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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Can we please banish that friggin Scorpions song.  Please, I'm begging anyone who'll listen.  Put it on ice.  It never needs to be played again.  It's just, aaaargh it sends visceral shivers of repulsion through me every time I hear it. 


Is anyone listening to this?

Damn you, Scott â€" George is NOT going to let you run away with his show!


I'm feeling jangled, Linda. CALM THE F*CK DOWN!


Quote from: zeebo on January 04, 2014, 12:32:55 AM
Can we please banish that friggin Scorpions song.  Please, I'm begging anyone who'll listen.  Put it on ice.  It never needs to be played again.  It's just, aaaargh it sends visceral shivers of repulsion through me every time I hear it.

I second this!

Wish it into the cornfield with the Carnivora commercials!




Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 04, 2014, 12:53:57 AM
I second this!

Wish it into the cornfield with the Carnivora commercials!

Oh for sure, bound for the cornfield they both must be.  (And what the hell, let's send Bill the friggin Amateur Athiest Astronomer out there too to keep them company.)


Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 04, 2014, 12:47:46 AM

I'm feeling jangled, Linda. CALM THE F*CK DOWN!

I understand where you're coming from, but I tend to give LMH some latitude as she tends to keep Noory muffled during her dramatic orations.  But yeah, she could dial it back a notch.  The guy who called in about cattle mutilations sent her into orbit.


For tonight's show description, they should have added, "In Hour 2, George reminds us for the 25th time that it's going to be cold this weekend. Bonus features: Dead people in snow, depressing anecdotes of stray animals in subzero temps, ponderings of power outages and dire warnings of freezing pipes."

I feel like George is stalling so he doesn't have to endure Open Lines.


Scott the caring chemtrail weatherman said the dogs and cats will somehow make it through this horribly cold and brutal weather we're experiencing.  No, they'll probably suffer frostbite if they don't freeze to death. A HUGE FU to Chemtrail Scott and not-nice-guy sNoory, because I say if you have dogs and cats out in that kind of cold and wind chill you're a heartless bastard that shouldn't be allowed to own an animal. Get them out of the wind if you can't do anything else for them, get them inside and warm when possible.


Did the depressing "weatherman" just say "pussies" or did I imagine that?

Quote from: HorrorReporter on January 02, 2014, 06:52:48 PM

Can't believe I missed this on my first pass through! Bravo


Quote from: MTB on January 04, 2014, 01:50:54 AM
Did the depressing "weatherman" just say "pussies" or did I imagine that?

I'm pretty sure I heard that too.


I accidentally left the stream on from an earlier show and yes, I heard it too.  "Pussies" live on the air.   Sweet. 


Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 04, 2014, 01:30:08 AM
For tonight's show description, they should have added, "In Hour 2, George reminds us for the 25th time that it's going to be cold this weekend. Bonus features: Dead people in snow, depressing anecdotes of stray animals in subzero temps, ponderings of power outages and dire warnings of freezing pipes."

I feel like George is stalling so he doesn't have to endure Open Lines.

I actually tuned into tonight to listen to LMH.  If nothing else, she tends to keep Noory from floundering around with his mouth.  When the guy who claimed to have worked for Monsanto called in, I kept thinking about how Art could have spun the whole report into an entertaining show.  Of course, not The Nooron.  He'd rather turn the show into the freaking Weather Channel.  Off goes the radio.  Noory is such a radio clod.  :P


Props to George for playing "Purple Haze" tho!  ;)


Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 04, 2014, 01:30:08 AM
I feel like George is stalling so he doesn't have to endure Open Lines.

I wonder if he's just lazy or if he finds them as awkward as they sound to us.  It's like listening to some nebbish shut-in who's just read a book on how to make small talk with people at cocktail parties in the 50's.


Quote from: MTB on January 04, 2014, 01:50:54 AM
Did the depressing "weatherman" just say "pussies" or did I imagine that?

Yeah and I think afterwords he pontificated about how we have to learn communicate with each other better, for the children.


Most profound guest quote of the night: "There are so many things in the Pacific we can't eat anymore.  The Fillet-O-Fish is now in question."


Quote from: zeebo on January 04, 2014, 02:41:25 AM
Most profound guest quote of the night: "There are so many things in the Pacific we can't eat anymore.  The Fillet-O-Fish is now in question."


George seems kind of crotchety tonight.

Quote from: ItsOver on January 03, 2014, 12:59:33 PM
Jorch should pull a double knit leisure suit out of the closet to keep with the theme of the conference.  Go for the bright lime green one, Jorch.



Quote from: zeebo on January 04, 2014, 02:41:25 AM
Most profound guest quote of the night: "There are so many things in the Pacific we can't eat anymore.  The Fillet-O-Fish is now in question."

I laughed when I heard that one too.   I test every bit of fish that comes into my household.  No radiation so far folks.

Another night of insomnia, and I heard the guest say 'pussies' too. Not that it makes any difference, but he also said 'sucks', a word that's very familiar to Jorch. Especially here on Bellgab.

I also heard Jorch repeat the story about Kim Jong un's uncle being fed to starved dogs, which remains wildly speculative according to other news sources. You'd think for someone who fancies himself a journalist, he'd at least get his facts straight. hahahahahahahahah! What was I thinking?

And then he hurried LMH off because it was time for his favorite themes: Fear & Paranoia because the US never experienced cold like this before and suddenly it's Freezopalypse. Better get yer milk, bread, ciggies and Jorch's e-food, midwest. The end is nigh, and it's all the fault of contrails or maybe entrails, I just don't know. But I do know civilization is in a death spiral because the fillet-o-fish is an endangered species.


Quote from: zeebo on January 04, 2014, 12:32:55 AM
...visceral shivers of repulsion ... 
Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 04, 2014, 01:30:08 AM
...George is stalling...
Quote from: Unscreened Caller on January 04, 2014, 03:36:59 AM
...Kim Jong un's uncle being fed to starved dogs...And then he hurried LMH off because it was time for his favorite themes: Fear & Paranoia because the US never experienced cold like this before and suddenly it's Freezopalypse...

     I grew fond of that "uncle to the dogs" tale, or, as George would say, "that's a great story!"  It's also "unbelievable" that its cold this winter, so George brings back his news segment guest, weatherman Scott Stevens, to talk about the weather, after LMH's hour on crop circles, and while this Stevens guy sounded normal during the news spot, he went completely off the rails during his two hour gig, blaming the cold snap on the military industrial complex, and the oil companies, and, I suppose, the folks who make Long Johns.  Memo to the lady who called in at the end of the show (when George finally got around to open lines/cupon talk) who thought aliens were experimenting with her spinal cord:  When George Noory, who has never questioned anybody’s story about anything ever, says your story sounds "far-fetched" and recommends you see a shrink, you crazy for sure.


He RUSHES LMH off the air so we can listen to crap.........the weather dude was ok.....but, 15 minutes would suffice.   :o


Quote from: Nebraska888 on January 04, 2014, 01:46:41 PM
He RUSHES LMH off the air so we can listen to crap.........the weather dude was ok.....but, 15 minutes would suffice.   :o

Hey George, back in October I remember thinking that it would get a lot colder soon!  Can I get on the show?  I have loads of other predictions that I am not afraid to give dates for and everything.


Last night Noory introduced the 2 hour segment with his second guest by reporting he would discuss the current weather that could be the "coldest in ZILLIONS of years"
Is that an official scientific measurement, Noory? Zillions? :P

Noory called the cold weather "freakish" but later on the guest Scott Stephens told Noory its only been 20 years since the weather has been this cold and it used to happen more often in the past.
So Noory must define "zillions of years" as 20 years or so?   :o

Quote from: norrykilledc2c on January 04, 2014, 02:57:08 AM

I didn't come here on no fuckin' banana boat.  My name is George Noory and I am a political refugee from St. Louis.


Quote from: valdez on January 04, 2014, 05:57:08 AM
...When George Noory, who has never questioned anybody’s story about anything ever....

The only time I remember him outright calling someone out up to the point of openly laughing at him and then even betting him a million bucks he couldn't prove his story was that guy who called in about videotaping his drug dealer neighbor with secret cameras or maybe it was the other way around, I can't remember,  maybe someone else does - it was a pretty crazy sounding story.


Quote from: Nebraska888 on January 04, 2014, 01:46:41 PM
He RUSHES LMH off the air so we can listen to crap.........the weather dude was ok.....but, 15 minutes would suffice.   :o

Yes I'm with you on that.  I was kinda hoping LMH would stick around for awhile - she was picking up some steam there with some far out possible connections to that crop circle.  I mean touching on everything from morse code to nuclear isotopes to network protocols to solar system motions was rather intriguing or at least entertaining speculation.

Quote from: zeebo on January 04, 2014, 08:51:06 PM
Yes I'm with you on that.  I was kinda hoping LMH would stick around for awhile - she was picking up some steam there with some far out possible connections to that crop circle.  I mean touching on everything from morse code to nuclear isotopes to network protocols to solar system motions was rather intriguing or at least entertaining speculation.

Linda got the ball and was going to run with it, you could hear it in her voice. But she got shut down, rudely, when he insisted that the caller give his number to whoever, probably Tommy, for Linda to call back. And then he went to Chemtrail Greg, who started out reasonable enough before the wheels came off and he veered into the crazy tree. It's all a big gummint conspiracy to make us buy heating fuel.   ::) X 1,000,000

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