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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

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Jocko Johnson

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 27, 2015, 06:06:47 AM
What the fuck does 'shred it not enough' actually even mean ffs????!!!! It surely can't be beyond the reach of your seriously limited 'talents' to come up with something amusing (however vaguely) when trying to piss me off. It's the lack of effort that's so wounding above all else  >:( I know you have a busy life (scratching your balls and trying to sodomise the cat) but surely you can rustle up something that makes the faintest bit of sense. If you're going to try and zing me (and fair enough, I deserve it) you could put some back into it, you bloody arsewit!! Well, that's her story and she is wise to stick with it (in the same way you manage to adhere to your squalid bedsheets). Just ask yourself why she was never seen in public without a turkey baster and I think it might get even your sluggish grey cells working. Frankly, the fact that she was smart enough to get her tubes tied and avoid the terrifying prospect of future Falkies polluting the world just makes me fancy her even more.It's a marathon not a sprint, fat boy. You'll get yours soon enough.The world holds it breath, I'm sure. Let me guess; the update went something like "nobody wants to buy this shit; it was hard enough with one drooling moron called George, but a second is making this bitch a hard sell". Still, at least there is something about you that's actually hard these days, so it's progress of a kind. I'll go out on a limb and say that you probably don't know what 'osculation' means either, or how to insert it into a sentence without making a clueless knob jockey of yourself.WRONG, George Benda!  That's not what she told me. If you're not laying the pipe these days, I guess she has to find someone who can. I just wish she wouldn't keep asking me to smell her finger.OK, you got me with that one, that made me chuckle. Score it to the fat-headed welfare wanker from Pittsburgh (I'll give you that new title for your videos for free, by the way, if you want it). Although, it was rather hurtful at the same time, so FUCK YOU!!

That's right,  that fucking ugly, disgustinf bitch Karhy the fuck bag who is mine and was fixed so I can use her as a jizz receptacle without any chances of repercussions who has been mine and all mine for on and off 47 yrs now.
But none of this very personal info is any of your business so just go and STFU.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on August 27, 2015, 12:51:35 AM

And Kathy is mine not yours

And another thing. It's shit like this that makes me have trust issues. We clearly signed an agreement where I got the mouth, you had the asshole and there was a time-share agreement over the rest. And now you're trying to slide out of it, you treacherous, welshing fat bastard.

I want my fucking money back. And the gimp suit. CLEAN this time, don't just run it under the tap.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 27, 2015, 07:35:41 AM
And another thing. It's shit like this that makes me have trust issues. We clearly signed an agreement where I got the mouth, you had the asshole and there was a time-share agreement over the rest. And now you're trying to slide out of it, you treacherous, welshing fat bastard.

I want my fucking money back. And the gimp suit. CLEAN this time, don't just run it under the tap.

Good luck with that Pal. He's been wearing the same shirt for the last 4 - 5 days! Most likely sleeping in it as well. When he peels that shit off the thing walks itself into the corner and stands there waiting to go to the community pool to be rinsed out.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 27, 2015, 07:35:41 AM
And another thing. It's shit like this that makes me have trust issues. We clearly signed an agreement where I got the mouth, you had the asshole and there was a time-share agreement over the rest. And now you're trying to slide out of it, you treacherous, welshing fat bastard.

I want my fucking money back. And the gimp suit. CLEAN this time, don't just run it under the tap.

Listen Shredded Vat Kathy is all mine.  It used to be easier for disabled senior citizens to find girlfriends before the busybodies shut RedBook down but that's not my PROBLEM.  If you prefer plus sized women of a certain age you are going to have to go somewhere like Wallmarts to find one of your own and leave Kathy out of it.
First Paperboy wants my collectables and to throw my other things away without my PERMISSION and now you are trying to make me look bad and you think you have a chance with her.  You don't.  She's getting tired of all this and says the people at Bellgab need to mind their own BUSINESS.
I do know how to spell Tommys name it's Danheiser that was a TYPO and everyone here needs to STFU if I don't catch one.  He does call me and inboxes me to keep me informed.  The show is still being shopped and he said they are looking at several offers and that I'm one of the main reasons people like the show so STFU.
Noory watched all my videos on the Virginia shootings and said he liked them and learned more about it from those than he did watching the news.  They are getting lots of views if there is more news I'll do more videos on it becaue people like them.
It's starting to get hot and I hoped to do at least 10 loads of laundry today.  My new maid Mislav was supposed to come back but the people at the Senior Services Program office haven't been able to reach him all week and I'm not happy about not getting the benefits I PAID for.
I'll probably go down to Starbucks and check the NEWS while I'm there if I sit inside they have air conditioning
Kathy went to the library because they put out donuts and coffee at 10am and I'll try to get her to do a new Kathys Korner when she gets back


Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 27, 2015, 07:35:41 AM
And another thing. It's shit like this that makes me have trust issues. We clearly signed an agreement where I got the mouth, you had the asshole and there was a time-share agreement over the rest. And now you're trying to slide out of it, you treacherous, welshing fat bastard.

It's not Falkie's fault.  Falkie only has two moving parts, his mouth and his rectum and they're interchangeable.  He really doesn't know the difference between the two so he's not always sure which end of Kathy he's looking at.


Falkie's channel is really taking off!  His first report on the shooting yesterday has over 2,000 views!

Don't let this momentum slip away, Falkie.  Turn that hovel of yours into a 24/7 news station and watch the money roll in!


I wanted to do some gifs, but the new angle requires you to look at Falkie's 17 chins all the time. Get further away from the camera you fat fuck.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 27, 2015, 07:35:41 AM
And another thing. It's shit like this that makes me have trust issues. We clearly signed an agreement where I got the mouth, you had the asshole and there was a time-share agreement over the rest. And now you're trying to slide out of it, you treacherous, welshing fat bastard.

I want my fucking money back. And the gimp suit. CLEAN this time, don't just run it under the tap.

Wow, was mayo included in the deal?

Quote from: SnapT on August 27, 2015, 12:21:11 PM
Falkie's channel is really taking off!  His first report on the shooting yesterday has over 2,000 views!

That's misleading.  The video is about something of immediate topical interest.  It may be coming up in searches, and people are clicking on it to discover what that fat tub of goo is that's shown in the window.  Or it may be autoplayed as a related video as the "next selection" feature.

The important parameter is engagement -- how many viewers watch the whole video, and how many bail out along the way.  YouYube has some tools to report this, but only Falkie can use them for his videos.  It's fairly clear from the comments here and elsewhere that Falkie isn't getting any attention in a good way.  The primary reactions seem to be disgust, revulsion, and scorn.  Just like everywhere else he goes.  If the engagement isn't there, the money won't be, either.


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on August 27, 2015, 05:03:58 PM
That's misleading.  The video is about something of immediate topical interest.

That's why it's so popular!  You think BuzzFeed gets 175 million visitors a month because their writers are so very talented?

Falkie can certainly up his game, but as of now the hilarious way he presents himself as he delivers breaking news is a SELLING POINT.

Quote from: SnapT on August 27, 2015, 05:07:13 PM
That's why it's so popular!  You think BuzzFeed gets 175 million visitors a month because their writers are so very talented?

I hear what you're saying, but this is Falkie we're talking about.  He always gets it wrong.

Take, for example, these new upskirt videos that he's been posting.  All I see is the underside of Falkie's face boobs, and never a shot of the chick.  A waste of a perfectly good erection, in my case.

Quote from: SnapT on August 27, 2015, 05:07:13 PM
Falkie can certainly up his game,

Gee, do ya think so?


Quote from: Falkie2013 on August 27, 2015, 12:51:35 AM
Kathy had an operation years ago so as to never have children.

Kathy was spayed?  Do you remember the name of the veterinarian?


Quote from: Who on August 27, 2015, 07:44:09 PM
Kathy was spayed?  Do you remember the name of the veterinarian?
She should return the favor to mankind and wait till Falkie falls asleep and slip a tight rubber band around his grapes so when he wakes up they will be shriveled up beyond repair and the Falkie lineage will finally be over.

Quote from: akwilly on August 27, 2015, 07:47:41 PM
She should return the favor to mankind and wait till Falkie falls asleep and slip a tight rubber band around his grapes so when he wakes up they will be shriveled up beyond repair and the Falkie lineage will finally be over.

My guess is he's probably shooting blanks.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 27, 2015, 08:00:59 PM
My guess is he's probably shooting blanks.
Well I'm no doctor but one would think that his fat pad would be a nice incubator to keep his swimmers safe and happy, kind of like a kangaroo pouch for his jiz.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on August 27, 2015, 12:51:35 AM
As Usual shred it not enough,shows his true idiocy.
Kathy had an operation years ago so as to never have children.
Sorry to disappoint him.
And I was in contact with Tom Danhauser tonight who called ME on the phone and gave me an update on things in general.
The new show is still making rounds at the networks and Tom and George will be looking at today's videos by me soon.
I will start using my tripod instead of propping the Ipad up on my desk just so you won't get any more fantasies about nasal osculation, Shred it not enough.
And Kathy is mine not yours, you pestilent pusbag.
You have no idea how relieved we are to hear that.  Was it state ordered?

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Who on August 27, 2015, 07:44:09 PM
Kathy was spayed?  Do you remember the name of the veterinarian?
Like I said she was fixed not to spawn a falkiette or falkie jr.
I think that Dr. Pol guy, he had his son do it, he was busy birthing a cow. No anesthetic m

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: akwilly on August 27, 2015, 07:47:41 PM
She should return the favor to mankind and wait till Falkie falls asleep and slip a tight rubber band around his grapes so when he wakes up they will be shriveled up beyond repair and the Falkie lineage will finally be over.

Are you kiddie? It's been over for years. His "boys" are such lazy swimmers, the fat fucking shitheads of jizz cells, they are looking for gov't help too!!!


So if Falkie can get some of sweet Kathy does that also make him a "horse whisperer?"


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on August 27, 2015, 05:13:20 PM

A waste of a perfectly good erection.

I am pretty sure that line was copyrighted by Falkie's dad.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 28, 2015, 06:56:20 AM
I am pretty sure that line was copyrighted by Falkie's dad.

Maybe Falkie's new moniker should be The Wasted Erection from Pittsburgh (TM).


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 28, 2015, 08:17:37 AM
Maybe Falkie's new moniker should be The Wasted Erection from Pittsburgh(TM).

Hey you! It didn't escape my notice (although it escaped Falkie's, surprise, surprise), that he was getting angry at the wrong person the other day. All that dirty talk about me impregnating Sweet Lady Katherine was all your bloody idea, I had nothing to do with it, I just played along.

And I get called a pestilent pusbag!! Talk about collateral damage!

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 28, 2015, 08:24:26 AM
Hey you! It didn't escape my notice (although it escaped Falkie's, surprise, surprise), that he was getting angry at the wrong person the other day. All that dirty talk about me impregnating Sweet Lady Katherine was all your bloody idea, I had nothing to do with it, I just played along.

And I get called a pestilent pusbag!! Talk about collateral damage!

Hahaha! I noticed that. I write some sweet romance between you and the lovely Ms. K into the script and you get the black eye! Works for me!


Falkie is a fucking slug

Sitting there in his chair as he strokes his chub

Watch him as he explodes and swallows his own cum

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: SnapT on August 26, 2015, 09:48:57 AM


What a douche-nozzle.  The shooter in dirty harry, which one...you fucking idiot!?

Justin tells you that you have to report on this...so you jump into the plane and fly out there to get stories, reactions etc? DC is a 4 hr drive dimwit. Your idea of reporting is crawling out of bed watching tv, and scaning the unternet, reposting others work along with your bullshit no one cares what you think opinions.  Wow what a fucking journalist!

When, where and for how long did this dickhead, supposedly go to military school? HA! Anyone know? That's a new one for me. Surely it didn't last long and mommy must have taken him out. I am sure that if he stayed he'd have been the greatest general of all time. He evn talked with the ghost of Patton. BTW...Patton has been quoted for making many statements and pearls of wisdom, but as SLOB-O lists one, " don't let your enemy pick thebground for battle" or something like that as a qoute for Patton...I have never seen it atributed to Patton, you nit wit. It was a comment made from the generals of ancient Rome over 2000 yrs ago. Go read some books Slobbie. You can't get very accurate history from Hollywood you lazy stupid dope.


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