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Art Bell Quits Dark Matter

Started by DesertFox, November 01, 2013, 08:13:24 AM


Quote from: littlechris on November 24, 2013, 05:09:53 PM
I agree, i prefer the ANGRY Falkie, but yeah his channel is cool and is geting better.

Me, angry ?

Not really. I just calls 'em like I see 'em.

If Noory weren't such a liar and an idiot, he might be almost likeable.

And I'm not angry at Art anymore, though I am furious at Noory, Premrat and Sirius for how they got Noory on Sirius.

I thought it was a horrid and tactless thing to do.

If anyone knows how I would contact the rights holders of ABBA and Dancing Queen, I'd consider doing a parody featuring $noory.

Hmm, wondering why there isn't a dancing KING ?

And now AB sings his cover version of Dancing Queen ...

Someone send me some of those cucumbers in the video on my video. I prefer to eat them rather than put them on my eyes.

For one thing it would make it hard for me to see although ... hmm, Noory and cucumbers ...


Hey, I'm advocating for a paranormal convention sponsored by Art Bell and his people, not Bellgab.

I think that's were the confusion and naysaying is coming from.

Such a convention would have to be legitimately hosted by reputable organizers.

For us, here on this forum to be the organizers, I hate to say it...but we're fanboys, fangirls and some stupid trolls. I don't think we'd be very viable organizers.

Maybe MV, though.

Since Art and Paul and probably Keith are reading this particular thread, this is were I'm posting ideas. Maybe they'll read them, get motivated, get creative and give a Art Bell's Dark Matter Convention some consideration.


not seeing dark dip shit in member list ,must have bailed .


Quote from: ThruTarmac on November 24, 2013, 05:39:23 PM
Hey, I'm advocating for a paranormal convention sponsored by Art Bell and his people, not Bellgab.

I think that's were the confusion and naysaying is coming from.

Such a convention would have to be legitimately hosted by reputable organizers.

For us, here on this forum to be the organizers, I hate to say it...but we're fanboys, fangirls and some stupid trolls. I don't think we'd be very viable organizers.

Maybe MV, though.

Since Art and Paul and probably Keith are reading this particular thread, this is were I'm posting ideas. Maybe they'll read them, get motivated, get creative and give a Art Bell's Dark Matter Convention some consideration.

I know the organizer of the Bay Area UFO Expo and Conspiracy Con. Just sent him an email asking him if he'd like to coordinate the event. Get back to you on that.


Quote from: retired41 on November 24, 2013, 05:45:38 PM
not seeing dark dip shit in member list ,must have bailed .

More likely got the boot. :)

Quote from: ThruTarmac on November 24, 2013, 05:39:23 PM
Hey, I'm advocating for a paranormal convention sponsored by Art Bell and his people, not Bellgab.

I think that's were the confusion and naysaying is coming from.

Such a convention would have to be legitimately hosted by reputable organizers.

For us, here on this forum to be the organizers, I hate to say it...but we're fanboys, fangirls and some stupid trolls. I don't think we'd be very viable organizers.

Maybe MV, though.

Since Art and Paul and probably Keith are reading this particular thread, this is were I'm posting ideas. Maybe they'll read them, get motivated, get creative and give a Art Bell's Dark Matter Convention some consideration.

Good luck.

Quote from: munbeam666 on November 24, 2013, 05:29:00 PM
Yeah, DarkPenguiN was getting pretty out there

I missed this -- was DP (Uh, that sounds word.... I mean Dark Penguin) outed?  Who was he?  Was he someone connected to C2C?


His problem was that he didn't join FortRock's Scorpion Army


What would be really fun is banning the use of our nicknames at Bellcon. You can't reveal who you are on the forum until the end of the convention. That way people will having beers with each other and making friends, and the next they're pulling knives. 


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 24, 2013, 06:06:09 PM
What would be really fun is banning the use of our nicknames at Bellcon. You can't reveal who you are on the forum until the end of the convention. That way people will having beers with each other and making friends, and the next they're pulling knives.

I'd have a hard time disguising myself unless I disguised myself as Tommy, but i don't think Tommy is as tall as me.
I could build a papermache mask and build a papermache convertible to wear but I don't know what I'd do about the glasses unless I get contacts.
Hmm, a fake $noorge and me as Tommy.
Nah, it would never work.
We already have one fake $noorge

Hmm, a costume contest where you come as your favorite C2C guest, host or what you think they look like ?
With prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

I can just see it. 600 guys show up dressed like Tommy or $noorge and a buffet fight breaks out over who looks the most lifelike.
Or in $snory's case ... the opposite.

Jazmunda could show up as the Dark Caller in a kangaroo furry suit.

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Quote from: Falkie2013 on November 24, 2013, 05:46:43 PM
I know the organizer of the Bay Area UFO Expo and Conspiracy Con. Just sent him an email asking him if he'd like to coordinate the event. Get back to you on that.
Hmm how about live podcasts from the convention?


Quote from: Falkie2013 on November 24, 2013, 06:08:59 PM
I'd have a hard time disguising myself unless I disguised myself as Tommy, but i don't think Tommy is as tall as me.
I could build a papermache mask and build a papermache convertible to wear but I don't know what I'd do about the glasses unless I get contacts.
Hmm, a fake $noorge and me as Tommy.
Nah, it would never work.
We already have one fake $noorge

Hmm, a costume contest where you come as your favorite C2C guest, host or what you think they look like ?
With prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

I can just see it. 600 guys show up dressed like Tommy or $noorge and a buffet fight breaks out over who looks the most lifelike.
Or in $snory's case ... the opposite.

You could always try a large moustache.

I'm going as Hoagland.

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 24, 2013, 06:06:09 PM
What would be really fun is banning the use of our nicknames at Bellcon. You can't reveal who you are on the forum until the end of the convention. That way people will having beers with each other and making friends, and the next they're pulling knives.

Well, yeah, but you'd be pretty easy to spot, SciFi... I mean, how many bottle-nosed dolphins in a sailor suit are likely to show up in the desert anyway?


Quote from: Falkie2013 on November 24, 2013, 05:46:43 PM
I know the organizer of the Bay Area UFO Expo and Conspiracy Con. Just sent him an email asking him if he'd like to coordinate the event. Get back to you on that.


You da man!

Quote from: West of the Rockies on November 24, 2013, 06:14:16 PM
Well, yeah, but you'd be pretty easy to spot, SciFi... I mean, how many bottle-nosed dolphins in a sailor suit are likely to show up in the desert anyway?

Escaped from the dolphin show at the Mirage.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 24, 2013, 06:13:25 PM
You could always try a large moustache.

I'm going as Hoagland.

Wouldn't work ? You'd only be allowed to stand in one place at a 19.5 degree angle.
And Hoagie would insist you can only appear as him in Phoenix.


Quote from: West of the Rockies on November 24, 2013, 06:14:16 PM
Well, yeah, but you'd be pretty easy to spot, SciFi... I mean, how many bottle-nosed dolphins in a sailor suit are likely to show up in the desert anyway?

Tommy as Charlie the Tuna and Noory as Turkey of the Sea.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on November 24, 2013, 06:16:53 PM
Escaped from the dolphin show at the Mirage.

For those in the Bay Area, there is an airline that flies out of Stockton. $ 59 to Vegas one way.
I'll have to find out the name from my friend.
I wouldn't mind seeing that walk through aquarium that they have at one of the casinos.

We could do live videocasts too.


Quote from: West of the Rockies on November 24, 2013, 06:14:16 PM
Well, yeah, but you'd be pretty easy to spot, SciFi... I mean, how many bottle-nosed dolphins in a sailor suit are likely to show up in the desert anyway?

Touche! But let's not forget that I'll have a nice hair piece, a jacket in 70's earth tones, a bolo tie and an accutron along with smelling of Brut while I lecture about 19.5 degrees and how I see a face on one of the pizza rolls snacks being served. That might be enough to disguise the underlying porpoise.

There would, however, be a problem if someone were to toss a herring into the air. I wouldn't be able to help myself, I'd have to go for it. But, hell, the real Hoagland might well go for it too. Especially if it were a red herring.

Colorado ESQ

Quote from: Art Bell on November 23, 2013, 07:05:33 PM

At this point it is done, if I can find a way around the NC I will start streaming as
soon as possible, if not I will start the streaming after the NC is over. I did offer
to buy the studio gear so they would not have to come and remove it but they

When I do begin streaming it will be only me, no large company. If I made any
mistake that was it. I should have simply started streaming myself, for that I
do blame myself.



What about a monthly or biweekly stream on the Dark Matter Network where you are interviewed by someone else, a conversation with Art Bell? Since you would not be streaming a show and would be a "guest," this would not seem to violate the noncompete, unless your agreement forbids you from granting interviews during the 2 year period.  This would allow us to maintain contact with you while we wait for your ability to stream unimpeded.

When will the two year noncompete period be complete?


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 24, 2013, 06:23:04 PM
Touche! But let's not forget that I'll have a nice hair piece, a jacket in 70's earth tones, a bolo tie and an accutron along with smelling of Brut while I lecture about 19.5 degrees and how I see a face on one of the pizza rolls snacks being served. That might be enough to disguise the underlying porpoise.

There would, however, be a problem if someone were to toss a herring into the air. I wouldn't be able to help myself, I'd have to go for it. But, hell, the real Hoagland might well go for it too.

I can see it now.
Bobbing for herring.

$ 450 !

For this on ebay.


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Quote from: Falkie2013 on November 24, 2013, 06:23:02 PM
For those in the Bay Area, there is an airline that flies out of Stockton. $ 59 to Vegas one way.

I know they have those bus tours that leave from all the Asian supermarkets that are like $20-40 something round-trip to Vegas

Quote from: Falkie2013 on November 24, 2013, 06:23:02 PM
We could do live videocasts too.

That would be great to squeeze one of those in.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on November 24, 2013, 06:24:56 PM
I can see it now.
Bobbing for herring.

I'm voting for your "Dancing Queen" performance as the best idea so far. Especially if you do it dressed as Noory in the style of Elvis. I'm totally up for providing background vocals.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on November 24, 2013, 06:28:54 PM
I know they have those bus tours that leave from all the Asian supermarkets that are like $20-40 something round-trip to Vegas

I once rode on Greyhound on a bus with my Mother. Took 18 hours to get to SF because they stopped at every small town to pick up/drop off passengers or get packages. Never again.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on November 24, 2013, 06:30:35 PM
I once rode on Greyhound on a bus with my Mother. Took 18 hours to get to SF because they stopped at every small town to pick up/drop off passengers or get packages. Never again.

The casinos subsidize these buses-they take the money to the casino ASAP.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on November 24, 2013, 06:35:21 PM
The casinos subsidize these buses-they take the money to the casino ASAP.

Short distance bus travel is one thing. But my knee would never take 18 hours on a bus.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 24, 2013, 06:29:27 PM
I'm voting for your "Dancing Queen" performance as the best idea so far. Especially if you do it dressed as Noory in the style of Elvis. I'm totally up for providing background vocals.

I thought of another idea that might be easier for me to find a costume that would fit and would be appropriate considering both the season.

Me, as Noory as the Grinch singing about how he stole Art's channel and screwed over Art's fans.

I found this video and thought it would perfect to do a parody on Noory if Moby would allow it.


And I'm probably the only person who liked the 3 Amigos.

" Videocast like the wind. "


" Oh, no. You've just shot the invisible Tommy. "

And of course I would also appear somewhere as El Guapo or maybe do one as the Dos Equis guy as Noory.

" I don't broadcast much but when I do I suck with Dos Carnavoora. "


Quote from: guildnavigator on November 24, 2013, 04:08:54 PM
Attending a gathering with members of this forum? A few years ago, that sounded like a bad idea. Now it sounds even worse. There are too many people here who are mentally off, in a way that is frightfully disconcerting. There are more people on this forum that hate each other's guts than not. Yeah, sure lets all get into a room together.

Another thing, what the hell are you going to do at this convention? Talk about the shows that aren't on?! Buy old books? Go type "Art Bell" into ebay, there ain't shit. You couldn't fill a small table with collectible items to buy, so that's out. I guess you could print some convention shirts, and sell those. Who's going to pay for the guests' lodging and appearance fees?

And who is going to pay these "producers" to set this stuff up, anyways? And who gets  the profits from this thing?

Good luck, I mean it, but I'll be avoiding it like the plague and watching for the news stories the next morning. Hell, Art Bell can't even come on here without getting into it with a random asshole.

Hey I'm just pitching ideas hoping that Art and his people or some talented BellGabbers would run with it. I'd hope the organizers would turn a nice profit from the event. Non of this means a thing if Art doesn't get behind it.

If you had the time and the funds would you have any interest in attending an Art Bell Roast?
Special Guests retelling entertaining stories of Art's many broadcasting great gigs.

MV or someone could be the Master of Ceremonies. Falkie doing YouTube uploads.

I'd make it a fun few days in Vegas, rent a huge suite and party like its 1995, drinks on me!

Uncle Duke

Quote from: Seraphim27 on November 24, 2013, 04:32:59 PM
Dibs on "Africa" by Toto

I'd call dibs on "Mummers' Dance", but I'd butcher it .

Uncle Duke

Quote from: ThruTarmac on November 24, 2013, 05:39:23 PM
Hey, I'm advocating for a paranormal convention sponsored by Art Bell and his people, not Bellgab.

I think that's were the confusion and naysaying is coming from.

Such a convention would have to be legitimately hosted by reputable organizers.

For us, here on this forum to be the organizers, I hate to say it...but we're fanboys, fangirls and some stupid trolls. I don't think we'd be very viable organizers.

Maybe MV, though.

Since Art and Paul and probably Keith are reading this particular thread, this is were I'm posting ideas. Maybe they'll read them, get motivated, get creative and give a Art Bell's Dark Matter Convention some consideration.

We're about six months from the 50th anniversary of the Lonnie Zamora sighting in Soccoro, NM, maybe the best US UFO case in istory.  Perhaps tie into that? 

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