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Art Bell Quits Dark Matter

Started by DesertFox, November 01, 2013, 08:13:24 AM


I have over 1400 classic shows in my Art Bell collection. It amounts to 160.8 days of listening if listened back to back 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If I listen 24/7 from now until the end of the NC I will have listened to the entire collection 3.8 times.

It's going to be a long wait but I will be there at the end ready to rage through the night once again.


Quote from: AppealPlay on November 24, 2013, 12:41:06 AM
I almost feel like Art should just stream a show from his website and let SiriusXM sue him.  I know he has repeatedly said that he would honor his non compete agreement but...fuck it.  Lawyer up and wait for the lawsuit.

Would you like to pay the damages and court costs?


So will ArtBellCon 2014 be held in Las Vegas or Pahrump?


Quote from: jazmunda on November 24, 2013, 12:44:01 AM
Would you like to pay the damages and court costs?

I'd like to see a lawyer's take on it.  Why possible damages could SiriusXM claim for a simple podcast?

Uncle Duke

Quote from: jazmunda on November 24, 2013, 12:44:01 AM
Would you like to pay the damages and court costs?

No need.  Enough people here have offered to donate to cover Art's legal cost to foot those damages/costs, and seemingly have enough left over to buy Falkie a new car and two pair of glasses.


Quote from: Uncle Duke on November 24, 2013, 12:50:57 AM
No need.  Enough people here have offered to donate to cover Art's legal cost to foot those damages/costs, and seemingly have enough left over to buy Falkie a new car and two pair of glasses.

Just make sure it's NOT Tommy's pedal car.


Quote from: Uncle Duke on November 24, 2013, 12:50:57 AM
No need.  Enough people here have offered to donate to cover Art's legal cost to foot those damages/costs, and seemingly have enough left over to buy Falkie a new car and two pair of glasses.

I didn't realise the money was also going to The Falkie Glasses Fund. Count me in. ;)

Quote from: jazmunda on November 24, 2013, 12:54:46 AM
I didn't realise the money was also going to The Falkie Glasses Fund. Count me in. ;)

What happened to Falkie's glasses?

Quote from: AppealPlay on November 24, 2013, 12:41:06 AM
I almost feel like Art should just stream a show from his website and let SiriusXM sue him.  I know he has repeatedly said that he would honor his non compete agreement but...fuck it.  Lawyer up and wait for the lawsuit.

Sirius has been to court plenty of times saying they are not a streaming internet service (so they don't have to pay the same royalties as things like Pandora--Sirius pays far less). Lets see if what goes around comes around.

Uncle Duke

Quote from: jazmunda on November 24, 2013, 12:54:46 AM
I didn't realise the money was also going to The Falkie Glasses Fund. Count me in. ;)

Please make sure the dollars you send have pictures of dead Presidents, not a live Queen.


Quote from: AppealPlay on November 24, 2013, 12:41:06 AM
I almost feel like Art should just stream a show from his website and let SiriusXM sue him.  I know he has repeatedly said that he would honor his non compete agreement but...fuck it.  Lawyer up and wait for the lawsuit.

You're talking about playing baseball with another man's bat.  You want to make plans for YOU, but on ART'S dime.  We can ASK Art to do that, but asking him to jump off a bridge is about as reasonable.  It's not right for any of us to make plans for another of us.  Each man lives HIS life.  Art is living HIS LIFE.  We aren't in his head.  We have little idea of what he's really been through, nor how things are.

Yes, I'd love to see him defy SXM, but not if it means some real detriment to him and his family.  Art doesn't live his life for me, he lives his life for him.  People need to wake up to that fact, and cease presuming to think they have a right to plan out Art's life for him.  You don't own him, that was Premier's and SXM's mistake, they thought they owned him.  The ONLY persons that lay claim to Art are his family, if anyone does.  I think Art should consult with his dear wife as I do with MY wife, my woman has uncanny wisdom, it's the unique Filipino skill of seeing past all the nonsense (but yes, she's also superstitious, so go figure?)

Art, don't torture yourself with people here that think they have a right to lay claim to YOUR life.  It's YOUR life, don't let the babblers here cloud your best judgement!


To celebrate tonight's events, I have made a picture:



Quote from: Textor on November 24, 2013, 01:03:27 AM
To celebrate tonight's events, I have made a picture:


It's takes skill to wield a sword and hold a cigarette at the same time.  Props, Mr. Trollslayer.

The cigarette is so he can cauterize the bloody stumps so they don't regrow.


Quote from: Danger!UFO on November 24, 2013, 12:37:40 AM
Oh, yeah! You shoulda been here. Troll battles! Saddle up!

I use to record Art's shows on VHS tape. Listening (and transferring to DVD) a open lines show right now..."monster lines" I think. The old promos for the show are great. Classic show.

There were many weakly armed trolls indeed. In the midst of it all some new guy showed up vowing NOT to be a troll.  He seemed nice.  *wink wink nudge nudge* Thanks for the kind welcomes.  I bid you all goodnight!


Quote from: littlechris on November 23, 2013, 11:26:17 PM
Well when someone insults and disrespects the person that this website is based on by saying shit like "I think had you used the same lawyers who drew up your Pre Nup for your rent-a-wife". Then I think we need a moderator to banish these people from posting on the board. Do you NOT agree??

Yes, I do not agree.

May I suggest that you let the person who owns the forum and pays the bills run it as they see fit. If you feel that a post/member is so out of order report it, not scream to us ad nauseam.

Art is an adult he is just one of us no better or worse, he can pick and choose who/how he wants to interact here or not interact here, just like anyone else. This forum was here before Art or Dave were posting here, and did okay.

Don't like how things are ran around here feel free to start your own forum, and pay for it's bandwidth every month, and mod as you please.
           Thanks for your time.

I remember one of my first jobs with real people, two guys I worked with had a knock-down drag out fight in the parking lot over one guy continually calling the other guy's wife "the War Bride."


Quote from: (Redacted) on November 23, 2013, 11:33:42 PM
I find it amazing that Art talks to us at all.  *ducking & running*

Maybe he isn't, it could be Asia yanking our chains.  :D


What I am curious is, well, Art has expressed his displeasure with Noory's lack of skill and professionalism, but what is Art's opinion of that other guy, the lunatic, John *B* Wells (that middle initial thing is a sure sign of inflated ego).  Wells might think he has a woofer voice, and that he's oh so slick, but he's also half a bubble off and frankly, a worse interviewer than Noory, neither of them ask good enough questions and can't lead a show in a good enough direction, though Wells does get credit for prepping for shows better than Noory, but Well's is a paranoid android.  He recently came unglued from an email I wrote to him, and when I said that we had enough wingnuts on the air already, he went on a sort of ramble on the radio about being called one, making little sense with his statement.

Neither man has the skill and character that Art seems to have.  Sure, Noory HAS stuck with things, but Noory doesn't stand up to or challenge guests or callers, Noory pussy foots around, and Wells blames every aspect of life on a grand conspiracy instead of what life really is: just a huge clusterfuck.

Art, if you are unhappy (using mild words here) with Noory's treatment of the show, how do you sleep at night with this Wells character doing even worse damage?  Punnet (I really miss him) was at least intelligent and challenged guests, and had good topics.  Knapp is alright too.  But they can't do the show.

My BIL went searching for other shows online that are paranormal and he told me there's a number of them.  But, Art has a special skill.  It's like me with photonics, I'm good at it.  We all have something we're good at, Maybe Noory and Wells can start doing what they ARE good at instead of ruining radio.


Quote from: Catsmile on November 24, 2013, 01:14:39 AM
Yes, I do not agree.

May I suggest that you let the person who owns the forum and pays the bills run it as they see fit. If you feel that a post/member is so out of order report it, not scream to us ad nauseam.

Art is an adult he is just one of us no better or worse, he can pick and choose who/how he wants to interact here or not interact here, just like anyone else. This forum was here before Art or Dave were posting here, and did okay.

Don't like how things are ran around here feel free to start your own forum, and pay for it's bandwidth every month, and mod as you please.
           Thanks for your time.

Ill definitly address you on this later. But Im not in the mood right now.
I have other things on my mind.


Quote from: laserjock on November 24, 2013, 01:22:37 AM
Wells might think he has a woofer voice, and that he's oh so slick, but he's also half a bubble off and frankly, a worse interviewer than Noory, neither of them ask good enough questions and can't lead a show in a good enough direction, though Wells does get credit for prepping for shows better than Noory, but Well's is a paranoid android.  He recently came unglued from an email I wrote to him, and when I said that we had enough wingnuts on the air already, he went on a sort of ramble on the radio about being called one, making little sense with his statement.

I think, to be fair to Mr. Wells, he doesn't host the show 5 days a week like Noory does. If Wells was hosting 5 days a week and Noory was once a week, I'm sure Art would be as displeased with Wells as he is with Noory, and probably ignore Dave like he does Wells.



Quote from: Art Bell on November 23, 2013, 11:41:15 PM
It's ok, trust me I can take care of myself. I have dealt with wack jobs like that
for Years.


You even interviewed some of them on air. :D


Yes, of course, but Wells IS on nearly twice a week, and sometimes more than that.  Wells is abusing the show to push a bizarre agenda he has.  He's the ONLY host to push an agenda, sure, Noory has the afterlife obsession, but it's not an agenda.  The paranoid android just might take over the show, remember, the underlings that suck the boss's pricks are the first to knife the boss in the back (Wells used to say Noory was his ship's captain).  Sorry to be crude, but Wells' disingenuous sucking up to Noory is so patently patronizing.  Noory is a bit of a dope, but Wells is just a mad man.  A paranoid android.


Quote from: Catsmile on November 24, 2013, 01:14:39 AM
Yes, I do not agree.

May I suggest that you let the person who owns the forum and pays the bills run it as they see fit. If you feel that a post/member is so out of order report it, not scream to us ad nauseam.

Art is an adult he is just one of us no better or worse, he can pick and choose who/how he wants to interact here or not interact here, just like anyone else. This forum was here before Art or Dave were posting here, and did okay.

Don't like how things are ran around here feel free to start your own forum, and pay for it's bandwidth every month, and mod as you please.
           Thanks for your time.

Yes, but isn't this a Art Bell Fan Forum? Was I mislead when I recently joined?

Wow. Art and Dave can just go away long with the other newbies. Really?

There's enough hate in the world as it is. It's sad to see it here on a fan site. It's bad to ask the mods to stop the hate and agitation?

Damn, I'm a newbie.

Are we not men? (see Akron,Ohio)




My random number was Post number 6451 between 1-18929 (post# at the time so you'll have to be current and try to keep up it's a little difficult....go there now and quote it...add to it...

Quote from: The General on November 07, 2013, 10:48:27 PM
God. Damn.


Quote from: guildnavigator on November 24, 2013, 12:56:32 AM
What happened to Falkie's glasses?

Falkie broke them and is wearing another pair of broken glasses. Next week Lenscrafters will be prescribing me a new pair of glasses for free. I just have to take the prescription in. They do this every year for people who can't afford glasses.

But in the meantime, I discovered this lost segment from Art " Free Me " Bell's NOT ANY MORE DARK MATTER and present it here for the first time anywhere.

Here JC Snebster calls Art and complains about the trolls attacking Art on Bellgab.


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