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Midnight In The Desert

Started by Falkie2013, December 12, 2015, 01:13:40 AM


Quote from: Juan Cena on April 04, 2016, 10:13:19 PM
But like whoever Heather quoted said, too many minimum wage workers working 40h a week are still winding up needing federal assistance to survive.

It used to mean that survival meant bare necessities. Now it means two flat screen TVs, cable, Internet a couple of cell phones and central AC.

Juan Cena

Some kind of Korean ad banner popping up. Can't tell if it's a dating/mail-order bride site, or a clothes site.


Three weeks later and she's still mad that Tigerlily called the international line.


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 04, 2016, 10:19:20 PM
It used to mean that survival meant bare necessities. Now it means two flat screen TVs, cable, Internet a couple of cell phones and central AC.

Don't forget Friday nite Olive Garden nite, sir.

Quote from: zeebo on April 04, 2016, 10:20:20 PM
Don't forget Friday nite Olive Garden nite, sir.

Chicken Parm you taste so good.


Quote from: Juan Cena on April 04, 2016, 10:16:43 PM
I was surprised that I really didn't hear much talk about this on the news. MSNBC was on at the gym, and I didn't see them talk about it during the times I went over to check the TV out.

For about the past 15 years I've noticed that the absolutely important stories have been systematically brushed aside, and when one brings them up in conversations people think one is lying or fulla shit.


Quote from: zeebo on April 04, 2016, 10:20:20 PM
Don't forget Friday nite Olive Garden nite, sir.

I can go for some unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks right about now.


What a game!! Can't believe I covered the +2.5 and hit the over 150. YAHOO

Juan Cena

Quote from: GravitySucks on April 04, 2016, 10:19:20 PM
It used to mean that survival meant bare necessities. Now it means two flat screen TVs, cable, Internet a couple of cell phones and central AC.

Let's be honest: cell phones are almost a necessity for employment now. Employers need a way to get in touch with employees, potential employees.

Quote from: littlechris on April 04, 2016, 10:21:42 PM
I can go for some unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks right about now.

Bread sticks? That's how they get ya!

Juan Cena

Quote from: akwilly on April 04, 2016, 10:22:41 PM
What a game!! Can't believe I covered the +2.5 and hit the over 150. YAHOO

Too bad you didn't pick Leicester at the start of the season.


Quote from: Juan Cena on April 04, 2016, 10:23:01 PM
Let's be honest: cell phones are almost a necessity for employment now. Employers need a way to get in touch with employees, potential employees.

So are pants.  I want a pants voucher.


Quote from: zeebo on April 04, 2016, 10:23:10 PM
Hey star, grab a seat, but look out for cryptids.
I have spray for that. ;)

Quote from: akwilly on April 04, 2016, 10:22:41 PM
What a game!! Can't believe I covered the +2.5 and hit the over 150. YAHOO


Quote from: Juan Cena on April 04, 2016, 10:24:46 PM
Too bad you didn't pick Leicester at the start of the season.
lol. I don't bet on much soccer.

Juan Cena

Sounds like a disco night. Heather's been toning down the Yacht rock since I started giving props for playing it.

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