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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



     First hour with Tim Ball, global warming skeptic.  I love global warming skeptics, and the horses they ride in on.  Later George had on three psychics: Joesph Jacobs, Maureen Hancock, and fast talking southern lady, Angela Moore, to talk about the future.  While this makes for an interesting show, these folks are never called upon later...oh, say a year from now...to score their predictions.
     At one point Jacobs got on the subject of black holes:
     Jacobs: "When you have a black hole, anything near it is sucked in."
     George: "They say...they say..."
     Eh, does George not believe that black holes suck things in?  Is there doubt in his mind?  Heck, I've never been near one, but I'm going to take the word of every physicist alive.  We know George George is dim, but this is something new.  This is the audacity of dimness.  This is idiocy on the offensive, on the march, damn the torpedoes, and the basic physical laws that govern them.   
Yeah, they suck, but not as much as George.


Quote from: b_dubb on July 21, 2011, 05:30:27 PM
gary sinese ... rocking the free world for golden coral.  i used to like this actor.  now i just think he's a right wing tool.  and a sell out

Agreed. I saw Sinese on some TV program long ago. He was attempting to represent his right-wing views, but was inarticulate and mean-spirited... Not so uncommon from the right.

Do you mean Golden Corral the buffet place?  That place literally reminds me of hog troughs.

Edit: BTW  George Noory sucks. Since this is that thread. :P


Quote from: valdez on July 22, 2011, 05:26:30 AM
     Eh, does George not believe that black holes suck things in?  Is there doubt in his mind?  Heck, I've never been near one, but I'm going to take the word of every physicist alive.  We know George George is dim, but this is something new.  This is the audacity of dimness.  This is idiocy on the offensive, on the march, damn the torpedoes, and the basic physical laws that govern them.

With your permission valdez, I've made this my signature. It's a little scary really.


Quote from: Jethro Capone on July 21, 2011, 12:25:00 AM
I feel your pain. Noory asked tonight's guests, who do ghost-type shows, about one they did called "Children Of The Grave". The guest mentioned that there were hundreds of unmarked kids' graves around orphanages in Indiana. This was one of only two or three shows that Noory asked about (as of this posting).

Noory did the news in Michigan when a serial murderer preyed on kids there, and the fiend bathed and dressed them postmortem. I think that these crimes took place around the time that Noory moved to St. Louis in 1979. Maybe the unsolved case did a number on Noory's psyche. It might be why he's fixated on such terrible things.

OR....maybe he's the perpetrator?   Don't flame me--John Gacy looked like a milquetoasty bookkeeper, remember.  Most normal people wince when you bring up the subject of children being hurt or tortured.  It is not normal, ONAN!  Somebody go get Onan over here and let's get a semi-professional opinion....

Do you think it is weird and abnormal to enhance child torture/death stories with details and questions such as, "Would the bird dismember the toddler and feed it to it's own young?"   All I know is when I even TELL my children about a child murder, every one of them moans and says there's no reason to share that.  One daughter says, "You KNOW I can't hear that kind of thing....WHY? WHY?"  And that's to my saying something innocuous like, "Six children were killed in a school bus rollover again - no seat belts!"



Quote from: JeffreyLXV on July 22, 2011, 10:06:13 AM
Agreed. I saw Sinese on some TV program long ago. He was attempting to represent his right-wing views, but was inarticulate and mean-spirited... Not so uncommon from the right.

Do you mean Golden Corral the buffet place?  That place literally reminds me of hog troughs.

Edit: BTW  George Noory sucks. Since this is that thread. :P

Agreed on all of the above - but I have to say you hit the nail on the head about Golden Corral.  My daughter and I pulled up in front of one of those one day to go to Kinko's and I said, OMG -- LOOK AT THAT!  We then proceeded to watched goggle-eyed as one after another grossly obese person waddled in.  It was like a flash mob for super-fatties.  We were horrified.  I don't know how you could line up with them and think it's a good idea to eat what them happy folks is eatin'.



M Knight

Quote from: JeffreyLXV on July 22, 2011, 10:06:13 AM
Agreed. I saw Sinese on some TV program long ago. He was attempting to represent his right-wing views, but was inarticulate and mean-spirited... Not so uncommon from the right.

Do you mean Golden Corral the buffet place?  That place literally reminds me of hog troughs.

Edit: BTW  George Noory sucks. Since this is that thread. :P

I think he is doing pretty good work.  Those guys need all the high profile support they can get.



Quote from: b_dubb on July 21, 2011, 05:28:36 PM
i leave you guys alone for a couple days and everything goes to poop

re: being a "devout aetheist" ... anyone claiming to have absolute knowledge regarding god / absence of god is just being prideful.  i'd love to hear your "proof".  check that ... i don't fucking care

I was going to say HEY KID --GET OFF B_DUBB's COMPUTER.  We can tell it's not him.....

Heh heh, that's more like it.  Let 'em stew in their ecclesiastical eschatological endtime soup.



well i'm agnostic for the most part.  and a nihilist because i tend to think that everything that happens isn't the result of a supreme being but something far more mundane. as for atheists ... the argument that 'bad things happen to good people therefore there is no caring, all powerful god' is just bullshit.  that's like saying everytime something bad happens god (or one of his angels) will step in to save you and basically render the consequences of your decisions / actions meaningless.  ridiculous


Quote from: b_dubb on July 22, 2011, 06:27:39 PM
well i'm agnostic for the most part.  and a nihilist because i tend to think that everything that happens isn't the result of a supreme being but something far more mundane. as for atheists ... the argument that 'bad things happen to good people therefore there is no caring, all powerful god' is just bullshit.  that's like saying everytime something bad happens god (or one of his angels) will step in to save you and basically render the consequences of your decisions / actions meaningless.  ridiculous

When it comes to the whole atheist/agnostic/theist quandry, I always think of that line from Hamlet:  "There's more in heaven and earth than dreamt of in your philosophy."  I think it's too early to give a definitive answer about the exact nature of God, if he exists.  Primitive man thought there was a god of thunder, etc.  He had no conception of the nature of things.  Give the human race a thousand years, assuming we don't blow ourselves up, and our understanding of the nature of reality will be vastly more complex than what it is today.  And our conception of a God will be nothing like it is today.  I don't venture a guess on what we'll think God or a prime mover will be in a thousand years. 

Seamus Capone

Quote from: anagrammy on July 22, 2011, 05:58:13 PM
OR....maybe he's the perpetrator?   Don't flame me--John Gacy looked like a milquetoasty bookkeeper, remember.  Most normal people wince when you bring up the subject of children being hurt or tortured.  It is not normal, ONAN!  Somebody go get Onan over here and let's get a semi-professional opinion....

Do you think it is weird and abnormal to enhance child torture/death stories with details and questions such as, "Would the bird dismember the toddler and feed it to it's own young?"   All I know is when I even TELL my children about a child murder, every one of them moans and says there's no reason to share that.  One daughter says, "You KNOW I can't hear that kind of thing....WHY? WHY?"  And that's to my saying something innocuous like, "Six children were killed in a school bus rollover again - no seat belts!"


LOL I don't think that he's a serial murderer (of individuals, not shows), but I do think that his apparent fixation on dead/hurt/sick youth is extremely odd, to say the least. You don't have to be a psychiatrist or a psychologist to know that it's very weird to be obsessed with such macabre and morbid subjects that, like you said, most normal people avoid. While I don't think that Noory is a killer, I do think that he has a sick, twisted fascination with horrid, tragic events that involve babies, toddlers, children, adolescents. He *might* have some kind of "thing" that meets the criteria for some sort of dark pathology. You and the rest of us can't say for sure, although we have valid reasons to suspect that *something* is quite off. He brings up the subject so much that one would have to be blind to not wonder about his state of mind. I noticed that he tells dead baby stories by proxy too. This is where the endangered/ill/injured/ youth is supposedly secondary to the alleged main theme of the story (crib deaths, disease outbreaks, mass murder, train crashes).

I also wonder if he's involved in satanism in some way, as crazy as that sounds. He always finds a way to bring up demons and evil while he's interviewing guests who discuss paranormal and/or conspiracy subjects, and he sometimes brings up the dark side during ostensibly mainstream programs. Then, there's his documented dabbling in black magic, as well as his constant questions about cursing people. Listen to the creepy tone of his voice when he talks about such things.


Noory is having that twilight zone expert on again tonight.
Expect him at some point to bring up "To Serve Man"  :o

El Kragen

Quote from: Morgus on July 22, 2011, 11:17:57 PM
Noory is having that twilight zone expert on again tonight.
Expect him at some point to bring up "To Serve Man"  :o

lol...Lazy Noory heading back to the well


Did George just make a half-witted attempt at a George Clinton impression during his rambling mugwort story?


There once was a host from St. Louis
Who was given a show and then blew it,
Angels and doomsday reigned
And so interest waned,
And everyone but poor George knew it.

Quote from: Jethro Capone on July 22, 2011, 11:16:31 PM
LOL I don't think that he's a serial murderer (of individuals, not shows), but I do think that his apparent fixation on dead/hurt/sick youth is extremely odd, to say the least. You don't have to be a psychiatrist or a psychologist to know that it's very weird to be obsessed with such macabre and morbid subjects that, like you said, most normal people avoid. While I don't think that Noory is a killer, I do think that he has a sick, twisted fascination with horrid, tragic events that involve babies, toddlers, children, adolescents. He *might* have some kind of "thing" that meets the criteria for some sort of dark pathology. You and the rest of us can't say for sure, although we have valid reasons to suspect that *something* is quite off. He brings up the subject so much that one would have to be blind to not wonder about his state of mind. I noticed that he tells dead baby stories by proxy too. This is where the endangered/ill/injured/ youth is supposedly secondary to the alleged main theme of the story (crib deaths, disease outbreaks, mass murder, train crashes).


Sometimes when I see posts saying George sucks, but that he's 'probably' a nice guy, I wonder how they explain this sick fixation.  There are very few topics George seems interested in, but dead and injured children is certainly one of them.

He doesn't seem to care much about animals either.  Maybe the tie-in is kids and animals are both mostly helpless.

A few of his creepy personal stories involve his father stomping baby hampsters to death (a 2-fer, babies AND animals), or the sad case of his former dog Casey, kept in some lousy kennel for the months George was away, back in St Louis.  The fact that George even tells these stories is quite revealing.

Or how about George buying 2 Talky Tina replica dolls - an evil doll from an episode of the Twighlight Zone.  One he creepily keeps in his office, the other one he gives a granddaughter.  George enlists his daughter, the poor girls mom (or does she enlist him?), to move the doll around the house when she isn't looking.  They then tell her the doll is alive and moving by itself.  Even though the kid is scared half to death, this apparently goes on for some time.

Quite the family.


Quote from: anagrammy on July 22, 2011, 05:58:13 PM
Somebody go get Onan over here and let's get a semi-professional opinion....

I haven't worked on an 18-wheeler in over 35 years.

IF the question is, does noory fit the profile of a serial killer? The answer is a profound maybe. But the main disqualifier is noory appears to be of low-average intelligence which probably cuts him out of that herd.

But low-average intelligence people love their taboos. And noory on that subject fits like a hand in a glove.

Basically I think noory is a doofus (I do not remember who first used the doofus moniker for noory but brilliant it is.) noory uses macabre subjects to titillate his audience. He is so unaware of his idiocy. He definitely has some pathologies; then again that doesn't separate him from the herd.

Quote from: anagrammy on July 22, 2011, 06:05:41 PM
Agreed on all of the above - but I have to say you hit the nail on the head about Golden Corral.  My daughter and I pulled up in front of one of those one day to go to Kinko's and I said, OMG -- LOOK AT THAT!  We then proceeded to watched goggle-eyed as one after another grossly obese person waddled in.  It was like a flash mob for super-fatties.  We were horrified.  I don't know how you could line up with them and think it's a good idea to eat what them happy folks is eatin'.



And somewhere in Sherman Oaks, it's late on a Friday night.  Tom Tubheiser slowly raises his head off of a nearly finished plate of mashed potatoes and gravy, opens one eye, and whispers 'G-golden Corral?'


Quote from: Morgus on July 22, 2011, 11:17:57 PM
Noory is having that twilight zone expert on again tonight...
Quote from: El Kragen on July 22, 2011, 11:20:20 PM
lol...Lazy Noory heading back to the well

     I like Marc Zicree, I just wish George would was able to get beyond the same questions and comments.  I wanted to know more about former N.Y.C. cop and psychic medium, Joseph Lani's time going through the Trade Center rubble at the dump site.  During open lines George spoke again about his "panic attacks", and said something about how doing his show "standing up" is wearing on him, as, according to him, it wore out Art.  He does his show standing?  I didn't know that.  Tom, get the man a chair.

Quote from: valdez on July 23, 2011, 06:25:05 AM

     I like Marc Zicree, I just wish George would was able to get beyond the same questions and comments.  I wanted to know more about former N.Y.C. cop and psychic medium, Joseph Lani's time going through the Trade Center rubble at the dump site.  During open lines George spoke again about his "panic attacks", and said something about how doing his show "standing up" is wearing on him, as, according to him, it wore out Art.  He does his show standing?  I didn't know that.  Tom, get the man a chair.

It's wearing on us too.  Well not anymore for some of us.  I think he mentioned that he does the show standing up on Nightline, when they did their puff piece on him.  Who knows if it's true.  None of his personal stories ring true.  Lazy George Noory standing when he could sit?

God only knows what he's actually doing during the show, he sure isn't focused on what anyone is saying.

George Noory on his feet during the show, running around, killing it.  A lot like the story he tells about going out to dinner with an elderly friend who was not in the best shape, running ahead of the guy, making him try to keep up, the guy ends up falling and paralyzed.  George made it all ok by giving him an iPod to listen to laying there paralyzed.  Maybe that never really happened, maybe that was a parable for George and what he's done to the show.  When do we get our iPods?

Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 23, 2011, 02:16:14 AM

Or how about George buying 2 Talky Tina replica dolls - an evil doll from an episode of the Twighlight Zone.  One he creepily keeps in his office, the other one he gives a granddaughter.  George enlists his daughter, the poor girls mom (or does she enlist him?), to move the doll around the house when she isn't looking.  They then tell her the doll is alive and moving by itself.  Even though the kid is scared half to death, this apparently goes on for some time.

Quite the family.

Did he actually admit to doing this to his granddaughter?!  What's the definition of child abuse?  I'm pretty sure it involves scaring the shit out of youngsters.  And his daughter helped??  Wonder what the hell he did to her during her formative years.

What an asswipe!


Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 23, 2011, 03:17:57 AM

And somewhere in Sherman Oaks, it's late on a Friday night.  Tom Tubheiser slowly raises his head off of a nearly finished plate of mashed potatoes and gravy, opens one eye, and whispers 'G-golden Corral?'
Lol... what an image.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

Quote from: Treading Water on July 23, 2011, 09:55:42 AM
Did he actually admit to doing this to his granddaughter?!...

That's the story he told.  Gloating and chortling, he added that 'people, kids especially, love tuh be scared out of their wits'.

I've heard it said that at age 50 a person has the face they've earned/deserve.  Wonder what George did to deserve his.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 23, 2011, 09:47:08 AM
God only knows what he's actually doing during the show, he sure isn't focused on what anyone is saying.
why he's doing his P90X workout of course!!!!


Quote from: jinwicked on July 23, 2011, 01:43:58 AM
There once was a host from St. Louis
Who was given a show and then blew it,
Angels and doomsday reigned
And so interest waned,
And everyone but poor George knew it.

Seamus Capone

Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 23, 2011, 02:16:14 AM

Sometimes when I see posts saying George sucks, but that he's 'probably' a nice guy, I wonder how they explain this sick fixation.  There are very few topics George seems interested in, but dead and injured children is certainly one of them.

He doesn't seem to care much about animals either.  Maybe the tie-in is kids and animals are both mostly helpless.

A few of his creepy personal stories involve his father stomping baby hampsters to death (a 2-fer, babies AND animals), or the sad case of his former dog Casey, kept in some lousy kennel for the months George was away, back in St Louis.  The fact that George even tells these stories is quite revealing.

Or how about George buying 2 Talky Tina replica dolls - an evil doll from an episode of the Twighlight Zone.  One he creepily keeps in his office, the other one he gives a granddaughter.  George enlists his daughter, the poor girls mom (or does she enlist him?), to move the doll around the house when she isn't looking.  They then tell her the doll is alive and moving by itself.  Even though the kid is scared half to death, this apparently goes on for some time.

Quite the family.

Tommy should have done the same kind of thing to Noory after Warren sent that scary doll to them. It was based on that allegedly cursed and haunted doll that Warren mentioned on some of the shows. Noory was afraid of it, so Tommy kept it in his office, and weird things allegedly happened. They later gave it to a woman who listened to the program.

George Drooly

I was only half listening to the show while tooling in my shop the other night, when, through the blessed near-silence of my ear-protection, I thought I heard The Noron discussing the Norway shooting -- summing up his thoughts with a curt "Oh Well!" as he went to the next call.



M Knight

I would like to interject and suggest that the word "suck" no longer applies to George Noory.  Not even imaginative adjectives applied to 'suck', such as super-suck; mega-suck; nor infinite suck even come close to what we actually mean when we say "George Noory sucks". 

At the quantum level, the "Suck" that we have all come to know and love has evolved into a "Higgs Boson" type of particle made of "absolute ineptitude".  George's audience, being an organic super-collider, enabled the discovery of George's suckage, then his absolute ineptitude particle. 

I like to imagine that seminal day in the not so distant past when, late one night, the first lone individual, listening to George Noory blather warm saliva all over the C2C microphone, came to the inescapable conclusion that George Noory Sucks.  The perturbations of that wondrous realization are just now blasting through the outer edges of the Oort Cloud.  I wonder who that first person was?  Michael Vandeven?  HAL 9000?  EvB?


Quote from: M Knight on July 24, 2011, 02:41:12 PMI wonder who that first person was?  Michael Vandeven?  HAL 9000?  EvB?
it was Art

Eddie Coyle

   I'm guessing Noory's parents came to that conclusion in the summer of 1950. They were first. It's a shame he was conceived in 1949 instead of say..late 1972 or beyond.

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