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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: WhiteCrow on September 04, 2015, 01:20:07 PM
I too wasn't aware that you were married.

His wife left him after a very short amount of time being married (assuming the story is even true).  No surprise.  Unless you have Stockholm Syndrome like Cockroach Kathy, who would ever want to be around this slug of a human being for more than a mere passing by?   Of course, Fucklie blames his mother for ruining his marriage.  No surprise there either.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: WhiteCrow on September 04, 2015, 01:20:07 PM
Wow this thread came roaring back to life.
Sorry George that you took my "playing along" remark wrong.
I meant that I was playing along with you, to keep the haters at bay. As for you're a symbol for ALL the scammers of government  benefits, I got caught up in Bellgab group-think mentality. You're just one person and l shouldn't discriminate against a whole class of people because of your life choices.

I too wasn't aware that you were married.

As for women getting on your nerves, I can sympathize with that. Their actions can have long term relationship repercussions. For example 8 to 10 years ago don't remember the exact date, not that important, just to let you know until this day I remember the hurtful thing my wife said to me and it changed me from that day forward.
You those little ankle socks that are worn with running shoes.
Had them on with slippers and when slid my slippers off, one of the socks stayed in the slipper. I put the other sock in the dirty clothes bin. My wife washed the clothes and when folding my socks couldn't find the other ankle sock.
I came home from work and she commented that she spent a lot of time looking for the missing ankle sock. I remembered leaving it in the slipper and explained what had happened.
She got upset and let me know that it was my responsibility to make sure that BOTH socks get into the dirty clothes bin. All these years latter I still remember her harsh words and always make sure that both my socks go into the dirty clothes bin.
So yes George, I understand that women, try to control us and my wife could of been nicer to me, she didn't have to use harsh words, for my unintentional error, that she mistook for  lazyness.

No; she was pissed with you for using 'of' instead of have. Fuckwit.

Just a side note.

I do know comic books, rather well, and Falkie, there is no chance in hell that you had a collection that would be worth millions today.

Several thousand is possible but not millions.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Rally Squirrel on September 04, 2015, 01:46:00 PM
Just a side note.

I do know comic books, rather well, and Falkie, there is no chance in hell that you had a collection that would be worth millions today.

Several thousand is possible but not millions.

You know don't you he's a mendacious twat? He means $20.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 04, 2015, 01:50:13 PM

You know don't you he's a mendacious twat? He means $20.

I have been reading his tales for over a decade, of course I know.

I just like bugging him about his comic book posts because he is always so off. Like when he says Superman was originally a conservative patriot and I point t actual first stories that show he was a liberal socialist. It entertains me and I assume only me.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Rally Squirrel on September 04, 2015, 02:09:39 PM
I have been reading his tales for over a decade, of course I know.

I just like bugging him about his comic book posts because he is always so off. Like when he says Superman was originally a conservative patriot and I point t actual first stories that show he was a liberal socialist. It entertains me and I assume only me.

Only Americans would make Superman political! And being liberal doesn't make anyone non patriotic. I'm both liberal and patriotic.  ;D

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 04, 2015, 02:24:05 PM

Only Americans would make Superman political! And being liberal doesn't make anyone non patriotic. I'm both liberal and patriotic.  ;D

OK, well Americans made him and he was created as a political statement during the depression. His first foes were slum lords and corrupt business men. He was conceived as a social justice warrior.


Are Senda and Kathy related? This has sort of been the elephant in the room for weeks.

They bear an uncanny physical resemblance on close inspection of the videos. And they didn't kiss like a couple does in the video where George makes a pass to demonstrate his affection.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 04, 2015, 01:37:59 PM
No; she was pissed with you for using 'of' instead of have. Fuckwit.

Hey I'm typing on a teeny weeny cell phone while on vacation.
Consider yourself lucky that you get to read my musings!

Besides I converse in amerucan


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 04, 2015, 02:24:05 PM

Only Americans would make Superman political! And being liberal doesn't make anyone non patriotic. I'm both liberal and patriotic.  ;D

Patriotic? To what?  The Euro Pinko Commie Union?


I'd really like a definition of patriotism that doesn't include politics, ethnicity, or wall street. Anyone?


Quote from: onan on September 04, 2015, 03:22:02 PM
I'd really like a definition of patriotism that doesn't include politics, ethnicity, or wall street. Anyone?

us against them


Quote from: onan on September 04, 2015, 03:22:02 PM
I'd really like a definition of patriotism that doesn't include politics, ethnicity, or wall street. Anyone?


Quote from: onan on September 04, 2015, 03:22:02 PM
I'd really like a definition of patriotism that doesn't include politics, ethnicity, or wall street. Anyone?


(I went for the traditional)

Quote from: onan on September 04, 2015, 03:22:02 PM
I'd really like a definition of patriotism that doesn't include politics, ethnicity, or wall street. Anyone?

We Stand By You.


Well George Senda, there you go again spreading more lies about me and others.

Keep it up George and watch me get VICIOUS.


For those who are new or just do not know what the hell is going on with this "Falkie" guy:

Anthony "George/Falkie" Senda is probably the internet's BIGGEST PIECE OF SHIT!!!!




Hey Falkie, wow I just read what you posted earlier today. Man you went through some shit. I mean deportation and ex wife! How you manage to be an almost productive member of society is amazing. But hey big guy don't let the past shape your future. You can start by getting rid of your moms reincarnation (Kathy). Once you rid yourself of all the vile women in your life you can focus on gold panning and all the other hair brained schemes you have thought up. Remember the sky is the limit for a national treasure like you Falkie.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 03, 2015, 11:18:51 PM
After that we go and report Patty to housing and other authorities.
Patty is also in default of a student loan that she took out and gave the proceeds to her daughter.

Oh really you FAT CUNT, you are going to try to get Patty in trouble??

Looks like it's about that time to go FINLAND on your fucken ass!!

You think my blog is bad, you havent seen SHIT YET!!!



Quote from: littlechris on September 04, 2015, 05:56:41 PM
Oh really you FAT CUNT, you are going to try to get Patty in trouble??

Looks like it's about that time to go FINLAND on your fucken ass!!

You think my blog is bad, you havent seen SHIT YET!!!



Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 04, 2015, 08:45:12 AM
I don't need your permission, you shiftless butterhog.

It's certainly free for you. You never pay for a fucking thing!

Another thing on your clean up list? Jars of urine in the bathroom?

Falkie thread post of the day!


Hey Falkie I know it is hard to get rid of broads. What I have learned is that I never had any feelings towards the women I slept with when using a condom. The others that I went bareback on I fell in love with. My feelings got hurt and my life went to pot after the bareback girls dumped me. So may I suggest that you go out and get a prostitute and bang her sans rubber so that you can break through the mental prison that Kathy has put you in.

Jocko Johnson

link=topic=5425.msg498194#msg498194 date=1441346705]
I don't know where this is coming from.  Have you got an "anonymous source" too?  Good thing I didn't PM you all of the personal info you requested back in July, huh?  Have a nice night, my friend.
Just seems like common sense.  I mean, you got to be kidding, right?  You play him like all before you did, it's just to get a rise out of flackie and have him react for your entertainment.  That's  all I  am saying. No one here is really his friend and I told him that from day one.

Hope you're feeling better OLG and will be well, I do mean that sincerely.


Quote from: akwilly on September 04, 2015, 06:12:45 PM
Hey Falkie I know it is hard to get rid of broads. What I have learned is that I never had any feelings towards the women I slept with when using a condom. The others that I went bareback on I fell in love with. My feelings got hurt and my life went to pot after the bareback girls dumped me. So may I suggest that you go out and get a prostitute and bang her sans rubber so that you can break through the mental prison that Kathy has put you in.

I do not believe this would work.  Falkie has advised us that his manhood is permanently . . . schlaffen.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 12:27:16 AM
Fuck off, Jockoff.
At one time you were friendly towardys me and then got a New York bedbug up your ass and every damned post is an attack.
I've done nothing to you and don't deserve the treatment from you.
STFU fatboy. I tried to be your friend like many others here. When you realize that you can't get anything from a person you consider a "friend" it just serves no use to you. Yes I at first thought you were just a disabled senior but it wasn't long before I saw that you were just a scammer, a grifter, a con man and a fraudulent criminal. Your actions deem the treatment you receive here from me and others. You just keep on and when it happens you act baffled. No one that is alive and breathing can be that stupid,  or at least until I came across you I thought that to be the case. Well I live and learn...you don't. You just keep lying...to yourself and everyone else.

Happy you're not screaming in pain anymore and can be moving, sightseeing, driving and walking around without having to have all those knee, ankle and other surgeries,  ha! You phony. You and the beast you live with...your common law wife. Kathy, you can lose him and get 50%!!!


Happy you're not screaming in pain anymore and can be moving, sightseeing, driving and walking around without having to have all those knee, ankle and other surgeries,  ha! You phony. You and the beast you live with...your common law wife. Kathy, you can lose him and get 50%!!!
[/quote]I feel that if they had to split thing up 50 50 that Falkie would come out ahead. Is the Lexus hers?

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 12:27:16 AM
Fuck off, Jockoff.
At one time you were friendly towardys me and then got a New York bedbug up your ass and every damned post is an attack.
I've done nothing to you and don't deserve the treatment from you.
STFU fatboy. I tried to be your friend like many others here. When you realize that you can't get anything from a person you consider a "friend" it just serves no use to you. Yes I at first thought you were just a disabled senior but it wasn't long before I saw that you were just a scammer, a grifter, a con man and a fraudulent criminal. Your actions deem the treatment you receive here from me
Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on September 04, 2015, 06:52:24 AM
Hey, hey, hey! What did NY ever do to you? I'll have you know we NY'ers are a magnificent bunch. Sure we don't make eye contact on the street and if we do it's to give someone resting bitch face or a dirty look. And sure, the rumors of some of us taking a selfie with a body lying in the street instead of calling the cops may be true, but it doesn't mean we are a cruel or coldhearted bunch.
Thx IB...fatso is such a dicj. Talk about bedbugs, that is just what he is and his companion is a freaking buzzard.

Always like to see a good DOA pix! Unfortunately I have seen many in that state. Back then no digital cameras or cell phones.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Meatie Pie on September 04, 2015, 10:29:20 AM
Senda, you mention a wife in your meandering screed ... we had not gotten this bit of information. You were married and what happened to the union?
Very good MP...I also want to point out...this sack of shit got pissed because his dying mother who asked for her son to visit her in the hospital, and...he gets pissed she never paid him for the honor of that pantload showing up there! What a selfish tool. It is always all about him. Meanwhile anything he says, and he is a lying sack of dog shit...is subject to question since the people he speaks of can not defend themselves.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Jocko Johnson on September 04, 2015, 10:18:33 PM
Very good MP...I also want to point out...this sack of shit got pissed because his dying mother who asked for her son to visit her in the hospital, and...he gets pissed she never paid him for the honor of that pantload showing up there! What a selfish tool. It is always all about him. Meanwhile anything he says, and he is a lying sack of dog shit...is subject to question since the people he speaks of can not defend themselves.

I think it's time fatso just fell under a train.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 04, 2015, 08:45:12 AM

Another thing on your clean up list? Jars of urine in the bathroom under the bed?

Hoarders like Flakey are to lazy to shuffle into the bathroom. They pee into a Mason Jar, then hid it under the bed, storing it like a fine wine collection ... can't bear to flush it, might need it for something.

Yorkshire pud

Alice Cooper said of Keith Moon that whatever story you might have heard about him, no matter how seemingly outrageous, isn't near as outrageous to what Moon actually did.

I feel the same is true about Senda. No matter how disgusting or seemingly incredible we might think he's done or is doing, isn't the tip of the iceberg of his oblivious (to him) depravity.

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