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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?

Quote from: fysisist on August 12, 2011, 01:21:32 PM
He's a parrot, a myna bird.  He just repeats what he hears from the endless stream of schmucks that come on the show.  He's embraced a couple of ideas and made them his little "signature" Snoorisms: "there ARE no coincidences...", "... I believe in adiabatic oil..." which actually means that he believes in abiotic oil but just can't pronounce the word.  Point is, I've never heard an original thought from Snoors.........

Laura.....Laura........*squawk*...........Please don't hurt me......Leo no!!!!!.......*squawk*

Quote from: Michael Vandeven on August 12, 2011, 06:40:22 PM
actually, caruthers is "mordred" who used to post here regularly.  he recently returned and created a new account.  not sure why the new account was created just yet... still working on that.  but... i can assure you he's not a troll.  just has a different... "style"... shall we say.  anyway, you may place your troll spray back into the desk drawer from whence it came.


Quote from: Michael Vandeven on August 13, 2011, 12:47:38 AM
where can i get a protective cup like that?  you know... for general use.

That isn't a protective cup... it is the first iteration of the Lewis Black automatic ball washer.


This couple on tonite have info I'd like to hear, but I am thinking that georgie isn't going to give them a chance as he sounds like he's in the "I am the big guy in charge" mode since they are new.  Gotta train these guests right in the beginning so they will properly kiss up for the honor of possibly being invited again.  Not that he isn't so short of guests he'd really take anyone these days.  Hey!  I missed a few minutes and now the guests are gone and Mr Thinks He Knows It All is spouting most of what he's heard on tv----every cliche as tho they are his own original thoughts.  George Noory Sucks.  I wonder if he's been taking more than tumeric lately.  He sounds scared.


Darn - Noory told a caller tonight that he now plans to never retire! :o

Quote from: Morgus on August 13, 2011, 02:23:11 AM
Darn - Noory told a caller tonight that he now plans to never retire! :o

It's pretty much common knowledge that he will retire when he runs for President in 2012.


Quote from: Morgus on August 13, 2011, 02:23:11 AM
Darn - Noory told a caller tonight that he now plans to never retire! :o
life just keeps getting better.


That Noory just can't do a full four hour live show on Friday anymore.
He is ducking out early again tonight and having them play an old recording of him reading a short story or poem instead for the last half hour.
Even more boring then usual fare. :o
I think Noory recorded a bunch of these readings years ago and had his staff compile them on an audio CD that they used to give out free to new streamlink subscribers.   :P


Mr. Noory is reading us a nite-nite ghost story tonight during C2C's last half hour.  He's played cock-of-the-walk all evening (as he does on Friday nights) and now it's time for us chillun to get tucked into bed where we can shudder and shake with delight at storytime.  He's misemphasizing every other word, of course, and mispronouncing most of the others, but he wants us to know he's there for us. This is our special time together.

Big Daddy George has talked earlier tonight about how when he was young he wanted to do the fun stories on the radio instead of the important ones that listeners really need to hear about. Now he knows better, and so most of the time we will continue to hear his very important "common-sense" apolitical topics, without regard to any particular bias or slant.  He knows what's best for us.  He and he alone.

What have we ever done to deserve this kind, loving, patronizing father-figure? God bless you, George Noory.  God bless you.  :P


i'm so happy i stopped listening to noory in late 2005.

Quote from: Morgus on August 13, 2011, 02:23:11 AM
Darn - Noory told a caller tonight that he now plans to never retire! :o
Pay it no mind. It's simply subterfuge or he plans on having his dumb ass fired eventually. He's just talking shit to mess with us.


Quote from: Morgus on August 13, 2011, 02:23:11 AM
Darn - Noory told a caller tonight that he now plans to never retire! :o

For noory that probably means he isn't replacing his goodyears.


QuoteBig Daddy George has talked earlier tonight about how when he was young he wanted to do the fun stories on the radio instead of the important ones that listeners really need to hear about. Now he knows better, and so most of the time we will continue to hear his very important "common-sense" apolitical topics, without regard to any particular bias or slant.  He knows what's best for us.  He and he alone.

yes, that's why he reads stuff verbatim off of msn's homepage. great research george.


Quote from: Morgus on August 13, 2011, 02:37:49 AM
That Noory just can't do a full four hour live show on Friday anymore.
He is ducking out early again tonight and having them play an old recording of him reading a short story or poem instead for the last half hour.
Quote from: Scully on August 13, 2011, 03:30:49 AM
Mr. Noory is reading us a nite-nite ghost story tonight during C2C's last half hour....
Quote from: Bart on August 13, 2011, 01:40:57 AM
This couple on tonite have info I'd like to hear... I missed a few minutes and now the guests are gone and Mr Thinks He Knows It All is spouting most of what he's heard on tv----every cliche as tho they are his own original thoughts. George Noory Sucks.

     Catherine Austin Fitts said there are certain players in our economy that will kill you before allowing any real change in the system. Really? Mind telling us who they are? Want to follow up on that one, George? Nope. Cullen Baird Smith and Rebecca Orleane are in contact with the Pleiadians, an alien race that wants to help us with something or other. George wants to know if they know why everything is so weird these days, and if they would save us if an asteroid was a' coming to wreak havoc, and stuff like that. I would like to know what kind of music they listen to, what they look like, and have they found the God particle, and if they really want to help us, why don't they send us money? During open lines he calls for the legalization of all drugs and tells us that he's not partisan, "I call it as I see it".  Then he ducks out again during the last half hour and doesn't tell us he's playing a recording. This is insulting.  Mr. "we'll always be here live" can't tell us he's about to play an old tape?  Beat it, George.  Don't bother playing the ufo phil song.  You are done.

"Cheese it, Rocko, this place is screwed!"

Quote from: onan on August 13, 2011, 01:34:02 AM
That isn't a protective cup... it is the first iteration of the Lewis Black automatic ball washer.

"Scrub, scrub, scrub."  My God, I love that man!!   :)


Quote from: stevesh on August 12, 2011, 06:03:51 AMNoory bleeped whatever the guest said with the delay button. Knowing Noory's prudishness, it may have been something as innocuous as 'God Damn'. It happened a couple of minutes before the end of the segment - wouldn't a professional have waited a few minutes and talked to the guest about it during the break, rather than scolding him on the air ? Just askin'.

Here's the un-bleeped exchange.  It was a minor incident.

Slap The

Art would always say something like, "whoops, you can't curse on the air" after he hit the button that used to play "Do the wild thing at 775-1295."


There is new tension in the Noory voice.  It is higher, tinnier--there is fear.  The dream of the Hawaiian semi-retirement in a glass-encased Noory Shrine-Studio is gone along with the nubile girls waiting to fan him with palm fronds.  The dream of milking Art's creation for the rest of his life has >poof< vanished.  Someone has told him he'll be fine if he just sticks with the system.  The system of questions the guest gave him, his own computer-generated fav five and turning the guest's last comment into a question.

As they used to say on Battlestar Gallactica (2004), "Something has changed.  The Cylon is here."

There is a strange energy coming out of Pahrump.  It's radiation signature has hit the Premiere studio in Los Angeles.  It has the power to destroy the Noory and everything he doesn't stand for.

Art is back.


M Knight

Quote from: anagrammy on August 13, 2011, 10:06:15 AM
There is new tension in the Noory voice.  It is higher, tinnier--there is fear.  The dream of the Hawaiian semi-retirement in a glass-encased Noory Shrine-Studio is gone along with the nubile girls waiting to fan him with palm fronds.  The dream of milking Art's creation for the rest of his life has >poof< vanished.  Someone has told him he'll be fine if he just sticks with the system.  The system of questions the guest gave him, his own computer-generated fav five and turning the guest's last comment into a question.

As they used to say on Battlestar Gallactica (2004), "Something has changed.  The Cylon is here."

There is a strange energy coming out of Pahrump.  It's radiation signature has hit the Premiere studio in Los Angeles.  It has the power to destroy the Noory and everything he doesn't stand for.

Art is back.


I just read this while listening to the "Empire Strikes Back" theme.  It was great.

M Knight

Quote from: mbrown on August 13, 2011, 10:23:42 AM
I sent a flash blast telling george he sucks...then went to bed.

Therapeutic, isn't it?


I noticed on last night's open lines there was a lot more callers in Hawaii, just like some other recent callers.
Noory's staff must be putting Hawaii callers first in the queue lately so Noory can comment on his new Hawaii studio.
He hasn't gone there yet, but next Friday he is doing a live broadcast from some station studio in New Mexico so he can have Richard Hoagland and his girl friend live in the studio out there.


Quote from: mbrown on August 13, 2011, 10:23:42 AMI sent a flash blast telling george he sucks...
they don't seem to read the fastblasts anymore, not for months.
instead once a week they read a few text messages but they are only the noory friendly ones. tommy must filter out all the others.  :o


Quote from: mbrown on August 13, 2011, 10:23:42 AM
That so called weather expert said that NOAA is scrambling to get new names for hurricanes because there have been so many,  and the new one is named tropical storm 6...what??? They number Tropical Depressions and the latest Tropical Depression was 6.  Now it has reached the tropical storm lev it's known as Franklin...lets see that 6th letter of the alphabet.  lets see: 2011 names : Arlene,Bret,Cindy,Don,Emily,Franklin,Gert,Harvey,Irene,Jose,Katia,Lee,Maria,Nate,Ophelia,Philippe,Rina,Sean,Tammy,Vince,Whitney.

In the event that more than 21 named hurricanes occur in the Atlantic in a season, additional storms will take names from the Greek alphabet: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc.
So if we run out no need to scramble.  In 2004 we almost ran out...but no scrambling then either.

Yeah we are running out...lol.  what an idiot.  Oh and i get all my info from the tv and the internet...no expert on weather here.  This show is such a fraud.  Its all about selling gold and doomsday products.  did you hear george talk about how he has convinced his children that the world is coming to an end too and to stock up on that food and radio he hawks.  how shameless.  Maybe he has convinced his kids that tommy is just a nice man that sleeps over sometimes due to night blindness...uncle tommy.  I do hope art will launch a competing program soon.  I sent a flash blast telling george he sucks...then went to bed.

Great post.  You're referring of course to one Mitch Battros, Snorge's "earth changes expert."   Battros is probably the worst of the so-called "experts" that he brings on his "news" segments.  He's embarrassingly inarticulate and a charlatan -- but it's his good fortune that he's someone who the Snoron agrees with regard to global climate change, so he gets on the show.   The guy's got balls, though -- he'll charge you to extract info from his website.  Amazing, huh?  Oh yeah, he mentioned at the end of the segment something to the effect that Mayan 'elders' are advising him and that we should "expect" earthquakes toward the end of August.

My guess is that Battros wouldn't know a "Mayan Elder" if one came up to him and smacked him upside the head!

You really have to be a schmuck to fall for lines like that  but then that's what the Snoron & Co. are counting on.....

Quote from: Morgus on August 13, 2011, 01:17:01 PM
I noticed on last night's open lines there was a lot more callers in Hawaii...

Or paid actors pretending to be 'truckdriving around' in Hawaii..


Did anyone else listening last night notice the elderly caller who rambled a lot and threw into the pot  that "some of your guests keep saying the same things over and over"?  I held my breath waiting for George to react ... the silence was deafening though, and the caller chickened out and switched back to a non-George-threatening subject.

Thought we had a winner there for a few seconds.  ;)


Quote from: Scully on August 13, 2011, 05:21:22 PM
Did anyone else listening last night notice the elderly caller who rambled a lot and threw into the pot  that "some of your guests keep saying the same things over and over"? 
I remember that caller.
Thats because Noory keeps worrying about the "newer" listeners, probably figuring all the old time listeners have given up.
So he always has to have guests rehash and cover the same old stuff over and over.
His lack of memory doesn't help in that area either, its all new to him every time.  :-*

And he can just reshuffle his cue cards and start over. 

Quality, information, entertainment - not really on George's list of priorities.  Just sell stuff, scare people, and promote the agenda.


Quote from: Art Crow on August 13, 2011, 07:22:04 AM
Here's the un-bleeped exchange.  It was a minor incident.

Slap The

Art would always say something like, "whoops, you can't curse on the air" after he hit the button that used to play "Do the wild thing at 775-1295."

Wow, george noory sounds like a real uptight asshole in that clip.

James G.

I didn't listen to the program, but just heard that posted sound byte in which Mr. George Noory "suddenly" realizes that people have to watch what they say on air. Sure, that didn't keep him and his Fox-Sports Radio buddy Tomm Looney from basically convicting people who use three names as being assassins and murderers.

Now he's careful? After defaming some good people? What a joke Noory is. He's never offered an apology for his blunders and dumb theories, no matter how many good people get defamed.

As far as his quote that it "throws off his whole system," what he is referring to is called "reckless disregard for the truth" in mass-media law. I didn't get how that applied in the sound byte I heard, but I've heard Noory make references that would could bring Premiere Radio Networks under civil responsibility for their words. Like Fox-Sports Radio, too.


This is my first post here, but I have hated George Snoory for a long time.  A robot could replace him in his job.  It would just need to respond in ways like "That's staggering!!!" and "That's incredible." and other mindless exclamatory phrases.  Noory is so unbelievably dumb, I do multiple facepalms whenever I listen to him (I try not to if possible).  I hate how when a guest makes an astute comment that is well above GN's ability to understand, he just says "good point" when it's obvious that he has no idea what the guest is talking about.  He is also a lazy bastard, I doubt it takes 10 minutes to prep for a show.  Ian Punnett (who I am a big fan of, and I know there's some hate for him here) at least reads the material and educates himself and you can tell with his hosting.  He asks good questions after reflecting on the material.  Snoory doesn't and he probably can't even comprehend the material if he did read it.  I also hate his formulaic style, how his first question is always "what got you interested in this field" like anybody really cares about that.  I could go on griping for a while, about his slurred, semi-retarded speaking style, his overuse of the word "synchronicity", how he pronounces "nucular" and thinks that everyone says it that way.  The only thing Snoory has going for him is that he lets the host do most of the work and he barely comments.  Like I said, a robot could do his job.  I think that the inadequacy of Snoory is out there as reflected by this site and also when people call to Punnett and tell him how he's the best host etc.  Just wanted to spew some hatred, thanks guys and gals.

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