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Ian Punnett

Started by sillydog, April 06, 2008, 04:15:35 PM

What do you listen to when you can't take C2C anymore?

Mainstream talk radio
Progressive talk radio
Ian doesn't want to hear anyone else's ideas or thoughts.  It's either 'wrong' or he's already considered that.  He thinks they're trying to upstage him or get something over on him.  So he starts talking over them, cutting them off, using debate tactics like using their time insisting they reference it for him ('where did you get that, where's that coming from?').  When they tire of the bullying and fight back a little, he'll dump the call and sadly say he just wanted to 'have a conversation not an argument'.

He's doing them a favor, 10 seconds each, just be be on the air.

Quote from: Jackpine Savage on June 06, 2011, 03:12:50 AM
You've got it all wrong the good "brother" was a fantastic guest. The problem was the piss poor host. A good host would have needled and cajoled and raised the ire of such a guest. The truly committed are the most interesting when forced to commit.

Diamond is boring, intellectually inferior and annoying as fuck. Circular logic only goes so far before detracting from the level of commitment.  Diamond's habit of repetition grinds away at the senses and destroys my appreciation of any controversy.

Having said that, I DID suggest the ~show~ would have been better with a different host, namely, Ian, who would have bristled, stammered, interrupted, and argued back at Diamond.

But the show as aired was excrement.  A waste of wave signal.  I don't have that fact wrong at all. 

He reminds me of Quayle.  Diamond makes a better one hour guest, then follow that up with a guest who vehemently opposes him.

A debate between Diamond and Quayle would be gold.  Ian could host it and would blow a gasket trying to not argue with/correct both guests.

Meanwhile, this commercial is frustrating as hell... it's like a monster truck rally promo or ambulance attorney filler:

"Dial 1 800 275 1126
That's 1 800 275 1126
1 800 275 1126
at vaticancatholic.com
that's 1 800 275 1126
at vaticancatholic.com"

Quote from: Camper on July 08, 2011, 07:55:33 PM
I remember when Ian did a 15 min interview with Dean Koontz when he had a new book coming out. Koontz was surprised that he didn't get the typical book interview questions and agreed to come back for a full show. The follow up show was one of Ian's best.

Ian's ok but I'd still prefer Knapp or Rollye James or Barbara Simpson.

I remember both!  Koontz not only came across as intelligent, which was no surprise, but very funny. 

It would be interesting to have Koontz as a regular first hour guest to replace the Richard Hoagland and Glynis Mccants appearances. 

But that would mean Noory would have to interview Koontz sometimes and that wouldn't work.

I can hear it now:

"Why got you interested in writing these types of stories?"

Seamus Capone

Quote from: Agent : Orange on July 12, 2011, 12:52:05 AM
The best kind [porno robots]

Word has it that George Jetson bought a floating penthouse for Rosie. It's the love that dare not beep its name (C3PO and R2D2, anyone?). Dr. Smith likely tried to get freaky with Robot too, hence his hangup with "danger" when the creepy old dude got too close to Will. Ah, the weird stuff that cold medicine will inspire you to post! 

Quote from: Jethro Capone on July 14, 2011, 03:06:06 AM
Word has it that George Jetson bought a floating penthouse for Rosie. It's the love that dare not beep its name (C3PO and R2D2, anyone?). Dr. Smith likely tried to get freaky with Robot too, hence his hangup with "danger" when the creepy old dude got too close to Will.


Quote from: Jethro Capone on July 14, 2011, 03:06:06 AM
Ah, the weird stuff that cold medicine will inspire you to post!

Dextromethorphan for the win


     Ian has been hyping this River Monsters show for the past few weeks.  English guy, Jeremy Wade, was a nice enough bloke, and those fish he's got pictures of on his website are ugly as heck, but more interesting was Ian's first guest, Tom Shadvac (looks a lot like Bruce Dern), director of The Nutty Professor, Bruce Almighty, and Liar, Liar (I haven't seen any of these, Jim Carrey gives me a headache, and Eddie Murphy hasn't been interesting since...well...never).  It seems Mr. Shadvac has realized that there is more to life that money, and that we are all connected, and he is presently pushing a documentary he made concerning these sneaky little communist ideas, but what I wanted to know more about, and it was only mentioned in passing, was about his time as a joke writer for Bob Hope.  No shit?  Bob Hope was cool.
   Bob Hope played by Bob Hope


when i worked as an extra on Patch Adams i was about 3 feet from Tom Shadyac at several times.  he's a pretty cool guy.  i don't care much for must of his movies (Liar Liar was pretty damn entertaining - Patch Adams was god awful) but the guy is pretty authentic

i think the "I Am" documentary will be interesting

  Saturday July 23

Hosted by Ian Punnett
Guest(s):  Edith Brown, Minnie Medford

Authors Edith Brown and Minnie Medford have been making scrapbooks for family and friends for years.  They will discuss their new book, Scrapbooking and the Social Media, tying together this new trend in folk art with social and professional new media websites including Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In.  Folllowed by open lines.     



That above program info is incorrect.
The C2C website now shows this for Saturday's program info:

Truth About Fluoride
Date: 07-23-11
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Paul Connett 
Paul Connett, Executive Director of the Fluoride Action Network, joins Ian to discuss the truth about fluoride and how this toxic chemical has no real health benefits whatsoever.

Quote from: Morgus on July 21, 2011, 11:13:47 PM
That above program info is incorrect.
The C2C website now shows this for Saturday's program info:

Holy crap, is that really the show, or another parody?

Ever since George made him apoligize multiple times, he's made it a point to have the worst topics possible.

'The Truth About Flouride'... that is so hilarious.

A bit late in coming, but I was able to catch Ian's interview with the River Monsters guy Jeremy Wade last week from the deck of my cabin (my new favorite spot for listening to Coast).

After missing Ian for a few weekends in a row I was able to finally settle down with a bottle of my favorite brew and took in the show from beginning to end. I wasn't sure going in what the topic was but I became interested when I heard that Wade would be on. Other than the unremarkable first hour I was overall really impressed with it. The subject matter is totally fascinating as is the guest's show as well. Getting into Wade's background was nice as I knew nothing about him going in except for the few episodes I caught of River Monsters previously. I can understand that it may be under the radar for folks hoping for more paranormal topics but I guess it does fit with the cryptozoology theme. I suspect this was a guest that Ian lined up, as opposed to some of the recent shows which seem to have an odd mismatch of topics to host.

The first hour guest was somewhat painful for me to listen to. The discussion fell short in several areas imo. There were a few points discussed (specifically the quantum entanglement issues) that were super irritating because it was clear that the guest really did not have a handle on the material in any in depth way and came across as regurgitating material mainly picked up from popular sources. Throwing in the ring with a phenomenon as delicate as this to hold up your end of the argument is difficult at best and I can't fault Ian for giving the guy a pass on it, but I would like to have heard a call or two challenge him. The bits where Ian and the guest discussed these more technical issues felt like navel gazing rather than serious discussion, and it would have been nice for the guest to give a bit more detail as my initial impressions may be off, but I understand the limitation in the amount of time that you can spend on a first hour guest. Many of the experiments he cited were ridiculous and quite dubious. Conscious yogurt? Really?

The timing was a pleasant surprise for me as well. Earlier in the day I caught my own monster, a nice 23" lake Pickerel (Walleye for you Yanks). A seven pounder is not quite up to Jeremy Wade standards but after my excitement that evening a Coast show dedicated to fishing hit the spot. ;)

I suspect I'll miss this weekends shows as well though that may be for the best if the topic really is about the toxicity of Flouride.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 22, 2011, 02:50:27 AM
Holy crap, is that really the show, or another parody?
truth is stranger and suckier than fiction it seems when it comes to C2C shows.  :o

Eddie Coyle

    Water Fluoridation...a great topic for a Liberty Lobby station circa 1966. C2C is becoming comedically bad.


Quote from: Agent : Orange on July 22, 2011, 07:40:16 AMConscious yogurt? Really?

Haha, I just heard Art's first show with Cleve Backster, who hooked up lettuce to an e-meter.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on July 22, 2011, 02:04:23 PM

    Water Fluoridation...a great topic for a Liberty Lobby station circa 1966. C2C is becoming comedically bad.

And, unless they throw something else in at the last minute, there will be a full 4 hours of it ... only 3 if they split the program in their usual way.  Words fail ...  :'(

Seamus Capone

Quote from: Scully on July 22, 2011, 10:33:33 PM

And, unless they throw something else in at the last minute, there will be a full 4 hours of it ... only 3 if they split the program in their usual way.  Words fail ...  :'(

I can think of a few words, but I try not to use that kind of language these days. Look on the bright side. It could be about flotsam and jetsam. The sad thing is that I based that comment on reality; Coast is beyond parodying and satirizing.


Quote from: b_dubb on July 21, 2011, 05:54:08 PM
when i worked as an extra on Patch Adams i was about 3 feet from Tom Shadyac at several times.  he's a pretty cool guy.  i don't care much for must of his movies (Liar Liar was pretty damn entertaining - Patch Adams was god awful) but the guy is pretty authentic

i think the "I Am" documentary will be interesting
i don't know what i was smoking/drinking that night but ... i'd like to retract the above remarks.  there's no excuse for making movies like Patch Adams.  this guy's a new age fool.  and i am an asshat



Quote from: b_dubb on July 23, 2011, 10:43:23 PM
i don't know what i was smoking/drinking that night but ... i'd like to retract the above remarks.  there's no excuse for making movies like Patch Adams.  this guy's a new age fool.  and i am an asshat
Wow.  I think this is a first.  Well done.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on July 22, 2011, 02:04:23 PM

    Water Fluoridation...a great topic for a Liberty Lobby station circa 1966. C2C is becoming comedically bad.
Quote from: Scully on July 22, 2011, 10:33:33 PM
And, unless they throw something else in at the last minute, there will be a full 4 hours of it ...
Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 22, 2011, 02:50:27 AM
Holy crap, is that really the show, or another parody?

     The much anticipated "fluoride show" with Paul Connett.  I suppose our reaction to the topic is exactly the point.  The subject is so dull that the fact that it is the only medicine that is practically force fed to us, and it doesn't faze us, should be cause for...oh, heck, I don't care either.  Keep it coming.
     The first hour was better with Aaron Sagers reporting from Comic-Con (never been to one, sounds very cool), and never boring rock and roll guy, R. Gary Paterson commenting on the passing of Amy Winehouse.  I don't know much about her, except a few months back I found myself on one of those "internet hunts/obsessions" where I wanted to know everything about this drugged out lady with the weird mascara that somehow seemed to fit her.  I suppose she was a jazz singer, with songs that weren't the traditional verse chorus verse, and odd chord progressions, and I found something called "Valerie" (an acoustic version, just her and a guitarist) on youtube that I was taken by.  She had only made two albums.  I should check them out.


Quote from: Art on July 22, 2011, 03:48:03 PM
Haha, I just heard Art's first show with Cleve Backster, who hooked up lettuce to an e-meter.

I've read some about Cleve Backster and it reminded me of the 'work' that nutcase L. Ron Hubbard of $cientology fame did with a tomato in the late 1950s.


Quote from: b_dubb on July 23, 2011, 10:43:23 PM
i don't know what i was smoking/drinking that night but ... i'd like to retract the above remarks.  there's no excuse for making movies like Patch Adams.  this guy's a new age fool.  and i am an asshat


If smoking/drinking ain't an excuse, then my entire life has been a lie.

Quote from: Art on July 22, 2011, 03:48:03 PM
Haha, I just heard Art's first show with Cleve Backster, who hooked up lettuce to an e-meter.

Jesus Christ.

Quote from: valdez on July 24, 2011, 05:42:54 AM
     The much anticipated "fluoride show" with Paul Connett.  I suppose our reaction to the topic is exactly the point.

The subject is so dull that the fact that it is the only medicine that is practically force fed to us, and it doesn't faze us, should be cause for...oh, heck, I don't care either.  Keep it coming...

Point taken.  So how was the show - was there anything new to add that wasn't hashed out by 1975?  Any of the people forced by time to agree to disagree change their minds on any of it? 

Were listeners and fans left to wonder whether the horse stuck in a man's body gets flouide in his trough water...


Truth about fluoride.  Well, it IS a paranormal show and my wonderings about the nature of fluoride have kept me up goggle-eyed many a night. Not.  However, the anticipated dullness of four hours of fluoride saliva drooling inspired me to put my own show up for grabs.  I'll give Premiere first chance since they like an aura of mystery:

First Hour:  Crochet a memorial cushion for your departed cat using its hair that's still all over the house.  Collection secrets.

Second Hour:  Free your inner embroiderer, with photos posted on the C2C site.

Third Hour:  Between your colon and the couch

Open Lines....


Quote from: anagrammy on July 25, 2011, 01:03:40 AM
First Hour:  Crochet a memorial cushion for your departed cat using its hair that's still all over the house.  Collection secrets.

Second Hour:  Free your inner embroiderer, with photos posted on the C2C site.

Third Hour:  Between your colon and the couch

Open Lines....


Quote from: Jethro Capone on July 22, 2011, 11:58:09 PM
I can think of a few words, but I try not to use that kind of language these days. Look on the bright side. It could be about flotsam and jetsam. The sad thing is that I based that comment on reality; Coast is beyond parodying and satirizing.

Perhaps, but it is not beyond ridicule.

I find it pleasantly relaxing..

Eddie Coyle

   Dear Lord, the insufferable Howard Bloom is scheduled this week. This will be painful...how this publicist for ZZ Top became an "authority" on world events is beyond me.

  Hold on...publicist for ZZ Top, and Billy Gibbons is a favored guest of Noory. Hmm..no coincidences.

    Fittingly, he was also a publicist for Styx, and I expect the show this week will be akin to bathing in the River Styx.

Ian has open line tonight, as well as a couple guys to talk about art thefts. Always an upgrade over Snooooooooory and his usual Friday night bullshit of Dark Shadows, the Numbers Lady and his garbage "hotlines".


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on July 29, 2011, 01:31:15 AM
   Dear Lord, the insufferable Howard Bloom is scheduled this week. This will be painful...how this publicist for ZZ Top became an "authority" on world events is beyond me....
Quote from: TaoOfLuxLisbon on July 29, 2011, 08:07:41 PM
Ian has open line tonight, as well as a couple guys to talk about art thefts. Always an upgrade over Snooooooooory and his usual Friday night bullshit of Dark Shadows, the Numbers Lady and his garbage "hotlines".

     I like Howard Bloom.  I was taken aback by his vehement defence of Micheal Jackson a while ago when the child abuse trial was going on (it seems Bloom worked with Micheal on something or other), but all in all Bloom is one of the more seemingly intelligent, and passionate, of the c2c regulars.  In my head I have him categorised with Qualye and Peter Lance.  I think it's because all three talk fast, bombard you with information, and will take over the show if you don't put a stop to it.  Ian said he will meet with Bloom in Brooklyn today (the glorious land of my birth and youth), if Ian actually rides the subway down there, I will be impressed.
     Stealing Rembrandts, and other fine art, with Anthony M. Amore, and Tom Mashberg.  No harmness done here, and I also learned a new word: "provenance".  When I heard Ian use it I thought, hmmm, nice word, no way it's real, I'm sure he meant providence.  When I got home I looked it up.  It's as real as all heck (coastgab spell check ain't too thrilled with it, though).  I suppose it's the other c2c host I gotta worry about when it comes to valid words.
Standing guard near the Brooklyn Bridge.

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