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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?

Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 09, 2015, 03:14:25 AM
I guess I shouldn't also be on the George Noory Sucks thread either. Not edifying to the soul but, dammit, I can't sleep at night very well and Coast is the only thing that's on and, well, the Noories suckage needs to be called to task.

We couldn't live without you, you damned backslider.

You ain't going nowhere.  I hope.

One bone I would like to pick with you, though, my Southern brother.

I was hoping I was the one "responsible for the world drifting away from Christianity."

Now it's this Chris McCann turd who's gone and usurped my position.

What's a Sadeian, village heretic to do in this damned situation?

It passeth all understanding.

I wrote "backbiter" instead of "backslider."

Thank you, Mr. Jack Daniel's.

Quote from: Major Ed Damien on March 09, 2015, 03:26:49 AM

We couldn't live without you, you damned backslider.

You ain't going nowhere.  I hope.

One bone I would like to pick with you, though, my Southern brother.

I was hoping I was the one "responsible for the world drifting away from Christianity."

Now it's this Chris McCann turd who's gone and usurped my position.

What's a Sadeian, village heretic to do in this damned situation?

It passeth all understanding.

LOL.  We'll have to work on that.  Try becoming a fake Christian then you're well on the way.   I'm also a man of the world too. I have two sides. The horny little devil and the goody two-shoes warrior archangel.

I like my de Sade as well.  I think I have almost every movie that's based on his works. Check out Jess Franco's films.  And well, if I was Catholic, I'd probably be excommunicated from the Catholic church because I love nunsploitation flicks.

Yeah, I have a lot to work on before I can enter the kingdom of heaven.

Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 09, 2015, 03:40:56 AM

Yeah, I have a lot to work on before I can enter the kingdom of heaven.

I'd like to work on that.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on March 09, 2015, 03:47:42 AM

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son."

Ya know,, that gives being spanked with a ruler a new meaning altogether

Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 09, 2015, 03:14:25 AM
I guess I shouldn't also be on the George Noory Sucks thread either. Not edifying to the soul but, dammit, I can't sleep at night very well and Coast is the only thing that's on and, well, the Noories suckage needs to be called to task.

  I also must confess that I am very much a man of the world. I have a dirty mind and I love rock 'n'roll.  I can't stand contemporary Christian music.  It's gonna take a looonngg time  for me to change for the better.  I am actively working on that now and I haven't tried in decades.

I'm pretty sure Jesus never said what kind of music a man should listen to.

If someone can post the audio of the dave/ gabber exchange that would be cool

Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 09, 2015, 01:39:08 AM
I've always considered Jesus and God as separate entities. The Trinity...

Yeah, but did George ever find out why Jesus had a Mexican name and report back to thuh lissners?


Quote from: SaucyRossy on March 09, 2015, 02:47:11 AM
Good for him. Good he was paying attention.
well theres a 1st time for everything i suppose

Pam J

Good Lord.  If George were to marry Art Bell, he'd be Dave Bell!!!
That's just nuts!

Pam J

I want to give this a full 24 hours and then I want the names of the wankers that enlarged the image of the nun.  You know who you are so no gobbledygook!


Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 09, 2015, 01:20:33 AM
This idiot says the door to heaven is shut.  Complete bullshit. As long as there is a breath coming from a human being, the door to heaven is open.


Of course this McCloud guy, or whatever the hell his name is, cannot produce a single, solid piece of Scripture that unequivocally supports his bullshit claim. He also conveniently ignores, or is completely unaware of, the numerous Scriptures that contradict his fallible theory:

Jesus guaranteed that whoever came to Him, He would in no way reject (John 6:37). Don't see anything in that verse about May 21, 2011 being the cutoff date...

The Bible also says that there will be a bunch of people who will call out to the Lord (Jesus) and be saved during the signs that accompany the final moments of this age (Joel 2:32).

Then, during the Tribulation, we have the testimony of the Two Witnesses (Revelation 11:3)...

The testimony of the 144,000 sealed Israelites who will "instruct many" for a short while (Revelation 7:1-9, 14:1-4; Daniel 11:33)...

Lastly, there will be an angel dispatched to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation on earth (Revelation 14:6-7).

If the gates of heaven are shut as this moron claims, then what the hell are the Two Witnesses, the 144,000 Hebrew believers, and an angel doing preaching the Gospel--they all have nothing better to do during Tribulation?

He also forgets that many of those who turn to Christ during Tribulation end up martyrs (Revelation 13:15; 20:4).

This dumb asshole is just trying to cut in on the same 15 minutes of fame his predecessor Camping reveled in. Hope he enjoys it while it lasts... before it comes crashing down on his head.


Quote from: Pam J on March 09, 2015, 06:35:08 AM
I want to give this a full 24 hours and then I want the names of the wankers that enlarged the image of the nun.  You know who you are so no gobbledygook!

What? You can make them BIGGER?


I was listening to Paranormal Central last night.  Gonzolez, his idiocy, and his speech impediment were so bad, I switched over to sNoory.  sNoory is much better.  At least he shuts up and lets the guest ramble.

Nick el Ass

Quote from: nooryisawesome on March 09, 2015, 04:24:24 AM
If someone can post the audio of the dave/ gabber exchange that would be cool

Yeah, I can't even find last nights show on the internet(s). I'm not sure if it sucked so bad that no one took the time to mess with it, or what is up with that.


I only heard an hour of McCann's 'interview'. Hilarious stuff. Is he a kissin' cousin of Glynis, perhaps? When the late, great Harold Camping was mentioned, Dave offered this:
'Harold Camping, of course, is no longer with us. He's gone to Thuh Great Outside there. Up there.'

I can only offer that mention of camping put Dave in mind of the great outdoors and the naturist weekends he and Tommee enjoy together. And did Harold head up there before or after God - who increasingly in these scenarios comes across as a spiteful little bitch - hung up the 'Sorry, We're Closed' sign on the Pearly Gates?

Nick el Ass

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on March 09, 2015, 10:26:42 AM

'Harold Camping, of course, is no longer with us. He's gone to Thuh Great Outside there. Up there.'

I hope one day I make it to the great outside there. Up there... and Camping is no where to be seen.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on March 09, 2015, 02:36:48 AM
there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.

And he was a Palestinian Jew.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 09, 2015, 02:46:37 AM
We cannot hope to be as sinless as Christ but the effort is made.

Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 09, 2015, 02:54:43 AM
I hope to read someday that this man is struck dead by lightning or something brutal along those lines.



Quote from: NoMoreNoory on March 09, 2015, 10:26:42 AM
I can only offer that mention of camping put Dave in mind of the great outdoors and the naturist weekends he and Tommee enjoy together. And did Harold head up there before or after God - who increasingly in these scenarios comes across as a spiteful little bitch - hung up the 'Sorry, We're Closed' sign on the Pearly Gates?

After all these years- religion offers me NO answers. The inconsistency and hypocrisy always amuse me.



well, sorry to say, but last night was another show i just couldn't listen to


show was turned off and i listened to podcast

really Dave/?


Quote from: nooryisawesome on March 09, 2015, 04:24:24 AM
If someone can post the audio of the dave/ gabber exchange that would be cool

Here you go. I was listening through TuneIn, so luckily I was able to go back a minute when I heard “gabber”.


Quote from: briantroutman on March 09, 2015, 01:47:04 PM
Here you go. I was listening through TuneIn, so luckily I was able to go back a minute when I heard “gabber”.
Thanks so much for this!  I cross-posted it on Art's thread, and credited you for it.

136 or 142

Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 09, 2015, 03:09:02 AM
LOL.  I'm not a violent man but I despise this type of "Christian" more than any other sect of the human race.  The thing is these people should know better but they continue with their charlatanry.  These people are the bottom-feeders of the human race.  So yeah, I lost my temper.  I know better and I guess I should pray to God to help me with the anger.

1.Then you'd love that anti Vatican 2 Catholic who came on several times a few years ago basically claiming that  no more than a half dozen people would end up in Heaven.

2.I was actually impressed with George last night.  He actually challenged the guest on several occasions.

3.The Beanie Baby guest was great.  It's why  I still listen to Coast to Coast.  A good guest can still rise above George's suckage.

4.I don't know where the  idea of Brian Williams being a liberal comes from. I watched him on Conan a few times years ago and other than finding him to have a huge ego, I couldn't detect any political leanings.

Quote from: MV on March 09, 2015, 10:45:16 AM

I was a bit harsh, MV. I admit it.  We all have our moments. I really couldn't stand the guy.

That kook last night -- Chris McCann -- had a weird way of saying the word "god."

A lot of them do that.

It sounded like "gawwwd" or "gwawd" or "guawed" -- as if they want "awe" and "god" to have a word baby . . . or something.  Hell, I don't know what's in their heads.

But what really frightens me are the ones who start talking backwards.

They'll say "Christ Jesus."

Now that's when you know the real kookery is about to get unwrapped.

136 or 142

If they were talking backwards wouldn't they say:
"Susej Tsirhc"

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