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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Had to move this here...

Quote from: chefist on April 30, 2016, 10:46:10 PM
Yorkie...some ass is posting this on EODR! WTF?

Where is the social justice warrior Leftist CUNT yorkshire pud??? Now is his chance to insult Michael Horn. He loves to insult retarded old senior citizens. Where is he now???

Michael Horn is up next!
is the fuckity fuck cunt yorkshire pud of bellgab.com here yet? Yorkshire pud is constantly insulting michael horn on his thread over at bellgab! Michael horn will be a guest tonight on EODR and awaiting yorkshire putz call. Or does yorkshire putz only confront helpless retarded senior citizens as demonstrated when he called in to hurl insults at g

is the fuckity fuck cunt yorkshire pud of bellgab.com here yet? Yorkshire pud is constantly insulting michael horn on his thread over at bellgab! Michael horn will be a guest tonight on EODR and awaiting yorkshire putz call. Or does yorkshire putz only confront helpless retarded senior citizens as demonstrated when he called in to hurl insults at g
eorge senda? BIG BULLY!!!!!

Corona Kitty

ill be at contact in the desert, ill try and talk to noory.

Quote from: brig on April 30, 2016, 07:28:09 AM
The problem I see with that, is that George and I don't seem to agree about too many things, and I would never want to argue with George on one of his videos.  Plus I don't have a special MV Laptop lol's.  Time will tell.  Maybe someday, we shall see.  ;)
I find your videos fun & interesting.  You seem like a real beautiful soul...


Quote from: weeberwubber on April 30, 2016, 09:27:06 PM
He scored a recurring segment on C2C and will have one video a month featured on their website. He's solo-hosting the Gabcast twice now. He has his own private thread that he has supermod powers on. And people are voluntarily shipping pizza to his front door. And it's not opposite day. It's good to be George.
Thanks for that concise update.


Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on April 30, 2016, 05:24:32 PM
But of course...we get paid for our work, especially for dangerous work like  spying on Falkie who is always under the watchful eye of his bulldog rekcuf!!
Our card....

You know, I was thinking, perhaps we need an official, autographed by MV,   "Haterz and Trolls Anonymous" card, with something in small print at the bottom indicating that MV hereby permits the holder of this card to function freely on this forum as either a Hater or a Troll, as the situation requires.  This could greatly enhance our ability to Spy.
Maybe we could eventually earn our own Private thread entitled "Haterz and Trolls Anonymous" where we could discuss our evil plots in secret, and more effectively construct plans to effect the desired outcomes, in a safe and cooperative atmosphere.

It would also of course, be admission by invitation only, by the designated moderator.

If you want to know what a REAL programmer from the early days of computing sounds like when he is telling a story, read the text below.

Compare this to Senda's fake-ass stories about being a computer genius, where he provides no detail other than how amazing he was and everyone worshipped him.  Senda doesn't know fuck all about programming, and anyone who does can see right through him.  He's an unabashed, lying turd.

Quote from: Robert on April 25, 2016, 08:45:41 PM
In 1970 I programmed a Monrobot printing calculator to generate pseudorandom numbers for CWABL, the Citrablammatic Wizamadingy (or Computerized Winner) Automatic Baseball League, which was my classmates Marc Blank's & Alex Citron's simulation of the MLB season.  Marc Blank went on to become the macher of game company Infocom.

The Monrobot (the Math Dept.'s calculator in the basement) could be programmed with up to 64 steps, looping but not branching.  It had 2 "memory" registers, one of which was also an alternate accumulator that could be added to or subtracted from.  The regular accumulator could accept results of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  While "diamond" (common symbol on calculators at the time) would sum and retain the sum, "*" would sum and clear (to 0).  No, a numeric value could not be used instead of an operation step, but before starting the program, the calculator could have values manually loaded into the pair of memory registers and implicitly in the accumulator.

We (though maybe not Alex) had in the previous year taken a trimester of Computer Math (which was actually Fortran programming), and I'd taken a liking to the subject.  We had a keypunch machine in the Arts Dept. bldg., and sent the cards to Manhattan College to run the programs.  On my own, I read of a simple algorithm to generate pseudorandom numbers, which was to square a large integer, then truncate equally the high- and low-order digits to generate the next number.  If you wind up generating 0000, you're screwed, but otherwise it's not bad.  I used that algorithm as the basis of my Monrobot program.  I had to use some tricks to do the truncation, since it treated data as 8 sig-dig floating-point exponential.  To produce a "1", I divided the contents of a register by itself; to produce a "0", I subtracted a value from itself.  To generate a halt, I divided by the 0 so generated; I don't think I used that trick in this program, though.  It wound up taking up 63 of the spaces for the 64 programming steps.  Memory was volatile, so the program and its starting data had to be manually loaded every time.  It would accept a seed for the random number routine, and an integer for the upper limit to the random numbers, because whatever the routine generated would be printed out modulo that limit (i.e. 0 to n).


Quote from: brig on May 01, 2016, 06:40:03 AM
You know, I was thinking, perhaps we need an official, autographed by MV,   "Haterz and Trolls Anonymous" card, with something in small print at the bottom indicating that MV hereby permits the holder of this card to function freely on this forum as either a Hater or a Troll, as the situation requires.  This could greatly enhance our ability to Spy.
Maybe we could eventually earn our own Private thread entitled "Haterz and Trolls Anonymous" where we could discuss our evil plots in secret, and more effectively construct plans to effect the desired outcomes, in a safe and cooperative atmosphere.

It would also of course, be admission by invitation only, by the designated moderator.

I thought that THIS thread already served that purpose given that most of us appear to dislike haters & trolls and this IS a private forum.
Of course further plotting can be done in private inboxes, can it not ?

Roswells, Art

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on May 01, 2016, 07:07:15 AM
If you want to know what a REAL programmer from the early days of computing sounds like when he is telling a story, read the text below.

Compare this to Senda's fake-ass stories about being a computer genius, where he provides no detail other than how amazing he was and everyone worshipped him.  Senda doesn't know fuck all about programming, and anyone who does can see right through him.  He's an unabashed, lying turd.

Compare that with this:

Quote from: MV on February 02, 2015, 03:51:14 PM
Falkie... when you receive a personal message from someone, you can not reply to the person by replying to the notification email.  If you do, then the reply comes to me since the notification email comes from the bellgab forum system, not from the user you're communicating with.  In short, you should not reply to the PM notification email.  It's just a notification.  You must reply by visiting your PM inbox on the forum and replying there.  I've sent you two emails explaining this, but you've apparently still not figured this out.

edit:  and someone please quote this post in case he has me on ignore.

Quote from: MV on February 05, 2015, 11:26:54 PM
Falkie... YOU ARE STILL DOING THIS!!! Fucking hell.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on March 23, 2015, 09:43:15 PM
This goes back to my question in a different way.

If you do a Google search for George Noory, you come up with this :

george noory

About 503,000 results

If you look for me, you come up with this :

the guy from pittsburgh

About 48,900,000 results

Finally, if you look for Art, you come up with this :

art bell

About 306,000,000 results

Mind you I am NOT trying to compare myself to Art, by any means.
But how can there be more results about me than George Noory as he's been on the web long before I started doing videos ?

Even looking up George Senda gets almost more results than Noory.
About 451,000 results (0.36 seconds)
Search Results

I will admit to not knowing how Google ranks its searches.

Quote from: SnapT on March 23, 2015, 10:45:42 PM
Are you searching Google using search terms in QUOTES, Falkie?  It's pointless otherwise.  Here are the results I'm getting, totally different than yours.

"george noory" : 464,000 results
"art bell" : 437,000 results
"the guy from pittsburgh" : 13,900 results
"george senda" : 1,650 results

If it's not obvious, the reason you had so many more search results than Noory in your search is because Google was pulling up every page that had the words "pittsburgh" and "guy" on it.  You have to put things in quotes for Google to search for an exact name or phrase in order, i.e. "the guy from pittsburgh."

Quote from: Falkie2013 on March 23, 2015, 11:06:48 PM
no I just typed the words on the screen as shown. I've never put anything in quotes because I did not know you had to.

Typing bellgab comes up with 15,400 results.
Typing bellgab in quotes gives me the identical result.
I had thought it is looking for precisely what you type in the search box.


Quote from: Defwhale on April 20, 2016, 11:25:18 PM
By the way, people who've never worked anywhere but behind a cash register in porn shops have no idea how companies operate or what it's like working for one.  It's not just like pushing a broom or ringing up sales, except maybe a little more involved sometimes.  When you tell stories like the one about wandering into IBM and fixing problems, it's very clear you're lying because that's just not how things work (although there is a slight possibility you somehow sniffed out an employee lunch room, where they were shooting the shit, and they ended up playing along with the tubby know it all retarded kid). 

People tend to take others at their word.  They don't have time to parse words or think about whether the personal stories they hear are true, or really much care.  If it gets to be too much, they walk away.

When someone is always bellowing what over time adds up to what are at best exaggerations, or is finally caught in a lie, everything else they've said becomes questionable (See Art Bell thread).

Senda has gone well beyond this.  Why would someone with all these experiences and connections end up as a beggar living in a trash bin, scamming the system for peanuts?  The IBM story only serves to amplify the questionableness of his other personal stories.

But he doesn't care, the pizzas are just beginning to flow in, and he's 1 minute a month closer to fame and riches.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Military Justice2 on May 01, 2016, 08:52:03 AM
yorkie are you still jealous of falkie lol lol lol

Eh? On what possible level would I be remotely jealous of an obese, greedy, mooching, misogynistic, slime ball, pimping, clueless (about almost anything), lying, fraudulant, thieving scumbag such as him?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: chefist on April 30, 2016, 11:04:16 PM
Had to move this here...

Fuzz and I used to be so close too. His missive very nearly, almost made me reflect and feel about being upset, as I picked fluff out of my navel. He sure is mad.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on May 01, 2016, 10:35:31 AM
Fuzz and I used to be so close too. His missive very nearly, almost made me reflect and feel about being upset, as I picked fluff out of my navel. He sure is mad.

I am shocked to learn that you have been insulting "retarded old senior citizens."  Have you no shame, sir?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on May 01, 2016, 10:40:28 AM
I am shocked to learn that you have been insulting "retarded old senior citizens."  Have you no shame, sir?

On a good day Fuzz and I used to pull wings off swans and take it in turns dropping old ladies tied to concrete blocks into fast flowing polluted rivers; but clearly his memory has faded and he can't recall that. Typical.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 01, 2016, 07:49:28 AM
I thought that THIS thread already served that purpose given that most of us appear to dislike haters & trolls and this IS a private forum.
Of course further plotting can be done in private inboxes, can it not ?

See, that's where we're different.  I don't believe in haterz and trolls.  People going on about haterz and trolls is sheer comedy perfection IMO, as in trolling about trolling, and/or hating the haterz.  LOL's OH the irony Mwahahahaha

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Military Justice2 on May 01, 2016, 08:52:03 AM
yorkie are you still jealous of falkie lol lol lol

On reflection, yeah. Three lovely examples of why I'm jealous of Senda. Obvious really...one can only dream of such stature.

Quote from: Defwhale on May 01, 2016, 10:26:26 AM
he's 1 minute a month closer to fame and riches.

Only 43,919 to go!  And at the rate of one every three years, it will only take him...oh I dunno.  A shitload.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on March 23, 2015, 11:06:48 PM
no I just typed the words on the screen as shown. I've never put anything in quotes because I did not know you had to.

Typing bellgab comes up with 15,400 results.
Typing bellgab in quotes gives me the identical result.
I had thought it is looking for precisely what you type in the search box.

This is side-splittingly hilarious!  Hole-eee fuck, Senda, you are a fucking REE-TARD!  Yeah, you figured out something the IBM computer  engineers couldn't.  This is funnier than shit.


Quote from: brig on May 01, 2016, 11:02:43 AM
See, that's where we're different.  I don't believe in haterz and trolls.  People going on about haterz and trolls is sheer comedy perfection IMO, as in trolling about trolling, and/or hating the haterz.  LOL's OH the irony Mwahahahaha

Comedy perfection ?
Brig, you need some serious counseling.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 01, 2016, 12:16:02 PM
Comedy perfection ?
Brig, you need some serious counseling.

Well George, this will probably be where I get banned from the fortress, but I'm not the one that has to hide in a hidden self moderated thread.


Quote from: brig on May 01, 2016, 12:18:52 PM
Well George, this will probably be where I get banned from the fortress, but I'm not the one that has to hide in a hidden self moderated thread.

Quote from: brig on May 01, 2016, 11:02:43 AM
See, that's where we're different.  I don't believe in haterz and trolls.  People going on about haterz and trolls is sheer comedy perfection IMO, as in trolling about trolling, and/or hating the haterz.  LOL's OH the irony Mwahahahaha

No George, brig is absolutely right.. You set yourself up for haters.. Unless you are the biggest troll of them all.. If so... I'm truly amazed.. And brig may actually start  believing, there really are ]trolls.

What say you George... are you really a troll?


Quote from: WhiteCrow on May 01, 2016, 12:44:11 PM
No George, brig is absolutely right.. You set yourself up for haters.. Unless you are the biggest troll of them all.. If so... I'm truly amazed.. And brig would may actually start  believing there really are trolls.

I would be amazed as well WC, because I have seen George do some of the best comical bantering with his fellow bellgabbers in Chefists blog thread.  Sometimes I think its all bellgab fun, and sometimes I think George is serious.  I really can't tell, to be honest with you, and I honestly don't think anybody that takes themselves and/or others seriously would be happy at bellgab.  There was a post here in the fortress that George made about people who have committed suicide because of the situation they have gotten themselves into on social media.  That post really concerns me.  Why would a person return to a social media site where they feel persecuted?  At this point, does one determine that something is wrong with all the other posters, and that they are indeed a victim, yet keep returning?  I am truly confused.


He gives as good as he gets. But 30 against 1 is not a fun game to keep playing.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on May 01, 2016, 01:08:03 PM
He gives as good as he gets. But 30 against 1 is not a fun game to keep playing.

Up till this point, I have enjoyed George very much as a fun part of bellgab, and as someone who truly enjoys playing the bellgab game to its maximum potential.  If such is not the case, and I have been mistaken, then I don't belong in the Fortress.


You have been an important part of his video empire. George needs his fans right now.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on March 23, 2015, 11:06:48 PM
no I just typed the words on the screen as shown. I've never put anything in quotes because I did not know you had to.

Typing bellgab comes up with 15,400 results.
Typing bellgab in quotes gives me the identical result.
I had thought it is looking for precisely what you type in the search box.

How does he continue to surprise me with his stupidity?
Of course he does not see the difference between a single word and a phrase, why the hell would I have expected other wise?


Quote from: WhiteCrow on May 01, 2016, 12:44:11 PM
No George, brig is absolutely right.. You set yourself up for haters.. Unless you are the biggest troll of them all.. If so... I'm truly amazed.. And brig may actually start  believing, there really are ]trolls.

What say you George... are you really a troll?

This thread was set up as a place where I and others could comment on things without being continually attacked for it and MV had other reasons for it as well.
If you feel that trolling and hating is acceptable behavior, then perhaps this is NOT the place for you.
I reply to the haters because of their lies and to get back at them.
But to ask if I am a troll after I and Kathy and my Mother have been subjected to vicious attacks and on line and personal stalking is insulting.
Brig's opinion is wrong in so many ways and so is anyone who agrees with her.
People are being bullied every day both on and off the internet.
They are not CHOOSING to be attacked.
They are VICTIMS of bullying and as I have already said, some have committed suicide over it, both adults and teenagers.
White Crow, you know how I feel about your comment and what you can do with it.


Quote from: brig on May 01, 2016, 01:20:37 PM
Up till this point, I have enjoyed George very much as a fun part of bellgab, and as someone who truly enjoys playing the bellgab game to its maximum potential.  If such is not the case, and I have been mistaken, then I don't belong in the Fortress.

You couldn't be more mistaken.

The only game is that it is a cruel game perpetrated by cruel, malicious and evil people.
I'm saddened that you are incapable of understanding that fact.
I'm on here to interact with those friendly to me and to inform people about my activities.
That is what the Falkie thread was supposed to be because people were upset about my posting things all over the board.
It got hijacked by the haters and the trolls.
This thread was created in part so I could have a place free from the continual attacks.
MV had other reasons for doing it as well and I am not going to discuss that.
I'm NOT on here for their approval because I will never get it.
Haters, once they decide they hate you, are NEVER going to change their minds.
All I can do is continue to create what I feel is relevant and will appeal to like minded people who have an open mind.
I'm not asking for lock step approval but just the right to speak free of attack and I never get that either on Bellgab or You Tube.
But a great deal of the attackers on You Tube are Bellgabbers who think their comments will see the light of day and don't realize their hate filled rants are either blocked or reported as abuse.
There's some really vile stuff on there, some even more vile than the stuff on here.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 01, 2016, 01:56:04 PM
This thread was set up as a place where I and others could comment on things without being continually attacked for it and MV had other reasons for it as well.
If you feel that trolling and hating is acceptable behavior, then perhaps this is NOT the place for you.
I reply to the haters because of their lies and to get back at them.
But to ask if I am a troll after I and Kathy and my Mother have been subjected to vicious attacks and on line and personal stalking is insulting.
Brig's opinion is wrong in so many ways and so is anyone who agrees with her.
People are being bullied every day both on and off the internet.
They are not CHOOSING to be attacked.
They are VICTIMS of bullying and as I have already said, some have committed suicide over it, both adults and teenagers.
White Crow, you know how I feel about your comment and what you can do with it.

Thank You for your honesty George.  I truly wish you success with your CoastToCoast project, and any other project you work on in the future. 
I am a proud bellgabber, who enjoys ALL the other bellgabbers, and I intend to continue to do so.  See you around the forum!

Praise MV!

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