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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Being the thread is > 1.3K posts more advanced, and I'm lazy in doing research on latest names, all I can say is I stopped listeing to C2CAM shortly after announced his show was purchased by premier radio and that damn burrito-wrapped alien placed in a freezer got 3 hours of an interview when previously it got < 1/2 hour before going to open lines. That was long before Y2K. All I could imagine at the time was these were tools to work with memorable, and I already had much more up my sleeve already developed. I never expected my Mom, Dad, and only sister would not survive. However life goes on. Being the youngest of 5, and only 3 older siblings remaining the last I've heard, most likely for this forum I am a complete failure.

All I know is tomorrow is another day and a different perspective formed by sleep and dreams. I guess I'm saying this post-full moon in a way for good reason. I don't know if south of the equator people living there have a particular different perspective of the opposite gender. George Noory not weaned wasn't my idea.


Quote from: Juan on January 16, 2014, 02:21:29 AM
Re: The Watchers

George:  "What are they watching?"
Definetly NOT "Beyond Belief"  8)


Noory just announced on the air that he would like 5000 more people to "LIKE" him on facebook right now.
How about we get 5000 people to "UNLIKE" him instead? :D


Quote from: Morgus on January 16, 2014, 02:59:26 AM
Noory just announced on the air that he would like 5000 more people to "LIKE" him on facebook right now.
How about we get 5000 people to "UNLIKE" him instead? :D

If only that UNLIKE option existed!  8)


Quote from: Scully on January 16, 2014, 03:22:53 AM
If only that UNLIKE option existed!  8)
it does on facebook, you can UNLIKE a page if you previously LIKED it.
So we can just get 5000 previous LIKERs to change to UNLIKERs, that should be easier than Noory getting 5000 new LIKERs...  ;)

The last half hour brought out a couple of serious religious callers.

No Name Storm

Quote from: Morgus on January 16, 2014, 03:26:01 AM
it does on facebook, you can UNLIKE a page if you previously LIKED it.
So we can just get 5000 previous LIKERs to change to UNLIKERs, that should be easier than Noory getting 5000 new LIKERs...  ;)

Just unliked C2C at FB. Let's get more people to Unlike. C'mon, we can do it.


Quote from: Juan on January 16, 2014, 02:21:29 AM
George:  "What are they watching?"
Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on January 16, 2014, 03:58:42 AM
The last half hour brought out a couple of serious religious callers.

     So "bitcoins" were developed by a guy who doesn't use his real name, based on a mathematical formula that guarantees there can be only a certain amount (21 million I think), and they can't be compromised because of this formula, and David Seaman has been on the show twice pushing his book, "The Bitcoin Primer," and George still can't pronounce the word "primer" correctly.  It's all still confusing to me, and I blame the host, who took an hour and fifteen minutes to ask William Henry what exactly the "watchers" were watching, but I suppose it doesn't matter because all that Nephilim and Annunaki stuff is so boring it hurts.  George wondered if you had to be a good person in order to be an angel.  A guy called in saying he was "murdered" a few years back and the Annunaki operated on him and brought him back to life and now he's a christian.  Amen to that.


Quote from: eeieeyeoh on January 16, 2014, 02:24:29 AM
Being the thread is > 1.3K posts more advanced, and I'm lazy in doing research on latest names, all I can say is I stopped listeing to C2CAM shortly after announced his show was purchased by premier radio and that damn burrito-wrapped alien placed in a freezer got 3 hours of an interview when previously it got < 1/2 hour before going to open lines. That was long before Y2K. All I could imagine at the time was these were tools to work with memorable, and I already had much more up my sleeve already developed. I never expected my Mom, Dad, and only sister would not survive. However life goes on. Being the youngest of 5, and only 3 older siblings remaining the last I've heard, most likely for this forum I am a complete failure.

All I know is tomorrow is another day and a different perspective formed by sleep and dreams. I guess I'm saying this post-full moon in a way for good reason. I don't know if south of the equator people living there have a particular different perspective of the opposite gender. George Noory not weaned wasn't my idea.



I need to learn more about Bitcoins, but unfortunately I drifted in and out of . . . well, something - maybe a state of just not really paying attention . . . during the first half of this show and then finally conked out right before Hour 3.

I was actually interested in hearing about The Watchers just because of the element of strangeness, but of course they scheduled what to me was the most interesting guest for the last half of the show. I wonder if they do this on purpose so people will say, "Well dang, I guess I'll have to become a Coast Insider so I can hear that part."


Tonight's show has potential for . . . well, something.

Reed Family UFO Case
Date:   01-16-14
Host:   George Noory
Guests:   Thomas Reed
An award winning South Beach fashion photographer, Thomas Reed, has held positions in upper management at Honeywell and Entergy. He'll share details about his family's historic UFO case which was assigned a classification of "CE4" (close encounter of the 4th kind), and had physical evidence. The many-layered CE4 case was one of the few to be mentioned within the walls of the United Nations.

www.tomreed.info (ehhhhhhhh, sometimes I get wary of websites that have mood music on auto-play)


Quote from: Morgus on January 16, 2014, 02:59:26 AM
Noory just announced on the air that he would like 5000 more people to "LIKE" him on facebook right now...

Hey, Jorch, why don't you up your game and EARN your likes? 

"Mommy, why don't they like me?"  ::)


Quote from: ItsOver on January 16, 2014, 07:33:47 AM

"Mommy, why don't they like me?"  ::)

George looks kind of dashing in this picture!

I must be ovulating.


I turned on the radio to hear George ask a ask a question about buying a hamburger with a bitcoin.  Turned it right back off.  Thanks for asking the hard hitting questions.

George Noory Sucks.


Quote from: fotd on January 16, 2014, 08:53:28 AM
I turned on the radio to hear George ask a ask a question about buying a hamburger with a bitcoin.  Turned it right back off.  Thanks for asking the hard hitting questions.

George Noory Sucks.

LMAO â€" I remember that question.



London food stall sells burgers for 0.0131 bit coins


A London streetfood vendor claims to have sold the capital’s first “Bitcoin burger” after becoming one of the first in the UK to accept the digital currency.

Burger Bear, near Silicon Roundabout, has started accepting Bitcoin as an alternative to Sterling.


Quote from: fotd on January 16, 2014, 08:53:28 AM
I turned on the radio to hear George ask a ask a question about buying a hamburger with a bitcoin.  Turned it right back off.  Thanks for asking the hard hitting questions.

George Noory Sucks.


I did not listen to the show, possibly yet, but wonder if George addressed the questions I have about Bitcoin. How is something all electronic and, from what I understand, contains all the previous historical use and transfers of said "coin" be something to help undermine the current system or be a part of some anarchic or privacy in the financial world. (Since all transactional history is contained inside the "coin" itself.) Also, I understand (?) that the amount of bitcoins is capped but more can be added to circulation by being "mined". How would that prevent distortions in markets similar to our Central Banks printing money (or QEing) or a gold-based standard being distorted by things like finding the New World and having one country suddenly getting a vast amount of gold. Could some high-tech server or new type of technology "over mine"?

"You don't need a church"... nope, just 72 bucks for Henry's first "ascension" lesson. I wonder if these folks realize how ridiculous they sound talking about peace, love and ascension, with their hand out for money. David Icke wrote in his book 18 years ago that the "ascension" idea was going to be seeded into pop culture. Back then hardly anyone had heard of the term, now it's all over the internet. Same old gnostic crap repackaged for a new generation of dupes.

Henry lied when he said the Essenes did not believe in a separate force of evil. I just can't buy that he has never heard of one of the most famous Dead Sea Scrolls - the War Scroll tells of a future battle between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. And the Gnostics did not "come out of the Essenes", they pre-dated the Essenes. "We need to eliminate greed." Couldn't agree more, William - so why don't you start with yourself? Anyone truly interested in your spiritual well-being is not going to charge you for "lessons".

Quote from: Morgus on January 16, 2014, 02:59:26 AM
Noory just announced on the air that he would like 5000 more people to "LIKE" him on facebook right now.
How about we get 5000 people to "UNLIKE" him instead? :D

Very odd moment of .. incredible and immense self worship...

Was last night's guest selling a PDF file for $72.00???


As predicted, Noory just reported on the death of actor Russell Johnson & played a 10sec clip from GI as a tribute. ;)


To be fair, lots of radio talkers ask listeners outright to like them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter. It's annoying, but it goes in one ear and out the other with me. I'm not on Facebook and have my own personal standards for Twitter. And by the way if a talk show host says snarky things about social media one minute and expects me to follow their silly account the next minute, I probably won't follow. I haven't heard George putting down social media, though like many he may be a bit ignorant about the fine points of social media etiquette. I don't know if asking for likes on Facebook is considered bad etiquette, but begging for Twitter followers is.


Knapp is back on Sunday........woohoooo!!!!!!

He's such a stud!   He nearly dies and yet offers a simple, brief facebook note to let us know he's OK.  I guarantee you that Knapp will address his health problem very briefly on Sunday........ and THAT WILL BE THE END OF IT.



George, if there was ever a time to dump a guest, it would be now.

Up All Night

Quote from: yumyumtree on January 15, 2014, 07:49:48 PM
BTW, Mark Levin, of all people, gave Noory a favorable mention on his show today.

Mark Levin puts in a good word for George Noory.

Well, that settles it for me. End of Story ...

So, regardless of what others may think or say, George Noory does not suck !!!

Close the Thread now.



Quote from: bateman on January 17, 2014, 12:24:35 AM
George, if there was ever a time to dump a guest, it would be now.

Dude c'mon we got galaxy-spinning awarenesses contemplating amoebas, what's not to love?   ::)

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