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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: 21st Century Man on May 23, 2017, 11:20:52 PM
I have no beef with you.  Put them all in jail, Republican and Democrat.
I realized after typing it that it probably came across a little more aggressive than it was meant towards you. I hate them all (republican and democrat) and feel like they are wrecking what was a great society- and we have not seen the worst of it or the end result.

I honestly do hope that Trump does something.  He feels upset that they may have spied on him.  Perhaps he will realize that everybody should have the right to feel that their government is not recording every word they say, every word they type and every search term they "google."  Maybe he really will be the president that so many people had hoped he would be... I'm just not holding my breath.

***And I apologize for my "outburst."  It was not really meant for you, just a general "fuck them all."

Quote from: WOTR on May 23, 2017, 11:39:53 PM
I realized after typing it that it probably came across a little more aggressive than it was meant towards you. I hate them all (republican and democrat) and feel like they are wrecking what was a great society- and we have not seen the worst of it or the end result.

I honestly do hope that Trump does something.  He feels upset that they may have spied on him.  Perhaps he will realize that everybody should have the right to feel that their government is not recording every word they say, every word they type and every search term they "google."  Maybe he really will be the president that so many people had hoped he would be... I'm just not holding my breath.

***And I apologize for my "outburst."  It was not really meant for you, just a general "fuck them all."

No problem, man.  I share your pessimism and anger.  The only reason why I don't give the Republicans the same amount of disdain that I give the Democrats is because in the past they have talked a good game and every once in a blue moon did the right thing.  It has been ages since they have done the right thing though and I'm fed up with them too.  There are a few Republicans I still like.  Rand Paul, Mike Lee and a few others but in general most are bad.  I'm giving Trump some slack because he has only been in office a short time.


I thought it was a fantastic rant WOTR. Great point of Trump, that Trump was upset when it's about him, but seems to have little concern for the rest of us. Didn't he sign a bill removing privacy rights allow telecom to sell off your info.


Quote from: Zetaspeak on May 23, 2017, 11:52:02 PM
Didn't he sign a bill removing privacy rights allow telecom to sell off your info.
I already forgot about that. 

Praise VPN's. :)


Meritorious Stigmatizing √


Quote from: Meister_000 on May 24, 2017, 09:29:42 AM

Yep we can't cut anything at all. We must spend more more more!
Reelect Elizabeth Warren for worthless sack of $hit. She cares. I'm sure she's really concerned about Trump keeping his promises. 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄


Obviously most Trump supporters don't seem to care. The guy literally said no cuts to it during the campaign.

This story kind of made me smile

QuoteDisruptive Passenger in Trump Hat Delays Newark-Bound United Flight, Airline Says
All passengers had to deplane, and they jeered the man in the Trump hat, screaming "Lock him up!" when he was eventually escorted from the flight

A United Airlines flight from Shanghai that was headed for Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey was delayed for hours because a passenger allegedly refused to get out of another traveler's seat while boarding, the airline said.

United said the man, who was wearing a bright red "Make America Great Again" hat, grew increasingly disruptive when crew members tried to get him to move out of the other flier's seat as they boarded the aircraft in Shanghai Sunday.

According to a man whose father was on the flight, the man in the hat asked to be upgraded to first class, and when that wasn't done, he went to the back of the plane and would not let anyone else sit in his row. All passengers had to de-plane while local officials dealt with the matter.

The man "eventually left the aircraft on his own accord," United said. Fellow passengers greeted him with shouts of "Lock him up!" when he was escorted off the plane.

The flight left Shanghai three hours late and had to make an unscheduled stop in San Francisco to recrew, according to the airline.


First off the report of a plane full of Chinese people pointing and chanting "lock him up" would be a hilarious sight to be hold.

Secondly the stupid red hat is going to be a pain in the ass for Trump supporters/Conservatives/Republicans because every time somebody does something stupid while wearing it, that hat is like a big giant spotlight lol. It's like me watching the news and seeing somebody get arrested and he's wearing my favorite bands t-shirt, I would be like for F-sake do you really have to wear that shirt while being an idiot  ;D

PS he kind of looks like Jerome Corsi  ???


Quote from: Zetaspeak on May 24, 2017, 02:22:44 PM
the stupid red hat is going to be a pain in the ass for Drumpf supporters/Conservatives/Republicans

The stupid red hat seems... acceptable.


Former CIA Dir. John Brennan testifies before House committee on Russia investigation.  5.23.17.



Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 20, 2017, 08:26:34 PM
Yeah and I notice that everyone here is avoiding the fucking elephant in the room: WE JUST SOLD SA 1.9 BILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF ARMS! Doesn't anyone have any thoughts about that?  :D

We score 1.9 billion.  Does that also include service contracts?  That's where the real money is isn't it?  Doing the maintenance and upgrades that follow on?  I mean, really, does anyone expect  6th century primitives to be able to attend to the maintenance needs of modern jets?  They still suck the eyes out of goats heads.   


Quote from: Yorkshire Pudiphile on May 24, 2017, 04:44:20 PM
We score 1.9 billion.  Does that also include service contracts?  That's where the real money is isn't it?  Doing the maintenance and upgrades that follow on?  I mean, really, does anyone expect  6th century primitives to be able to attend to the maintenance needs of modern jets?  They still suck the eyes out of goats heads.

Yeah but, apparently, if you give 19 of them box cutters they can do a fuck of a lot of damage...according to the official narrative, anyway.


Quote from: Attention Whore on May 23, 2017, 08:47:14 PM
Where's the outrage over this?  I want to hear from our friends on the left on Bellgab what they think about this.  Instead, all they do is bitch about Trump.  Obama should be prosecuted over this.

Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years


Shut up whore.  You cannot bring up old Negro business when we are busy bashing Trump.  silly whore.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pudiphile on May 24, 2017, 04:44:20 PM
We score 1.9 billion.  Does that also include service contracts?  That's where the real money is isn't it?  Doing the maintenance and upgrades that follow on?  I mean, really, does anyone expect  6th century primitives to be able to attend to the maintenance needs of modern jets?  They still suck the eyes out of goats heads.
I recall some weird story about BAE being able to secure one of those kick-back contracts with the Saudis because a Brit could suck the eyes out of a goat. Which impressed the backwards Arab "royals." I posted the article here but can't find in the search.

I don't mind arm sales and, as you say, the maintenance etc is good. Like HP selling you a printer on a much larger level! But I would like it if we had a safety switch somewhere buried on the circuit boards in case they get into the wrong hands or the country we sell stuff too turns against us or an ally.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 24, 2017, 04:48:49 PM
Yeah but, apparently, if you give 19 of them box cutters they can do a fuck of a lot of damage...according to the official narrative, anyway.

Hmmmmm.  The 'official' narrative. 

But no shit, I wish I had been on one of those planes.  Maybe nothing would have changed, but maybe I could have saved a few more ppl that day.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pudiphile on May 24, 2017, 04:52:42 PM
Shut up whore.  You cannot bring up old Negro business when we are busy bashing Trump.  silly whore.

Oh, so the Obama administration was spying on all of us while selling us out to foreign interests. Trump has funny hair!  :D

Quote from: Yorkshire Pudiphile on May 24, 2017, 04:52:42 PM
Shut up whore.  You cannot bring up old Negro business when we are busy bashing Trump.  silly whore.


Oh it is time for my supper.    I picked at my boogers all day long and now I have enough for a sandwich.  Did you know there are 12 mg of protein in every serving?  Yummy.  Ta-ta for now.

MICHELLE Should pimp out Barack
1 speech buys ?? HOW MANY SCHOOL LUNCHES ?
(is she really passionate about school lunches ?)

Any Carter attended public school in DC
How many kids did Michelle pack lunches for at Friends of Sidwell private school that were going without food ?


Quote from: Zetaspeak on May 24, 2017, 02:22:44 PM

First off the report of a plane full of Chinese people pointing and chanting "lock him up" would be a hilarious sight to be hold.
Actually, they would be chanting "Wok him up," which would be even funnier.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 24, 2017, 05:01:34 PM
Oh, so the Obama administration was spying on all of us while selling us out to foreign interests. Trump has funny hair!  :D
I know... It's hilarious!  The best part is that the sideshow performer with little hands , orange skin and funny hair has not stopped spying on us... And we are busy looking backwards at the damage done rather than asking how we could stop it going forward.

But... But... Muh Obamah!  Muh Trump!  Muh expectations of privacy and civil rights.  ;)

Quote from: WOTR on May 24, 2017, 07:59:29 PM
I know... It's hilarious!  The best part is that the sideshow performer with little hands , orange skin and funny hair has not stopped spying on us... And we are busy looking backwards at the damage done rather than asking how we could stop it going forward.

But... But... Muh Obamah!  Muh Trump!  Muh expectations of privacy and civil rights.  ;)

I'm thinking there's a difference between illegally seeking out, reviewing, and leaking the incidental (US citizen) portions of conversations that were recorded when targeting foreign officials and other non US citizens, and not doing so.  There's also a difference between intentionally misleading a FISO judge in order to spy on Americans, and not doing so.  But forget all that and just impeach Trump already, right?

Speaking of obstruction of justice, which happens all the time in DC but is only a problem for the Fake News Media when non-Liberal, non-Democrats are accused of it (see:  Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch, and the Phoenix tarmac), today we found out Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (the least attractive DNC chairman to date) was threatening the Capital Police when they were investigating why a member of her IT staff was stealing equipment, breeching Congressional computers, and stealing data.

Am I correct in recalling Barry Obama spent eight years blaming Bush for everything he inherited and couldn't handle, and for everything that went wrong on his watch (which was pretty much everything), but now we're not even supposed to look to compare and contrast the activity in the Obama Administration with activity now, and the Fake News Media's handling of it?  Do I have that right?


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 24, 2017, 08:28:37 PM
Speaking of obstruction of justice, which happens all the time in DC but is only a problem for the Fake News Media when non-Liberal, non-Democrats are accused of it (see:  Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch, and the Phoenix tarmac), today we found out Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (the least attractive DNC chairman to date) was threatening the Capital Police when they were investigating why a member of her IT staff was stealing equipment, breeching Congressional computers, and stealing data.

Am I correct in recalling Barry Obama spent eight years blaming Bush for everything he inherited and couldn't handle, and for everything that went wrong on his watch (which was pretty much everything), but now we're not even supposed to look to compare and contrast the activity in the Obama Administration with activity now, and the Fake News Media's handling of it?  Do I have that right?

"Wasserman Schultz Threatened Police Chief For Gathering Evidence On Her IT Staffer’s* Alleged Crimes"

* Imran Awan, a Pakistani staffer suspected of massive cybersecurity breaches involving funneling sensitive congressional data offsite.

Quote from: albrecht on May 24, 2017, 09:37:14 PM
... Imran Awan, a Pakistani staffer suspected of massive cybersecurity breaches involving funneling sensitive congressional data offsite.

This actually came out 3 months ago.  The part about Deb's obstruction of justice is new, or at least I don't remember that being part of the story until now.


Here's what was of utmost importance to one of the Democrat Congressmen (Gregory Meeks) whose office was being spied on:

''Meeks said he was hesitant to believe the accusations against Alvi, Imran Awan and the three other staffers, saying their background as Muslim Americans, some with ties to Pakistan, could make them easy targets for false charges...

“I wanted to be sure individuals are not being singled out because of their nationalities or their religion. We want to make sure everybody is entitled to due process,” Meeks said ''

Here's what another one [Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio)] had to say:

''Fudge told Politico on Tuesday she would [continue to] employ Imran Awan until he received “due process.”  “He needs to have a hearing. Due process is very simple...'' ''

Fucking idiots.  Keep in mind these are some of the same people who have told us our vetting of the Syrian refugees is airtight, and who also don't give Trump the benefit of the doubt on anything - and will try to twist any event or comment into something supposedly ''impeachable''.

For all the talk (evidence) surrounding the hacking of Hilary Clinton's classified emails - and everything else going on in the world involving Islam - one would be excused for expecting a bit more concern from these two and their colleagues regarding the stolen data.  But you know the Democrats:  Party First.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 24, 2017, 09:57:44 PM
This actually came out 3 months ago.  The part about Deb's obstruction of justice is new, or at least I don't remember that being part of the story until now.


Here's what was of utmost importance to one of the Democrat Congressmen (Gregory Meeks) whose office was being spied on:

''Meeks said he was hesitant to believe the accusations against Alvi, Imran Awan and the three other staffers, saying their background as Muslim Americans, some with ties to Pakistan, could make them easy targets for false charges...

“I wanted to be sure individuals are not being singled out because of their nationalities or their religion. We want to make sure everybody is entitled to due process,” Meeks said ''

Here's what another one [Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio)] had to say:

''Fudge told Politico on Tuesday she would [continue to] employ Imran Awan until he received “due process.”  “He needs to have a hearing. Due process is very simple...'' ''

Fucking idiots.  Keep in mind these are some of the same people who have told us our vetting of the Syrian refugees is airtight, and who also don't give Trump the benefit of the doubt on anything - and will try to twist any event or comment into something impeachable.
Yeah, there were posts about it at that time, by me and others (maybe you also) and then it went "dead." Mainly because the "news" wouldn't want to cover such "non-Russian" stuff and the DNC was attempting to thwart the process. And it is not politically-correct. But also because normal, or good, investigations don't put out information in public, via leaks or pressers, until a solid indictment is secured. I find this a problem with many investigations these days- on all sides. Playing the press instead of solid investigations, grand juries, etc. And the desire for "instant" judgements and "real time" news.


Quote from: albrecht on May 24, 2017, 10:19:31 PM
Yeah, there were posts about it at that time, by me and others (maybe you also) and then it went "dead." Mainly because the "news" wouldn't want to cover such "non-Russian" stuff and the DNC was attempting to thwart the process. And it is not politically-correct. But also because normal, or good, investigations don't put out information in public, via leaks or pressers, until a solid indictment is secured. I find this a problem with many investigations these days- on all sides. Playing the press instead of solid investigations, grand juries, etc. And the desire for "instant" judgements and "real time" news.

He was so fond of due process that he fled to Pakistan


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