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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

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647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on September 03, 2015, 09:52:55 AM
With all due respect to George, I'm beginning to wonder if this whole Patty situation is ever going to be resolved, and I'm at the point of questioning if this whole thing is even real.  We've been hearing for months now that all of Patty's lies, treachery, betrayals, and deceit would be revealed after certain events took place (I'll keep that between George and myself as it is his timeline), but I was under the strong impression that this would happen while I was away for my surgery in early August.  However, when I got back online, I was saddened to see that there were still no further updates.  I was then led to believe that everything would take place after the 1st, but lo and behold, George informed me last night that we now have to wait until NEXT month at the earliest.

George - I still believe in you (and Kathy), but this can't keep dragging on month after month.  If WhiteCrow was here, he might liken this to the glasses saga that he always talked about ("follow the glasses").  We need a resolution soon, my friend.  Please throw your audience some "red meat" on topics like Patty, the housekeeper, and others!  The litter box clarification was a start, and I believe you that you keep them cleaned out as you care deeply about your cats (there is NO STENCH, people!), but we need more.

I see two new book titles for Robert Ludlum. Following "The Ostermann Weekend", 'The Holcroft Covenant", and "The Bourne Identity" you could have:

"The Patty Situation"

And its brilliant sequel:

"The Litter Box Clarification"

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on September 03, 2015, 09:52:55 AM
With all due respect to George, I'm beginning to wonder if this whole Patty situation is ever going to be resolved, and I'm at the point of questioning if this whole thing is even real

What? Surely Falkie has never invented anything out of whole cloth or misled any of us in any way. What are you saying?

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on September 03, 2015, 10:20:03 AM
Wonderful. You're both online. I'm waiting to be tag teamed by Frick and Frack.

Hey, it beats hanging out at the bus station, longing to be the meat in a hobo camp manwich.  Extra mayo!

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 03, 2015, 10:24:36 AM
Hey, it beats hanging out at the bus station

Does it?

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 03, 2015, 10:24:36 AM
to be the meat in a hobo camp manwich.

I wouldn't be the one providing the meat in this scenario.

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on September 03, 2015, 10:30:22 AM
Does it?

I defer to your experience in the matter.

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on September 03, 2015, 10:30:22 AM
I wouldn't be the one providing the meat in this scenario.

Oh, dear.  You don't get it, again.

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 03, 2015, 10:36:50 AM
I defer to your experience in the matter.

Oh, dear.  You don't get it, again.

Since you seem to be an old pro with hobo sandwiches, you'll have to enlighten me. Try to keep it clean. Remember that Noory's grandaughter reads here.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 02, 2015, 11:46:26 PM
There are two litter boxes in the bathroom which I have not filmed yet. They get sifted daily, cleaned and washed out, dried and new litter with baking soda once a week as I have said previously.
Currently my other cats stay outside because Boop is here and only she uses the boxes as she sleeps with us or in the bedroom or under the window in the living room.
Once colder weather comes, Fluffy, Fuzzy and Little Girl will start to sleep and eat inside.
Fresh dry food and water is left out for them every day along with wet food and all the cats know how to use a litter box and there is NO stench. There's an air purifier machine in the bathroom.
So now, not only does your shit not stink, your highness but your kittys shit and piss roses?
I believe Laurakinch,  (who is a good girl so backoff fat bot! You have a real problem with woman don't you?  Maybe you should have killed your mother instead when you killed dad?) was saying the stench, which I have brought up before...was eminenting from you two human creatures. Not the little pussy cats. I believe I refered to it as a cross between the monkey cage and the elephant pen of a very hot, sunny summers day! The filth encrusted in the 10yr old filthy carpet, well the video says it all.
In the old days, butchers and the meat depts in supermarkets would toss all that fat cuttings, bones, from beef, pork, lamb and poultry etc in lagre bins and dumpsters until p/u by a special trash service that would take the refuse to a special place so the fat could be processed. Will if you ever got behind one on a very hot, sunny summers day...whew!!!!! Like the gabage P/C from the restaurants too, man worse than rotting dead bodys.

I imagine casa kathey & fleckie to smell like that. Unbearable and unbelievable.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: ONeill on September 03, 2015, 01:45:14 AM
Yeah, like someone who associates with you.

The video you posted shows the state before the whole legendary cleaning, right?
It's fine...as soon as A51D offers SLOB-O some free mayo or diaper coupon...they will be butt buddies again.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 02, 2015, 10:04:48 AM
I can't understand why someone wouldn't want to answer a phone call from a man who routinely calls him 'Felchie'.

It just don't make sense.

It's a love hate relationship.  He loves to hate me. 


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 02, 2015, 10:06:17 AM
They all say, 'Felchie, answer your phone, scumbag!'
Not sure I've ever referred to our fat fiend as a 'scumbag!'


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 02, 2015, 10:07:47 AM
Hey yourself! I'm not sure I want my personal trainer calling me a filthy tub of guts and trying to kill me.

But perhaps I'm old fashioned and you lot do things differently.
I wouldn't kill you, bro.  Just take you to the edge of death.  How can one have lived without confronting death and telling it to 'Piss Off!'?


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 02, 2015, 10:07:47 AM
Hey yourself! I'm not sure I want my personal trainer calling me a filthy tub of guts and trying to kill me.

But perhaps I'm old fashioned and you lot do things differently.

And you may be filthy.  I hear Euro standards of hygiene can be iffy.  Piss off! :D


Quote from: Rally Squirrel on September 02, 2015, 03:03:00 PM
All episodes of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. are free on Daily Motion.
Falkie is not very frugal.
Daily Motion.  Thanks for the tip.  This is a legit site or some communist influenced pirate site?


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 03, 2015, 10:24:36 AM
Hey, it beats hanging out at the bus station, longing to be the meat in a hobo camp manwich.  Extra mayo!

Hey, I always knew you had dreams and aspirations for this tawdry little affair that is your life.  Good on you!

Quote from: paladin1991 on September 03, 2015, 11:20:48 AM
Piss off!

LOL, I'm also fond of "Fornicate off" as once uttered by the Blackadder to someone who knocked at his door.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on September 03, 2015, 11:32:10 AM
LOL, I'm also fond of "Fornicate off" as once uttered by the Blackadder to someone who knocked at his door.
He has a very diabolical plan?

Yorkshire pud

Okay, Daddy's back from work.. only ten hours today Senda (idle bastard that I am), have I missed much kids?


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on September 03, 2015, 09:52:55 AM
With all due respect to George, I'm beginning to wonder if this whole Patty situation is ever going to be resolved, and I'm at the point of questioning if this whole thing is even real

I doubt very little of this is real. Fitting for the thread, I guess.

I think Senda is "disabled" insofar as obesity would preclude one's ability to work effectively, but Kathy is another story. And her elaborations are not even those of a good liar. Just someone who has been coached how to cheat the system by a person with more intelligence.


Quote from: pate on September 03, 2015, 03:07:42 AM
I want proof of this statement.  Cats pooping, owners scooping...

I read the whole paper you wrote for the Piled higher and Deeper.  Well (that is a deep subject), mostly


F.  Check on facts, why two litter boxes?  One is not enough?  Who needs film evidence of even one litter box?

Are you some kinda weird cat lady guy?  Would you like to meat a weird cat lady?  Or have already and have some need/obsession to film your cat lady-man life?


My 2 cats ( when they stay inside ), their littermate and Kathy's cat all use the litter box. One litterbox is not enough for 4 cats, particulary once winter and rain comes when they will spend much of their time indoors.
People who have multiple cat households know this.
People who have never had cats do not.
My three cats are bonded to each other and stay with each other.
I have seen people walking 3 dogs.
Does this make them crazy dog people ?
But if you love your cats and have multiple cats, you're called crazy.
Thst's insulting and bs.
The cats spend 50% or more of their time OUTDOORS.

As for Drone's comment, I feel sorry that he just doesn't get what I tried to tell him and that he can only resort to an obscenity to reply to me.
Some of his past comments and questions have been very insulting to me and/or Kathy and yet his mindset could see nothing wrong with asking such questions.
If he doesn't like Kathy not wanting to associate with him because of his history of insulting questions or my not wanting to talk to him any more because of association with an enemy and a convicted pedophile, too bad.


Why don't you and Kathy get a support grizzly bear?


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 03, 2015, 10:08:21 AM
I see two new book titles for Robert Ludlum. Following "The Ostermann Weekend", 'The Holcroft Covenant", and "The Bourne Identity" you could have:

"The Patty Situation"

And its brilliant sequel:

"The Litter Box Clarification"

We are headed to Patty's within the hour. That situation will be resolved once all of Kathy's and my property is removed as well as my own. We can't do anything until that stuff is removed.
Both property of hers and mine have disappeared while Patty was left alone, including a cookbook ( which she denies taking even though only 3 people have had access to my apartment ), collectibles and wallets/purses.
Once we do that, we will move onto stage 2.


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on September 03, 2015, 09:52:55 AM
With all due respect to George, I'm beginning to wonder if this whole Patty situation is ever going to be resolved, and I'm at the point of questioning if this whole thing is even real.  We've been hearing for months now that all of Patty's lies, treachery, betrayals, and deceit would be revealed after certain events took place (I'll keep that between George and myself as it is his timeline), but I was under the strong impression that this would happen while I was away for my surgery in early August.  However, when I got back online, I was saddened to see that there were still no further updates.  I was then led to believe that everything would take place after the 1st, but lo and behold, George informed me last night that we now have to wait until NEXT month at the earliest.

OLG, be careful about being "friends" with George, but let's just spill the beans now, shall we?   I have a rumor on good authority from an anonymous source that what happened is that Kathy was GANG BANGED by Patty's ex-husband and ex-boyfriend while Patty watched.   I approached Kathy and George about the story, and was immediately told by George that he had to go and discuss something privately with Cockroach Kathy.  After a 5 minute pow wow,  they called back and Kathy said "[source] is just guessing, he doesn't know that for a fact."   I warned George that this was going to come out and asked him what should be told to Little Chris if he posted the story on his blog.  George said to say "no comment," which in Senda land must mean, yes, there's truth to the story, because otherwise it would have undoubtedly been a flat out denial.

Source also rumored that Kathy's bruising of her face is the result of a medical condition related to that so-called attack, but I didn't ask them about it, so I really can't comment on that.


Falkie, I know you are interested in the topic of ufos, so I have got a legit book recommendation for you. I recently picked up The President And UFOS:A Secret History From FDR To Obama, by Larry Holcombe. It's an interesting read.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: area51drone on September 03, 2015, 01:02:49 PM

that Kathy was GANG BANGED by Patty's ex-husband and ex-boyfriend while Patty watched.   

Bollox; there isn't enough flour to roll her in to aim for the damp bit. Although, it would be a porn movie that would be instantly banned in at least 210 countries and almost all US states.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 03, 2015, 01:38:22 PM

Bollox; there isn't enough flour to roll her in to aim for the damp bit. Although, it would be a porn movie that would be instantly banned in at least 210 countries and almost all US states.

According to George and Kathy, Patty's daughter is the result of prostitution for a six pack of beer, so anything could be possible.   I was frankly really surprised when I approached George and Kathy about Kathy being levelled right in front of a watchful Patty and it appeared to be the truth.    George has his own separate story about a gang raping he was involved in, maybe he'll tell you about it.   If this war continues, maybe I will fill you in myself.   Too bad that fucker doesn't have an apologetic bone in his body.

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