you loved 20 years ago. Sure they play the same songs, and it's ok, but in the end you walk away with the feeling that they should have just left it alone.

x          x          x

ONE:  You're nitpicking on Art Bell, friend.  There are other very good and popular radio hosts, Alan Colmes being one of them, who react or would react similarly to Art Bell under the same circumstances, because they are PROFESSIONAL radio broadcasters who have to deal with many trying and testing callers who can border on being moronic over the air.  You think Art can't handle radio hosting in 2012?  Explain to me why a pig like Rush Limbaugh still plies the air waves in 2012?

TWO:  Art Bell was not and is NOT a NOVELTY on the air with the way he ran C2C then.  Mozart, Bach, Beethoven and Chopin (to name a few popular classical music composers) were novelties during their time, but people who appreciate their artistry NEVER tire of listening to their music over and over and over again throughout the years and centuries following their respective lifetimes.  Sure, "they play the same songs," but in the end you do not walk away after dumping their artistry into your trash can simply 'cause you think they can't handle an acid rock concert performance of their own.   Someone who TRULY appreciates the value Art Bell brought and gave to C2C would rethink posting your blog, friend.

THREE:  It's not a question of one's ability to cope with the nuances and changes in radio broadcasting, friend.  Its all about the degree of PROFESSIONALISM a radio host has and maintains over the airwaves.  Prove to me that Noory has it, friend.  Prove to me that he is not a third-rate radio talk show entertainer.


Quote from: Blutsauger on March 10, 2012, 12:42:53 AM
I know this isn't going to be popular, but I believe if you stop and think about it, and abandon your prejudices, you can't help but agree.

Art Bell could not host a live show in 2012 with live callers.

Before you skewer me, roast me on your spits, and dump me in the fires of hell, hear me out.  There's two reasons I don't think he personally could do it for very long.  If you listen to his shows over the years, you become aware of two things he cannot cope with.

The first is people who still have their radio on once he unmutes their channel and begins talking to them.  His reaction grew from mild annoyance in 1995 to outright animosity towards the callers by 2004. I'm sure a lot of this had to do with a decade of people not turning off their radios. It also had a lot to do with the only people calling in being less than intelligent, stoned, drunk, or first time callers.  Art is smart enough to know it's going to happen most of the time, but by the end of the show, his voice is rising to a fever pitch and he is counting down to the dreaded hang up like a fevered, new age wiccan priestess. You an't expect any different from the audience in general now, so it would be a huge point of contention for him now, as it was then.

Secondly is Art's phobia of bad phone connections and cell phones.  How many times over the last few weeks of listening to the live stream have I heard Art inform someone that they are calling on a cell phone (as if they don't already know it) and that they need to get a land line.   Even GUESTS over the years are subjected to the phone humiliation, and if you notice, it happens more and more often as the shows go on.

How in the hell could Art do an open lines show in 2012? He couldn't, unless he has somehow resurrected Father Malachi and been excorcised of these two very important things. Well, let me rephrase that. He COULD do a show, but how long would it take for new listeners to tune out because they got tired of him hanging up on 99% of the callers because they were on cell phones and the other 1% not having their raidos off? 

He wouldn't be enjoying it, and I suspect most of the avid fans on this site wouldn't enjoy it either, once the novelty of hearing him on the radio wore off. It's like going to see a band you loved 20 years ago. Sure they play the same songs, and it's ok, but in the end you walk away with the feeling that they should have just left it alone.

Now please, before you flame me and damn me to hell. Art and C2C impacted my life in a great way during the mid to late 90's .  I think he is a radio god.  This post is just my opinion and I don't think I know anything more than anyone else.   Just some thoughts.

I totally agree with these observations.  Also, just imagine the amount of prep time and research it took for Art to keep up with the many paranormal areas the show covered.  Noory has a huge team doing that for him (which is why he is not so hot in the retort department, or even in the keep-the-conversation-going arena.  There is a big difference in you yourself knowing where the cutting edge is on UFOs or Bigfoot and having a research assistant giving you cards with suggested questions.  Art could always add to the conversation by asking relevant questions and George never could.

That's all over now for Art.  Retirement means he doesn't have to keep up with all the topics, nor tolerate the repetitive questions and the  technical irritations of cellphones, radios left on, etc.  I don't care what kind of a job people have, it gets old saying the same things over and over.  Art was into the technology being an engineer and all-- which leads me to my lingering remaining question:

Did Art come back to the USA because the cable was cut by the earthquake in the Philippines?  Or did some other reason emerge?

Thanks all and a special hi five to Onan --- now where is Hal9000, the preemie guy?



Quote from: anagrammy on March 10, 2012, 02:13:32 AM
x                    x                    x
That's all over now for Art.  Retirement means he doesn't have to keep up with all the topics, nor tolerate the repetitive questions and the  technical irritations of cellphones, radios left on, etc.  I don't care what kind of a job people have, it gets old saying the same things over and over.  Art was into the technology being an engineer and all-- which leads me to my lingering remaining question:
x                    x                    x

That may be a valid reason behind Art's retirement, but it is NOT an excuse for Noory's dismal performance.

HAL 9000

Quote from: Blutsauger on March 10, 2012, 12:42:53 AMI know this isn't going to be popular...

I'm actually a little surprised anyone bothered to reply, as your point seems to be that Art can't be a host in 2012 because he:

"Is impatient with callers who leave their radios on and, he complains about  poor phone connections."

Your point took 524 words - mine 16.

BTW, I'm also annoyed by radios left on, and poor phone quality.

P.S. I also recognize I'm not known for my brevity; but really dude... really?

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