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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: TaoOfLuxLisbon on July 29, 2011, 08:03:45 PM
A quick scan of Mr. Adask's blog makes me wonder if George would like some of his comments on Jews. There's some sort of weird screed about love of money and all that there.......guy sounds like a typical wingnut.
You've got that right. I went to his blog, too. While I was there, I decided to call him out on his own blog by rewording my CG post. It's been quite an amusing exchange, especially his incoherent circular logic ramblings.

If you all want to read it (blogger "TW" is me), here's the link...

Quote from: Towi on July 30, 2011, 04:32:12 PM
You've got that right. I went to his blog, too. While I was there, I decided to call him out on his own blog by rewording my CG post. It's been quite an amusing exchange, especially his incoherent circular logic ramblings.

If you all want to read it (blogger "TW" is me), here's the link...

Wow.  Just wow.  And this was the best guest George could find for that show, I wonder who the other candidates were.  If George and Tommy wonder why they are mocked and reviled, they need look no further.  If George wonders why Art Bell quit and didn't respond to his email (unless George claiming to have sent one was just another lie), he need look no further.

My question is what are George Knapp and Ian Punnett doing still sharing a microphone with George Noory?  What is keeping PremRat?  Why are there still sponsors?  Ok, scrach that one, where else are those companies going to find any kind of audience.

And other than to laugh at Droopy and his bloated sidekick, why are there enough listeners to keep this turd floating along?  Or are there?


Quote from: Towi on July 30, 2011, 04:32:12 PM
You've got that right. I went to his blog, too. While I was there, I decided to call him out on his own blog by rewording my CG post. It's been quite an amusing exchange, especially his incoherent circular logic ramblings.

If you all want to read it (blogger "TW" is me), here's the link...

Towi, thanks for posting that- I jumped over and read your cogent reply and got quite a chuckle out of his incoherent answer.  This is what passes for logic, plus his admission that he couldn't research the origin of a Dove ice cream bar:

"I didn’t know how to research the Manta.com info more thoroughly so I had to make do with the 47,000.
But you did a better job than I did at researching that data and you found the “number of actual IRS entries to be 500 or so”.  That averages out to about ten “private companies” acting as the “IRS” for each state. 
Thus, instead of having one “IRS” with a host of offices located in various states and cities, we appear to have 500 “private companies” scattered about the country.  Which, if any, of those 500 “private companies” is the REAL “IRS”?  And what th’ hell are the other 46,500?"
Linda is finding the guests willing to go on the radio with asshat is diminishing.  After all, if you valued credibility, would YOU share a mic with George Noory?


Quote from: Towi on July 30, 2011, 04:32:12 PM
You've got that right. I went to his blog, too. While I was there, I decided to call him out on his own blog by rewording my CG post. It's been quite an amusing exchange, especially his incoherent circular logic ramblings.

If you all want to read it (blogger "TW" is me), here's the link...

The guy is an absolute idiot when replying to you. He obviously has a lot of personal insecurities which he cannot stop from projecting in every post. Does registering make it so comments don't have to be approved? I think I'm going to join in on the fun on this website for a while.

I like how people like this put together an incoherent argument based on an incorrect premise and then say everybody is against them because their original premise is wrong. During his interview he acknowledged that he basically does science backwards by using his belief system to influence how he carries out his work, but that it is ok because it is how other scientists do it too. This is of course based on his false starting points which are his answers, next he works backwards and figures out the science part to justify his answer.


Quote from: M Knight on July 30, 2011, 07:37:01 AM
In five years, the entire show will be an audio montage of 2 minute sound clips of previous shows with Noory periodically interjecting at inopportune moments: (also prerecorded), "Really", "Wow", "Do you think it was a portal, or Angels?", and "What made you get into this, anyway"?
And, don't forget the immortal " What drives you? You just keep going!".  Noory is obviously on automatic pilot, and  that is him at his best.  When he tries to riff it isn't even funny, just sad and embarrassing.

Frys Girl

I think congratulations are in order. This site and other anti-Noory Internet resources have gotten under Noory's skin.

When he was interviewing Alfred Adask, or should I say interrogating him, the incompetent, overpaid son of a gun Noory said "are you a guy people want to buy a beer for?" to which Adask replied "I was an alcoholic for 12 years. I haven't had a drink for 34 years."
Here's the funny part, which usually occurs after Noory spits out one of the jackass remarks/questions he is famous for: He said "Only I would ask a question like that of a former alcoholic."

Comrades, if I may call you all such, he is stating the posts we would write here on the show. George, if you or your PremiereExcrementio goons are reading this: you are nothing.

Oh and if you care to have a listen to this moment in radio garbage, tune in at 1 minute and 58 seconds in hour 4 :)


Quote from: rangers1919 on July 30, 2011, 07:50:27 PM
The guy is an absolute idiot when replying to you. He obviously has a lot of personal insecurities which he cannot stop from projecting in every post. Does registering make it so comments don't have to be approved? I think I'm going to join in on the fun on this website for a while.

I like how people like this put together an incoherent argument based on an incorrect premise and then say everybody is against them because their original premise is wrong. During his interview he acknowledged that he basically does science backwards by using his belief system to influence how he carries out his work, but that it is ok because it is how other scientists do it too. This is of course based on his false starting points which are his answers, next he works backwards and figures out the science part to justify his answer.

Hey rangers1919, that would be great, go get Adask! You don't have to register to post, just a valid email address. My first post was held about 30 minutes for moderation review. But, after that, subsequent posts appeared immediately.

Personally, I gave up after 3 or 4 posts because I just do not suffer fools gladly. And this guy is definitely a fool. Alfred didn't like being called out on his own blog, so he was being a smarta$$. I'll bet it's the same attitude that got him thrown in jail for a year without being charged with anything.


Quote from: anagrammy on July 30, 2011, 06:34:49 PM
Towi, thanks for posting that- I jumped over and read your cogent reply and got quite a chuckle out of his incoherent answer.  This is what passes for logic, plus his admission that he couldn't research the origin of a Dove ice cream bar:

"I didn’t know how to research the Manta.com info more thoroughly so I had to make do with the 47,000.
But you did a better job than I did at researching that data and you found the “number of actual IRS entries to be 500 or so”.  That averages out to about ten “private companies” acting as the “IRS” for each state. 
Thus, instead of having one “IRS” with a host of offices located in various states and cities, we appear to have 500 “private companies” scattered about the country.  Which, if any, of those 500 “private companies” is the REAL “IRS”?  And what th’ hell are the other 46,500?"
Linda is finding the guests willing to go on the radio with asshat is diminishing.  After all, if you valued credibility, would YOU share a mic with George Noory?
If I was a radio host, I wouldn't even want him in the same state!


Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 30, 2011, 05:37:59 PM

Wow.  Just wow.  And this was the best guest George could find for that show, I wonder who the other candidates were.  If George and Tommy wonder why they are mocked and reviled, they need look no further.  If George wonders why Art Bell quit and didn't respond to his email (unless George claiming to have sent one was just another lie), he need look no further.

My question is what are George Knapp and Ian Punnett doing still sharing a microphone with George Noory?  What is keeping PremRat?  Why are there still sponsors?  Ok, scrach that one, where else are those companies going to find any kind of audience.

And other than to laugh at Droopy and his bloated sidekick, why are there enough listeners to keep this turd floating along?  Or are there?
Art has to be thinking to himself, with his head in his hands, "OMG, what the hell have I done?!?"

Frys Girl

Quote from: Towi on July 30, 2011, 10:47:14 PM
Art has to be thinking to himself, with his head in his hands, "OMG, what the hell have I done?!?"
We will never knows what goes on in Art's head, unlike the way we do with Noory, which is easy, NOTHING. However, I think Art was just tired of the radio life and he wanted to enjoy his twilight years as they say. Sometimes you just stop giving a damn about stuff that seemed important in the past. Of course, Art can't say such a thing without offending his loyal fans, and he knows better, but I could be wrong. I hope he comes back.


Quote from: M Knight on July 30, 2011, 07:37:01 AM
In five years, the entire show will be an audio montage of 2 minute sound clips of previous shows with Noory periodically interjecting at inopportune moments: (also prerecorded), "Really", "Wow", "Do you think it was a portal, or Angels?", and "What made you get into this, anyway"?

George Noory Clips

well i tried :(

Quote from: Frys Girl on July 30, 2011, 09:06:20 PM
I think congratulations are in order. This site and other anti-Noory Internet resources have gotten under Noory's skin.

When he was interviewing Alfred Adask, or should I say interrogating him, the incompetent, overpaid son of a gun Noory said "are you a guy people want to buy a beer for?" to which Adask replied "I was an alcoholic for 12 years. I haven't had a drink for 34 years."
Here's the funny part, which usually occurs after Noory spits out one of the jackass remarks/questions he is famous for: He said "Only I would ask a question like that of a former alcoholic."

Comrades, if I may call you all such, he is stating the posts we would write here on the show. George, if you or your PremiereExcrementio goons are reading this: you are nothing.

Oh and if you care to have a listen to this moment in radio garbage, tune in at 1 minute and 58 seconds in hour 4 :)

Yes, plenty of shoutouts.  Poor George.  The times he's talked about 'haters'.  The time he said his detractors live in mud huts and steal electricity from their neighbors (that was actually fairly inspired).  His 'unemployed with nothing to do all day' type comments.  He warns his computer challenged listeners not 'tuh buh-leeve ever-thing out there un thuh innernet'.

Recently he apparently said he 'no longer' reads it.  There's a shout out, an admission that he eagerly pores through it.

Let me guess what George's day is like.  Watching movie trailers.  Looking for morbid stories.  Catching up on celebrity gossip.  A couple useless staff meetings.  Making the rounds up to the exec offices for a kiss up.  Hanging around the kitchen hoping his female colleagues from the other side of the building come in.  Bothering people, hovering, talking about lunch, then dinner, going out to eat with Tommy, filling everyone in afterward.  Reading email is out.  Show prep is out.  No paper work.  George and his ego have plenty of time left over to google himself, read online comments responding to articles when he's been interviewed, comments posted about his books at Amazon, at at websites like this one. 

He can't help but give shoutouts.  Hi George.  You suck.


Quote from: Frys Girl on July 30, 2011, 10:49:41 PM
We will never knows what goes on in Art's head, unlike the way we do with Noory, which is easy, NOTHING. However, I think Art was just tired of the radio life and he wanted to enjoy his twilight years as they say. Sometimes you just stop giving a damn about stuff that seemed important in the past. Of course, Art can't say such a thing without offending his loyal fans, and he knows better, but I could be wrong. I hope he comes back.
I remember in the late nineties(?) when he had his son's problems on his mind he was on again/ off again the show.  I agree with you that he just lost his focus at some point.  Such is life.  It was a beautiful window of time but Camelot is an illusion.  We won't see him or his like back again.  I don't know what the answer is.  It may be time to let the past go and keep agitating for a replacement to this piece of shit Noory.  Those of us who remember how good it can be are the best qualified for this. Rock on.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 30, 2011, 10:56:29 PM

Yes, plenty of shoutouts.  Poor George.  The times he's talked about 'haters'.  The time he said his detractors live in mud huts and steal electricity from their neighbors (that was actually fairly inspired).  His 'unemployed with nothing to do all day' type comments.  He warns his computer challenged listeners not 'tuh buh-leeve ever-thing out there un thuh innernet'.

Recently he apparently said he 'no longer' reads it.  There's a shout out, an admission that he eagerly pores through it.

Let me guess what George's day is like.  Watching movie trailers.  Looking for morbid stories.  Catching up on celebrity gossip.  A couple useless staff meetings.  Making the rounds up to the exec offices for a kiss up.  Hanging around the kitchen hoping his female colleagues from the other side of the building come in.  Bothering people, hovering, talking about lunch, then dinner, going out to eat with Tommy, filling everyone in afterward.  Reading email is out.  Show prep is out.  No paper work.  George and his ego have plenty of time left over to google himself, read online comments responding to articles when he's been interviewed, comments posted about his books at Amazon, at at websites like this one. 

He can't help but give shoutouts.  Hi George.  You suck.

Naw. Amazon would be on the list of "haters" he doesn't read.  Have you SEEN the reviews of "Worker in the Light"?  Scorched my retinas.
No, our big flaw is we haven't got anything positive to say.  Yes I do.  I never smell him fart.



Quote from: Titanic on July 30, 2011, 11:16:09 PM
I remember in the late nineties(?) when he had his son's problems on his mind he was on again/ off again the show.  I agree with you that he just lost his focus at some point.  Such is life.  It was a beautiful window of time but Camelot is an illusion.  We won't see him or his like back again.  I don't know what the answer is.  It may be time to let the past go and keep agitating for a replacement to this piece of shit Noory.  Those of us who remember how good it can be are the best qualified for this. Rock on.

I GOT NEWS FOR YOU FROM ART:  This was on Facebook this afternoon:
Art Bell Hi all,
Please excuse the lack of posting but we have days full of trying to restore the house here in Pahrump to livable condition. There is so much to do and only so many hours in the day. There are things going on in the background that I will talk about at the proper time. The move was a big one and we need time to adjust. For now, thank you all for your friendship.Art says "things are going on in the background that I will talk about at the proper time."  Art is no longer communicating with fans through Fantastic Forum, he's using his FB page and this is the latest.  He's got something in the works, so don't give up hope!



Quote from: Frys Girl on July 30, 2011, 10:49:41 PM
We will never knows what goes on in Art's head, unlike the way we do with Noory, which is easy, NOTHING. However, I think Art was just tired of the radio life and he wanted to enjoy his twilight years as they say. Sometimes you just stop giving a damn about stuff that seemed important in the past. Of course, Art can't say such a thing without offending his loyal fans, and he knows better, but I could be wrong. I hope he comes back.

Hi FG! I probably should have been a little clearer. I was suggesting Art might be kicking himself and regretting his "blessing" of Snorgie as his successor, not his decision to retire. Sorry.


Quote from: anagrammy on July 30, 2011, 11:38:07 PM
I GOT NEWS FOR YOU FROM ART:  This was on Facebook this afternoon:
Art Bell Hi all,
Please excuse the lack of posting but we have days full of trying to restore the house here in Pahrump to livable condition. There is so much to do and only so many hours in the day. There are things going on in the background that I will talk about at the proper time. The move was a big one and we need time to adjust. For now, thank you all for your friendship.Art says "things are going on in the background that I will talk about at the proper time."  Art is no longer communicating with fans through Fantastic Forum, he's using his FB page and this is the latest.  He's got something in the works, so don't give up hope!

Hi Anagrammy,  I have enjoyed your posts as a lurker and now that I am out of the shadows, may I compliment you on your cogent style? I thank you for posting Art's message and hope that better things may be in the future.  Osiris to Horus to Art Bell! Keep hope alive.


Quote from: Titanic on July 30, 2011, 11:57:22 PM
Hi Anagrammy,  I have enjoyed your posts as a lurker and now that I am out of the shadows, may I compliment you on your cogent style? I thank you for posting Art's message and hope that better things may be in the future.  Osiris to Horus to Art Bell! Keep hope alive.

Glad to have you here, Titanic, and thanks for the kind words.

Post often, we're your peeps!



Quote from: anagrammy on July 31, 2011, 12:01:27 AM
Glad to have you here, Titanic, and thanks for the kind words.

Post often, we're your peeps!

Well, fine Ag, but why are you up so late?  You wouldn't be listening to C2C would you?  You have grandchildren to tend to in the morning, so it's lights out for you, young'un.


Quote from: Titanic on July 31, 2011, 12:09:33 AM
Well, fine Ag, but why are you up so late?  You wouldn't be listening to C2C would you?  You have grandchildren to tend to in the morning, so it's lights out for you, young'un.

Ha!  I just hate to call it a day, Titanic, what can I say?  After raising bajillion kids as a single mom, I did housework and ey'thing else while they slept. So that's why I needed Coast to distract me from my to-do list into the world of UFOs, crypto, time-travel, etc.  Those habits die hard.  Right now I am unloading a storage cube that I've had for thirty years, so while I sort I need entertainment.  After a number of bouts of yelling at the radio, "MF, you IDIOT!" at the hosting of Noory, or pleading with god for a decent guest/caller, I gave up.  I seldom listen now.

Last night I picked a sci-fi bonbon out of the treasure trove of Arthur C. Clarke books which I downloaded for absolutely free from demonoid. I'm in the middle of Moondust and my mind looks like a baby who found the cake-making drawer and has sprinkles everywhere!


PS.  If you ever feel sorry for yourself (ie, no husband, no Art, favorite show ruined), try this:  I imagine I am ninety years old and blowing out the candles on my birthday cake.  I wish I was back in time to 2011 when I was healthy, could see, could eat anything I wanted, drove a sportscar and could walk without a walker, and grandkids screamed with joy when I walked in the door.  OMG!  I got my wish--that's TODAY!


Oh, wow, Towi.  Good job calling Adask out.

From Adask's keyboard:

"You’re absolutely right when you say that I do not understand the structure of Manta.comâ€"nor do I expect to find time to learn it. My job is not to analyze everything I see or hear. My job is to discover and report anomalies (like Manta.com) and then hope that someone (like you) will take time to do a more thorough analysis."

But maybe he could analyze the information he puts out in an interview?

You know, I listened to the first hour of this guy and that was about all I could stand.  It was apparent to me that he had some issues and seeing his blog confirms the suspicion.  I mean, several times in his responses to Towi he shows that he has some kind of issue with his age.  As others have pointed out here, there's some kind of weird religious thing going as well as an alcoholism issue.  Rangers1919 hit it on the head:

"He obviously has a lot of personal insecurities which he cannot stop from projecting in every post."

Wow.  Obviously C2C doesn't vet the guests very well.

And Anagrammy, you're right about those reviews at Amazon.  The word "scathing" comes to mind.  How embarrassing.

Gassy Man

Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 30, 2011, 10:56:29 PM

Let me guess what George's day is like.  Watching movie trailers.  Looking for morbid stories.  Catching up on celebrity gossip.  A couple useless staff meetings.  Making the rounds up to the exec offices for a kiss up.  Hanging around the kitchen hoping his female colleagues from the other side of the building come in.  Bothering people, hovering, talking about lunch, then dinner, going out to eat with Tommy, filling everyone in afterward.  Reading email is out.  Show prep is out.  No paper work.  George and his ego have plenty of time left over to google himself, read online comments responding to articles when he's been interviewed, comments posted about his books at Amazon, at at websites like this one. 

That actually sounds a lot like my day . . . .maybe I should host Coast to Coast.

Gassy Man

Quote from: anagrammy on July 31, 2011, 09:52:28 AM
Ha!  I just hate to call it a day, Titanic, what can I say?  After raising bajillion kids as a single mom, I did housework and ey'thing else while they slept. So that's why I needed Coast to distract me from my to-do list into the world of UFOs, crypto, time-travel, etc.  Those habits die hard.  Right now I am unloading a storage cube that I've had for thirty years, so while I sort I need entertainment.  After a number of bouts of yelling at the radio, "MF, you IDIOT!" at the hosting of Noory, or pleading with god for a decent guest/caller, I gave up.  I seldom listen now.

Last night I picked a sci-fi bonbon out of the treasure trove of Arthur C. Clarke books which I downloaded for absolutely free from demonoid. I'm in the middle of Moondust and my mind looks like a baby who found the cake-making drawer and has sprinkles everywhere!


PS.  If you ever feel sorry for yourself (ie, no husband, no Art, favorite show ruined), try this:  I imagine I am ninety years old and blowing out the candles on my birthday cake.  I wish I was back in time to 2011 when I was healthy, could see, could eat anything I wanted, drove a sportscar and could walk without a walker, and grandkids screamed with joy when I walked in the door.  OMG!  I got my wish--that's TODAY!
Very well done -- your posts are amusing.


Quote from: Gassy Man on July 31, 2011, 02:10:43 PM
Very well done -- your posts are amusing.

Thanks, Gassy.  I think you absolutely should host Coast.  Noory is obviously out of gas.



Quote from: Fractal on July 31, 2011, 01:13:06 PM
Oh, wow, Towi.  Good job calling Adask out.

From Adask's keyboard:

"You’re absolutely right when you say that I do not understand the structure of Manta.comâ€"nor do I expect to find time to learn it. My job is not to analyze everything I see or hear. My job is to discover and report anomalies (like Manta.com) and then hope that someone (like you) will take time to do a more thorough analysis."

But maybe he could analyze the information he puts out in an interview?

You know, I listened to the first hour of this guy and that was about all I could stand.  It was apparent to me that he had some issues and seeing his blog confirms the suspicion.  I mean, several times in his responses to Towi he shows that he has some kind of issue with his age.  As others have pointed out here, there's some kind of weird religious thing going as well as an alcoholism issue.  Rangers1919 hit it on the head:

"He obviously has a lot of personal insecurities which he cannot stop from projecting in every post."

Wow.  Obviously C2C doesn't vet the guests very well.

And Anagrammy, you're right about those reviews at Amazon.  The word "scathing" comes to mind.  How embarrassing.

Thanks Fractal. Yeah, this guy certainly jumps to a lot of conclusions without anything to go on, and he doesn't seem too interested in reality.

And, overnight, this pattern of his turned a bit sinister. Some time last night, somebody posted to his blog using the name "w.t." to offer up additional criticism of Adask. In his response, Adask's paranoia kicked into overdrive, accusing this guy of being me. And what was his rational? Of course, "w.t." vs "TW" for identities. Then this bastard offered evidence that the email addresses provided both contained the word "sea" by publishing the first half (before the @) of both email addresses in his response!

I posted a blog reply to Adask (and followed up with an email to this SOB) this morning, stating he will be facing legal action if my email address (partial or full) isn't removed immediately, as well as informing him that I didn't know or care who "w.t." was.

Again, here's the link for everything that has transpired: http://adask.wordpress.com/about/
(If Adask has removed things, let me know, as I have screen-captured the blog on that page.)

I will be firing off an email to Snorgie tomorrow, letting him know exactly what kind of slimy PoS Adask is.

Stay tuned.


Quote from: anagrammy on July 31, 2011, 02:25:11 PM
Thanks, Gassy.  I think you absolutely should host Coast.  Noory is obviously out of gas.


. . Not so, Noory is a hybrid. 

Frys Girl

Quote from: 11angeleyes11 on July 31, 2011, 03:38:18 PM
Noory is a hybrid.
The altnerative fuel in question here has got to be like baby rabbits or something. Noory looks like hell. He looks like someone who was in a FEMA concentration camp for the last 70 years. When I saw him in Video Chat, I was scared. He might be a subject of his own show one day. "Special Line: Diagnose Noory!"


Quote from: Towi on July 31, 2011, 02:31:53 PM

I will be firing off an email to Snorgie tomorrow, letting him know exactly what kind of slimy PoS Adask is.

Stay tuned.

Good luck on getting any results from letting Snorgie know about anything, Towi.  I used to write to him often through my Streamlink "special" email, and I actually heard back from him several times.  He doesn't CARE what anyone thinks unless they're signing his paycheck and building him a studio in Hawaii.

I am sick beyond measure with almost ALL the guests Noory brings to Coast.  They are obviously hand-picked to fit into the current C2C agenda, which is whackadoodledoo by intention. The only question left in my mind is whether they are chosen by GN or by Premiere.  The latter seems more likely.  George doesn't have the intelligence to be any more than a mouthpiece for higher-ups, IMO.

Go for it, Friend!  Maybe you'll be the one to move the mountain!  ;)


Quote from: Frys Girl on July 31, 2011, 03:56:54 PM
The altnerative fuel in question here has got to be like baby rabbits or something. Noory looks like hell. He looks like someone who was in a FEMA concentration camp for the last 70 years. When I saw him in Video Chat, I was scared. He might be a subject of his own show one day. "Special Line: Diagnose Noory!"

I'll play - Turmeric Poisoning


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