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Midnight In The Desert

Started by Falkie2013, December 12, 2015, 01:13:40 AM

This drama is far more interesting than any show Art has ever done.


getting sick of this...cmon that was unneeded


I'm a cryptid freak, but I can't do this.


that really seems to be her thing..the drug war


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 03, 2016, 11:23:42 PM
If it doesn't burn like that then what caused the big fireball of an explosion? No credible scientist actually believes that it could've burned hot enough to bring down a building that was designed to be hit by planes and survive. When you need to rewrite the laws of physics to make the official story believable then perhaps the official story is the problem.
It doesnt burn when pooled, but will burn when atomized.  The planes were pulverized, therefore their fuel tanks were as well, so there was some atomization of fuel happening.

the buildings were designed to take plane hits, but some designers who worked on the design team said that the towers would withstand an impact of a similar sized plane travelling at 180mph.  AA Flight 11 was flying at 470mph, UA flight 175 at 590mph . 
Some designers the towers couldnt be taken down, no matter how it was attacked. We are talking 60's design capabilities here.

A 100 ft section of structural grade steel will grow just under 10 inches in length when heated by 1000 degrees.  OK thats fine,  Whats not so fine is when that expansion is confined by concrete.  Concrete cracks and fails, resulting in movement.  Once there is movement the load is no longer a static load, but a kinetic one that is increasing with every millimeter of movement. Once the rivets and joints of the steel fails, its curtains.  There is no laws of physics being rewritten here.



Quote from: littlechris on April 04, 2016, 10:02:39 PM
I'm a cryptid freak, but I can't do this.

These are interdimensional cryptids though.

Juan Cena

Quote from: JesusJuice on April 04, 2016, 09:58:28 PM
Interesting guest and topic so far. Heather is getting better by the day.


Juan Cena

No talk about the Panama Papers, Heather?


no shit..higher wage is great..but more jobs would be better really

Quote from: trostol on April 04, 2016, 10:09:53 PM
no shit..higher wage is great..but more jobs would be better really

Heather's gonna make America Great Again!

Juan Cena

Quote from: trostol on April 04, 2016, 10:09:53 PM
no shit..higher wage is great..but more jobs would be better really

But like whoever Heather quoted said, too many minimum wage workers working 40h a week are still winding up needing federal assistance to survive.


>Heather doesn't wish death on anyone


Quote from: JesusJuice on April 04, 2016, 10:04:34 PM

These are interdimensional cryptids though.

good point, it's keeping me around


didn't she just say last week not to use the internet as a source lol


Quote from: Juan Cena on April 04, 2016, 10:08:55 PM
No talk about the Panama Papers, Heather?

She might think the Panama papers were something found in an old Cheech y Chong album....

Juan Cena

Quote from: ge30542 on April 04, 2016, 10:12:57 PM
Get well soon Kim.

I'm not holding my breath about this story being true.


Quote from: JesusJuice on April 04, 2016, 09:58:28 PM
Interesting guest and topic so far. Heather is getting better by the day.

I agree


Quote from: Juan Cena on April 04, 2016, 10:13:19 PM
But like whoever Heather quoted said, too many minimum wage workers working 40h a week are still winding up needing federal assistance to survive.

indeed it is a huge issue..but not gonna get both really..


Quote from: trostol on April 04, 2016, 10:14:58 PM
indeed it is a huge issue..but not gonna get both really..

no they just need to pass a law to make us all rich, so easy

Quote from: trostol on April 04, 2016, 10:13:53 PM
didn't she just say last week not to use the internet as a source lol


Juan Cena

Quote from: PKaiser on April 04, 2016, 10:13:58 PM
She might think the Panama papers were something found in an old Cheech y Chong album....

I was surprised that I really didn't hear much talk about this on the news. MSNBC was on at the gym, and I didn't see them talk about it during the times I went over to check the TV out.


Quote from: zeebo on April 04, 2016, 10:15:58 PM
no they just need to pass a law to make us all rich, so easy

i am totally for that

Lil Godzilla

She's getting better every day!

No, really, she's getting better every day!

She's getting better every day!

No, really, she's getting better every day!

She's getting better every day!

No, really, she's getting better every day!

She's getting better every day!

No, really, she's getting better every day!

She's getting better every day!

No, really, she's getting better every day!

She's getting better every day!

No, really, she's getting better every day!

She's getting better every day!

No, really, she's getting better every day!

She's getting better every day!

No, really, she's getting better every day!

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