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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Haven't heard Corsi yet but he must be scraping the bottom of the barrel for book topics. I think that Hitler and Eva's deaths went down pretty much as shown in the movie Downfall, which I recommend. The Nazis were a death cult--they killed a ton of Jews and others, Magda Goebbels killed her own children, Hitler killed his beloved dog. This is the way they were-if you don't get your way, kill yourself and anybody who gets in your way. Hitler was born in the 1880s. In 1945 he would have been about 60 and not in terrific health. Even if he had lived past  the war, which I dont believe for a minute, it's not realistic to imagine him be alive past 1960 or so.


Tonight's c2cam show reminds me of an old scifi movie titled "They Saved Hitler's Brain!"


In the future they save Noory's brain...but the exhibit looks like an empty jar


I know it's a bit far fetched, but I'm kind of enjoying it.  Of course I love Godzilla and other B-movies, so Im easily entertained.   8)


I always thought that Trevor-Roper was a respected historian, but maybe I have him confused with somebody else. Corsi doesn't hold him in high esteem.

I had heard somebody else interviewed, and it must have been on Coast to Coast, who thought that the Dulles brothers were pretty bad guys. If anybody remember who or when this was, let me know. For a "traitor", he got plenty of stuff named after him, well an airport anyway.

This show would of course be better if Ian or Knapp or even Wells were hosting. But Corsi is a good enough talker he can pretty much interview himself.

According to some amazon reviewers, this book covers the same ground as one called Ratline, and I do know that Ian interviewed that author more than once, though I haven't read it.


We already had "the father of modern day UFOlogy," Stanton Friedman. With little mention of the father of old time UFOlogy, J. Allen Hynek. As if that wasn't enough, we now have sNoory calling Ed Grimsley the "father of night vision goggles," or something akin to it (may Ed get better soon and see more bats UFOs in the nighttime sky). What's with the Snooron and his father of this and father of that? Did he mean the modern day father of night vision goggles, or the olden day father of night vision goggles, or maybe he meant the father of the father of night vision goggles? Is there a limit to these fathers, or are there fathers to infinity? In honor of his 'father of' fetish, I hereby designate sNoory as "The Father of Craptastic Radio" - of all time!  ;D


Quote from: Morgus on January 15, 2014, 02:19:23 AM
Tonight's c2cam show reminds me of an old scifi movie titled "They Saved Hitler's Brain!"

At first glance, I thought the brain had a mustache.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on January 14, 2014, 10:04:57 AM
The Jews of Salonica (until the Greek conquest of 1912) had no less than seven men standing at the city gates-at all times-to see if the Messiah (and end times) was approaching.

Quote from: yumyumtree on January 15, 2014, 02:59:49 AM
...I had heard somebody else interviewed, and it must have been on Coast to Coast, who thought that the Dulles brothers were pretty bad guys. If anybody remember who or when this was, let me know...
That was Corsi, back on September 17th, and his theory that Kennedy was killed by Allen Dulles.

Quote from: michio on January 15, 2014, 05:04:41 AM
...I hereby designate sNoory as "The Father of Craptastic Radio" - of all time!
I second this motion of designation.

Quote from: yumyumtree on January 15, 2014, 01:20:28 AM
...as shown in the movie Downfall...

*   *  ~  *   *

    George opens the show informing us on an asteroid that is heading for the Earth and waits until the end of his report to tell us it won’t actually hit us, and doesn't mention at all when this space rock will making its fly by.  Iranian apologist John Curtis thinks a nuclear weapon would make Iran behave more responsibly than it does now.  Mike Bara evidently has a tv show.  Michael Scalla reports that America is run by tall white nazi aliens, this according to the Iranians (yeah, I really wanna see these goons with a nuke), via recently released documents by immaculate hero extraordinaire, Saint Edward Snowden, .  I thought the Jerome Corsi segment on Hitler was cool, and George even gave us a brief history of the Austrian psycho for "people who were not born during WWII, and have not dabbled in history..."  And since c2c is doing the Hitler thing, I'm re-releasing my Hitler Trilogy, directors cut, with added commentary, bonus tracks, special offers, and ...well...maybe not with all that stuff.



Quote from: yumyumtree on January 15, 2014, 01:20:28 AM
Haven't heard Corsi yet but he must be scraping the bottom of the barrel for book topics.
When did he not?  There's a reason why he's at WND...and a frequent Noory guest.


I need to come up with some such book topic.  Maybe I can make Betty Hill's map into an escape route for Hitler. That's it.  I'll make an orgone accumulator, set it up in the room with my typewriter, roll some paper in and start automatic writing. 

BTW, George Noory sucks.


Although the topic interested me, I started listening to Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis at 10 p.m. -- streaming from Clyde Lewis' website, BTW, what a concept; the more I think about it, the more I get irritated with Art for not just doing this in the first place -- and just stayed with it instead of switching over to C2C.

Clyde can be a wacko at times but at least he's genuinely fascinated with his guests, has his own opinions on the topics at hand and keeps the energy level pretty high. Last night he was talking about end times and the logistics of the return of Jesus, as in, would he just stroll down the street in jeans, would the sky be filled with a blinding light, etc. In fact, it mirrored something Noory discussed the other day, but the differences in approach, intelligence and energy levels were night and day.

Lately I've been noticing the same guests on Ground Zero and C2C, which means C2C is just plucking its guests off publicists' media tour circuits and not actively out there seeking interesting material. Shocking.


I catch Clyde a few days a week.  A week or two ago, he had Peter Davenport on.  Peter told a really interesting UFO story that I don't recall hearing before.  It was genuinely scary.  He was able to take his time and get in depth with it, unlike the 2-minute segments he's allotted on C2C. This is the case: http://www.rense.com/general29/etab.htm  When Clyde stays on topic, he's decent. When he goes off on his tangents, he's intolerable.


What the fuck did I hear the other night?

I had popped a Percocet and was drifting i and out of consciousness,  but I swear that the last thing I remember hearing from George was the following:

"Tonight, we have an interview with a REAL LIVE PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR!!!"

That did it for me. Goodbye, C2C.

Well, such a program could be very exciting, NXOEED...

...if you're nine.

I pretty much bailed out for good when it seemed every other program was -- and I don't mean to step on any toes here, fellow forum goers -- religion-based.  When every fifth statement made by a guest begins, "Well, the Bible says...." I get bored.

Quote from: HorrorRetro on January 15, 2014, 11:57:53 AM
I catch Clyde a few days a week.  A week or two ago, he had Peter Davenport on.  Peter told a really interesting UFO story that I don't recall hearing before.  It was genuinely scary.  He was able to take his time and get in depth with it, unlike the 2-minute segments he's allotted on C2C. This is the case: http://www.rense.com/general29/etab.htm  When Clyde stays on topic, he's decent. When he goes off on his tangents, he's intolerable.
I listened to that same interview.. and i was even more frightened to learn that the incident took place about 20 miles from my own house, which completely freaked me out even more. I knew people who knew people who know this family. I would never venture to bring it up with them though. I don't think the family likes having a loved one's death associated with the UFO movement.

Clyde is good when he's good.
Dave Schrader is good too..
Noory isn't.
Art is just ....arrrrgh....he makes me angry for causing this confusion and delay.


Quote from: HorrorReporter on January 15, 2014, 01:00:26 PM
I listened to that same interview.. and i was even more frightened to learn that the incident took place about 20 miles from my own house, which completely freaked me out even more. I knew people who knew people who know this family. I would never venture to bring it up with them though. I don't think the family likes having a loved one's death associated with the UFO movement.

Clyde is good when he's good.
Dave Schrader is good too..
Noory isn't.
Art is just ....arrrrgh....he makes me angry for causing this confusion and delay.

That episode is somewhere on iTunes with the rest of his shows (free) -- I'm gonna go find it and listen to it.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 15, 2014, 01:30:22 PM
That episode is somewhere on iTunes with the rest of his shows (free) -- I'm gonna go find it and listen to it.

I think it's the 1/7/14 show.


Quote from: West of the Rockies on January 15, 2014, 12:53:34 PM
I pretty much bailed out for good when it seemed every other program was -- and I don't mean to step on any toes here, fellow forum goers -- religion-based.  When every fifth statement made by a guest begins, "Well, the Bible says...." I get bored.
Yeah, that's generally when I turn it off too. Or when you get a half hour into Open Lines and that's all people are saying. Some people dig that angle, but it's not for me.


Quote from: NXOEED on January 15, 2014, 12:06:17 PM
What the fuck did I hear the other night?

I had popped a Percocet and was drifting i and out of consciousness,  but I swear that the last thing I remember hearing from George was the following:

"Tonight, we have an interview with a REAL LIVE PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR!!!"

That did it for me. Goodbye, C2C.

Ok it's a somewhat atypical topic for c2c (although Art had one on too years ago) but I thought the guy was kind of interesting in spite of Noory bungling the interview so bad. 

One thing he mentioned was a trick I hadn't heard before.  Apparently sometimes a scorned spouse will sit outside their ex's house in their car, connect to their wi-fi, and send themselves awful emails to frame them and use in divorce settlements etc.  Moral of the story, if you get seperated/divorced, change your wi-fi password.


Quote from: yumyumtree on January 15, 2014, 01:20:28 AM
I think that Hitler and Eva's deaths went down pretty much as shown in the movie Downfall, which I recommend.

I recommend some of the Hitler Rants Parodies that are on YouTube that were made from this film.  Some are dumb, others are hilarious.

I was very disapointed in the last hour of last nights interview.  In parts it sounded like repeats of the first two hours.  I hate interviews that sound like they have no traction whatsoever.  I think Ian interviewed someone else who found evidence that Hitler made it to Indonesia or somewhere like that I'm thinking.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on January 14, 2014, 10:51:50 AM

Coast Insiders, don't miss our Live Chat with George Noory, tonight at 8p PT/11p ET, where he'll spontaneously answer your questions about all things Coast.


Maybe we could get lucky and his mustasche would spontaneously combust during one of those question fests.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 15, 2014, 04:35:08 PM
Maybe we could get lucky and his mustasche would spontaneously combust during one of those question fests.

Perhaps Falkie could focus away from National concerns to International Concerns only learned the old fashioned way.

I certainly have no marvel bellybutton. But in the same room, I'd approve of a photo of my bellybutton w/yours for comparison.

If you want a market in the paranormal, the only income is going to be based on those highly educated and wrote books published only eluding to knowledge being paranormal. That takes a lot of reading and understanding. For the rest, it's nothing more than a fleeting glimpse.


Thanks, valdez.
Corsi really churns these books out fast, doesn't he?
I thought it was appalling that in the first hour they didnt acknowledge that this bizarre story had anything to do with Iran. Sometimes the source of a story is part of the story. I think that one of the other hosts would have mentioned it. Or maybe Noory and his guest mentioned it and I missed it.
BTW, Mark Levin, of all people, gave Noory a favorable mention on his show today. I have a hunch Mark may be on the show with his liberty amendments maybe. That would be good actually.


Quote from: zeebo on January 15, 2014, 04:01:28 PM
Ok it's a somewhat atypical topic for c2c (although Art had one on too years ago) but I thought the guy was kind of interesting in spite of Noory bungling the interview so bad. 

One thing he mentioned was a trick I hadn't heard before.  Apparently sometimes a scorned spouse will sit outside their ex's house in their car, connect to their wi-fi, and send themselves awful emails to frame them and use in divorce settlements etc.  Moral of the story, if you get seperated/divorced, change your wi-fi password.

I didn't mind the topic at all. It was the setup that bothered me. Art would have spun that shit into gold and kept me on the edge of my seat. But just the mere mention of "an interview with a real live private investigator" was enough to send my eyes into a perpetual roll.


I liked this guy David Seaman last time he was on and like him now again.  The bitcoin discussion is quite interesting to me.  At first I was totally skeptical but now I'm more intrigued.  Hope some people get on with good questions and not just rambling fools. 

George should turn the show over to a real live talk show host. 

Preferably one with an interest in the paranormal.

Quote from: zeebo on January 16, 2014, 01:08:16 AM
I liked this guy David Seaman last time he was on and like him now again.  The bitcoin discussion is quite interesting to me.  At first I was totally skeptical but now I'm more intrigued.  Hope some people get on with good questions and not just rambling fools.

I second this ^  the guest is handling the topic well.
I think he was on before and he wasn't as good, I feel he misrepresented what really happened in some of his stories in the past.

George has no idea whats going on though, as usual.


Re: The Watchers

George:  "What are they watching?"

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