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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Why do I get the feeling I'm the only person on earth listening to this show right now?  I really need to get a life.

Anyway for those missing out, you just missed hipster George asking the guest regarding South Beach:  "Does Ricky Martin still have his club down there?"  Just thought I'd put that one down on record for posterity.


The part about Ricky Martin was good I also enjoyed how George has never been in a large wave of water apparently.

I was on the road for a few hours tonight and caught most of the show.
It was close encounters of the boring kind.


Quote from: zeebo on January 17, 2014, 02:22:17 AM
Why do I get the feeling I'm the only person on earth listening to this show right now?  I really need to get a life.

I have a life... it's not all that.


Quote from: eeieeyeoh on January 15, 2014, 04:55:10 PM
Perhaps Falkie could focus away from National concerns to International Concerns only learned the old fashioned way.

I certainly have no marvel bellybutton. But in the same room, I'd approve of a photo of my bellybutton w/yours for comparison.

If you want a market in the paranormal, the only income is going to be based on those highly educated and wrote books published only eluding to knowledge being paranormal. That takes a lot of reading and understanding. For the rest, it's nothing more than a fleeting glimpse.

When I've posted on political issues, they're not watched much though I have great concern over the continual violations of the Constitution done by the sitting occupant of the White House.

I find your argument not to hold water. After all, we have a self-taught expert in John " Vague " Hogue who deliberately avoided getting a degree yet claims to be an " expert " on the quatrains of Nostradamus. One doesn't have to be a published writer to be considered an expert in the field. We've seen ( or should I say heard ) of the so-called experts on both Dark Matter, Art Bell's C2C and Noory and some of them were clearly either unprepared or downright frauds.
I do have numerous college credits accomplished in all of the history courses taught by 3 colleges with passing grades ( A's and B'S ) and with some 158 books on my shelves ( all of which I have read at least once ) , on subjects ranging from ufos, ghosts, werewolves, bigfoot, vampires, conspiracies and more, I have a pretty fair background in the field and started reading books by Keyhoe, Sanderson, Fort, Adamski ( and other contactees of the 1950s) as early as 1957. I became a NICAP member in 1962 and have corresponded with Stanton Friedman, Whitley Streiber and others in the field. I've probably read most of the works in the UFO field over the last 50+ years.
I certainly feel that I have a far more working knowledge of the field than George Noory ever will.
I lost hundreds of paranormal books when I lost my storage in the early 2000s or I'd have even more books. I buy about 5 new ( new to my collection ) books a month and reguarly buy Fortean Times and  Open Minds which covers UFOs on a bimonthly basis and have about 20 issues of UFO Magazine and Fate. I used to have about 200 of those in storage and also have numerous old UFO magazines and videos in my colleciton as well.
I also go to many paranormal websites on a regular basis to see what is happening in the field and I have gone to 2 UFO conferences as well as a number of new age events to hear speakers on paranormal issues. I also have a number of survivalist books and magazines and pay attention to that field as well.
For me, the paranormal has been a life long interest.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 17, 2014, 04:10:19 AM
I find your argument not to hold water. After all, we have a self-taught expert in John " Vague " Hogue who deliberately avoided getting a degree yet claims to be an " expert " on the quatrains of Nostradamus.
I do have numerous college credits accomplished in all of the history courses taught by 3 colleges with passing grades ( A's and B'S ) and with some 158 books on my shelves ( all of which I have read at least once ) , on subjects ranging from ufos, ghosts, werewolves, bigfoot, vampires, conspiracies and more, I have a pretty fair background in the field and started reading books by Keyhoe, Sanderson, Fort, Adamski ( and other contactees of the 1950s) as early as 1957. I became a NICAP member in 1962 and have corresponded with Stanton Friedman, Whitley Streiber and others in the field.
I certainly feel that I have a far more working knowledge of the field than George Noory ever will.
I lost hundreds of paranormal books when I lost my storage in the early 2000s or I'd have even more books. I buy about 5 new ( new to my collection ) books a month and reguarly buy Fortean Times and  Open Minds which covers UFOs on a bimonthly basis and have about 20 issues of UFO Magazine and Fate. I used to have about 200 of those in storage and also have numerous old UFO magazines and videos in my colleciton as well.
I also go to many paranormal websites on a regular basis to see what is happening in the field and I have gone to 2 UFO conferences as well as a number of new age events to hear speakers on paranormal issues. I also have a number of survivalist books and magazines and pay attention to that field as well.

So, an excellent ROI?

Quote from: Up All Night on January 17, 2014, 12:29:28 AM
Mark Levin puts in a good word for George Noory...

George comes on at 1 am where Levin lives.  Another person the industry just taking someone else's word for it about Noory.


Quote from: onan on January 17, 2014, 04:11:49 AM
So, an excellent ROI?

I don't know if one can put a price on the attainment of knowledge on a subject. I do have some books that are long out of print that cost me as much as $25. One day I should put a list of what's on my shelf on my blog, I suppose. I cerainly know the basics and wouldn't ask someone what Jesus would be wearing if he comes back, though I suspect this time he'll be wearing battle armor and be armed the teeth. I think he learned that the meek do not inherit the earth, they get their butts kicked.
I was asked when my next video will be. I'm finally over the flu and the recurring fevers but still coughing up stuff. Probably next week but given the troll invasion on here of late I probably will only announce it to a select few. Or will just publish it. I've been waiting to be well enough to go out without feeling weak and dizzy. I went out yesterday for the first time without that happening. Next week I plan to FINALLY drag the boat anchor ... Mac to the Apple store. Have been waiting to be well enough to do it.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on January 17, 2014, 04:13:34 AM

George comes on at 1 am where Levin lives.  Another person the industry just taking someone else's word for it about Noory.

Levin's a working attorney, author and broadcasts his show in the middle of the day. Somehow I doubt he stays up until 2am to listen to Noory. Perhaps he's met Noory somewhere and got a good impression from that. I've not listened to Levin for months, though I admire him as a writer and his defense of the Constitution.

As an aside, if any of you are interested in Stan Deyo, he's now a weekly guest on this podcast.

Hagmann and Hagmann Report - January 3 2014 - Fukushima & Pandemics


Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 17, 2014, 04:10:19 AM

When I've posted on political issues, they're not watched much though I have great concern over the continual violations of the Constitution done by the sitting occupant of the White House.

Duke, the University of Arizona and the University of Edinburgh offer courses in paranormal studies. Currently they're having a seminar on vampires and how the media has shaped our perception of the subject.

The late Isaac Bonewits was the only person ever to receive a degree in Magic from a major university, UC Berkeley. He used to give talks to sf and afflilated groups in the Bay Area in the 1970s.


I find your argument not to hold water. After all, we have a self-taught expert in John " Vague " Hogue who deliberately avoided getting a degree yet claims to be an " expert " on the quatrains of Nostradamus. One doesn't have to be a published writer to be considered an expert in the field. We've seen ( or should I say heard ) of the so-called experts on both Dark Matter, Art Bell's C2C and Noory and some of them were clearly either unprepared or downright frauds.
I do have numerous college credits accomplished in all of the history courses taught by 3 colleges with passing grades ( A's and B'S ) and with some 158 books on my shelves ( all of which I have read at least once ) , on subjects ranging from ufos, ghosts, werewolves, bigfoot, vampires, conspiracies and more, I have a pretty fair background in the field and started reading books by Keyhoe, Sanderson, Fort, Adamski ( and other contactees of the 1950s) as early as 1957. I became a NICAP member in 1962 and have corresponded with Stanton Friedman, Whitley Streiber and others in the field. I've probably read most of the works in the UFO field over the last 50+ years.
I certainly feel that I have a far more working knowledge of the field than George Noory ever will.
I lost hundreds of paranormal books when I lost my storage in the early 2000s or I'd have even more books. I buy about 5 new ( new to my collection ) books a month and reguarly buy Fortean Times and  Open Minds which covers UFOs on a bimonthly basis and have about 20 issues of UFO Magazine and Fate. I used to have about 200 of those in storage and also have numerous old UFO magazines and videos in my colleciton as well.
I also go to many paranormal websites on a regular basis to see what is happening in the field and I have gone to 2 UFO conferences as well as a number of new age events to hear speakers on paranormal issues. I also have a number of survivalist books and magazines and pay attention to that field as well.
For me, the paranormal has been a life long interest.


     Thomas Reed is one of the few people to come on the show with some crazy abduction story sounding believable.  Except for George's super idiotic habit of trying to finish peoples sentences (and always getting it wrong) I enjoyed the segment.  Wynn Free has a girlfriend who transmits messages from the people who created the universe and you can sign up to join his conference calls where he imparts the latest wisdom from these creators.  At first I thought he was drunk, but then I realized he wasn't.

Up All Night

Quote from: Paper*Boy on January 17, 2014, 04:13:34 AM

George comes on at 1 am where Levin lives.  Another person the industry just taking someone else's word for it about Noory.

You mean like how Hollywood and the Oscar voters, all in the industry, and just taking someone else's word for what was good and who to vote for...

But I don't know how Mark Levin knows Geoge. Maybe they hang out together as secret buds.

No Name Storm

Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 17, 2014, 04:21:32 AM
Levin's a working attorney, author and broadcasts his show in the middle of the day. Somehow I doubt he stays up until 2am to listen to Noory. Perhaps he's met Noory somewhere and got a good impression from that. I've not listened to Levin for months, though I admire him as a writer and his defense of the Constitution.

As an aside, if any of you are interested in Stan Deyo, he's now a weekly guest on this podcast.

Hagmann and Hagmann Report - January 3 2014 - Fukushima & Pandemics

All the right wing sobs that are making millions off stupid right wing voters and listeners congregate on Premiere Radio. It is the land of the right wing, rich sobs. Snooron is one of them. Of course they pass their names among each other. It is an exclusive club for white, middle aged, rich conservative assholes. Snooron and Un-Wells are part of the group. I can't imagine Knapp in there, though....he remains an enigma in that respect. LOL.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 17, 2014, 04:17:34 AM
I don't know if one can put a price on the attainment of knowledge on a subject. I do have some books that are long out of print that cost me as much as $25. One day I should put a list of what's on my shelf on my blog, I suppose. I cerainly know the basics and wouldn't ask someone what Jesus would be wearing if he comes back, though I suspect this time he'll be wearing battle armor and be armed the teeth. I think he learned that the meek do not inherit the earth, they get their butts kicked.
I was asked when my next video will be. I'm finally over the flu and the recurring fevers but still coughing up stuff. Probably next week but given the troll invasion on here of late I probably will only announce it to a select few. Or will just publish it. I've been waiting to be well enough to go out without feeling weak and dizzy. I went out yesterday for the first time without that happening. Next week I plan to FINALLY drag the boat anchor ... Mac to the Apple store. Have been waiting to be well enough to do it.

Falkie, I understand your wanting to be a paranormal talk show host, but would you be able to ask Mel why he didn't build an outhouse over his hole?


Mel could've made a FORTUNE, even more than the substantial amount the government gave him for his land, by allowing waste, trash, and nuclear waste to be dropped down the hole. The man was not a good businessman. Hopefully the indians at that other hole (I think it was in New Mexico) are taking advantage of their bottomless pit (the one that converted a sheep into some odd, disfigured creature as I recall.)


Quote from: zeebo on January 17, 2014, 02:22:17 AM
Why do I get the feeling I'm the only person on earth listening to this show right now?  I really need to get a life.

Anyway for those missing out, you just missed hipster George asking the guest regarding South Beach:  "Does Ricky Martin still have his club down there?"  Just thought I'd put that one down on record for posterity.

No, you were not alone.........I was listening too........ 8)


Quote from: zeebo on January 17, 2014, 02:22:17 AM
Why do I get the feeling I'm the only person on earth listening to this show right now?  I really need to get a life.

Anyway for those missing out, you just missed hipster George asking the guest regarding South Beach:  "Does Ricky Martin still have his club down there?"  Just thought I'd put that one down on record for posterity.
Please have yourself put down George.
Fuksake already!


Quote from: albrecht on January 17, 2014, 11:32:42 AM
Mel could've made a FORTUNE, even more than the substantial amount the government gave him for his land, by allowing waste, trash, and nuclear waste to be dropped down the hole. The man was not a good businessman. Hopefully the indians at that other hole (I think it was in New Mexico) are taking advantage of their bottomless pit (the one that converted a sheep into some odd, disfigured creature as I recall.)

I've experienced a few things in New Mexico that sort of explains why they call it the land of enchantment, but I think the second hole Mel mentioned was in NW Nevada. The topic was a fine real-time novel, but difficult to rate in relation to some of the dreams I've had while sleeping.


Quote from: albrecht on January 17, 2014, 11:32:42 AM
Mel could've made a FORTUNE, even more than the substantial amount the government gave him for his land, by allowing waste, trash, and nuclear waste to be dropped down the hole. The man was not a good businessman. Hopefully the indians at that other hole (I think it was in New Mexico) are taking advantage of their bottomless pit (the one that converted a sheep into some odd, disfigured creature as I recall.)

If it were real, our loving government would've taken it via "imminent domain", built a giant funnel, dumped all of the radioactive garbage from the  Fukushima disaster and earthquake in it, then built a nice grassy walking bridge over it, and called it it the American Park for Freedom, Nature & The Environment. It of course would've been free to all, only costing $20 to get in.


Listened to that last bitcoin / Anna Nakki show from a few nights ago.  laughed quite a bit! George is still fumbling through the English language going strong into 2014!!! You go Jorch you go.


Quote from: Gd5150 on January 17, 2014, 02:43:59 PM
... called it it the American Park for Freedom, Nature & The Environment. It of course would've been free to all, only costing $20 to get in.

You know, I remember going to the Grand Canyon, probably like fifteen years ago, and we got charged a $25 "car fee" when we drove in (like how else are you going to get there, just stroll across the desert?).  And I was thinking jeez don't I already pay for this place with my taxes and also btw how much does it take to run a frickin big empty canyon with some trails and a gift shop?


Quote from: eeieeyeoh on January 17, 2014, 11:28:09 AM
Falkie, I understand your wanting to be a paranormal talk show host, but would you be able to ask Mel why he didn't build an outhouse over his hole?

As I recall Art talking about it, the CIA or some agency bought Mel's land and he dropped off the radar. It would be difficult to find him. I was surprised he never used radar to see if the hole was truly bottomless. But ... that's the kind of stuff we used ot hear on AB that we never hear on the shows of the Snooreon, stuff people talk about for years and years. Its what made you never want to stop listening to Art which is the opposite of listening to Noory. Its an effort now to even listen to his opening much less a " whole " split program. Noory should quit but his ego will never let hm do so.


Quote from: zeebo on January 17, 2014, 03:23:45 PM
You know, I remember going to the Grand Canyon, probably like fifteen years ago, and we got charged a $25 "car fee" when we drove in (like how else are you going to get there, just stroll across the desert?).
Forest service trail roads, north of Cameron on 89.


Quote from: ziznak on January 17, 2014, 02:56:41 PM
Listened to that last bitcoin / Anna Nakki show from a few nights ago.  laughed quite a bit! George is still fumbling through the English language going strong into 2014!!! You go Jorch you go.

I'm amused by the news story today that Wells Fargo wants to know more about bitcoins. Noory still seems clueless about the concept. Wells is considering doing something with the things. I didn't know that one can buy fractional amounts of bitcoins. I wish I'd paid more attention to it when it started. It is growing and probably making central bankers and the corrupt bankster types very nervous becuase they can't regulate it or tax it.
But ... given the latest judicial ruling on net neutrality, the governments will probably figure out a way to  deny service to the major bit coin dealer types and try to stop it that way.


Quote from: zeebo on January 17, 2014, 03:23:45 PM
You know, I remember going to the Grand Canyon, probably like fifteen years ago, and we got charged a $25 "car fee" when we drove in (like how else are you going to get there, just stroll across the desert?).  And I was thinking jeez don't I already pay for this place with my taxes and also btw how much does it take to run a frickin big empty canyon with some trails and a gift shop?

The government will always figure out a way to make money off the labors of the people it ostensibly is supposed to serve.
What gets me is that DARPA and Federal funds developed the internet. Our taxes paid for it, so why isn't the internet free as well.
Locally you have to pay $6 to drive up to the top of Mt. Diablo. They made it a state park so that state could make money at it. Though when we drove over there one day there's just a ticket machine. I don't know what would happen if you drove it and don't pay. Its our local highest peak. The park that gets me is this little tiny park that says its dinosaur park yet nothing on the site that I've seen has anything to do with dinosaurs. Park has a small parking area but does have a great overlook of the whole valley around here.
One comment about rich Republican assholes. Rich people if they earn money tend to forget what it was like when they were middle class or even poor. Some do good things with their money, like John Huntsman who started a cancer center with money earned from his manufacturing company.
If I ever became rich, I'd take 1% or more and give it to charities I care about and I would talk to this one homeless guy who lives in his raincoat and hat year round and offer to buy him a foreclosed house so he could get off the streets. I probably would buy a couple of foreclosed homes and give them to homeless families as well. With all the foreclosures and boarded up houses around the country, there's no reason for anyone to be homeless. Banks and municipalities could have people live in them as caretakers with the codicil to take care of the property and give them the home if they live there for maybe 5 years or so.
I'm a Republican but would never be an asshole towards people because I KNOW what it means to NOT have a lot of money and have been homeless.

Quote from: Gd5150 on January 17, 2014, 02:43:59 PM
If it were real, our loving government would've taken it via "imminent domain", built a giant funnel, dumped all of the radioactive garbage from the  Fukushima disaster and earthquake in it, then built a nice grassy walking bridge over it, and called it it the American Park for Freedom, Nature & The Environment. It of course would've been free to all, only costing $20 to get in.

Quote from: zeebo on January 17, 2014, 03:23:45 PM
You know, I remember going to the Grand Canyon, probably like fifteen years ago, and we got charged a $25 "car fee" when we drove in (like how else are you going to get there, just stroll across the desert?).  And I was thinking jeez don't I already pay for this place with my taxes and also btw how much does it take to run a frickin big empty canyon with some trails and a gift shop?

I hate this shit too. The money is handed back as tax credits to the private hotel operators that use the park.

I have to hand it to the grocery store inside the Grand Canyon though. Cheap and great liquor selection.


I heard enough of the past few nights' callers to be somewhat alarmed at the number of nut cases who claim they're hearing voices, and who believe the Sitchen nonsense about ET "Anunaki". 


Quote from: zeebo on January 17, 2014, 02:22:17 AM
Why do I get the feeling I'm the only person on earth listening to this show right now?  I really need to get a life.

Anyway for those missing out, you just missed hipster George asking the guest regarding South Beach:  "Does Ricky Martin still have his club down there?"  Just thought I'd put that one down on record for posterity.

I'm usually right there with you, zeebo! Lately I've been going to bed early though. I've started taking a bunch of nootropics (brain-boosting supplements -- http://www.details.com/health-fitness/diet/201305/nootropics-smart-drugs-pills) that cause really vivid, better-than-any-movie-I've-ever-seen, feels-like-spending-a-lifetime-in-Narnia-and-then-falling-back-through-the-wardrobe dreams. As such, I'm usually anxious to get to sleep these days, since they're way the hell more exciting than my real life.

Wow, when I read that, it sounds kind of sad.


Tonight's show looks worth staying awake for:

Ax Murders & Open Lines
Date:   01-17-14
Host:   George Noory
Guests:   Nicholas Pistor, Open Lines
George Noory will be joined by author and journalist Nick Pistor for a discussion on Jesuit priest and historian of The Exorcist case, Fr. Francis Cleary, and a gruesome story of curses, ghosts and murder. Open Lines to follow.

It would be even more awesome if he held open a special line for ax murderers only.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 17, 2014, 08:37:46 PM
I'm usually right there with you, zeebo! Lately I've been going to bed early though. I've started taking a bunch of nootropics (brain-boosting supplements...


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