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Midnight In The Desert

Started by Falkie2013, December 12, 2015, 01:13:40 AM


Quote from: Richard Groyper on July 15, 2020, 09:34:28 PM
this Mike Marshalek of ExploringAgain.com seems like an interesting fellow. i believe it's in his best interest to defend himself here on BG and disclose the business deal for all to see.

Mike, the optics aren't good buddy. inquiries are already commencing. aint real life so much more fun than fiction?

Do I sense another "Richard Groyper... Investigates" in the works?  8)


Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on July 16, 2020, 12:16:11 AM

You admitted your in your 20s.

Speak on shit you know.

You don't count.


On this board? LOL! I have admitted to being in my 20's, and I have admitted to being an octogenarian. I believe my profile to be the most truthful at -980 years old.



Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on July 16, 2020, 12:08:06 AM


Mark T. = Michael Marshalek of Hoboken New Jersey

*Funny just to say it is = Who gives a fuck anymore. I'm comin' fo ya bitch! :)

RUBINI, Sir, so, from your own admissions in your previous posts, you never put a fucking single dollar into this DMDN deal, yet you are expecting to be a 50% owner of something that you didn't contributed any tangible assets into it.

*Is this Mark T actually aka Marshalek-apologist = maybe Michael Marshalek or associate - New BG'er ? suspicious if you follow his logic since he "popped up" on BG

You contributed no cash or no any other material or intellectual assets. Assets that have significant monetary value.
The only horse that you are riding On is your past.

RUBINI ANSWER: Incorrect! I am SO GLAD you took the time to fuck up HERE on BG. Welcome Cocksucker! I am KING OF BELLGAB you WEAK little PUSSY!
I DEVELOPED THE SHOW FORMAT - Everything you hear from the Show Clock, Commercials, Music from intro to close is a template of IP being used, ADVERTISING, PR, EMAILS 1000s with detailed instructions, NEGOTIATIONS, MUSIC FILES, the LIST goes on.
I was not a show booker.
I created and ran a 24/7 company as the PRESIDENT AND OWNER.
And Executive Producer. Program Director.

Plus I have detailed correspondence between Mike Marshalek and others, including myself where I was considered an OWNER by Mike Marshalek 4 months ago.
Combined with eyewitness testimonies.
And emails from all sources indicating all charges against Michael Marshalek are valid.


BTW, tomorrow's guest Dr. Kaufman I booked thru a mutual FE friend of Jeran and I.

Furthermore, has Nathan ever heard of the NDAA Agreement?
Agenda 21?
Patriot Act?
Event 201?
Gates Foundation?
#Film Your Hospital ?

Nathan uses MSM sources like The NY Times LOL

YoungStolp you are a ACCIDENTAL MSM puppet


Nathan I want absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH NOW.

"  In conclusion Sir Rubibni, fuck you and the horse you rode in on.  "

RUBINI ANSWER: whatever fag

I will see Mike Marshalek in court. THEN I plan to do a GabCast and tell all to Ritchie and MV.

Fuck Dynamo!!

Praise MV!

Sir Rubini. You developed shit.
You took ideas and concepts from other shows and you put them togheter as a package. Nothing original about that.
You didn't invented the wheel. Stop being delusional about your perceived grandness.
The host, Art Bell, made that show shine, not you. Your part of booking guests was important, but not decisive in it's success.
Stop swinging and sucking your dick in public, because you have no dick. 


Quote from: WOTR on July 16, 2020, 12:10:18 AM
Why would Keith care who bought the "legacy?" Art sold his real legacy to Coast. Then he half-heartedly created a Serius radio show and immediately quit. Then he came back again and quit his final legacy and gave the show to an amateur (no matter if you like Heather or not, he pretty much burned his own legacy to the ground with that decision.)

Keith kept it limping along for a few years. What more does he owe Art's legacy? Why should he be concerned about the Bell family (who, apparently did not own any stake in the program.) I hope he got a few dollars for his efforts. I would assume if the "Bell family" wanted to purchase the "legacy" he would have given it to them cheap.

It's like being upset that uncle Joe sold the family farm when none of his kids wanted it. And then being concerned that a "bad" man bought uncle Joe's legacy.

Rubini has implied some #Legacy and "required respect" to Art Bell and his family, claims he knows the family and Karen, but WE all have no idea what that means. I thought maybe the Bell estate may have some retaining copyrights to Art Bell's shows that might transcend whatever KR retains. I think at this point Rubini needs a good attorney to help-out if it's even worth it now.


lol, quote from the chat room.

Lilith - that rubini guy sounds like a real dick


Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on July 16, 2020, 12:48:28 AM

Wrong! Again!

This is NOT your area of expertise.

Leave it to the legal justice system.

EMAILS 1000s with detailed instructions, NEGOTIATIONS, MUSIC FILES, the LIST goes on.
I was not ONLY a show booker.
I created and ran a 24/7 company as the PRESIDENT AND OWNER.
And Executive Producer. Program Director.
Plus I have detailed correspondence between Mike Marshalek and others, including myself where I was considered an OWNER by Mike Marshalek 4 months ago.
Screenshots telling of my considered ownership by Marshalek.
Combined with eyewitness testimonies. And emails from all sources indicating all charges against Michael Marshalek are valid.


BTW, tomorrow's guest Dr. Kaufman I booked thru a mutual FE friend of Jeran and I.

Furthermore, has Nathan ever heard of the NDAA Agreement?
Agenda 21?
Patriot Act?
Event 201?
Gates Foundation?
#Film Your Hospital ?

Nathan uses MSM sources like The NY Times LOL

YoungStolp you are a ACCIDENTAL MSM puppet

"  In conclusion Sir Rubibni, fuck you and the horse you rode in on.  "

RUBINI ANSWER: whatever fag

I will see Mike Marshalek in court.

"I created and ran a 24/7 company as the PRESIDENT AND OWNER."
Owner of what?
Delusions of your perceived grandness.
Start posting evidence, not some freakish statements.


That mask with words DARK MATTER will be sooner or latter perceived as racist by some brain dead SJW dick heads.
Better add to it DIGITAL NETWORK, or scrap it altogether.


By dark, you mean black and brown?
Only those who are familiar with the DMDN and the show will be OK with that slogan DARK MATTER.
Walk with that mask on your face in public and average nigger will look at you funny. Latinos too.



Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on July 16, 2020, 12:58:01 AM
Mark T


You keep running from THIS:

"Plus I have detailed correspondence between Mike Marshalek and others, including myself where I was considered an OWNER by Mike Marshalek 4 months ago.
Screenshots telling of my considered ownership by Marshalek.
Combined with eyewitness testimonies. And emails from all sources indicating all charges against Michael Marshalek are valid."

all information hijacked from A-Z how to run the biz.

Marshalek can't talk. Or at least complete a sentence.

He should do a GabCast or talk about things someday.

He will have to try in court.

Oh, Plus, Sweat equity, 150 days of pay.

Plus their are DAMAGES accruing all the time now.

I will see Michael Marshalek in court.

End of story.
For now...

Stay tuned!


"I will see Michael Marshalek in court."
You admitted being broke and having no money.
How will you pay your lawyer. Anal sex?

Sir RUBIN, I'm sure that the stipulation in your so called verbal contract is that you could become a 50% owner of DMDN after you submit your 50% of the total amount of money
that was paid to KR for the purchase of the DMDN by Mike Marshalek.
Till that time you are entitled to nothing. Perhaps some compensation for the work you had done as the producer so far.
But then you can not claim to also be an owner. Or you are an owner or an employee. Unless you have that precisely written in your contract, separating both "functions".
So for now you can suck your own dick, or the dick of the horse that you rode in on.
Your options are limited. 


Quote from: MarkT on July 16, 2020, 01:35:53 AM
Anal sex?


suck your own dick, or the dick of the horse that you rode in on.



Quote from: MarkT on July 16, 2020, 01:14:30 AM
That mask with words DARK MATTER will be sooner or latter perceived as racist by some brain dead SJW dick heads.
Better add to it DIGITAL NETWORK, or scrap it altogether.


By dark, you mean black and brown?
Only those who are familiar with the DMDN and the show will be OK with that slogan DARK MATTER.
Walk with that mask on your face in public and average nigger will look at you funny. Latinos too.


Have you heard of the 30-day Media Fast Challenge?

Yer welcome!!!

*zazz hands*


So many bruised white egos. So much chock sick masculinity.



"I created and ran a 24/7 company as the PRESIDENT AND OWNER."

Marshalek could have paid Rubini in sweat equity for the value of his time and IP. Then Rubini could have accrued an ownership percentage in place of an actual salary in money, which Marshalek owes Rubini anyway.

Rubini didn't agree to work for free, right?


Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on July 16, 2020, 01:52:19 AM
I never said HOW MUCH MONEY I have dumbass.

Don't ya worry.

I am okay in THAT dept.

What, you're hoping I'm too broke to defend myself?   

"Well played Mike!" 

WTF, man?

You soul-less evil little TWAT!

I have done very well over the yrs. Cunt

Suck it!

Fuck YOU you naive BITCH!

See ya Mike!

Fuck MV!

Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on July 14, 2020, 03:25:59 AM


MattyBrown = Katie Stolpman


This helps so much explain youngStolp's tude changes.


The Stolpman's act proper and innocent - sometimes.
via multiple online identities in crazy chatrooms fighting and/or moderating other "online fights"


Nathan and I had only one more verbal communication again after the EPIC 7/7 show a week ago.
Everyone seemed to love the show. It went almost 2 EXTRA hours over the usual showtime. However, it was mutually agreed and understood
I got carried away w/ all the fun we had (I thought) that he REALLY did not enjoy in reality. And I get it. And I also apologized.

So the next day, YoungStolp ADMITTED he PURPOSELY "BLOCKED" my phone number the next/last 4-5 days until yesterday when he "DECIDED" he changed his mind.
What I mean by that was, he was telling me verbally and via text he was unhappy w/ me, the late hours, the 5 phone numbers etc.

Keep in mind I am working morning, noon and night w/ NO PAY relatively speaking = NO $ to live and pay bills and survive.
Like 5k over 4 mos? whatever.. it's a crime.

I WAS (the last 4 mos.) the ONLY AUTHORITATIVE DECISION MAKER from talent to format to music to production.
#Legacy requires the phones THE WAY I SAW IT / SEE IT

And BITCH (and youngStolp) I WAS THE BOSS. Period.

That was until Michael Marshalek (who admittedly said he doesn't want to do anything or make decisions) saw the SURE IN POPULARITY.
Human Nature.
He wanted to TASTE the MAGIC and evolution and the hoopla and bask in the limelight.

He refused to pay ME OR (other silent partner) because he said he was a lender only.
He refused to buy ANY new start up equipment = until I raised fucking cane a few times.

Then it changed to 33/3% X 3 as owners
Then it changed to 50/50 for just me and silent partner w/ Michael Marshalek from Hoboken, NJ getting paid back.

Being a concerned business professional I politely suggested to no avail a contract. Then I DEMANDED a contract.

Then I didn't hear a peep from Stolp for DAYS so I made an executive decision to roll w/ Stein for MITD and IF NATHAN was
"still interested in working w/ Rubini" = Stolp would send random abusive text messages (hmm.. or was THAT also the wifey - I've seen that shit before)
"JUST BECAUSE IT'S ART'S WAY doesn't mean it is the RIGHT way"

But good ol' YoungStolp publicly framed everything on-air like I was harassing him w/ too many phone calls and daily meetings.

Eventually he said literally that we should not talk at all and text everything.

Sorry... that's how it goes when you wanna be THE BEST. Daily meetings. ORGANIZATION & COMMUNICATION is key

Nathan only listens to the misses = "his producer and boss"

#Legacy had meetings always daily.. Art was on the telephone A LOT talking to his producers and even guests days in advance of an appearance.
EVERYTHING had to be as PERFECT as humanly possible.

Results were = a SMOOTH and pro show EVERY TIME.

So then I tell Nathan when I FINALLY get a text from him (after multiple days of him blocking my phone) that we wanna move him to 6-9p PT
BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT HIM AND THE MISSES WANTED! They REQUESTED I move them to a time slot in the early evening. That's what I did.  And as the EXPERT that I am
in both talent and production, I chose (my job title and position the last 4 mos. leading up to this moment) to HAVE 2 NEW SHOWS back to back = LTV LIVE! followed by MITD.
The host I chose was Stein. Mrs. Stolp is so shifty like husband she then spins everything as if a vote for Stein is a vote against Nathan? WTF *Read that shit directly below*

They agreed. TheStolps agreed to 6-9 PT
Moments later -YoungStolp talks on the phone behind my back to the trust-fund-baby = 41 year old lender Mike Marshalek (The guy who promised contracts before I orchestrated and facilitated the official paperwork and financial hand-off from legend KR to us) and THEY go against both MY WISHES and (Stolp Family) THEIR OWN = to appease this "new" bold dumbfuck named Marshalek who NEVER uttered more than 2 words in 4 mos. SUDDENLY wants to HIJACK THE FUCKING COMPANY AND KICK ME OUT
Because I was sick of not having a contract WORKING 18+ Hours a day 4 mos. and averaging LESS THAN $100 a week to live on = ILLEGAL SLAVE OPERATION
ME and the other Producer/Partner

Again, on top of THAT, he has no radio or business acumen.

But Stolp wants to publicly shame me on the show I brought to him and act like I was almost guilty of firing him until the day was saved by the "REAL OWNER"
What a fuckin rat snake bitch BASTARD. Dirty pool STOLP and the misses. DIRTY. DIRTY. DIIRTY.
Shame shame on YOU BOTH!

For the record, Stolp KNOWS THIS!  - I told him I would NEVER fire him - I never did.

Quote from: MattyBrown on Yesterday at 10:51:57 AM

    Open e-mail to David Rubini from MattyBrown, MITD subscriber.

    Subject: Get it together man... its so simple!!

    No one is going to pay to listen to Stein. No one.

    You are milking the MITD name for all its worth and forcing unnatural situations on YoungStolp or anyone else you give the timeslot to.

    Put MITD to rest unless you can get some kind of legacy talent...

    Play Art Bell MITD reruns at Midnight... ya know, Art Bell's Midnight in the Desert.

    Give YoungStolp a reasonable time slot and let LTV thrive as your flagship program.

    SO SIMPLE!!!!

    -Matty Brown




With all that said - I still want Nate and Jeran to knock it completely out of the fucking park !  How could I not want my vision & creation to be EPIC and SUPER successful ?


Fuck MV!

"I never said HOW MUCH MONEY I have dumbass.

Don't ya worry.

I am okay in THAT dept.

What, you're hoping I'm too broke to defend myself?" 

"Keep in mind I am working morning, noon and night w/ NO PAY relatively speaking = NO $ to live and pay bills and survive.
Like 5k over 4 mos? whatever.. it's a crime."


Rubini Sir. I wish you no harm. Financial or emotional. But is it possible that Michael Marshalek got a whiff of your abusive and agressive personality and decided to treat you like a door mat.
You are behaving like a total jerk. You have no class. Learn from Nathan, observe and study him.
Calm down and be civil. Present your case with all the details,not just tidbits, because right now it's full of holes like Swiss cheese.


Why are you Americans so obsessed with checking one another's pocketbooks?

Manners maketh man.


Quote from: MarkT on July 16, 2020, 12:50:44 AM
lol, quote from the chat room.

Lilith - that rubini guy sounds like a real dick

I'm Lilith2020 in Nathan's chat.  The Lilith there, is not me.



Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on July 16, 2020, 03:14:54 AM

This is my last post until AFTER I win in Court or out - but this IS IT.

Peace & Love!

Many have tried, and many have failed. But the majority make it more than a half hour...   :D

Quote from: DAVID RUBINI on July 16, 2020, 03:30:36 AM

Fuck MV!


Quote from: WOTR on July 16, 2020, 03:37:50 AM
Many have tried, and many have failed. But the majority make it more than a half hour...   :D

OCD/ADHD Rubini posted at least 2 more since then. :P


Quote from: MarkT on July 16, 2020, 02:30:20 AM
You have no class.

I don't think you understand how psychological operations work. I really don't. Perhaps, someone wrote a post with some explanation on that, and you decided not to read it because you assumed that it would make no cents.

P.S.: You are my class. Wash the blackboards. Do it now.

Quote from: VC on July 16, 2020, 04:55:28 AM
OCD/ADHD Rubini posted at least 2 more since then. :P

It's difficult to overstate my happiness in regards to these mewling, bleating, blabbering mouthtards needing to go to this many lengths in order to achieve their desired effect, whatever that may be. It shouldn't be this desperate. It ought to look a little more natural. These signs of forcing indicate to me that people running their ridiculous little enterprise are somewhat anxious, tense, and scared.

I assume they've done something they're guilty about. I don't know what else would explain some of these things. I don't know why it needs any explanation. These dorks are mostly harmless.

Mostly. Enough spammed threads, someone is risking a sprained finger from a blazing scroll wheel.


Rubini, I'm all about justice and could easily empathize with your plight.


But you gotta work on that public persona, bro. You've left quite a trail of hostility.


I'm pretty sure a judge could rule you're too aggressive and unreasonable to work with, especially when all you had was verbal contracts.


Nathan (MITD, LTV, DMDN),

With your increased subject matter, no longer the main focus on the very over done paranormal, which is VERY good to see, please consider Prof James McCanney as a guest. He is a wealth on knowledge, and a very
interesting person to talk with. He can relate and discuss a huge variety of subjects.
He would be a great fit to mix with your unique interests and other very unique guests.

For his contact information : https://www.jmccanneyscience.com/

- Sarah Brestlin Reporting

i dindu nuffin.



Quote from: MarkT on July 16, 2020, 01:14:30 AM
That mask with words DARK MATTER will be sooner or latter perceived as racist by some brain dead SJW dick heads.
Better add to it DIGITAL NETWORK, or scrap it altogether.


By dark, you mean black and brown?
Only those who are familiar with the DMDN and the show will be OK with that slogan DARK MATTER.
Walk with that mask on your face in public and average nigger will look at you funny. Latinos too.


That's a pretty good point that hadn't even crossed my mind. What an unfortunate name to have in this time.


Quote from: LiftTheVeil on July 16, 2020, 04:17:18 PM
That's a pretty good point that hadn't even crossed my mind. What an unfortunate name to have in this time.

Dark Matter was never the "catch phrase" that caught on and could continue to be used for AB's show on broadcast audio. Someone else already had that name before with radio/podcasts, so MITD was always said to be part of the Dark Matter Digital Network. They stopped using Dark Matter long ago because of that conflict with another preexisting show known as Dark Matter.


Quote from: VC on July 16, 2020, 04:41:51 PM
Dark Matter was never the "catch phrase" that caught on and could continue to be used for AB's show on broadcast audio. Someone else already had that name before with radio/podcasts, so MITD was always said to be part of the Dark Matter Digital Network. They stopped using Dark Matter long ago because of that conflict with another preexisting show known as Dark Matter.


Quote from: MattyBrown on July 16, 2020, 09:25:28 AM
Rubini, I'm all about justice and could easily empathize with your plight.


But you gotta work on that public persona, bro. You've left quite a trail of hostility.


Nathan said this was part of the show and plan when Rubini was on. Remember, BG was invited. We have a distinct reputation! We are the lovable trolls that save your sorry arrogant asses, independent call-in performance trolls, Nathan! Nathan noted how he listened to Howard Stern not AB, and this is how they rolled that BG show. Note the caller last night with Aussie/Zealand accent LOVED that whole interaction and show with Rubini!

Nathan! You do NOT get to be a duplicitous bitch and "have it" both ways. You were being a butt hurt beta pussy "on air", because you would NOT play along in the admitted Stern-style Performance Art with your producer and alleged part owner and/or Prez of MITD. Why? You wanted to expose the in-fighting to gain advantage of the situation to get paid and take sides to try to wedge Rubini out! Hindsight 20/20. You beta-bitched about it afterwards too, as your ego raged about how great you are. You're not even close to anything AB could do. Smart ass.

Also Nathan, we need to know your prior relationships with Tim Ozman and Marshalek? We're you good friends with either of these people beforehand? All three of you are Huge Flat Earthers.

One last thing for now: You, Nathan, bitched about doing a late night show several times. You complained you wanted to do an earlier time slot show, so don't pretend you wanted to do late night broadcasting. Did you even do 3 hours last night?! WTF? I think it was only 2 hours!

Late night MITD requires a 3-4 hour show. AND, STOP using your crutch co-host to dominate a call-in Open Lines show. STFU and let the callers talk. You talked over me constantly muting and blocking my voice, so I couldn't make my points. YOU are doing this to prevent my viewpoint from coming across, and this is NOT ME telling you how to do your show. It's all about you controlling and censoring! Then you hung-up on me in the middle of my conversation. Typical arrogant smart ass.

Also, STOP your pathetic bitching that I'm some crazy dude at a pointless "so has been" forum that is always saying you're a druggie and autistic, etc. YOU admitted these issues about you, yourself. I pointed that out here at BG, so people would be aware of your thinking processes and possible problems.

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