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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Caller: "George, I appreciate your talent for asking just the right questions all the time."

H. Dent: "I agree with you - George asks good questions."

WTF?  Is this part of the screening process now for both callers & guests that they must keep the "Noory bubble" intact?


Guest and Caller both just complimented George on his question-asking ability.

Earlier George mentioned a story about a woman who had the book thrown at her for stealing a piece of spinal cord to train a cadaver dog. I'm sure he was attracted to the Burke and Hare aspect of the story and I'll try to look up the details elsewhere but it seems to me that they were a little hard on her. And yes if it were my loved ones spinal cord, I'd say the same thing as long as they were already dead.

This guest seems to think that the upcoming crop of retirees is going to follow the lead of the previous two generations of retirees and go around in RVs. Some will, of course, but I wouldn't assume that the majority will. Baby Boomers have their own way of doing things. I know.I am one. Also gas prices.

Quote from: zeebo on January 21, 2014, 01:20:38 AM
As shown in a recent PaperBoy illustration, even Mel's Hole is not big enough for Snoorsy and all his suckage.  Black hole research is sounding promising though.

Definitely worth a repost!



Well this woman, in Crandon WI, is a medical examiner (government employee) and they found some other human organs in her garage. I still would rather not see her do time.


Quote from: zeebo on January 21, 2014, 01:29:56 AM
Caller: "George, I appreciate your talent for asking just the right questions all the time."

H. Dent: "I agree with you - George asks good questions."

WTF?  Is this part of the screening process now for both callers & guests that they must keep the "Noory bubble" intact?
Heh-heh. I couldn't have said it better.

I laughed at the mysterious sounds in the background.


Yes, it sounded like a squeaky chair or worse. I'm talking Charles Hall now.

Quote from: yumyumtree on January 21, 2014, 02:20:48 AM
Yes, it sounded like a squeaky chair or worse. I'm talking Charles Hall now.

ahhhh this show can't be for real.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on January 21, 2014, 02:23:15 AM
ahhhh this show can't be for real.

This one's pretty out there.  I'm finding some parts kind of interesting ... but he's pushing me the other way by 1) talking about Einstein like he was an idiot, 2) referencing his own books like they're an independent source that proves his case, 3) his close-talker breathing.


Quote from: zeebo on January 21, 2014, 12:51:27 AM
Goddamn Noory why do you torture me with your stupid bumper music?  First, you torment me night after night with that friggin whistling Scorpions lameness.  My hate of this song is well-established (I even had to submit a haiku on the subject).  So, I will stop ranting about it.

However, you do something else which sucks so bad.  You always play the most friggin obvious song by a given artist.  For instance, tonite, like every other time you play Elton John, you play "Your Song", which granted, is an awesome song, but goddamn do you have any friggin creativity whatsoever to make a slightly more creative choice than his all-time number one solid gold hit?  The guy's been making music for 40+ years - You're allowed to pick a different song!

Here's just a few other possibilities off the top of my head:

Elderberry Wine
Border Song
Burn Down the Mission
Love Lies Bleeding
Honky Cat
The Bitch is Back

Perhaps Noory only knows ONE Elton John song or two if you count Rocket Man. His musical knowledge proably stopped with Queen doing songs for Flash Gordon or something one of his innumerable aunts used to listen to back in the day.

I have never heard George actually try to push a guest to an answer..."did the government try to discredit you?", and then the guest says "I have friends", or "in my book one", or "this is my experience".

It's actually kind of hysterical, except for the dissing Einstein part.  

Quote from: zeebo on January 21, 2014, 03:00:34 AM
2) referencing his own books like they're an independent source that proves his case
I bet he cites his old books in his new books, and then claims his books are "well-cited".


Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 20, 2014, 05:06:10 PM
... don't want to hear about the mother-effing economy for one day...
Quote from: No Name Storm on January 21, 2014, 12:47:28 AM
...This guy Dent is an old Romney ex-Bain executive.  Not many C2C listeners are going to relate to that....
Quote from: Étouffée on January 21, 2014, 03:06:49 AM
I have never heard George actually try to push a guest to an answer..."did the government try to discredit you?", and then the guest says "I have friends", or "in my book one", or "this is my experience".  It's actually kind of hysterical, except for the dissing Einstein part. 
It found Douglas Hagmann's Sochi/Saudi/Syria theory interesting and different.  Harry Dent said there will be no demise of the US dollar because "we have 22 aircraft carriers." And don't forget the most kick ass fleet of Predator drones in the history of the known universe.  The completely bogus and unbelievable Charles Hall, with his Tall Whites (why am I hearing so much about these guys all of a sudden?), Greys, and Norwegians with 24 teeth (somebody got the shaft when it came to alien names), said he thinks Einstein’s theory of Relativity is wrong, even though aspects of it have been proven right, and if you took all the evidence for Hall's nonsense and multiplied it by 5, and added a thousand, you'd have zero.  George made one reference to the "Close Encounters" movie, one "Breaking Bad" reference, and he used the word "riveting" 3 times, including, during the Dent segment, when he said, "the Demographic Cliff [Dent’s latest book] is scary, that’s why I call it riveting."  George, you suck.  That’s why we say you suck.



$noorge likes to use the term riveting becuase it reminds him of the happy days before the bolts in his neck were surgically removed and replaced by leds.

And I sent him Seraphim's and the other post and once again it proves how clueless $noorge truly is. I'm not sticking MY head in the ground, nor is anyone else.  With 75 books on investing, I've done the research and I sure as hell knew what a bitcoin was long before Noory. I am kicking myself for not investing n the stuff early on. Oh, G*d. Here's Noory asking Dent about bitcoin and Dent saying bitcoins look like a bubble to him.
As for the 20 aircraft carriers, they won't do a damned bit of good if the world economy collapses and we can't pay for oil and the OPEC members refuse to take a worthless dollar.
We just want paranormal stuff.
And I read Dent's last two books and was NOT impressed.

Here's Noory's reply.

We’re here to educate, inform and entertain……there are some nights we will do shows like this…..sticking your head in the sand doesn’t help

And Harry, just what questions has $noorge ever asked that were good ?
Like " what is a bitcoin ? ".
The callers and the guests all gush about how wonderful $noorge is and what a great job he's doing.
Casinos use shills to get people to gamble. I do wonder if Premiere is paying guests and callers to kiss Noory's ass.

No video tonight because I am my tech guy were trying to figure out why he couldn't be heard when we were doing a podcast on Skype. We did a test podcast that worked but when we did the first one the other person could not be heard though I could hear it through my headphones. It would help if he knew more about Macs and I about PCs.
That will get fixed.

I had a breakthrough tonight. I've been feeding the Mama Cat and her kittens and Papa Cat for just over 2 years or so. Tonight Mama Cat and Kitten # 1 let me reach out and pet their full length of their bodies multiple times. At this rate I'll be able to take all of them and gather them up and find them homes, but someone is going to have to take 2 x 2 because she loves her Papa Cat. I'd love to have someone take all 4 of them. They're big babies at heart and she nuzzles all of them and everything around including my front door.


George: "So, in terms of UFO incidents, how do you rate this one Paola?"  [He always mispronounces her name 'Paula']

Paola: "In the top ten ... he's a military man ... his credibility is INCREDIBLE!"


Quote from: expat on January 21, 2014, 08:39:19 AM
George: "So, in terms of UFO incidents, how do you rate this one Paola?"  [He always mispronounces her name 'Paula']

Paola: "In the top ten ... he's a military man ... his credibility is INCREDIBLE!"

No! No! No!

I can't even read the reviews of your sucky little show anymore Georgle


Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 21, 2014, 05:46:19 AM

...And I sent him Seraphim's and the other post and once again it proves how clueless $noorge truly is.
Here's Noory's reply...

We’re here to educate, inform and entertain……there are some nights we will do shows like this…..sticking your head in the sand doesn’t help....

Typical Noory stock response.  I'm surprised he didn't mention something about the number of stations and some other lame accounting statistics.  It's a waste of time to provide Noory with suggestions for improving the show.  He's not interested.  All he's interested in is keeping his PremRat masters happy and keeping his hack job.  Listeners be damned.

El Znoorro.   Douche of Darkness


Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 21, 2014, 05:46:19 AM
... Here's Noory's reply.

We’re here to educate, inform and entertain...

So George gets it after all.

When do the shows that educate, inform and entertain begin, and why has he been holding out all this time?


Quote from: dortmunder on January 21, 2014, 01:11:24 AM
I actually went to YouTube to listen to Georgie's predictions show. God, what was I thinking? He's even worse when you haven't listened to him for four months. Just awful!

The next time any of you want a (recent) show just holler at me and I'll upload it for you.


As predicted, I fell asleep before we got to tall whites. Fortunately the ultimate tall white walks among mere earthbound types in plain view often.



Quote from: expat on January 21, 2014, 08:39:19 AM
"...his credibility is INCREDIBLE!"

haha, kind of like unbelievably believable.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on January 21, 2014, 10:31:45 AM
...When do the shows that educate, inform and entertain begin, and why has he been holding out all this time?

He had to do a 10-year "dry run" first to work out the kinks.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 21, 2014, 10:36:24 AM
The next time any of you want a (recent) show just holler at me and I'll upload it for you.
Your avatars are always impressive 27.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 21, 2014, 10:36:24 AM
The next time any of you want a (recent) show just holler at me and I'll upload it for you.

Thanks.  I'd only be interested in the Knapp shows.  Can you erase any part of a Noory show I've inadvertently uploaded to my mind?


Quote from: expat on January 21, 2014, 08:39:19 AM
George: "So, in terms of UFO incidents, how do you rate this one Paola?"  [He always mispronounces her name 'Paula']

Paola: "In the top ten ... he's a military man ... his credibility is INCREDIBLE!"

Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 21, 2014, 10:40:07 AM
As predicted, I fell asleep before we got to tall whites. Fortunately the ultimate tall white walks among mere earthbound types in plain view often.


Where did you find David Bowie`s 7th grade class picture?


Quote from: ItsOver on January 21, 2014, 11:29:47 AM
...Can you erase any part of a Noory show I've inadvertently uploaded to my mind?

They're hard to get rid of, like that mall-wear he talks about.  Friggin annoying Noory virus in my mind with it's "Good point!" and "It's really true!" popups.


Quote from: FightTheFuture on January 21, 2014, 12:20:54 PM

Where did you find David Bowie`s 7th grade class picture?


A Noory interview of Bowie:

Noory:  "So, what about the knife?"

Bowie:  Click.....dial tone....


Quote from: FightTheFuture on January 21, 2014, 12:20:54 PM

Where did you find David Bowie`s 7th grade class picture?
Wait ... so that wasn't Conan O'Brien's 5th grade class picture?

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