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Midnight In The Desert

Started by Falkie2013, December 12, 2015, 01:13:40 AM


Quote from: Morgus on April 02, 2016, 05:41:25 PM
Did the "Representative" April Fool's Day caller sound familiar to anyone?
To me he sounded like that classic prankster Bateman making an April Fool's day prank.  8)

Hes an actual comedian,


Quote from: henge0stone on April 02, 2016, 03:05:21 PM
I disagree. You said yourself that Art was talented enough to pull it off so that right there shows that the belief in a 9/11 conspiracy doesn't have anything to do with whether or not you can do a good radio show on the paranormal. Conspiracy and paranormal are connected in many ways but they really are two different genres.

I said Art could be FORGIVEN because he's a great host.  He's still WRONG, though.  These shows aren't just about the paranormal, they ARE about conspiracies and other things you hear less about during the daytime.  And nobody's requiring a BELIEF in a 9-11 conspiracy theory, I'm just saying the host should be able to ENTERTAIN a DISCUSSION about it, same as they do for hybrids and bigfoot.

QuoteI don't want to turn this into a debate but just because you see a Mountain of evidence there doesn't mean everyone else sees it that way. There's also a mountain of evidence that it happened for the most part the way it came down that people who believe in the conspiracy ignore.

There are a bunch of different conspiracy theories, who knows which one is right (or if any are).  But anybody who can look at the Building 7 stuff and not go "Huh, that's weird" is nuttier than Fake John Titor.

Art's problem is he hears "there's weird stuff about 9-11 we don't really have a good answer for" as "GEORGE W. BUSH PERSONALLY ORDERED THE DESTRUCTION OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER!"


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 02, 2016, 04:34:53 PM
The ONLY thing I wonder about 9/11 is who shorted the United and American Airlines stock in the week leading up to 9/11. Follow the money. That is who financed it or had insider knowledge of it. I am sure that answer appears in the 28 classified pages of the 9/11 commission report.

You find that out, then you can tie up loose ends.

Really? With all your experience with aircraft you don't find the burning fuel theory problematic?  ???

Though I agree that the money should always be followed  ;)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 02, 2016, 06:27:34 PM
Really? With all your experience with aircraft you don't find the burning fuel theory problematic?  ???

Though I agree that the money should always be followed  ;)

Aircraft fuel is kerosene. It probably didn't all ignite at once. It is flammable, but not explosive like gasoline. I don't have a desire to look into it. For all I know it could have been molten plastic burning and pouring down the side. Who knows how much plastics were in those buildings. All the furniture, carpet, flooring, etc.  Too many variable unless you had a complete inventory of all of the contents of all of the floors.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 02, 2016, 06:27:34 PM
Really? With all your experience with aircraft you don't find the burning fuel theory problematic?  ???

Though I agree that the money should always be followed  ;)
Only aerosolized jet fuel is explosive.  As a liquid it burns similar to candle wax.


Quote from: Schlyder7 on April 02, 2016, 04:25:56 PM
This^  plus any fuel left over and burning in the towers, does not burn at a hot enough temperature to create molten steel, which is clearly visible in video, and that was explained away as molten aluminum.. which is false.  So what created the extra heat to cause the extremely molten steel dripping from the buildings? 
Even if they use the explanation that the heat just weakened the structural steel... they can't account for the molten steel.

The video is not clear enough to make the determination of what it is. Its right near the flames and its clearly dripping or flowing down. What are you implying it is? And how does this prove anything? I think absolute statements like this are a mistake, how many times have planes filled with fuel ran into buildings? We don't have many samples to compare with, but its certainly probable that this is burning fuel, just as probable as anything else. You still have the images of the planes hitting the buildings, why should we assume this is anything but burning fuel? How can you know for sure that all the fuel burned?

Roswells, Art

I found it odd that right after the 9/11 attack the only planes that were allowed to fly were the ones carrying Bin Laden's relatives out of the United States.


Quote from: SnapT on April 02, 2016, 06:24:13 PM
I said Art could be FORGIVEN because he's a great host.  He's still WRONG, though.  These shows aren't just about the paranormal, they ARE about conspiracies and other things you hear less about during the daytime.  And nobody's requiring a BELIEF in a 9-11 conspiracy theory, I'm just saying the host should be able to ENTERTAIN a DISCUSSION about it, same as they do for hybrids and bigfoot.

A 3.8 Trillion Dollar budget and the government still won't save us from the hubrids?  That's a conspiracy!
Darn right this needs discussing and nobody does it better than Art!

Quote from: SnapT on April 02, 2016, 06:24:13 PM
And nobody's requiring a BELIEF in a 9-11 conspiracy theory, I'm just saying the host should be able to ENTERTAIN a DISCUSSION about it, same as they do for hybrids and bigfoot.

QFT. Another Worthy post.


Don't worry about me, I'm just talking smack.

Some interesting pics and info on the Chem-trail phenomenon.
This isn't a sun-dog, it's a Chem-Bow

Now, compare the Chembows w/sundogs. You should notice sundogs don't have full spectrum banded color.

The following sundog shows color, but it is no where near full spectrum (all colors of the rainbow.)   

Plain old chemtrails 

OK, granted some of the pics posted could be PhotoShopped, frauds, ice crystal refraction, or disinfo. Now check the following link for funky ass cloud formations. http://www.look-up.org.uk/airbus-a320-dispersal-systems/

This next link is why I decided to drop this post. Very, very , interesting information.   http://www.look-up.org.uk/airbus-a320-dispersal-systems/ Make of it what you will.


Quote from: Dyna-X on April 02, 2016, 07:34:27 PM
A 3.8 Trillion Dollar budget and the government still won't save us from the hubrids?...

Excellent point.  We should at least round that bad-boy up to an even 4T.  For the hubrids, people, for the hubrids.


Quote from: zeebo on April 02, 2016, 11:30:44 PM
Excellent point.  We should at least round that bad-boy up to an even 4T.  For the hubrids, people, for the hubrids.

I will round up ALL the hubrids in the world in 365 days for $17.25 billion. Guaranteed.

Cash up front.


Quote from: Roswells, Art on April 02, 2016, 07:27:12 PM
I found it odd that right after the 9/11 attack the only planes that were allowed to fly were the ones carrying Bin Laden's relatives out of the United States.
I saw that movie too, those flights were later said to have left 2 weeks after 9/11.


Roswells, Art

Quote from: Hog on April 02, 2016, 11:52:46 PM
I saw that movie too, those flights were later said to have left 2 weeks after 9/11.


I didn't see a movie about it. It was on the news.


Quote from: Roswells, Art on April 02, 2016, 11:54:08 PM
I didn't see a movie about it. It was on the news.

this news article from back then talks about it, and to be honest i don't blame them for wanting to leave.



Quote from: Roswells, Art on April 02, 2016, 07:27:12 PM
I found it odd that right after the 9/11 attack the only planes that were allowed to fly were the ones carrying Bin Laden's relatives out of the United States.

Another myth in perpetuity? They were allowed to leave three days after the attacks as most major airports were being reopened. The bL's flew a private charter plane out of the country and away from the very real threat of lynch mobs.

Here's information on the sequence of events.


Roswells, Art

Quote from: norland2424 on April 03, 2016, 12:00:41 AM
this news article from back then talks about it, and to be honest i don't blame them for wanting to leave.


Gee, that was nice of us. It would have been better if we could have asked them some questions first about oh, I don't know, OSAMA BIN LADEN maybe.


Quote from: michio on April 03, 2016, 12:01:28 AM
Another myth in perpetuity? They were allowed to leave three days after the attacks as most major airports were being reopened. The bL's flew a private charter plane out of the country and away from the very real threat of lynch mobs.

Here's information on the sequence of events.

A propos I'm just watching "Path to 9/11," which due to the Clinton angle is apparently not promoted.


Quote from: Roswells, Art on April 03, 2016, 12:05:57 AM
Gee, that was nice of us. It would have been better if we could have asked them some questions first about oh, I don't know, OSAMA BIN LADEN maybe.
Well as long as Obama demanded he got a full honors Islamic burial at sea it will all be good.  ;)


Quote from: Roswells, Art on April 03, 2016, 12:05:57 AM
Gee, that was nice of us. It would have been better if we could have asked them some questions first about oh, I don't know, OSAMA BIN LADEN maybe.

lol he was estranged from that part of the family, and alot of them publicly disowned him, just like Hitler nephew


Quote from: albrecht on April 03, 2016, 12:11:27 AM
Well as long as Obama demanded he got a full honors Islamic burial at sea it will all be good.  ;)
Imagine what would have happened if the Gov. splattered kill photos of Bin Laden all over the NEWS and disgraced his body by not following their religious traditions?
I remember how I felt when I saw my brothers in arms being disgraced in the streets of Mog.  That made me burn to get in country.
Disgracing the dead only makes things worse, though to some, it might bring immediate short term benefit.



Quote from: Hog on April 03, 2016, 12:36:39 AM
Imagine what would have happened if the Gov. splattered kill photos of Bin Laden all over the NEWS and disgraced his body by not following their religious traditions?
I remember how I felt when I saw my brothers in arms being disgraced in the streets of Mog.  That made me burn to get in country.
Disgracing the dead only makes things worse, though to some, it might bring immediate short term benefit.


Yes, all decisions should be based on whether they offend Muslims or not.  ::)

Disgracing the body?! How about just proof of the body? Burial at sea  ::)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 03, 2016, 01:15:49 AM
Yes, all decisions should be based on whether they offend Muslims or not

It's not really that simple.  If you think it is, you're too dumb to convince.  Not worth the effort.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on April 02, 2016, 11:17:16 AM
Absolutely. 911 was clearly an inside job.

Why "clearly"? If people believe the things they claim about it they would be screaming in the streets, not just making a few crappy documentaries and limp little protests. If you honestly believed your government was so criminal that they would be prepared to commit mass murder to further an agenda then why are you still living there? That would be like sitting in a lions' den waiting to be attacked. You live there because you don't really have the courage of your convictions. What does "inside job" even mean? There are so many different versions of what these "experts" believe happened and it seems that none of them can agree. All the conspiracist people do is focus on anomalous details at the expense of the whole picture. In most cases the alternative explanation is far more convoluted and abstruse than the original one. Occam's razor is pretty useful, as so often.

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on April 02, 2016, 11:17:16 AM
I usually don't argue with those who dismiss all "conspiracy theories" as crazy. I'm not here to convert anyone to my way of thinking. It does strike me as strange when people that I would normally consider intelligent have these knee jerk reactions to a theory.

Conspiracy theorists can't accept that some things can happen without much rhyme or reason. Take the assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand in Sarajevo (that led to WW1). That was a conspiracy by Serbian separatists but it was a chain of errors. There was a line of people with bombs lined up on the parade route, but none of the bombs went off. The driver of the car carrying the Arch-Duke inexplicably took a different route and stopped right in front of Gavrilo Princip, who shot him. The assassination really ought not to have happened, but it was just dumb luck that it happened the way it did. If that had happened in the internet age there would be sites full of explanations for why it was a conspiracy by Austria to punish Serbian aggression.

Mostly, when we look at history, it's a series of blunders rather than carefully orchestrated manoeuvres that go absolutely to plan. Conspiracy theorists try to look for logic in events when there often isn't much there to find. They are also often working from a very limited knowledge base and aren't all that interested in learning more if it might contradict their ideas. I wouldn't mind them "just asking questions" if they were making a genuine effort to find the answers, but they are always acting in bad faith. I have never heard one of these people accept that one of their theories hasn't stood up to scrutiny. In the end it will come down to you being a government shill, usually. It's a religious belief because it will brook no contradiction, and nothing in the way of fact-based discussion will change their minds.

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on April 02, 2016, 11:17:16 AM
Especially as there is much evidence to support many "conspiracy" theories. It's like many people are not able to think outside of their programming.

Give people a bit more than innuendo and they might take you seriously. The one thing that links these conspiracy theories is the idea that the "official" story can't be true. The trouble is they can't agree on the alternative version. So what does that tell you? You can point out anomalous details but that is a very shaky foundation for a complete theory. For 9/11, for example, you need to agree on the logistics of getting these enormous buildings wired for explosives, and also why it was necessary in the first place. That goes for Building 7 too. Is the alternative explanation more improbable than what we understand to have happened? I think it is. That's not about "programming", it's about simple logic.

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on April 02, 2016, 11:17:16 AM
I din't think that the Boston Marathon was a false flag operation. Not everything bad that happens can be one, right? Then I saw this:

You'd be surprised how similar people can look sometimes, especially when the photo is not all that clear. The one on the left actually looks like the spitting image of a radio presenter who works in this country. I don't think you are doing much more than seeing a guy with no legs and drawing the conclusion that they are the same. And, even if we accept your premise, why on earth would someone do something like that? The whole idea of "crisis actors" makes no sense and it's just another product of the conspiracy mindset. They have too much time on their hands and spend it poring over pictures to try and prove their ideas.

And they will also never, ever, be proved wrong. Just like you.  ;)


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 03, 2016, 05:39:11 AM
All the conspiracist people do is focus on anomalous details at the expense of the whole picture. In most cases the alternative explanation is far more convoluted and abstruse than the original one. Occam's razor is pretty useful, as so often.

This is a good summary of why I think 9/11 Truthers are BS. In a day full of confusion they look at tiny things here and there and come to wild conclusions like holographic planes, whatever the fuck they think about flight 93 (essentially calling all their loved ones who received phone calls from them liars) and because they think if a plane hit the pentagon it would go in smoothly and leave a perfect hole shaped like a plane in the pentagon  ::). This isn't a cartoon its real life and things that crash don't leave perfect holes shaped like the object that ran into them. And despite finding pieces of plane in front of the pentagon they still claim it was planted or some bullshit.

Maybe if all the claims of the truthers didn't require us to divorce ourselves from reality they would be taken more seriously.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 03, 2016, 05:39:11 AM
You can point out anomalous details but that is a very shaky foundation for a complete theory. For 9/11, for example, you need to agree on the logistics of getting these enormous buildings wired for explosives, and also why it was necessary in the first place. That goes for Building 7 too. Is the alternative explanation more improbable than what we understand to have happened? I think it is. That's not about "programming", it's about simple logic.

I think they also need to explain why there were planes at all if the building was rigged to explode anyway.


Quote from: Gassy Man on December 12, 2015, 03:42:05 PM
It's nice that she has friends here, but she really isn't very good.  She is bright and reasonably confident, but by itself, neither is enough to make listening to her for three hours palatable.  Her voice and delivery, to me, aren't professional, and the personality that comes through is too often sardonic or even a bit smarmy.  It's like having a celebrity's kid take over the show for a night -- they're kind of familiar with how to do it, but in the end, you know they got the job because of nepotism rather than talent.  All that said, there's no reason she couldn't develop her skills, though she's had months since the last time to try.  She's probably smart enough to read the criticism and see where she could improve.  But the place to do this is elsewhere, such as the local college station.

True, that, maybe she would be good listening served up with the morning cheerios.

Now that Hoagie is gone we may get 5 hours of Hey-Way

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