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Friend of the show, actor Doug Hutchinson, 51, marries 16 year old.

Started by TaoOfLuxLisbon, June 21, 2011, 01:27:54 PM


i noticed several TV stations were playing the movie "The Green Mile" featuring Doug Hutchinson as Percy last weekend.
Merely a coincidence? ;)


Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on October 04, 2011, 06:03:07 PM
I haven't paid attention to this thread until yesterday. Although the title is bad, it doesn't prepare one for what is inside. I read the last two pages last night and had no idea this story included Toombs! As though it weren't creepy enough.

This was special: "I think she's destined for porn.  She did the bikini shoot to put to rest rumors about her breasts being fake!  Mmmmkay so in order to disspell rumors her body is not real, she dons a fake tan, fake abs sprayed on even darker than her fake tan & fake boobs."

The part that gets it for me is not only are both of the bride's parents cool with the arrangement, but the Mother is also the married couple's manager?
How awesome is that Toombs? Do ya feel 51 now? This whole thing wreaks of greed and lust to me. But I will refrain from negatively judging as best I can. On that note..Let's hope she doesn't get pregnant..
first in line at the abortion clinic.  probably has a pile of empty prescription bottles for the 'morning after pill' next to her bed


Quote from: Morgus on October 04, 2011, 08:09:44 PM
i noticed several TV stations were playing the movie "The Green Mile" featuring Doug Hutchinson as Percy last weekend.
Merely a coincidence? ;)

Makes me think it's all a big publicity stunt. Especially considering what Gen.JJ said -- the mother is the couple's manager. I hope it's some kind of stunt.  Fame seeking parents who live vicariously through their offspring are creepy - especially these parents. 

Quote from: b_dubb on October 04, 2011, 08:22:53 PM
first in line at the abortion clinic.  probably has a pile of empty prescription bottles for the 'morning after pill' next to her bed

Ya, I agree. There's too much happening right now in her "career" to be troubled by a pregnancy. Plus a shitload of $ to have more plastic surgery done after that baby to keep her looking younger than 40.
She looks so damn rough. I mean, for that age, wtf has she been thru to look as disheveled as she does? The more I look into this, cocaine use seems to glare at me. I'm not buying into this cock & bull story that she lost her virginity to Toombs either. No fucking way. Unless he's been dating her since she was 12. Who knows I guess.
Anybody want to give me the odds on Noory having them on "Overnight with Dumbfuck" any time soon? I figure they'll be hitting the circuits trying to promo this reality show they've supposedly got going on.

Quote from: Frys Girl on October 04, 2011, 06:08:51 PM
We keep insisting that she's dumb and brainwashed, and these are both probably true, but she's "smart" in the sense that she understands market forces. If she says "my boobs aren't fake," she knows that 1. they are 2. we won't believe her but 3. we will look anyway. I don't know who is worse then! We ?? She? The parents? MTV? X-Files? My lord Chris Carter really made a monster.
There's no doubt in my mind FG that she's got at least a couple of scrambles of brain in her noggin. I'd say every other aspect of her life is compromised and bankrupt of morals and sound judgement unfortunately.

Was this a dream of hers, this fame seeking? Or was it the parents that have pushed her into this since childhood? She's clearly lusted for fame for most of her teen years if I'm not mistaken. IMO, she's also clearly using Toombs as her publicity springboard to get her that one chance at getting noticed. Sucker!

This may have already been discussed in this thread, but at what age is it assumed she started having plastic surgery? She's noticably had it done on more than 1 part of her body. I think in her early teens, she was obsessed with looking older. I also think she had surgically enhanced her face to achieve that "mature" look.

I gotta end it here, starting to get a headache from this madness.


Quote from: Frys Girl on October 04, 2011, 06:08:51 PM
We keep insisting that she's dumb and brainwashed, and these are both probably true, but she's "smart" in the sense that she understands market forces. If she says "my boobs aren't fake," she knows that 1. they are 2. we won't believe her but 3. we will look anyway. I don't know who is worse then! We ?? She? The parents? MTV? X-Files? My lord Chris Carter really made a monster.

She understands market forces and a two-move look-ahead after she says "my boobs aren't fake"?  Not a chance in hell.  If she is indeed 16, which may or may not be true, she's an idiot by definition.  But hell, even some 40 year olds wouldn't follow that logic. 

Sorry, I somehow used a chess metaphor when discussing boobs.  It won't happen again.

The really sad part about all of this is that she's just grist for the enterainment mill, chewed up by the goldfish-like attention span that the internet has given us.  When I think about Courtney's fate 10 years from now, I keep seeing Sharon Stone's final scene in Casino.  After years of being nipped, tucked, and inflated in all the right places, the entire cast of characters in her life that for years told her how wonderful and beautiful she was will abandon her like an empty bank account, and she'll be left standing there wondering what the hell she's worth, and maybe who the hell she even is.  And maybe, if she really is 16 now, she will look back and see a glimmer of the innocence she gave up for the fame, and want it back.

I can and have joined in the mockery and poking fun at this girl.  It is funny, and I don't want to put a damper on the thread. But there's a lonely sadness to the whole thing.  If a story comes out in ten years entitled "What ever happened to Courtney Stodden?", I'm not sure I'd want to read it.

The Green mile was on tv last night. My perspective changed since watching it years ago. I felt like punching Percy along with them

Quote from: Flaxen Hegemony on October 07, 2011, 09:18:31 PM

I can and have joined in the mockery and poking fun at this girl.  It is funny, and I don't want to put a damper on the thread. But there's a lonely sadness to the whole thing.  If a story comes out in ten years entitled "What ever happened to Courtney Stodden?", I'm not sure I'd want to read it.

Too, too true.  If she IS only 16 and has been subjected to the jeers and taunts of her peers and the obvious manipulations of her stage-mother, maybe deep down there's just a little girl who wants to have a tea party or be invited to a real birthday party. 
I can't imagine a life where my appearance would be the sole total of who I am.  I'll skip that whatever happened story, too.


Quote from: Treading Water on October 08, 2011, 09:19:38 AM
Too, too true.  If she IS only 16 and has been subjected to the jeers and taunts of her peers and the obvious manipulations of her stage-mother, maybe deep down there's just a little girl who wants to have a tea party or be invited to a real birthday party. 
I can't imagine a life where my appearance would be the sole total of who I am.  I'll skip that whatever happened story, too.
What? No 16 year in their right mind would want to "act like a little girl again". Sorry, times have changed. 16 year olds don't want to appear younger or have "tea parties". They WANT the adult experience. If you haven't read the news, teenagers are having sex, smoking and drinking younger and younger. Hell, girls are getting their first periods younger and younger. I know a girl who had her first one at 10. TEN. WTF. And you're asking these girls NOT to grow up, when they have to deal with grown up issues? No, it's either allow your kids to grow up, or keep them as "children" their entire teenage existence and have them explode as soon as they hit adult-hood. I've seen hundreds of examples of "sheltered" kids losing it as soon as they get some freedom from mom and dad.

Quote from: JJNDCA on October 08, 2011, 09:45:21 AM
What? No 16 year in their right mind would want to "act like a little girl again". Sorry, times have changed. 16 year olds don't want to appear younger or have "tea parties". They WANT the adult experience. If you haven't read the news, teenagers are having sex, smoking and drinking younger and younger. Hell, girls are getting their first periods younger and younger. I know a girl who had her first one at 10. TEN. WTF. And you're asking these girls NOT to grow up, when they have to deal with grown up issues? No, it's either allow your kids to grow up, or keep them as "children" their entire teenage existence and have them explode as soon as they hit adult-hood. I've seen hundreds of examples of "sheltered" kids losing it as soon as they get some freedom from mom and dad.

For what its worth, when I referred to Courtney maybe wanting a "redo", I wasn't talking about now, but when she's 30+ and no longer useful to Doug or others close to her.  Then, she just might look back to when she was 16 and see things differently.

Lovely Bones

Quote from: JJNDCA on October 08, 2011, 09:45:21 AM
What? No 16 year in their right mind would want to "act like a little girl again". Sorry, times have changed. 16 year olds don't want to appear younger or have "tea parties". They WANT the adult experience. If you haven't read the news, teenagers are having sex, smoking and drinking younger and younger. Hell, girls are getting their first periods younger and younger. I know a girl who had her first one at 10. TEN. WTF. And you're asking these girls NOT to grow up, when they have to deal with grown up issues? No, it's either allow your kids to grow up, or keep them as "children" their entire teenage existence and have them explode as soon as they hit adult-hood. I've seen hundreds of examples of "sheltered" kids losing it as soon as they get some freedom from mom and dad.

There's a wide world of choices between little girl tea parties and zipping into the fast lane of sex, smoking, drinking, etc.  The most well-adjusted teen girls I know are the ones who became involved in something outside themselves and beyond superficial stuff like clothing and make up (which is not to say they don't pay attention to those things, only that those things don't define them). 

These kids aren't sheltered.  They've actually lived all kinds of experiences their peers have missed while in a drug-induced or alcohol-induced fog. 


Quote from: JJNDCA on October 08, 2011, 09:45:21 AM
What? No 16 year in their right mind would want to "act like a little girl again". Sorry, times have changed. 16 year olds don't want to appear younger or have "tea parties". They WANT the adult experience. If you haven't read the news, teenagers are having sex, smoking and drinking younger and younger. Hell, girls are getting their first periods younger and younger. I know a girl who had her first one at 10. TEN. WTF. And you're asking these girls NOT to grow up, when they have to deal with grown up issues? No, it's either allow your kids to grow up, or keep them as "children" their entire teenage existence and have them explode as soon as they hit adult-hood. I've seen hundreds of examples of "sheltered" kids losing it as soon as they get some freedom from mom and dad.

It may be that 16 year olds WANT the adult experience, but they are still, mentally and physically, children. Age of menarche is immaterial. Their mentalities are adolescent; their capacity for adult reasoning is limited. My intention, in “sheltering” my children, is not to keep them as children all their lives, but to guide them to adulthood and to responsibility. They haven’t had an explosion yet. I think my kids are very grounded.

Reading your other posts, it seems that you are greatly concerned about the suppression of sexuality. I really don’t see that happening at all. Instead, I see a packaged sexuality that is thrown into our faces 24/7, if we so choose. Not only that, this sexuality is a lie. Gender roles are rigidly enforced (even in gay sexuality, i.e., butch and femme or top and bottom) and what is “hot” is reduced to a boring laundry list of required items (those that Courtney Stodden is attempting to embody). No, I don’t want my children forced into this kind of sexuality, but I must contend with the fact that it is all they’re ever shown in pop culture. I do not want my children to experience sex as a “hook-up (like dogs?),” and I expect them to be responsible and solicitous. We don’t pretend that sexuality is meaningless or a self-centered expression, just getting off. Some may see this as suppressive (pace Tom), but self-control is a vital component of sexuality, one that my children will learn.

You may be worried that girls just aren’t getting the opportunity to express themselves sexually, or that repression is dangerous and leads to explosions, but I’m more concerned that girls are far less likely to get anything out of sex because of the dysfunctional way that male sexuality is shaped. Women are not toys or playthings, eye candy, or bitches and hos. They are fully-realized human beings. I teach students in the 18-25 age range, and their attitudes, pretend or not, are dismal and disgusting, polluted by the phony tropes of pornography. How do I explain to my 11, 15 and 17 year old daughters the idea behind “Bros before Hos?” It breaks my heart. It makes me sick. I have to tell them that the overwhelming, dominant Bro culture thinks females are disposable trash. And it’s not just the young. Many of my male colleagues “date” students and discuss them in pornographic detail; yes, it’s true that these young girls fantasize about being an adult and about being in an adult relationship, but there is a power differential here. I don’t get off on that kind of power, and I don’t want my daughters to be victimized by it. Yeah, so I am the only man in my daughter’s lives. We talk honestly about the sexual culture, and the creation of false sexual identities, but I am their father, not their pimp.

Morality goes hand-in-hand with sexuality. Objectifying and raping women is wrong, period. My religion teaches me that my partner’s pleasure comes first, always, and that she may divorce me if I do not satisfy her. It teaches me that I may not shame my wife by throwing my attraction to other women in her face. When I am with her, my attention is 100% on her. This is respect. My sexual attention is not superficial or meaningless. So, should I teach my daughters to expect less? To be subservient and to be objectified and not to expect pleasure themselves? That sex is merely a few seconds of pleasurable contractions, nothing more? That there is no value to relationships, and men can’t be expected to be decent? Just shoot me.

Wow, Avi.  You are a real, live, human adult.  I'm truly glad to meet you.
I hope your students realize how lucky they are.  I'm sure your daughters do.(Not to mention, your wife.)   :)

Frys Girl

Quote from: Avi on October 09, 2011, 03:35:34 PM
It may be that 16 year olds WANT the adult experience, but they are still, mentally and physically, children. Age of menarche is immaterial. Their mentalities are adolescent; their capacity for adult reasoning is limited. My intention, in “sheltering” my children, is not to keep them as children all their lives, but to guide them to adulthood and to responsibility. They haven’t had an explosion yet. I think my kids are very grounded.

Reading your other posts, it seems that you are greatly concerned about the suppression of sexuality. I really don’t see that happening at all. Instead, I see a packaged sexuality that is thrown into our faces 24/7, if we so choose. Not only that, this sexuality is a lie. Gender roles are rigidly enforced (even in gay sexuality, i.e., butch and femme or top and bottom) and what is “hot” is reduced to a boring laundry list of required items (those that Courtney Stodden is attempting to embody). No, I don’t want my children forced into this kind of sexuality, but I must contend with the fact that it is all they’re ever shown in pop culture. I do not want my children to experience sex as a “hook-up (like dogs?),” and I expect them to be responsible and solicitous. We don’t pretend that sexuality is meaningless or a self-centered expression, just getting off. Some may see this as suppressive (pace Tom), but self-control is a vital component of sexuality, one that my children will learn.

You may be worried that girls just aren’t getting the opportunity to express themselves sexually, or that repression is dangerous and leads to explosions, but I’m more concerned that girls are far less likely to get anything out of sex because of the dysfunctional way that male sexuality is shaped. Women are not toys or playthings, eye candy, or bitches and hos. They are fully-realized human beings. I teach students in the 18-25 age range, and their attitudes, pretend or not, are dismal and disgusting, polluted by the phony tropes of pornography. How do I explain to my 11, 15 and 17 year old daughters the idea behind “Bros before Hos?” It breaks my heart. It makes me sick. I have to tell them that the overwhelming, dominant Bro culture thinks females are disposable trash. And it’s not just the young. Many of my male colleagues “date” students and discuss them in pornographic detail; yes, it’s true that these young girls fantasize about being an adult and about being in an adult relationship, but there is a power differential here. I don’t get off on that kind of power, and I don’t want my daughters to be victimized by it. Yeah, so I am the only man in my daughter’s lives. We talk honestly about the sexual culture, and the creation of false sexual identities, but I am their father, not their pimp.

Morality goes hand-in-hand with sexuality. Objectifying and raping women is wrong, period. My religion teaches me that my partner’s pleasure comes first, always, and that she may divorce me if I do not satisfy her. It teaches me that I may not shame my wife by throwing my attraction to other women in her face. When I am with her, my attention is 100% on her. This is respect. My sexual attention is not superficial or meaningless. So, should I teach my daughters to expect less? To be subservient and to be objectified and not to expect pleasure themselves? That sex is merely a few seconds of pleasurable contractions, nothing more? That there is no value to relationships, and men can’t be expected to be decent? Just shoot me.
Avi, this was beautiful. You're a great father. More children need fathers like you.


I don't want to be seen as saintly. I am also a source of great irritation to my wife and children and students, believe me. I am an arrogant jerk. I struggle with these issues.

I don't say this in anger, but there is something wrong with a man in his fifties marrying a 16 year old and there is something wrong, hateful even, with a teenager being turned out like a prostitute for sale to the highest bidder. Personally, the problem is not that my daughters need to break free of my parental supervision to plot assignations with old men; they need to break free from a societally defined sexual identity, especially the identity that is being determined for them by our culture: your value as a female resides solely in your looks, you should compete with other women to be a servant to men, and sex is meaningless. I love my daughters; I don't want them to accept this for themselves.

Of course, raising sons in this environment is equally fraught. When our oldest son was in high school, he was invited to a party (well, a rave on the beach, actually). We were very surprised to see him home early, around 10:00 pm. Somewhat embarrassed, he told us that, after the Ecstasy was passed around, people stood in a circle where the object was to go round, making out with whomever was next in line, male or female. He denied being a participant (no, we didn't believe him), but my wife and I wanted to scream and light our hair on fire. After a few stiff drinks, we were able to maintain our composure, but this was the first time we had encountered the, uh, post-modern deconstruction of human relationships. In our day, free love and "sexual liberation" was all the rage, but there was at least a minimal human relationship. I mean, you at least liked the person you hopped in the sack with. Now, I hear kids talking about "hate-fucks." Do I even want to understand such a concept? My students tell me that they are afraid to voice a longing for relationship, because that will result in being seen as needy. Oh, the horror! Kids even have an internet shorthand for laying out assignation details, DTR, or Define the Relationship. No, this is not a long and soulful discussion about commitment, ha! It's a short housekeeping conversation (I'll do oral if you'll blah, blah, blah...Wednesdays and Fridays). I want neither my daughters nor my sons (thankfully, we married the eldest off, but the youngest is only 1 year 6 months) to be participants in this dehumanization.

It's funny, but I do a lot of Early Music, including the music of the troubadors, who exemplified the virtues of courtly love. This seemed the height of romance to me, so when I knew my wife was the One, I sang to her under her window. My students are astonished by this extreme behavior; they can't imagine going to such lengths, nor can they open themselves to the passion required for singing. There is something seriously awry. One fad is to try to justify the status quo by the pseudo-science of sociobiology: we're just animals trying to maximize our mating strategy. Um, I'm not thinking about mating strategy when I have sex, blech! Oh, my genes are thinking about it? Sorry, but genes have no volition. I know; I poked them in a lab with a hot stick, and they neither moved nor complained.

Technology seems to have made relationships more discrete, and less discreet.  We need to listen to the wise philosopher Pat Benatar, who said back in the 80s - "Stop using sex as a weapon."


Quote from: Avi on October 09, 2011, 08:29:19 PM
I don't say this in anger, but there is something wrong with a man in his fifties marrying a 16 year old and there is something wrong, hateful even, with a teenager being turned out like a prostitute for sale to the highest bidder. Personally, the problem is not that my daughters need to break free of my parental supervision to plot assignations with old men; they need to break free from a societally defined sexual identity, especially the identity that is being determined for them by our culture: your value as a female resides solely in your looks, you should compete with other women to be a servant to men, and sex is meaningless. I love my daughters; I don't want them to accept this for themselves.

aldous huxley's brave new world.  brought to you by pharma


Thanks for the kind words. I have to limit my ranting because it takes away from my cool, hipster persona (don't be laughing, yo!) and makes me look like a crazy reactionary. 

Lovely Bones

Quote from: Avi on October 10, 2011, 03:20:44 PM
Thanks for the kind words. I have to limit my ranting because it takes away from my cool, hipster persona (don't be laughing, yo!) and makes me look like a crazy reactionary.

Don't worry, Avi.  No matter what accolades you receive here for your rants, your kids will still think you're a crazy reactionary.  At least until they're about 30. 

The General

Quote from: b_dubb on October 10, 2011, 06:45:19 AM

aldous huxley's brave new world.  brought to you by pharma
Exactly what I was thinking, Brave New World, but there are so many reasons why.  The rampant overuse and overprescription of mind-altering and conscience suppressing anti-depressants is one prong of it.  The use of substances that break down inhibitions like marijuana and ecstasy is another.  And yet another is the cultural revolution of free love and the deconstruction of the family, now decades in the making.  We're way past the point of no return.  Even delineating lines between male and female are being erased.  And it is taught in college as fact.  I know who did it to us, too, but it's way too late for that to matter.


Quote from: Lovely Bones on October 11, 2011, 07:55:48 AM
Don't worry, Avi.  No matter what accolades you receive here for your rants, your kids will still think you're a crazy reactionary.  At least until they're about 30.

Ha! So true, but The General has whipped me in terms of crazy reactionary, kol ha kavod.

But seriously, in addition to the Huxley aspects, mentioned by both b_dubb and The General, this thread is talking about sexual attraction to teeny-boppers. In American culture, women are expected to eliminate outward signs of womanhood, except for breasts. All body hair is to be blasted off, and from the chest down, she is supposed to resemble a pre-pubescent child. Pubic hair? What’s that? Well, it’s actually a marker of adulthood, but now women are presented with the “Brazilian.” Yuck! I’m less concerned about lowered inhibitions (in the right circumstances, they’re rather fun) than with the cultural outlook as a whole. When women are told to resemble children to be attractive, why are we surprised when actual children are victimized? Of course, men and boys are schooled in these tastes â€" it’s all they are shown. Sadly, women are schooled in these tastes as well â€" and only an eating disorder or a drug addiction (Kate Moss?) can give a woman, an adult woman, the body of a little boy (that’s kind of what these skinny creatures look like to me). Creepy! Too, I know very few women who don’t have a tortured relationship to food. Eating at faculty lunches, the women will all justify why they’re eating at all, if they eat more than a few pieces of salad and a crouton (ooh! The indulgence!). Do you think our society truly has a problem with women with appetites?

I think the body hair thing cuts both ways, and may be less a cultural desire for girls to look like children than it is an overall "eww, hair!" mentality in our culture right now.  Some women in their early 20's prefer their men to be "sans hair down there" as well.  I think it is part of the whole "metrosexual" phenomenon that seems to be on the wane (thank the stars above).  The Brazilian too, is just a wax that women get before they want to wear a really skimpy bikini, so things don't look odd.  I never thought there were any pre-pubescent connotations to it.

And while I agree that women should not be taught that their value in life depends on them being a size 0, don't forget about all the folks that look like that without an eating disorder or a drug addiction, and are perfectly happy and healthy! :)


Quote from: Flaxen Hegemony on October 11, 2011, 06:03:58 PM
I think the body hair thing cuts both ways, and may be less a cultural desire for girls to look like children than it is an overall "eww, hair!" mentality in our culture right now.  Some women in their early 20's prefer their men to be "sans hair down there" as well.  I think it is part of the whole "metrosexual" phenomenon that seems to be on the wane (thank the stars above).  The Brazilian too, is just a wax that women get before they want to wear a really skimpy bikini, so things don't look odd.  I never thought there were any pre-pubescent connotations to it.

And while I agree that women should not be taught that their value in life depends on them being a size 0, don't forget about all the folks that look like that without an eating disorder or a drug addiction, and are perfectly happy and healthy! :)

I dunno, FH. I was recently in a hot tub in Italy, conversing in Italian with two young women there for the same music conference. Two young American men, from another school, got into the hot tub, but we continued our conversation with a nod to them. One of the young ladies reached back for her glass of wine, revealing an unshaven armpit. I barely noticed because I try not to stare at women or their body parts (and yes, I was in the tub alone when the women both got in), but the two young men, thinking that we did not speak English - after all, we didn't immediately give them primacy - began to talk about how "gross" the unshaven women were. Their revulsion bespoke more than just "hair, in general, is icky." I turned to them and said, "Yeah, it's just about as gross as the hair in your armpits." I swear they looked like they had been struck by lightning - it was quite clear they believed their armpit hair was qualitatively different and not subject to the same sort of judgment they were dishing out to the women. After these brief pleasantries, I excused myself because I don't spend time alone in hot tubs with young females I do not know (I'm afraid I would be a reactionary party-pooper at these conferences you've mentioned). And only a man could describe a Brazilian as "just a wax." Pubic and peri-anal hair ripped out by the roots? Right, just a wax. And don't forget the red, inflamed bumpy rash that persists for a few days afterward. What can I say? I hang out with my wife and her friends. The scales have been ripped from my eyes, Ha Shem help me.

Anyway, the subconscious (or unconscious, in the psych world) disgust for the womanly female form is well-documented. A very small percentage of women naturally "look like that," size 0, but most spend their lives miserable because they don't. It takes a long time for a woman to gain self-acceptance, if ever. Again, my wife and her friends, and having daughters, have shown me things I almost would rather not have known. The physical standards and expectations for women are simply much higher. Look at almost any movie (with very few exceptions) and you will see that the female actor is probably much younger and outclasses the male by a light year in the looks department. I sometimes wonder how stupid we men really are not to realize just how manipulated are the images of women presented to us:



I really wish i had the time to write a proper reply to some of the points made here. They mostly agree with personal points i have, unfortunately im having posting issues at the moment. It constantly keeps giving me errors when i try to post.


Teen Bride Courtney Stodden Kicked off Facebook

Remember Courtney Stodden? She's the 17-year-old aspiring country singer/reality star/celebrity who stirred up controversy when she married 51-year-old Lost star Doug Hutchison in June.

Well, she's back in the headlines again, but this time for a reported feud with Facebook. Both her Facebook fan page and personal account were said to be removed from the site for "inappropriate sexual content."

Stodden's mother, Krista Keller, told E! News: "It's the jealousy from the women towards her. The men love her, the women hate her. The women report the photo because it's so easy to do. You just click a button. They think she's too sexy, they all report her together, and it's done."

She went on to say, "She has never done any nudity. Not a breast, not even a butt cheek. It's just her in a bathing suit!"

But according to Facebook, it was all just a coincidental error! "We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused," a rep for the site told E!. "This page was removed in error and has been restored."

Quote from: Morgus on October 15, 2011, 02:14:21 AM
But according to Facebook, it was all just a coincidental error! "We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused," a rep for the site told E!. "This page was removed in error and has been restored."

Great. She needs more attention.


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