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Messages - anagrammy

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
July 30, 2011, 06:38:50 PM
Now that's a truly hideous mental picture...scrubbing....scrubbing.

Quote from: Satyr on July 30, 2011, 06:25:23 PM
Just thought I would say, Anagrammy as altruistic as it is to offer it might not be a great idea to leave your password up there for any ol' person to get. 

On topic with the thread, man I really hate LMH.  I've been a C2C listener for quite a while and I'm with everyone else - when I see her name on the show I don't even bother listening to that night.

I don't care about that password. I only used it for her site --and I might as well as thrown 40 one dollar bills out the window.  So, if somebody can use it, fine.

Quote from: Towi on July 30, 2011, 04:32:12 PM
You've got that right. I went to his blog, too. While I was there, I decided to call him out on his own blog by rewording my CG post. It's been quite an amusing exchange, especially his incoherent circular logic ramblings.

If you all want to read it (blogger "TW" is me), here's the link...

Towi, thanks for posting that- I jumped over and read your cogent reply and got quite a chuckle out of his incoherent answer.  This is what passes for logic, plus his admission that he couldn't research the origin of a Dove ice cream bar:

"I didn’t know how to research the Manta.com info more thoroughly so I had to make do with the 47,000.
But you did a better job than I did at researching that data and you found the “number of actual IRS entries to be 500 or so”.  That averages out to about ten “private companies” acting as the “IRS” for each state. 
Thus, instead of having one “IRS” with a host of offices located in various states and cities, we appear to have 500 “private companies” scattered about the country.  Which, if any, of those 500 “private companies” is the REAL “IRS”?  And what th’ hell are the other 46,500?"
Linda is finding the guests willing to go on the radio with asshat is diminishing.  After all, if you valued credibility, would YOU share a mic with George Noory?

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
July 30, 2011, 11:23:07 AM
Quote from: TaoOfLuxLisbon on July 30, 2011, 11:21:20 AM
What got you interested in numbers? Was it angels, or 2012? Speaking of which.....2012......what's gonna happen?

Oooooo.  An upgrade over "2012 is coming"

Archive of Old Threads / Re: Mormons
July 30, 2011, 11:03:03 AM
Quote from: M Knight on July 30, 2011, 10:27:15 AM
I find it fascinating how some people can be as religiously against something as they were religiously for something.  The fixation need remains the same. 

If, through inner growth and experience one needs to move beyond an entity affiliation such as a religious group, do yourself a psychological favor, move on, and leave the experience and entity far behind you.

Life is too short.

OR...you can give a shit about the wonderful people still trapped inside a cult.  I do a lot of counseling with people leaving Mormonism, helping them discover critical thinking and the joys of deciding for yourself what you eat and drink.  Dealing with the shunning by the the Mormon Church when you leave and even shunning by family members can be extremely painful.  Speaking of pain, gay members and missionaries suffer terribly.

One example from this week was a missionary who took a survey while he was in the MTC (Missionary Training Center).  At the end of the survey, it asked if he would make comments on the multiple choice questions (which was of basic Mormon doctrine), were they clear, etc.  He provided detailed feedback on how some of them were actually confusing and made suggestions for improvement.  A few days later he was brought up on charges of "speaking ill against the Lord's annointed" which is the Orwellian speech-control rule that all Mormons have to obey.  They are excommunicated if they speak publicly, fired if they are a professor at the church school, and expelled if they are a student at BYU or Ricks.   

It's a choice, really.  People visit Africa and see the starving children, the filthy water, the birth defects.  Some come home and plan their next trip.  Some "next trips" are to adopt one of the orphans, bring money and people to build a well, or bring fellow doctors to operate on cleft palates for free.  Other "next trips" are to a place on the other side of the world with white sands and a luxury spa.

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on July 29, 2011, 02:21:46 PM

    I never believed Art's "The Feds/Secret Service come knocking" tales. Art just didn't want people making stupid predictions about assassinations and I  think he used dramatic effect to curtail it.

It certainly adds more of an air of mystery and underlines the show's significance to play it that way.  And why not?  It's entertainment.  I'd certainly rather there that than the George Noory version, "If you mention that any world leaders or public figures are going to die, Lisa will have to use the seven-second delay and cut you off.  We don't want to do it, but we have to."

Audience reaction:  pissed or titillated, your choice, George.

George Noory is the middle-aged male equivalent of Miss North Carolina of "such as" fame.

Take his favorite topic, religion.  Can you imagine this:

GUEST:  George, tell the listeners YOUR answer is to those who claim Christianity is moving closer to the Gnostic view since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls."

GEORGE: .>:",.;<  We'll get to those after the break, so get ready for that.......sigh.......scratch.....cough.....pace.... AND it's Coast to Coast with GUEST and we're moving to Open Lines.  What is your questions for our guest?

That's the finesse we stay up for.


Quote from: texaskdog on July 28, 2011, 02:14:53 PM
Could a Noory show be considered "intellectual property?"

Noory and Intellectual together in the same sentence create an oxymoron explosion.  Don't do it again, you could damage your screen.

Quote from: pabigfoot on July 29, 2011, 12:36:03 AM
  Yeah, a whistleblower hotline would be great. Who knows what calls have been sent into the ether forever because of the particular screener ? Would the Area 51 caller get on today ? or merely sent to a dustheap as some nutjob. I remember that night well, and how Art's broadcast was interrupted. I suppose my criticism of GN would be twofold: George lets someone with a shaggy dog story drone on forever, yet just before the '08 election Jerry Corsi had a breaking story regarding Obama and George cut him off at the knees, refusing to allow Corsi to go on. And here we are.... P.S. I make no political commentary here; I merely abhor censorship.

I have to ask this pabigfoot:  Have you ever wondered if Art cut the Area 51 caller off for dramatic effect?  Just like a martyr's movement is energized more by his departure, the flyover became legendary because of the cutoff.

Anyone else suspect that might be the case?

Right, Angeleyes.  We here in radioland wonder why Noory doesn't continue with the winning formats.  If I'm recalling correctly, he tried to.  It's a touchy situation because if you announce you have just set up a line for whistleblowers in food packaging plants, people know you aren't getting any calls and can conclude that people don't call you like they did Art.

Noory avoids the audience being able to compare.  I reported here that while I was on a thread on another forum a couple of months ago, one of the participants suddenly said "I'm calling Noory right now and asking him."  She did and to our great surprise she was on in like five minutes.  This was on a Friday night.

We may be around to see the end of Open Lines.  Unless they have paid callers, it could be embarrassing....

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
July 27, 2011, 09:47:35 PM
Can those of us with a Mac support you with the Coastgab stream or no?  I saw the software was windows only.

Thinking about how Coast has slid into a repetitive religious exercise/health scare show, I suddenly realized I have not heard a single whistleblower in months!

Remember when Art used to lure them out of the woodwork with their own line and promises of anonymity, etc.  AND THEY CALLED!  I was so excited when somebody would call and say they work at a document warehouse or whatever and had seen photos, or somebody works at a lab and was there when they took the microbiologist's body out in a bag.

There was an immediacy and freshness that brought to the show that is gone as irretrievably as a burst bubble.

Any whistleblowers on lately that I missed?

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
July 27, 2011, 09:12:47 PM
The problem with these forums is that they have an agenda.  You are not allowed to say this or that or use swear words up to and including this or that...who can keep track?  The most interesting posters are attracted to freedom to say what they want how they want.  That's the wisdom MV has here:  he took a strategic step when he changed from George Noory Sucks to CoastGab.   George keeps calling us "haters" because we allow freedom of expression.

That in itself is interesting. 

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 27, 2011, 09:06:35 PM
It's perfectly obvious that Art has a history of putting family last.  There is always hope that an asshole can wake up to what's important in life and make changes.  I'm a perfect example of that.

I am hoping that Art's love of Asia has awakened in him a desire to try to repair his relationships with his other children.  They might not accept it, but it's never too late to try.  Families are not disposable, children do not come on a perforated roll with one being thrown away while you get another one.

That being said, I admire Art as a consummate radio host.  I wish him happiness in his personal life and the opportunity to ease the regrets all of us parents have.

Welcome back to a whole new world of Noory suckage and Art Bell in USA.  You missed some of the worst programming ever and some of the most hopeful news for the future with Art's return

We missed you!


PS.  How do you like getting to keep your own sweat?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
July 27, 2011, 03:51:52 PM
It looks like Art is posting on his Facebook page instead of communicating with fans through Fantastic Forum.  They are begging him out of respect for Linnae (the now deceased founder).  I don't think Art would be bothering unless he was up to something where he needed to regroup his fans.  He's perfectly comfortable with months of silence.

And, to you skeptics, you can't fake photographs of Art's family at a well-known Nevada sites.  We don't know why he came back (at least I don't) but it's a good call IMHO.  Couldn't help but notice that the Philippines were on Stage 2 typhoon watch just after Art left.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
July 26, 2011, 09:36:44 PM
Quote from: HorrorReporter on July 26, 2011, 08:31:48 PM
Hmmm.... Art Bell listing kyne.com as his new email... And F.R. being yelled at by Art's friends for being freaky .. Too funny to ignore
^^^^^^^^   This is the most significant clue as to Art's intent so far.  He still has close ties with Nancy and that's a perfect platform for a part-time gig project.

Thanks HR, you made my day!

Yes, Valdez.  Whenever paranormal news occurs in the Real World (as opposed to Nooryworld), it exposes Coast as the canned mystery meat paranormal radio channel.  The rest of the world is talking about a huge Norway Spiral in the sky?  We will be discussing Cat Scratch Fever so get ready for that.  Massive UFO fleet lands in Brazil.....stay tuned for Father Tool who will bring us up to speed on his shocking new book "Satan and Vaccinations."   And did I mention the Apocalypse Watch Club Newsletter?  Our producers have a treat for you with this one, folks.

Quote from: Peenman Enterprises on July 25, 2011, 05:19:30 AM
This is really kind of off topic but...I am so sick of what Noory has done to the show that I have started listening to http://www.theparacast.com/ I can't recommend it highly enough. I will say I lean towards the 'nuts and bolts' school ufology and that is probably my main interest. The show does lean in that direction with a healthy dose of skepticism.

But regardless of your personal taste if you want to hear paranormal subject matter with great guests and actual intelligent questions this is the place to go. You can download shows from the site or through iTunes. The only negative I have found is it is only produced once a week.

Bonus, a promo on the show last week actually said "if you are tired of Snoory..."

OMG - thank you so much for this, Peenman!  I feel like a person whose oxygen was running out in her space suit and she's slowly smothering and suddenly, I'm notified by the mother ship that the air is breathable and I lift off my helmet -- FRESH AIR!

Everybody should check this out...

Quote from: M Knight on July 25, 2011, 06:42:50 AM

Me too - but who reads them anyway?

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
July 25, 2011, 01:03:40 AM
Truth about fluoride.  Well, it IS a paranormal show and my wonderings about the nature of fluoride have kept me up goggle-eyed many a night. Not.  However, the anticipated dullness of four hours of fluoride saliva drooling inspired me to put my own show up for grabs.  I'll give Premiere first chance since they like an aura of mystery:

First Hour:  Crochet a memorial cushion for your departed cat using its hair that's still all over the house.  Collection secrets.

Second Hour:  Free your inner embroiderer, with photos posted on the C2C site.

Third Hour:  Between your colon and the couch

Open Lines....

Quote from: JeffreyLXV on July 24, 2011, 07:04:38 PM
That link is very nice.

Anyone know of a way to see upcoming show topics WITHOUT going to the c2c page? I know this is kind of oxymoronic, but seeing Noory's mug all over is a downer and deterrent.

Tonight's show from the c2c page:
Food & Health
Sun 07-24
The food we eat is not what it used to be. It is controlled every step from the farm to the dinner table by huge corporations. It doesn't taste the same, isn't as healthy, and has turned farmers into indentured servants. How did it get this way and what can you do about it? Mike Adams, editor of NaturalNews.com and James Colquhoun, director of the film Food Matters, join George Knapp to offer insight on why food companies purposely make you addicted to their food and how eating the right things can cure virtually any disease.

I've been trying to get back into the c2c groove... But, fluoride last night was a dud, and tonight looks similarly disappointing.

Jeffrey, Jeffrey, slow down.  Funklbaldy's site has full descriptions the same day they air, which is better than Streamlink.  Get past the intro page and wait for it to load....jeesh!

If you want to select which shows to download and would like complete description, you might consider my favorite streamlink alternative:


I totally support canceling your streamlink.  You are supporting the Noory debacle if you continue sending them money!   Lisa wrote to one of our posters once, I think it was Aldousburbank, and told him she only reads the negative comments of people who cancel streamlink and give a reason.  He had said, "George Noory sucks" as his reason for quitting. 

Lisa emailed him and actually requested more specifics!  You might actually do some good if you are prepared to give examples once you have settled on the many streamlink alternatives now available.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
July 24, 2011, 01:56:57 PM
Quote from: Scully on July 21, 2011, 11:01:05 PM

If you just imagined it, then we had the same auditory hallucination, cwarner, 'cause that's what I heard, too.

As far as how much say Knapp has in his topics/guests, my best guess is that he used to have a whole lot more than he does now.  That is becoming more and more obvious, although he does seem to have SOME say or we wouldn't get the good shows he comes up with.

Art alluded to the Premier staff taking over so Noory had very little to do.  As we all know, once the suits get power, they don't give it back.  I imagine the shit hit the fan when Art said no, thanks, I'll do XX myself. He saw and is still seeing (IMHO) how the show has deteriorated.  Last time this happens it was more than he could bear. 

I wonder how George Knapp likes working under that level of "service"


Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
July 23, 2011, 01:51:49 PM
Quote from: Morgus on July 23, 2011, 12:56:07 AM
Even on that facebook page it lists other Art Bells that have a photo that looks like Art though.

Morgus - this is the real Art Bell Facebook page. I was skeptical myself at first.   We vetted it and here's why I'm convinced:  1) Airyn Bell is his friend and not a friend on the other Art Bell sites (she has to confirm the friendship) How do we know it's really her?  The FB page is full of recent photos of the family and her relatives keep in touch. Their name is Ruiz and they're all over Airyn's site.  2) He autoanswers inquiries to his old mindspring email account at aol, which was FULL when I tried to reach him via email last February.  Someone cleaned it out and set up a roboanswer to confirm it's the real Art Bell.  The purpose was to eliminate people taking advantage of Art's popularity with fake AB facebook pages.

I love me a skeptic and if you still don't think so, well, have you ever seen a UFO?


Also people on another forum that I was on communicate with Art and he confirmed it.  That's M. J. Sten, the person who's name is on the sign you see all over.
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
July 23, 2011, 01:10:31 PM
Amy Winehouse has died.  So sad, so young and so much music still inside her....

Amy Winehouse - Rehab
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 23, 2011, 12:10:50 AM
I can't imagine Art would leave the Philippines only because condo association #124 would not allow him to put up a ham antenna.  He could always just buy a home and throw up his antenna somewhere nearby.  It may be a last straw situation.  He has had it.  He struggled for months with the equipment in Manila, which forced him to use Premiere screeners (and dumbed down the show).  Then after plenty of $$ spent, he still couldn't make it dependable due to ? , weather,  humidity, who knows?  So he decides instead he'll just enjoy his radio hobby with the ham.

To have that go south for him is just too much.  You can't take that much radio out of Art and still have a live, kicking man.  Art has always been one to leap when he's had enough. 

The other aspect is climate change.  Remember Art wrote the Super Storm book and he's living right on the edge of the Ring of Fire....in the path of typhoons...all ready for 2012?   It's one thing to look at Ramona and say, "Baby, lets ride it out..." and quite another to look into the eyes of a five year old and wonder if she'll survive. 

Nevada is much safer than the Philippines.  PLUS, Art has to be appreciating the fact that he's a legend here and he's just another rich American there.  Which might feel pretty good at this point.

I'm just glad his eye is once again on the velvet Nevada night.

Quote from: b_dubb on July 21, 2011, 05:28:36 PM
i leave you guys alone for a couple days and everything goes to poop

re: being a "devout aetheist" ... anyone claiming to have absolute knowledge regarding god / absence of god is just being prideful.  i'd love to hear your "proof".  check that ... i don't fucking care

I was going to say HEY KID --GET OFF B_DUBB's COMPUTER.  We can tell it's not him.....

Heh heh, that's more like it.  Let 'em stew in their ecclesiastical eschatological endtime soup.

Quote from: JeffreyLXV on July 22, 2011, 10:06:13 AM
Agreed. I saw Sinese on some TV program long ago. He was attempting to represent his right-wing views, but was inarticulate and mean-spirited... Not so uncommon from the right.

Do you mean Golden Corral the buffet place?  That place literally reminds me of hog troughs.

Edit: BTW  George Noory sucks. Since this is that thread. :P

Agreed on all of the above - but I have to say you hit the nail on the head about Golden Corral.  My daughter and I pulled up in front of one of those one day to go to Kinko's and I said, OMG -- LOOK AT THAT!  We then proceeded to watched goggle-eyed as one after another grossly obese person waddled in.  It was like a flash mob for super-fatties.  We were horrified.  I don't know how you could line up with them and think it's a good idea to eat what them happy folks is eatin'.


Quote from: Jethro Capone on July 21, 2011, 12:25:00 AM
I feel your pain. Noory asked tonight's guests, who do ghost-type shows, about one they did called "Children Of The Grave". The guest mentioned that there were hundreds of unmarked kids' graves around orphanages in Indiana. This was one of only two or three shows that Noory asked about (as of this posting).

Noory did the news in Michigan when a serial murderer preyed on kids there, and the fiend bathed and dressed them postmortem. I think that these crimes took place around the time that Noory moved to St. Louis in 1979. Maybe the unsolved case did a number on Noory's psyche. It might be why he's fixated on such terrible things.

OR....maybe he's the perpetrator?   Don't flame me--John Gacy looked like a milquetoasty bookkeeper, remember.  Most normal people wince when you bring up the subject of children being hurt or tortured.  It is not normal, ONAN!  Somebody go get Onan over here and let's get a semi-professional opinion....

Do you think it is weird and abnormal to enhance child torture/death stories with details and questions such as, "Would the bird dismember the toddler and feed it to it's own young?"   All I know is when I even TELL my children about a child murder, every one of them moans and says there's no reason to share that.  One daughter says, "You KNOW I can't hear that kind of thing....WHY? WHY?"  And that's to my saying something innocuous like, "Six children were killed in a school bus rollover again - no seat belts!"

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