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Messages - valdez

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 21, 2013, 12:56:38 AM
One of the odd things about George. He just competently whipped out knowledge and a complex thought base on the healthcare system and abolishing the IRS and did it concisely in a few sentences. His commentary was further outside of the box than 98% of the professional talking head pundits on television and radio, and seemed to knock KAF a bit off kilter.

     He said he believed that no one should be denied health care, and that our tax system should be replaced with a "consumption based fair" something or other.  He supports the Fair Tax.  He's had Fair tax people on and I've given him credit and praise for it.  But why doesn't he just call it what it is instead of the "consumption based fair" thingee like he's inventing it all on his own?  I agree he can string together sentences that can convey a specific coherent thought, but they're usually just clichés.   I say "usually" just to be nice.  I've never heard an original thought come out of his head ever.  The promo for his cook book, with the "to Serve Man" theme, is actually funny and well done, and it would surprise me if somebody in his gang had anything to do with it.  Catherine Austin Fitts surprised me tonight.  She started recounting the timeline of our present economic woes, calling it a coup d’état that began in the late nineties with some secret decision to transfer money out of the country, and something about securities, and by the time 2010 came around billions of dollars were taken out of our treasury and spent on "space ships."  Space ships?  Did she say that?  And later she voiced her belief that the government was controlling the weather.  I like her, but I didn't know she was freaky that way.  James Van Praagh definitely had his freak on when he totally nailed that dead mother/daisy dukes thing.  God bless him.

Quote from: onan on November 20, 2013, 05:15:06 AM
...welcome newcomers...

     Here here.

Early Coastgab meeting
background from left:
Frysgirl, Phantastic SanShiSan, MV, slipstream, Paperboy.
EVB, Meegle, Dr.ChristianvonLahr.   
Quote from: zeebo on November 20, 2013, 01:52:55 AM
George didn't understand Graham's point on needing accurate time-keeping to calculate longitude in the 1700's....

  I didn't get it either.  I'll have to google the subject since George didn't bother to delve into it any further, because, you know, he understood it just fine.  I'm liking Graham Hancock the more I hear him.   He said you don't need aliens to explain some of these ancient mysteries because any civilization that could traverse the vastness of space would have done a better job of, say, building pyramids and such.  Cool.  I also dig his recounting of the conquest of the new world by the Spanish.  Wicked stuff.  Memo to Bill the desperately single amateur astronomer from West Hartford Connecticut:  don't confuse Robert Zimmerman with Robert Zubrin.  I don't think he liked that much.  After yesterday's disaster, George lays low and lets good guest do the talking.
Random Topics / Re: Falling Skies and Walking Dead
November 20, 2013, 06:58:21 AM
     Walking Dead should have its own thread.  Falling Skies what?  Anyway, I spent most of last season tired of The Governor and just wanted him to go away, but this last episode, Live Bait, was one of the show's best.  All about the Governor and his adventures post psycho town leader.  I'm rooting for him now.  Please, Mishonne, don't kill him.  It's also cool that the show was comfortable doing an entire episode away from the group.  They should do more like this.

Quote from: bateman on November 19, 2013, 12:47:53 AM
This is comedy GOLD, oh my god.
Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 19, 2013, 12:49:34 AM
Jesus. What the hell happened to her?
Quote from: PurpleChirple on November 19, 2013, 12:52:23 AM
Shirley keeps coughing up hair balls and Jorch is utterly fucking unprepared!!
Quote from: bootyscoot falcon on November 19, 2013, 01:01:26 AM
This is what we have left now, in the dark times after hope, glimmering for six meager weeks, has been extinguished.
Quote from: bateman on November 19, 2013, 12:52:14 AM
...George tries to go to open lines. "Have you ever seen Shirley's movie Terms of Endearment?" "Oh, uh, I wanted to talk about Being There."
This will be one of George's "classic" segments.  He should have let Shirley MacLaine go after the third time she coughed up blood.  And for what did he keep her on?  To continue delivering his interview 101 hack questions?  To demonstrate how utterly unprepared he was and to blame it (eh, for the umpteenth time this month) on the "write up"?  To hear a guest ask him the question he most dreads: "Did you read my book?"  What a hack.  George doesn't know Being There because George doesn't know quality.  And the Joanne DiMaggio segment on past lives was a lame dead hack job too.  After a strong Wells/Knapp weekend, this is the crap hack performance he turns in to start off the week.  I wasn't expecting miracles from Art Bell, but at the very least he should have come back to crush this goon and send him packing back to from where ever he started.  It's only Monday.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
November 17, 2013, 07:25:52 AM
     I could tell you that at the outset of the Roger Stone interview he made a reference to the Borg and Wells acted like he knew what Stone was talking about, but I don't think he did, which means we may now have two c2c host that know nothing about Star Trek.  And I could tell you that Wells asked Stone three times as to the fate of Malcom Wallace (the guy who, according to Stone, dealt JFK the kill shot) and three times the question was answered leaving me kind of worried that maybe we now have two c2c host who can't remember what questions were already asked.  I could tell you that Wells mumbled and stammered and played crappy music and got on his high horse and beckoned the masses to follow him into the land of milk and honey.  I could tell you those things, but I would be quibbling.  This was one of John B.'s best shows.  Roger Stone's thesis that LBJ killed JFK, and a bunch of other folks along the way, rocked.  Recently George has been using the word "riveting," and it’s a cold day in hell when he can even come close to delivering on such a promise.  Tonight Wells delivered.  Kudos.

coup plotter?
Quote from: zeebo on November 16, 2013, 12:44:07 AM
Oberon: "The laws of physics are essentially the same as the laws of magic."
Quote from: Textor on November 15, 2013, 03:39:06 PM
I actually KNOW Oberon. He's quite nice, actually. The unicorn thing was basically an experiment he did in the 70s where he managed to get a goat to grow a single horn out of its forehead using a surgical technique. He still has the skull of the goat in his home.
I thought Oberon Zell's equating of quantum physics with magic was kind of cool, but then he starts talking about that unicorn thing and I remembered that controversy years ago about how Barnum & Bailey had butchered a goat to make it look like a unicorn and I'm thinking, this is the goon behind that? I was seriously pissed about this back then.  I was in a punk band in those days and I think we even wrote a song about how sick it was and how pathetic we've become as a society.  I guess all of our songs were about how pathetic we were, that and about a girl named Donna.  Anyway I didn't think it was cool and maybe the goat wasn't hurt but I'll never know because George didn't bother to ask how Oberon did it because that would have been the next logical question and George Noory is a moron who later in the show solemnly pondered "if earth is alive, does that mean that Mars is dead?"  I think caller of the year may be the guy who called in tonight talking about how someone was threatening to cut off his "scrotum" if he didn't "squeal like a pig." George cut him off before things got steamy.  Shame.

"I think they think you're Jabba the Hutt."
Quote from: zeebo on November 15, 2013, 12:38:00 AM
Noory's got a guy on talking about the "Lizard Man" of South Carolina ...

      Lyle Blackburn on this "lizard man" that attacked somebody's car back in '88, and a nationwide "media frenzy" ensued.  George wondered why the media would be interested in such a story...of a lizard man...on a rampage.  Maybe it was a slow news day, George.  Timothy Good on alien encounters, including the infamous Eisenhower meeting with space men, and how Neil Armstrong saw aliens on the moon but decided not to tell anyone.  Kept it a secret.  Took it to his grave.  Amazing.  Throughout both interviews George had this steady, slow, serious air about him.  Sort of like LMH.  Except LMH has a tendency to ask relevant questions.

   Steve Kates (Dr. Sky, talking about comets) knows how to do the "news segment" thing.  He comes in strong, knows what he wants to say, and signs himself off before George can rudely beat him to it.  Well done.  Listening to him also reminded me that we haven't heard from Richard C. in a bit.  Has he been on since doing DM?  Perhaps he's been a bad man.  A very bad man.  Talking to Michael Maloof about EMP's and solar flares, and the havoc they can do to our electrical infrastructure, George wondered, "would it also effect Facebook, and Twitter?"  No, George.  Facebook and Twitter have their own backup generators.  Civilizational breakdown be damned.  I didn't understand anything David Sereda was saying about planetary frequencies, may God bless him and the inter-galactic beings he communicates with.  It's been a few weeks since we got a "sound off."  Tonight's was about that positive earth vibes lovey-dovey inner self crap that gets us nowhere.  Was that a live version of Bad Moon Rising?  Tricky George.

Dr. Sky
Quote from: Juan on November 13, 2013, 03:43:20 PM
Here's the big, required forum announcement...

     God I love forum announcements.  Welcome, Juan, and bienvenidos.  Que viva Fidel!
Quote from: Morgus on November 13, 2013, 12:26:47 AM
Number's Lady - again?! :o
Quote from: indigoo on November 13, 2013, 12:27:21 AM
...This shit is fucking terrible...
Quote from: Falkie2013 on November 13, 2013, 02:56:59 AM
..sounds like he's reading from 3 x 5 cards or something...

     Oh, he's definitely reading from index cards, or something.  Horrible interview with neuroscientist James Fallon on psychos.  Memo to Producer Tom:  you need to get some info on that self-described psycho who keeps calling in every time you do a show on psychos because that there boy is psycho and there be bodies in his crawl space.   George asked Glynis McCants, the numbers lady, "do a lot of people check in with you, with regard to numbers?" And when Glynis mentioned that she use to sing in a cabaret, at a joint called the Rose Tattoo, and I'm thinking "hey, that sounds cool, I sure would like to know more about that" and George completely ignores it causing me to wonder how some folks can doubt that he sucks.  Among other highlights:  George forgets which president came after Reagan, George recalls his childhood fascination with telescopes, life on other planets, frogs and tadpoles, and George is planning a trip to Cuba.

While entertaining his famous American broadcaster guest,
Fidel realizes, "this guy really sucks."
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
November 10, 2013, 06:33:25 AM
Quote from: karios8 on November 09, 2013, 08:58:05 PM
Tonight's show: Fukushima is BAD...

     Thankfully David Blume spent some time discussing the alcohol fuel thing, which I always find fascinating, otherwise it was all Fukushima with Arnie Gundersen, Dr. John Apsley, and Steven Starr.  I can't believe how much I don't care about this.  I think it's just my default reaction to any and all environmental concerns.  And it doesn't help that Wells has been flogging this forever.  That "Peek-A-Boo" song by Devo must have been their mescaline period.  Odd.
Quote from: At the stroke of midnight on November 08, 2013, 07:59:37 PM
...grabbing your cue cards willy-nilly...
Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 08, 2013, 05:59:12 PM
...Noory is simply not my white whale...

     Jerome Corsi on the war with Iran that was supposed to start a year ago, and the year before that, and the year before that.  An open lines caller sounded like Bobcat Goldthwait.  I don't recall what he was talking about.  I was impressed with Goldthwait when he was on a while back.  Janet Boyer had one of those magical mystical surreal c2c guest moments about two hours into her interview when, with a slight gasp and pause, she wondered: does he know he's asked me that question twice already?  I love it.  Play the ufo phil song, George.  You win.
Quote from: NoMoreNoory on November 08, 2013, 12:29:11 AM
... a morass of 'juh' noises, emerging as something along the lines of 'hydrojuhjuhnated'. Bravely he backed off from this and made another attempt, succeeding in coming up with 'hydro-jenn-ated'. Bravo, Dave. Sadly, all his hard work was undone by the presence of another 'juh' sound lurking at the beginning of the word 'generally' later in the same sentence, which had him stumbling and spluttering all over again.
Robert Young Pelton is going to Africa to hunt down that Ugandan rebel war criminal guy, Joseph kony.  George guessed that most of his audience had never heard of him before.  I suppose he thinks we get our news listening to him mangle it every single night.  Introducing Erich von Daniken George said Chariot of the Gods was released in 1988.  When Erich corrected him (it was released in 1968) George said it was a "typo."  Wasn't this one of the books that changed George's life?  And he didn't catch the error?  Later Daniken would talk about how a lot of the world's religions are waiting for the return of thier god in some form or another, and I thought about us, roaming the dry barren desert of mediocrity waiting for the return of Art Bell to lead us to a far far better place.  Maybe that was too much to expect from the poor guy.  Maybe his job is done and we're gonna have to lead ourselves.  This forum is stronger than ever.  George is fooling no one but small children and the elderly.  The deathstar had that weak spot that the rebels took advantage of and Luke realized he just had to let go and...use...the...I don't know where I was going with this.  You suck, George.  Intead of trying to shut down this thread I suggest you get Producer Tom to highlight the big words and practice practice practice.

Quote from: MV on November 07, 2013, 12:19:33 PM
Curtis Thornton (themudking) and I do a technology podcast called The Spec Sheet.  Some of you are already aware of this.  On the November 5th show (which you can listen to here), George Noory called in as we spoke about Art's departure from SiriusXM.  During the call, George mentioned he'd like to reappear on the show and take questions from all of you without limitation.  He mentioned a private message he'd sent to me about the matter, but I hadn't read the message at the time he mentioned it.  Well, yesterday I finally got around to reading the message.

It says pretty much what he said it would, with one additional bit.  In order to appear on our show, he wants the George Noory Sucks thread to be removed and replaced with something more "positive."  Again, I say... this guy's got some balls.  Wrecking balls.  The type that take down fortified steel structures.

George, we get it.  You came on the show, you were nice, admitted a few faults, answered a couple of my ill conceived questions, and generally made a couple of friends.  However, I don't see how this changes anything with regard to the ongoing existence of the GNS thread.  It's merely a repository of thoughts and opinions people have expressed about you and/or your show.  Sure, those thoughts and opinions aren't always positive, but based on the name of the thread, one shouldn't expect them to be.  The thread is packed with comedy gold, history, references to long forgotten events, and general brilliance.  Rather than delete it, I'd like to have it professionally printed and sold at B&N.

The GNS thread is what it is.  It sprouted organically, it's responsible for the very existence of this forum, and it's here to stay.  Also, George, you've been posting in that thread for some time now, which as I see things, seems to even further demonstrate the thread's validity.

Godspeed, onward and upward, and don't stop believin'.


Quote from: UFO Fill on November 07, 2013, 01:11:33 PM
Shouldn't this be in the George Noory Sucks thread?

Quote from: aldousburbank on November 06, 2013, 10:52:31 AM
Somewhere between sucking and winning.
Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 07, 2013, 01:08:31 AM
...I'm all greased up and slippery...
Quote from: Luna on November 07, 2013, 05:32:02 AM
If Art bought KNYE...
George's cookbook promo (a "to serve man" skit) came close to being somewhat creative.  John Grey is ok up unil he starts talking about his testosterones, then things get queazy.  Heidi Hollis sounds so cool, and real, to be nuts.  I hope all that aliens/hat man/shadow person stuff is just her way of milking the paranormal market for all its worth.  George uses the term "I'm convinced..." about a lot of things I'm sure he doesn't really believe in, and tonight he qualified it with: "I'm convinced, without any evidence, that ...."  Can you be convinced of something with no evidence?  I suppose you can if you are the king of the late night.  I'm convinced you suck, George.  With pages and pages of evidence.

the Snoorology Research Institute's evidence chamber
level 1
     Bev Harris  on the integrity of our voting system.   I'm sure she has some nefarious communist agenda, but I couldn't detect it.  I checked out her website and it seems pretty straight forward.  I'll keep an eye on her.  She's bound to slip up.   Marshall Klarfeld sounded like he was in a trunk of car, which is exactly where these anunnaki guest should be placed, driven out to the sticks, released, and never heard from again.  No more Dark Matter?  The Honeymooners had 39 episodes.  All of them classics.  How many shows did Art do?  Will they be considered classics?  Were they any good?  I've yet to read a decent recap on any of them.  I suppose I'll catch them on that youtube channel and see for myself.  Maybe Art has a plan.  George Noory Sucks.

November 04, 2013, 03:22:43 PM
Quote from: aldousburbank on November 04, 2013, 03:06:31 PM
Ok so, 3 days later...  Here goes...

     Well done.
Quote from: NoMoreNoory on November 04, 2013, 12:51:26 AM
...this was an attempt to say 'perpetuity'. Unless he is suggesting that Insider membership is becoming lodged in people's pituitary glands...
Quote from: UFO Fill on November 04, 2013, 05:17:38 AM
...What a rambling blabbermouth.
Quote from: Chine on November 03, 2013, 10:08:33 PM

     I'm sure he meant pituitary, being the Critical Health News guy that he is, but I think he said "per-too-a-tee," which would knock a whole syllable off of either word.  A syllable here, a syllable there, it all adds up to precious time saved in the dreadful task of communication.  I thought Tom Allen was cool (although how could he believe in the writing underneath the boy's skin and not believe in demon possession?), and when he mentioned that there were 20 rules that an exorcist abides by, and George asked them what they were, and he went on to enumerate them and ...eh...wait...no...George didn't bother to ask what they were.  Heck, we don't have no business knowing about that stuff anyway.  I liked Karen Anderson.  Very detailed lady.  Towards the end she started repeating George's questions which I'm sure drove him nuts having to listen to the crap that comes out of his mouth.  At one point George cut her off with "we don't have to go into all that...no...we don't have to go into all that."   I don't recall what she was getting into, but I'm sure we didn't need to know about that stuff either.  Those "emerging artist" are pretty crappy, but there were two that stood out.  One was a cowboy singing about the Titanic.  Ye gods.  And the other was some horrendous thing with a "we are not alone" chorus.  They sounded possessed. 

Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
November 03, 2013, 06:03:57 AM
Quote from: TumbleWeed on November 03, 2013, 01:25:03 AM
First caller is a guy proposeing we Hbomb fukashima and " vaporize it into nothingness" He thinks that if we vaporize the plant, all the contamination will just dissapear.  :o :o ::)
Quote from: The Coincidence Kid on November 03, 2013, 02:28:33 AM
This same moron called DM last week. How many times did he say VA-PO-RIZE IN-TO NO-THING-NESS?
Quote from: ziznak on November 03, 2013, 04:15:44 AM
... great! What a fucking idiot...

     Maybe I wasn't focusing enough on what Robert Tosh Plumlee was trying to say.  That the C.I.A is up to no good?  Running drugs and guns?  I've read that he was in Dallas the day Kennedy was shot.  Did he talk about that? What was the deal there?  Wells went into a monologue in the first hour and I swear sometimes I just don't know what the guy is talking about.  Something about strawberries.  I'll be honest, I thought the guy talking about nuking Fukushima was making sense.  Isn't that the comeback whenever you hear someone say, "Fukushima is screwed for thousands of years," and you say, "yeah, so how come people are living in Hiroshima these days?" and they say, "because it was nuked and all the radiation was burned up quick, you moron." So I thought it was a good idea.  I mean, as much as nuking a city can be a good idea.

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on November 02, 2013, 03:00:03 AM
Not even one post about tonight's show?

    Mark Anthony on hell, the devil, and evil.  A lot of mediums on c2c have said that bad people, murderers and such, don't go to hell, that they're treated like everybody else in the afterlife, but Anthony says they do go into a darkness where they must make amends.  While I would prefer an eternal damnation of torture and agony for some of these bastards, it's good to hear that there are some consequenses for being a dirt bag.  He also spoke about that Nero guy and how he probably was the "anti-Christ."  This guy was one sick freak.  Christians really caught hell back then.  All George really wanted to know was whether the devil existed or not.  He likes it simple.  Only one hour of open lines, George?  What's up with that? 
Quote from: HorrorRetro on October 31, 2013, 06:16:07 PM
I'm a gammy!...
Congratulations.  I always thought you were a guy, though.  No matter.  Best wishes.

Random Topics / Re: Doctor Who
November 01, 2013, 05:29:41 AM
Quote from: Unscreened Caller on October 31, 2013, 07:36:13 AM
This'll blow your mind: David Tennant married Georgina Moffett who is the daughter of Doctor Number 5, Peter Davison. So now Doctor Number 10 has Doctor Number 5 as a father-in-law, while Georgina is the Doctor's daughter in real life as well as in the series.  :o

     Wow.  With those connections she's gotta get written into some future scripts.  I trust she will.
Quote from: zeebo on November 01, 2013, 03:37:58 AM
...it just seemed so hollow...
Quote from: popple on November 01, 2013, 02:09:06 AM
They must have slowed down the announcer to make him sound "spooky" but they just make him sound drunk.
Quote from: nooryisawesome on November 01, 2013, 01:24:38 AM
Lol noory opened up a psychic vampire "hotline"....
Quote from: Morgus on November 01, 2013, 12:23:23 AM
...Another big thumbs down for Noory's lame version of the c2c Halloween show...
Quote from: aldousburbank on October 31, 2013, 09:56:20 AM
Yo Valdez, just checking. Does dude still suck much?

     Some of the stories weren't bad, but George doesn't know to keep his mouth shut.  Part of the telling of a story is the telling of the story.  The prerecorded Austin Fitts/Ellen Guiley bits didn't work, the sound effects were lame and useless, the announcer's (does he have a name?) voice dramatics were corny, and towards the end of the show George even considered opening a "all time favorite candy sweets" hotline.  More Kudos to Dr. Peter Breggin for, once again, for not willing to play into George's fear mongering.  George had him on to discuss the dangers of tainted Halloween candy, and Breggin said it was just more stuff to scare the kids.  George said "I'd rather err on the side of caution" and went on to recall how when he was growing up in Detroit people were finding pins and needles in Halloween candy all the time.  Really, George?  Whatever.  Yes, Aldous, George Noory still sucks mucho mucho grande y espectaculoso.

fear not
     Kane Hodder has played Jason in those Friday the 13th movies that I've never bothered to see (well, I recall watching the first one, but just barely, something about a fish tank).  He said kids who are bullied would be well served to fight back, even if they get their butt kicked, because it would make them feel better about themselves, and it’s that self-esteem thing (or lack thereof) that drives some of these kids to hang themselves in the garage.   Robert Murch and Brandon Hodge were on to talk about Ouija boards and something called a Planchette, which allows spirits to write down their messages.  I didn't expect much from these guys, but they knew their stuff and carried the conversation along nicely.  George pulls a decent show out of his butt.  I don't have much hope for ghost 2 ghost tomorrow.  He and Tommy seem to be over-planning it.  Tommy said something about "sound effects."  Egads
Random Topics / Re: Doctor Who
October 31, 2013, 05:20:31 AM
     Into season 4.  I can see why Tennant has such a following.  He's no eleventh, but he'll do.  I've been slacking the past few weeks in catching up (actually I think I may have burnt myself out) so yesterday I saw episodes 4, 5, 6.  "The Sontaran Stratagem" and "The Poison Sky" were all fine and good, and Donna's dad is a gem, but "The Doctor's Daughter" stands out.  Georgia Moffett is Jenny, the Doctor's daughter, and she blew me away.  I checked to see if she returned in any of the later episodes and she had not.  Sadness.  Heartbreak.  Such a cool character.  She must return.

Quote from: ItsOver on October 30, 2013, 08:09:59 AM
I think Valdez deserves a Pizza Roll medal for his dedicated BellGab service and amazingly high tolerance for Noory-inflicted pain.

Quote from: Seraphim27 on October 30, 2013, 08:14:10 AM
Hell yes!
Quote from: starrmtn001 on October 30, 2013, 10:08:02 AM

     Oh my goshness.  I am so completely not ready for this.  First of all, I'd like to thank casioson Falkie MV, because he stayed sober long enough to...banned Lilly...created all this.  And everyone who has ever hated gays...held up a liquor store...typed "George Noory Sucks" in the google search box in quiet desperation.  And Ian Punnett, George Knapp, and Art Bell.  Thank you.  You really really like m... You'll all hang one day  You guys are great. Viva la Coastgab BellGab.  Viva la Compendium.
Quote from: Morgus on October 29, 2013, 11:09:44 PM
I predict that Noory will ask his second half guest tonight (Varla Ventura) if she is related to Jesse Ventura.
He has done that everytime she has been on c2c before, even though Jesse made up his name... :D


Quote from: karios8 on October 29, 2013, 11:49:11 PM
I predict Noory will ask Varla Ventura if she is related to Ace Ventura...


Quote from: Seraphim27 on October 30, 2013, 01:57:35 AM
"Hollywood turns these werewolves out to be romantic, but they're not really romantic, are they?"

   That was a question to Varla Ventura, who's not related to Jesse, and Ace Ventura is a just fictional movie character.  After Hoss Lors had told George that skin walkers (shape shifters) are required to sacrafice one of their children in order to learn the craft, George wondered, "Were they good people?  Until they were doing this?"  Because, you know, someone who sacrafices a child just still might be a good person.  Hey, George, I got a few for you:  Are these the questions of someone who says he does show prep, but maybe he really doesn't?  And when do the "riveting" shows begin?  And have you noticed that you're treating these subjects with the same "wink wink" feigned seriousness that you accuse the main stream media of doing?  Odd, isn't it?

no relation
Quote from: astroguy on October 29, 2013, 01:27:55 AM
...If he's ranting about me, anything memorable?
Quote from: Morgus on October 29, 2013, 01:55:19 AM
i haven't heard any specific names mentioned tonight.
only general 'debunkers' & nasa
bara just told noory he would debate someone...
Quote from: steelbot on October 29, 2013, 01:59:12 AM
He also said he doesn't get mad at people, only the folks that won't debate him with real science, and Nasa is scientifically worthless...but he's doing what Art's guest did tonight, he is regurgitating the same diatribe that others have said before.
Quote from: Morgus on October 29, 2013, 02:13:29 AM
Noory just mentioned "Stuart Robbins" - saying he sent him emails but Stuart never replied to him.
Now Bara is saying he gets lots of emails from Robbins under fake names...
Mike Bara is a gem.  He's part of Hoagland's gang so you're going to get a lot of crazy stuff and, like Hoagland, I find him entertaining, but his constant reference to his detractors gets old.  I suppose he's the attack dog in the Hoagland crew.  Kudos to Astroguy for being singled out.  Good job.  George asked Bara, "Would you debate someone if it was a clear and present debate?"  Huh?  What is a clear and present debate?  Never mind.  It's just George opening his mouth again.  I'm getting tired of everything being "unbelievable" to George.  Please, give it a rest.  That the NSA is gathering information on everybody on the friggin' planet is, as Ryan Mauro said, nothing new.  We borg now.  There is a price to pay for our toys.  Craig Smith on the destruction of our economy by progressive policies.  Here here.

Quote from: Scully on October 26, 2013, 01:04:19 AM
Did you listen to the Friday night show?  What did you think of Dave?
Quote from: FightTheFuture on October 26, 2013, 03:03:48 AM
I'm not so sure about this Schrader guy...
Quote from: Étouffée on October 26, 2013, 02:47:07 AM
...Absolutely riveting show. 
Quote from: DanTSX on October 19, 2013, 10:22:21 PM
Quote from: Wintermute on October 21, 2013, 01:45:59 PM
... very interesting!
Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on October 26, 2013, 06:05:57 AM
...a big improvement from GN and Wells....
Quote from: George Drooly on October 22, 2013, 05:33:34 PM
...Ugh and yuck...
Quote from: ourobouros2k2 on October 23, 2013, 12:22:19 PM
Schrader is a douche with a god complex...drivel...an ego...shit...
Quote from: weeberwubber on October 23, 2013, 11:29:45 AM
C'mon guys!

     I thought it went well.  The music was good and the host was genuinely interested and engaged.  Decent questions for ghostbuster girl Echo Bodine (cool name) who guarantees that dying is not the end of the world.  Amityville horror kid (now 45) Christopher Lutz was a mess, but in a good, crazy, haunted way.  He said his step-dad, George Lutz, may have had a hand in the ghostly shenanigans they experienced at the infamous home (where a family was killed) because he dabbled in occultish things, and may have summoned otherworldly spirits, but what was really freaky was that later in his life Christopher would go on to buy a house and find out that some lady had blown her head off there.  Whoa.  Is it true?  Is he just out to make a buck?  I'm not sure, but the interview gave me the creeps, and for c2c that's a good thing.
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