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The GabCast (A podcast about BellGab)

Started by onan, October 22, 2013, 06:30:19 PM


Listened to GabCast the other day but didn't see this thread.

I thought it was enjoyable. And it'll get better. MV is so good even when the topic of the moment is thin he's still smooth (and humorous). He realizes when he's momentarily adlibbing on thin ice so goes into parody and does voices. Cracks me up! Really, a natural humorist. Maybe a natural for comedy clubs?

MV, if you are self conscious it doesn't show.

The rest of the panel did fine BUT being so new to it you sounded a bit self conscious at times. Voice quality was good. I'm sure that will improve.

One element GabCast has that other podcasts don't is that the theme is BellGab and all the regulars know each other so have some 'skin in the game', an extra hook for listener interest.

Of course, it ain't MV's first rodeo... He always sounds comfortable and professional.

I enjoyed it. Onan sounds like Kevin smith.


Quote from: guildnavigator on November 03, 2013, 08:11:16 PM
Of course, it ain't MV's first rodeo... He always sounds comfortable and professional.

I enjoyed it. Onan sounds like Kevin smith.

Onan IS the Dude.


Is the gabcast going to continue? I sure hope so  ;)


So inlight of Arts ultimatum.

Please MV can't you air the show at a more viable time for us UK listeners? I have to wait until witching hour if I want to call in.

If you don't cave immeadiatly I'm quitting Dark Matter.



Fuckin Love it you "Cocks" I actually Laughed Out Loud!

I'm glad I took a week of work to stay up and find this. Downloaded it. The audio is pretty good throughout. Well done MV.

umm that opening music.. I fell over my penis at that. It's always in the way.


Quote from: ksm32 on November 05, 2013, 03:51:46 AM
Fuckin Love it you "Cocks" I actually Laughed Out Loud!

I'm glad I took a week of work to stay up and find this. Downloaded it. The audio is pretty good throughout. Well done MV.

umm that opening music.. I fell over my penis at that. It's always in the way.

Reading that a day later? Damm the one hour edit window.ugh ::)


I think that you all sounded childish and stoned.  Especially that hippie dude what called at the end.  Think of the children, and the whales, and the kittens.


Quote from: SaucyRossy on November 01, 2013, 09:10:20 PM
When is the next gab cast? Monday?
I haven't had much time to be on bellgab lately so this podcast was hilarious.

Did anyone buy Falkie his radio?

All new Lexus automobiles have sattelite rado from the factory.

He is just going to buy nugg with the $ and drive around in his Lexus listening to DM on his way to the box fan rescue mission


Quote from: aldousburbank on November 06, 2013, 08:26:32 AM
I think that you all sounded childish and stoned.  Especially that hippie dude what called at the end.  Think of the children, and the whales, and the kittens.

You are ruining my DMT experience man.  It's like I'm sleeping, but AWAKE!

Do you realize that the middle word in LIFE is IF?!?!?

MV, why don't you send Art an email and see if he will stream the GabCast through his site? Or perhaps a special GabCast.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on November 07, 2013, 11:22:07 PM
MV, why don't you send Art an email and see if he will stream the GabCast through his site? Or perhaps a special GabCast.

Now THAT is an interesting idea.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on November 07, 2013, 11:30:51 PM
Bateman, you would be good on there too. Take a quick peak now.

Thank yeeeewww. People around here are going to shit bricks when they hear a special something in this weekend's show.


Quote from: williedee on November 04, 2013, 08:19:31 PM
Is the gabcast going to continue? I sure hope so  ;)

our next show will be 11/11 at 7pm central.  visit ufoship.com to listen live.

b_dubb... i hope your mic is better.

and thanks for the nice stuff some of you have said about the show. 


Quote from: El Bee on November 05, 2013, 02:28:59 AM
So inlight of Arts ultimatum.

Please MV can't you air the show at a more viable time for us UK listeners? I have to wait until witching hour if I want to call in.

If you don't cave immeadiatly I'm quitting Dark Matter.


my time is stretched rather thinly these days.  i can only do the show on mondays or tuesdays at 7pm.  any later and i'm spent before the show ends.  any earlier and it's happening in the middle of my work day.  i'd love to be able to do this stuff at a different time.  believe me.


Quote from: DanTSX on November 06, 2013, 08:55:35 AM
in his Lexus listening to DM on his way to the box fan rescue mission

any box fan reference is going to get a laugh out of me.


hey I remember I signed up for an email reminder a couple of months ago on the website to be sent when you were doing a podcast but I haven't received any reminders  :(

Quote from: MV on November 07, 2013, 11:32:48 PM
our next show will be 11/11 at 7pm central.  visit ufoship.com to listen live...

Central time.  What time is it going to start in Tajikistan?


Gabcast page is coming up like this:

Tried the DNS cache thing and it still doesn't come up.  Is it just me or what?


Quote from: saucerlike on November 08, 2013, 03:44:08 PM
Gabcast page is coming up like this:

Tried the DNS cache thing and it still doesn't come up.  Is it just me or what?

Same here, though I've been too lazy to do the cache thing yet and assumed it was that.

Heather Wade

Sweet, I want to call & totally missed the Nooron call-in show.
Woke up dead after the move. 

Will be fun!   8)


MV, if these problems persist I think you should have a hissy fit and cancel the show altogether.


Finished listening to the Gabcast.

Hmm. The fact Noory phoned in - doesn't really impress me.
Consider it very strange timing.

The  disingenuous on his part 'No comment'  - yet then makes one later.

Never been much interested in the feuding issues of Art vs Noory (Don't know that feud is the right term to use), And clueless as to what the off air stuff that goes on is - What the actual reality is.
Or if it is all just great for PR/Ratings purposes.

Not a Noory fan - whatsoever. He is what he is. Which isn't Art. Once Art left Coast so did I.
That Coast still repeats Arts ol shows says a lot and I can only guess how it makes Art feel.

Sure -  Noory may be a 'nice guy' (re podcast call in), but for me it did not reflect well on Noory that he actually thought calling in this week - was APPROPRIATE timing.
He had turned down previous requests for an interview?
Disingenuous with an agenda of his own, or just stupid...What ever motivated the call-in. IMHO reflects poorly on him.
Not to start up a Noory bash - as that does not really interest me - Only joined when this site was once again renamed for Art's program.
just tired of it, whether either of them is oblivious or purposeful in slights - tired of the entire thing. Just want Art back on.

MV - On the podcast you brought up you had posted about the non compete. I had been wondering same thing, and nope, never did see your post on this. Missed it in the 'freak out deluge of postings'. So pasteing it in as I think it is a very valid point. Tho unsure if this is the one you are referring to?
Tho I've now arrived at - what will be will be -- and gettin on with life- and tired of attempting to figure out what is going on:>)

from the Art Bell Quits Dark Matter thread

Quote from: MV on November 04, 2013, 07:53:33 PM
contracts go both ways.  surely sirius/xm is contractually obligated to transmit art's show to listeners, and there is probably legal verbiage about reliability and whatnot.  if art can make a case that sirius/xm is in breach of contract in this regard, then he's legally justified in what he's chosen to do.  you can not deny there were considerable problems with the stream infrastructure provided by siriusxm. 

a guess, but when art mentioned the subscribers who dropped off because of it, he was probably referring largely to those who signed up for the free accounts but did not continue with a full subscription.


yup, i guess that's the post.  i forgot i'd posted that.   :)

I'm going to have to miss the show and download Monday's episode when it's posted later on. I was looking forward to calling in and bitching about things, too.

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