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Messages - valdez

Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
January 19, 2014, 07:44:30 AM
     The main guest was Dan Hurley on "increasing brain power."  Interesting, for the most part.  A lot of talk about learning to play an instrument, and how it helps the brain.  It does more than that.  One of my jobs is managing a restaurant (then I go deliver newspapers and listen to the show) and this girl use to come in and I could tell she had a tattoo on her neck but I couldn't make out what it was because she always had it covered up and one day I asked her to let me see it.  She did.  It said "fuck the world."  She was embarrassed by it, and I thought that if she knew how to play guitar she could've formed a band and wrote a hundred songs expressing that same thought and got it out of her system and had fun and not have to walk around with such a thing on her neck.  I just got done watching the Kelly Thomas beating video that Brian Engelman was talking about.  I normally have no sympathy for fools deciding to fight the cops and are then surprised when they find themselves dead.  This is different.  The pace of it.  Slow.  A kid being a wise ass at times.  A cop's impatience.  The kid not realizing the cop is getting serious.  A few wrong words.  Some miscommunication.  Then it turns.  An ugly beating.  The kid crying out for his dad.  More cops arriving.  More crying out.  Then no more crying.  No more pleading.  The clean up.  The silence.  Sadness.

Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 17, 2014, 08:37:46 PM
...Tonight's show looks worth staying awake for...

     Nicholas Pistor on the massacre of an entire family in Illinois back in 1874, with an axe and something called a "corn knife."  Tragically fascinating.  When the conversation turned to the case of Lizzie Borden, George recited the children's rhyme and got it wrong ("...and when the job was nicely done, she gave her father forty one").  It’s his world.  Everybody else is whacked out.
     Thomas Reed is one of the few people to come on the show with some crazy abduction story sounding believable.  Except for George's super idiotic habit of trying to finish peoples sentences (and always getting it wrong) I enjoyed the segment.  Wynn Free has a girlfriend who transmits messages from the people who created the universe and you can sign up to join his conference calls where he imparts the latest wisdom from these creators.  At first I thought he was drunk, but then I realized he wasn't.
Quote from: Juan on January 16, 2014, 02:21:29 AM
George:  "What are they watching?"
Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on January 16, 2014, 03:58:42 AM
The last half hour brought out a couple of serious religious callers.

     So "bitcoins" were developed by a guy who doesn't use his real name, based on a mathematical formula that guarantees there can be only a certain amount (21 million I think), and they can't be compromised because of this formula, and David Seaman has been on the show twice pushing his book, "The Bitcoin Primer," and George still can't pronounce the word "primer" correctly.  It's all still confusing to me, and I blame the host, who took an hour and fifteen minutes to ask William Henry what exactly the "watchers" were watching, but I suppose it doesn't matter because all that Nephilim and Annunaki stuff is so boring it hurts.  George wondered if you had to be a good person in order to be an angel.  A guy called in saying he was "murdered" a few years back and the Annunaki operated on him and brought him back to life and now he's a christian.  Amen to that.
     And the third...

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on January 14, 2014, 10:04:57 AM
The Jews of Salonica (until the Greek conquest of 1912) had no less than seven men standing at the city gates-at all times-to see if the Messiah (and end times) was approaching.

Quote from: yumyumtree on January 15, 2014, 02:59:49 AM
...I had heard somebody else interviewed, and it must have been on Coast to Coast, who thought that the Dulles brothers were pretty bad guys. If anybody remember who or when this was, let me know...
That was Corsi, back on September 17th, and his theory that Kennedy was killed by Allen Dulles.

Quote from: michio on January 15, 2014, 05:04:41 AM
...I hereby designate sNoory as "The Father of Craptastic Radio" - of all time!
I second this motion of designation.

Quote from: yumyumtree on January 15, 2014, 01:20:28 AM
...as shown in the movie Downfall...

*   *  ~  *   *

    George opens the show informing us on an asteroid that is heading for the Earth and waits until the end of his report to tell us it won’t actually hit us, and doesn't mention at all when this space rock will making its fly by.  Iranian apologist John Curtis thinks a nuclear weapon would make Iran behave more responsibly than it does now.  Mike Bara evidently has a tv show.  Michael Scalla reports that America is run by tall white nazi aliens, this according to the Iranians (yeah, I really wanna see these goons with a nuke), via recently released documents by immaculate hero extraordinaire, Saint Edward Snowden, .  I thought the Jerome Corsi segment on Hitler was cool, and George even gave us a brief history of the Austrian psycho for "people who were not born during WWII, and have not dabbled in history..."  And since c2c is doing the Hitler thing, I'm re-releasing my Hitler Trilogy, directors cut, with added commentary, bonus tracks, special offers, and ...well...maybe not with all that stuff.

Quote from: starrmtn001 on January 14, 2014, 01:13:31 PM
Wow Valdez, you changed your avatar.  Special occasion or did you just feel like changing it after all of these years?

     The "after all these years" part.  I haven't had a"special occasion" since...since...heck I can't remember.  Thanks for noticing.   
Quote from: Bmassie on January 14, 2014, 03:30:25 AM
Wow George just asked how a computer searches a database...

     George asked Carl Gallups (on the Ariel Sharon/Yitzhak Kadur/messiah prophesy thing), "Why do people fear the words and phrase 'end times'?" He also wondered what Jesus will be wearing when he returns.  Besides fielding questions on how the internet works, and listening to George say "That's amazing" about fifty times, private investigator, Ed Opperman, also had to suffer through "How would you find Walter White making methamphetamines?" and whether Opperman might be able to get John Coffey (The Green Mile) off death row.  Issues with reality?  Nah, it's called show prep.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
January 12, 2014, 06:46:44 AM
Quote from: zeebo on January 12, 2014, 01:29:59 AM
This guest, his name is Richard Alan Miller, is a kick...
Quote from: UFQuack on January 12, 2014, 02:33:54 AM
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Quote from: zeebo on January 12, 2014, 03:57:48 AM
"If you're doing what you're supposed to, and I am too, then the universe will cooperate to make us work correctly."
Quote from: zeebo on January 12, 2014, 04:00:35 AM
Goddamn that was the most fun insane c2c show I've heard in months ...
I also thought he was cool, reminding me of Jim Marrs, being able to talk about anything and everything with such bravado.  I'll remember that "universe" line most of all.  And yeah, his laugh was super annoying, but my only qualm (besides Wells being such a poser, with his "don't ya think?" and "don't ya know?") is when, towards the end of the show, some American guy called in from Syria, talking about something or other, and John B. doesn't care to ask the guy what’s he doing over there dead smack in the middle of a friggin' civil war.  Otherwise, good show.  Fukushima!

Quote from: aldousburbank on January 10, 2014, 07:41:15 AM
You rock Mr. V!
No.  You rock, aldous.  And so does Falkie.  And Dora, the Cuban lady, who called in during Kathleen Berry's segment on ghost to talk about ...ghost, I think, or whatever it is she sees fit to talk about.  And another caller related a story about a dead loved one writing a note on a mirror, to which George said, "They're always leaving messages, aren't they?  Where ever they are, whatever they mean.  That's so important."  Huh?  Yeah.  Ok.  George also recommends we watch "Breaking Bad."  And the clip played in tribute to Patrick Heron was actually somewhat interesting, only to be abruptly cut off by ufo phil.  Tacky George.  Damn, I love that chorus to that Dream Academy song.
a-heya ma ma ma...
Quote from: Unscreened Caller on January 09, 2014, 10:05:52 PM
...gumming our oatmeal...
Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 10, 2014, 02:33:35 AM
...pancake syrup...
Quote from: ZHero on January 09, 2014, 11:17:57 PM
Burn in hell NOORY, BURN IN HELL!!!
I thought the John Tefteller segment on old radio was cool, except for hearing George go on and on about his mother's record collection.  Tefteller asked him if she had any vintage blues records (it seems they're worth big bucks), and George says "Well...if she was into the blues...but I don't know!" How does somebody not know if their mom was into the blues?  How does somebody miss that?  How does somebody breathe with their head so far up their butt?  The Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby segment on the end of antibiotics was somewhat interesting.  James McCanney said there was too much hype about that recent solar X-flare event (he be talking about you, George), and the Snooron also reported that cows were washing up on a beach somewhere.  Damn, those Buggles were great.

     Addendum:  I've not watched a lick of "Enterprise."  Maybe its good. 
Quote from: Khameleon808 on January 08, 2014, 05:00:19 PM
I am still not over the pizzaroll thing.  I even started messing around with some audio. http://picosong.com/ka67/
Very very cool.  Welcome, Khameleon.  You talents shall be essential in our struggle.

*  *  * 

     Ken Johnston is one of the 1000 finalists to go on that Mars One mission, and George spent most of the segment befuddled as to why anyone would want to take a one way trip to the red planet.  "You won't come back...you're gonna die there..."  Richard C. made a quick cameo explaining why, in fact, no one will be left to die there.  He may be 19.5 hyper-dimensional wacky, but he's got this deep faith in the human experience that every now and then shines.  George also devolved into his predictable "what if" scenarios.  "What if you went there and found evidence of alien civilizations?"  "What if you went there and found evidence of ancient human civilizations?  What would you do?"  "What if you went there and an asteroid destroyed the Earth?  What would you do?" And I was seriously waiting for "What if you went there and that one eyed monster from 'Angry Red Planet' was there and started chasing you?  What would you do then?" But he ran out of time before he could ask it.  Matthew Alper doesn't believe in God or the afterlife, but there was something deep and poetic about him, talking about "the sanctity of the eternal soul," and saying that the same self-awareness that has made humanity the most powerful species on the planet, also made us aware of our mortality.  Could that be the gist of the story of Eden?  That by receiving knowledge we also received (became aware of) death?  Hmmm.  George Noory sucks.
Quote from: Sambo on January 08, 2014, 09:26:16 AM
Nah. People just like to say that because it was a little more dark and gritty...
And better written.  The long story arcs were a testament to the writer's faith in themselves and their fans.  The War with the Dominion...glorious.

Quote from: eddie dean on January 08, 2014, 12:13:21 PM
...I haven't indulged in voyager or deep space nine yet.  I'm waiting for the right mood, then I will plow through each series in a couple weeks on netflix.
Take in DS9 from when Sisko shaves his head and dons the goatee.  The series catches fire from then on.  Get yourself a poster of Seven of Nine, that's all Voyager ever really had to offer.

Quote from: zeebo on January 09, 2014, 01:10:05 AM
I always thought TNG felt a little too corporate or something.  It didn't quite have the raw drama and energy of the original.  Still I liked it anyway and I'd say in general the ones featuring Picard or Data were usually the best.  A few good ones that come to mind:

The three-parter with the Borg. (First part ends on a cliff-hanger, third part Picard goes back to Earth).
The one where Picard experiences another life on that dying planet.
The one where Spock's father Sarek loses control of his emotions.
The one where the crew devolves into their respective ancient ancestors.

However the high point of the series was Data's poem to his cat :)
Oh, there are definitely great episodes in TNG.  The series finale was incredible.  Voyager's finale was such a rip-off.  I'm still trying to get my money back on that one.

Quote from: analog kid on January 07, 2014, 11:38:51 PM
DS9 was pretty good...

     It was the best of the franchise. 
Quote from: zeebo on January 08, 2014, 01:47:41 AM
...when C. A. Fitts says that if Alan Greenspan were tried for financial genocide, she'd testify against him, you're actually a bit taken aback as that's a pretty edgy opinion you're not likely to hear on the mainstream media channels.  And then microseconds later Noory as usual just wusses out and changes the subject....

     Yeah, I also wanted to hear more about that.  And I also found it interesting that she's such a big fan of the new fed chairman, Janet Yellen, considering she has been appointed by the President, and Fitts ain't no fan of the President.  There are things to be learned from some of George's guest, but his tired, lazy routine gets in the way.  Mitch Horowitz (on the power of positive thinking) was also cool, but with questions like "Ouija boards...bad or good?"  we're screwed.   

Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
January 05, 2014, 06:21:32 AM
    I give Wells points for taking a timely, emotional, and confusing topic and attempting to shed some light on it.  Jahi McMath, a 13 year old girl who went to the hospital to have her tonsils removed, suffered complications and is in a coma.  The hospital says she's dead, the parents say she's alive, and it’s a sad tragic mess.  Dr. Jonathan Fellus and Dr. Philip DeFina deal with people in comas and I suppose they think there’s hope for Jahi, but the conversation got very broad and technical at times, and I think there were still some questions unanswered.  And Wells needs to learn how to ask short, direct questions, because he's giving me a headache.
Quote from: zeebo on January 04, 2014, 12:32:55 AM
...visceral shivers of repulsion ... 
Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 04, 2014, 01:30:08 AM
...George is stalling...
Quote from: Unscreened Caller on January 04, 2014, 03:36:59 AM
...Kim Jong un's uncle being fed to starved dogs...And then he hurried LMH off because it was time for his favorite themes: Fear & Paranoia because the US never experienced cold like this before and suddenly it's Freezopalypse...

     I grew fond of that "uncle to the dogs" tale, or, as George would say, "that's a great story!"  It's also "unbelievable" that its cold this winter, so George brings back his news segment guest, weatherman Scott Stevens, to talk about the weather, after LMH's hour on crop circles, and while this Stevens guy sounded normal during the news spot, he went completely off the rails during his two hour gig, blaming the cold snap on the military industrial complex, and the oil companies, and, I suppose, the folks who make Long Johns.  Memo to the lady who called in at the end of the show (when George finally got around to open lines/cupon talk) who thought aliens were experimenting with her spinal cord:  When George Noory, who has never questioned anybody’s story about anything ever, says your story sounds "far-fetched" and recommends you see a shrink, you crazy for sure.
Quote from: norrykilledc2c on January 03, 2014, 03:16:42 AM
Did you hear the caller who was missing 1/4 of her brain? Between her and George they have a full brain.
That caller had one of the best stories of the night, about how a deer had told her that she (the caller) would be shot, and the next day somebody put a bullet through her head, and she went into a coma during which she would have conversations with that deer, every night, but each night the deer would be further and further away, and then...and then...and then I don't know what happened because George cut her off and she never finished.  Most of the stories during the John Geiger segment (on angels) were cool, and deserved more thought and examination, but George has got to get to that next friggin' call, which is really all he cares about.  The Marshall Klarfeld segment on a battle that took place in the Antarctic between Nazi's, aliens, and the US Navy, back in 1947, was also cool, and also ruined by George and his obsession with calls.

Quote from: zeebo on December 29, 2013, 02:02:25 AM
We need to do something like this here in the U.S.  If such a thing existed, I'm thinking it could be the makings for a cool road trip.
First Ikea, now this.  They're on a roll.
Quote from: Morgus on January 02, 2014, 02:42:25 AM
...crowing a lot..
Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 02, 2014, 02:20:40 AM
Your cat would probably do a better job predicting than any of the hacks on tonights show.

     And the hacks were Joe Jacobs, George Ure, Glynis McCants, and John Hogue.  Did any of them get anything right last year?  A caller questioned Hogue about some predictions he made in 1988, about the anti-Christ, and how he was wrong, and Hogue said "prophesy is always changing" or some such nonsense.  Tonight is the second time George called our southern frozen continent "the Antarctica," and soon he'll be telling us exactly how long, down to the second, he's been on Coast ("you know, I can't believe I've been hosting the show for 11 years, one day, 17 hours, six minutes, and 12 seconds"), and his favorite number, since he was a little baby, is 4.
Quote from: coaster on January 01, 2014, 01:51:29 AM
I think I was a bit harsh when I chewed Noory's ass out in this thread... love all around.
I did seem out of character to me, coming from the guy who made those cool videos, which are way more effective weapons in the battle against the dire mediocrity that is George Noory.

Quote from: Morgus on December 31, 2013, 04:39:59 PM
Tonight, Noory is cutting the annual c2c caller New Year's predictions down to only one night this year.  That should mean he will collect the least total new predictions for a new year ever on c2c tonight.  In recent years, c2c did two nights of caller New Year's predictions and back in the 'good old days' in the 90s, Art Bell would take caller predictions for the entire week of shows between Christmas & New Years.  So Art used to collect nearly 200 caller predictions each year, down to a little over 100 in recent years.  Plus Noory most likely will have a first hour guest(s) reducing the time for caller predictions, compared to when Art Bell did the entire shows with caller predictions only and back in the 90s he had 5 hour shows!
Quote from: Seraphim27 on December 31, 2013, 05:58:15 PM
Looks like George will only be doing three hours of caller predictions tonight. The only good news is I kind of like Neil Slade.I'm participating in a brainwave study he's doing right now, actually â€" on manipulating brainwaves to enhance ESP and intuition. So far I'm just having trippy dreams about people yelling at me in grocery stores, though...

Quote from: Morgus on December 31, 2013, 06:31:48 PM
Noory lost Neil Slade already - he probably got an invite to a New Year's Eve party.  Now he got a different first hour guest scheduled:
First Hour: As we head into the new year, hypnotherapist Dr. Bruce Goldberg talks about the concept of future lives.
Quote from: Morgus on January 01, 2014, 12:35:16 AM
Noory has committed sacrilege tonight...
Quote from: Morgus on January 01, 2014, 01:15:55 AM
Even Noory's reading of past year's predictions is lame...
Quote from: michio on January 01, 2014, 02:42:30 AM
...Your hands are dirty and there's no getting them clean.
Quote from: zeebo on January 01, 2014, 03:55:25 AM
... What has this Nooron done to it?
And accepting predictions sent in by text?  Let’s face it, George's goal is to eventually do away with whole damn thing because it's way too much work for him, pronouncing stuff, and wondering if anything came true or not.  And did anybody actually jot down Bill from West Hartford's long winded, super complicated (yeah, I got it...but damn) prediction?  Ye gods.

Happy New Year coastgabbers extraordinaire.

Random Topics / Re: Doctor Who
January 01, 2014, 05:38:03 AM
Quote from: Unquenchable Angst on December 29, 2013, 07:41:42 PM
The Christmas show was pretty good, sorry to see Matt Smith go. He was really good in this one. I am an old sap but the finale really made me tear up specially the good byes to Amy Pond and his latest companion.
Quote from: Unscreened Caller on December 29, 2013, 08:15:42 PM
Me, too. I blubbered out loud and am not ashamed to say it.
Capaldi's introduction was so frazzled and erratic.  He's got a tough job ahead.  There was something poetic about Smith, in both his words and movements, that I fear we may not see again.

oh Doctor, my Doctor
     Dr. George Pratt advises us to write down our resolutions.  Cal Cooper talked about those "phone calls from the dead" that some people have experienced.  Early in the show George placed his "as well" at the beginning of a sentence, as opposed to the end, thereby continuing his descent into incomprehensibility.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
December 30, 2013, 03:46:53 PM
Quote from: zeebo on December 30, 2013, 12:47:11 AM
Free energy guy started out sounding promising and then got real flaky-sounding...
Quote from: ZHero on December 30, 2013, 02:33:38 AM
Damn this guy, Justin Smeja, is one sick puppy....
Quote from: MTB on December 30, 2013, 03:35:46 AM
I really like how Schrader isn't letting up at all on this clown.
Quote from: Uncle Duke on December 30, 2013, 12:03:15 PM
Any trained, competent investigative interviewer would recognize this guy Jason is relating a story that is memorized and/or coached....
Quote from: HorrorReporter on December 30, 2013, 02:32:56 PM
I am amazed ... Good Dave just gave us the best show in ten years ...
The best show in ten years?  I can't say that.  Ian has given us some good stuff.  Definitely the best since JB's LBJ show.  And, yeah, you can have a good show even though the guest are full of it.  Sterling Allen was getting on my nerves with all the "we don't deserve" crap, and Schrader called him on it.  Personally, I would have tossed him when the words "working for the man" came out of his mouth just on general principle.  And the Ro Sahebi/Justin Smeja segment was gold.  Whatever Sahebi saw in Justin's "I shot bigfoot" story (enough to make a documentary on it) I'll never know because Smeja just sounded like a lying weasel.  And while Schrader didn't come out and say it, his questions were enough.  Schrader also did something interesting: early in the segment he let Smeja drone on about the bigfoot thing and then he asked Smeja about his hunting background, almost to hear the difference in Smeja's cadence when he's telling the truth about something, and when he was talking about shooting bigfoot.  And there was definitely a difference.  Smart move.  What Schrader seems to realize (and what is lost on Noory and JBW) is that while it may uncomfortable to nail these clowns, what these monkeys do to their genres of interest (as far as I'm concerned, the bigfoot thing is dead to me) is way more damaging.  Change the locks, leave Noory's last paycheck at the 7-11, and buy producer Tom a one way bus ticket to Tupelo, because we don't need them anymore.

Justin Smeja:
Took a picture of everything he ever shot dead...
except for the time he shot bigfoot.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
December 29, 2013, 06:00:46 AM
Quote from: c337pilot on December 28, 2013, 10:41:47 PM
Filling in for John B. Wells, guest host Dave Schrader (email) welcomes Kim Russo, known as "Kim The Happy Medium," who'll discuss her encounters with the spirit world in the first half of the show. Then, author and lecturer John Tenney will talk about angelic and ghostly incidents, and factions of the paranormal and how they intertwine to create our weird world.
Quote from: Unscreened Caller on December 29, 2013, 12:30:59 AM
I am listening and I am liking Dave Schrader.
Quote from: zeebo on December 29, 2013, 01:53:27 AM
...a host that unlike JBW doesn't have a minimum of 8 commas, 4 semi-colons, 2 dashes, and an interrobang in each sentence.
Quote from: Scully on December 29, 2013, 04:26:34 AM
I have at last found another paranormal radio host I really like, and he is Dave Schrader.

    Schrader is definitely up for the task.  I liked his "floogle hopper (?) Jesus in the woods" story.  I always like "floogle hopper (?) Jesus in the woods" stories.  Tomorrow’s "dead bigfoot" show should be interesting.  Will Schrader ask the tough questions these bigfoot folks need to be asked?  I hope he will.

Quote from: UFQuack on December 26, 2013, 12:18:19 AM
I hate Howard Bloom.
Quote from: Morgus on December 25, 2013, 10:05:40 PM
Another "Secret Door Special" show...
Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on December 25, 2013, 10:08:46 PM
...homoerotic "Big Jim" story.
Quote from: Sambo on December 26, 2013, 01:10:53 AM
Bad Bob Crane. Bad

     Mary Ann Winkowski (I like her), the honorable Captain Kelly Sweeney, Whitley Streiber (ugh),  William Henry,  Dannion Brinkley, and  Lione (speed dial) Fanthorpe took part in the cheesy gimmick that is the "secret door."  And instead of chillin' out with these folks, he goes into standard stiff lifeless interview mode, but he doesn't have his index cards, so you wind up with a lot of "what was the most fascinating, absolutely, there’s no doubt about that, of course, as well, have you been doing this since you were a little baby?" crap.  Howard Bloom is cool, and did George say that Bob Crane, the radio maker, was instrumental in George being picked to host coast?  What was that all about?  I think sometimes George says more that he wants to.  I had never heard that Cheap Trick Christmas retooling of their "I Want You to Want Me" song.  Interesting.

Quote from: Gnoory on December 24, 2013, 10:26:20 AM
Merry Christmas to all of you and I truly hope 2014 is a great year for you.
You too, George.  And your Rosemary Ellen Guiley/Angels/Christmas show sucked.  This was the picture we had hanging in the living room when I was growing up.  Still works for me.  Merry Christmas gabbers.

Quote from: EBE123 on December 24, 2013, 03:58:14 AM
This Hugh Ross guy sounds insane ...
Quote from: zeebo on December 24, 2013, 04:14:18 AM
Yeah he said some wacky stuff like God only needs one race of intelligent beings (us) to eradicate evil in the universe...
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 24, 2013, 04:49:47 AM
...but what is more insane, is some people would agree with him...

     While I normally like my science free of religion, with a tad of hazelnut, I didn't mind Hugh Ross' holy roller cosmology.  Maybe because it's Christmas time, and it’s all warm and fuzzy, or maybe it’s because the events of this past week have caused me to be a little more tolerant of people's religious beliefs.  It is, however, a contradiction to think the universe was created to stamp out evil since evil could not have existed before the universe was created.  I think.  Timey wimey thing.    Dr. John McDougall wants me to give up meat.  Out of my cold, dead hands.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
December 22, 2013, 06:09:16 AM
Quote from: ZHero on December 21, 2013, 08:40:11 PM
America’s greatest days are yet to come say James Bennett and Mike Lotus, experts on society, history, and culture. They join John B. Wells to discuss how America is currently going through a painful transition period and that the inevitable end of big government does not mean the end of America. "
Meh.  :P
Quote from: Nebraska888 on December 22, 2013, 12:59:41 AM
Quote from: Tommy TwoTons on December 22, 2013, 04:27:14 AM

     Heck, it wasn't all that bad.  Bennett and Lotus were smart and positive about things; Wells' questions were somewhat focused and kind of made sense; the music didn't particularly strike me as horrifying; and he came up with a new and fascinating way to pronounce Fukushima.  I was glad to hear him considering the rumors floating around that he'd been given the boot.  As if the big shots actually gave a damn.  He's got his issues, but he does ok.
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