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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



I need a wedding singer.  Does Noory hire himself out to sing? It will be his first hater wedding job.  He can sing the wedding song, and then toast the bride and groom with prune juice, and gift them super prostrate formula and carnivora


IF you really have asked Art to come on the show to give us an update on his life, he refused because he won't sink to being "interviewed" by a bonehead with note cards and no clue.


What I really hate is tonight he said he wanted to get Don Rickles, and Paul Anka, and more musical guests on tap for the show..... George... NO! Boring and OUT OF CONTEXT FOR THIS SHOW. Ive heard him have Marilu Henner on there... Great fine she's got great memory... WHO CARES! George... Not Coast listeners... Keep those singers, and actors off our station....   

Quote from: Ccavsman on July 13, 2013, 02:50:21 AM
What I really hate is tonight he said he wanted to get Don Rickles, and Paul Anka, and more musical guests on tap for the show..... George... NO! Boring and OUT OF CONTEXT FOR THIS SHOW. Ive heard him have Marilu Henner on there... Great fine she's got great memory... WHO CARES! George... Not Coast listeners... Keep those singers, and actors off our station....

What is it with these out of touch celebrities who think everyone wants to listen to their childhood heroes?


Don Rickles? Aliens and ethnic jokes. Good radio..

Quote from: Meanandnasty on July 13, 2013, 02:13:31 AM
I need a wedding singer.  Does Noory hire himself out to sing? It will be his first hater wedding job.  He can sing the wedding song, and then toast the bride and groom with prune juice, and gift them super prostrate formula and carnivora

Tommy has a habit of showing up with George.   Hungry.


What is it with George that he thinks we want to hear it? Thats valuable radio time wasted bringing in musical guests and actors... THIS IS NOT GOOD MORNING AMERICA! Or is it turning into that...


Quote from: coaster on July 13, 2013, 03:03:53 AM
Don Rickles? Aliens and ethnic jokes. Good radio..
I can handle 30 seconds of UFO Phil and the theme song.... As a matter of fact, i love that song! But thats all the further we need to get music, and actors etc. involved. Thank you...


Quote from: Ccavsman on July 13, 2013, 03:14:54 AM
I can handle 30 seconds of UFO Phil and the theme song.... As a matter of fact, i love that song! But thats all the further we need to get music, and actors etc. involved. Thank you...

As a matter of fact... Kill ALL of the bumper music.... Got it all on 8 track IF I REALLY WANT TO HEAR IT. Wow, this would allow more time for valid subject content! Woooow!


Quote from: Immy on July 12, 2013, 11:33:04 PM
I like this spunky Scottish lass...
Quote from: karios8 on July 13, 2013, 02:32:31 AM
IF you really have asked Art to come on the show...
Quote from: nooryisawesome on July 13, 2013, 12:27:25 AM
Quote from: Ccavsman on July 13, 2013, 03:07:12 AM
...valuable radio time wasted...

     Scottish lass Tricia Robertson on life after death.  "Do they [ghost] hang around forever?'  That would be one long study project, Georgie boy.  Bill, the amateur atheist astronomer, called in and had a rather interesting interaction with Robertson, giving his non-mystical view on the afterlife, basing it on string theory and such. I would like to hear from Art as to whether George has indeed ever asked him to come on the show.  And did George reveal one of the other tunes he sang up there in Toronto?  Love You With All of Your Heart?  I'm not familiar with the song, but that title don't sound right.  When is someone gonna put the whole set on youtube?  Sabrina the perpetually depressed transgender confides that she's also a witch, and the "spiritual maturity" caller seemed like he was ready to lay into George if only he had a few more seconds of air time.  Rage, my friend.  Rage against the machine.


Quote from: bateman on July 12, 2013, 07:57:48 PM
Just wait til 1000 ;)

It's my fervent wish that you'll be banned long before then.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on July 12, 2013, 06:32:23 PM
How dare you accuse George of using 3x5 cards!

It's 2013...it's a random sympathetic comment generator on his computer screen.  Of course, Tommo controls the screen content...lest we might hear "Keeerist..what a rack!" while some guest discusses galactic consciousness.  (Apologies to Scully et al in advance.)

Careful, Geezer, we might sic Gloria Allred on you.  8)


Quote from: Meanandnasty on July 13, 2013, 01:57:57 AM
noory just shared that he is going to start a separate website about health care
he is also going to read one minute vignettes.
yes, that must be the new feature/surprise he was referring to recently that is coming next month...


During open lines some caller referred to singer Engelbert Humperdink, and Noory said at his recent Toronto event he sang a Humperdink song and that it was his best one.


A caller managed to ask Noory on the air about Art Bell and of course Noory claimed Art won't talk to him and wouldn't do a short interview with him.
Too bad the caller didn't let Noory know about the artbell.com website coming alive recently and the cryptic messages that have appeared there...


It was probly mentioned here but I heard something come out of George's mouth the other night that had me rolling.  Thats a surprise right? not really... I only listen to George for the lulz.  Anyhoooo... Maybe somebody can confirm if this was a recent show or maybe a replay on funky's stream but he totally said
"Get her on tumeric!!"
in an almost yell as a call came to a close.  I believe it was some crazy new age "health" type show where George has idiots come on and tell us that taking vitamins will cure cancer.


Quote from: Ccavsman on July 13, 2013, 02:50:21 AM
What I really hate is tonight he said he wanted to get Don Rickles, and Paul Anka, and more musical guests on tap for the show.....

I'm surprised he didn't "name-drop" his good buddy Pat Boone again. Too bad Lawrence Welk and Mitch Miller have passed on.  Jorch could have really livened up the show.

Sing Along With Mitch (1 of 4)


Quote from: Morgus on July 13, 2013, 01:15:35 AM
Noory is telling another of his old stories now, claiming he had some power to magically heal some guy by putting his hand on his throat with some kind of energy...
George cured my insomnia, so he does have some power.


Quote from: Ccavsman on July 13, 2013, 02:50:21 AM
What I really hate is tonight he said he wanted to get Don Rickles, and Paul Anka, and more musical guests on tap for the show.....
yeah he also is trying to get singer Engelbert Humperdink too...


i'd love to hear Don Rickles take Noory apart.  "Hey Meathead ... I know talking is hard but if you were to get a chimpanzee to turn the pages in your notes for you then you might be able ask a decent question once in a while.  I didn't know hamburger could grow a mustache"

that's the best I got.  but a Don Rickles on a good day would DESTROY Noory

re: Rickles ... see the Mr Warmth: The Don Rickles Project

Quote from: b_dubb on July 13, 2013, 02:37:54 PM
i'd love to hear Don Rickles take Noory apart.  "Hey Meathead ... I know talking is hard but if you were to get a chimpanzee to turn the pages in your notes for you then you might be able ask a decent question once in a while.  I didn't know hamburger could grow a mustache"

that's the best I got.  but a Don Rickles on a good day would DESTROY Noory

re: Rickles ... see the Mr Warmth: The Don Rickles Project

Had to register just to give this a big thumbs up!   Even at almost 90 years of age Rickles
would pound George.   

Can you imagine if he lit into Noory over the Pizza Roll?   I'd sign up for Pay per View just to watch


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on July 13, 2013, 02:56:11 PM
Had to register just to give this a big thumbs up!   Even at almost 90 years of age Rickles
would pound George.   

Can you imagine if he lit into Noory over the Pizza Roll?   I'd sign up for Pay per View just to watch
maybe that's how Gaiam should retool Beyond Belief?  as in ... it's Beyond Belief how bad Noory is.  it would a weekly roast where guests and callers would take turns roasting the fool


Hey Coaster! How arrrre yeewwww?
Just thinking if you were planning a new compendium of Nooryisms, you might want to consider these gems from the top of last night's show, in the 'Heere's What'sh Happaneen' section.

"Two million human caused outdoor air pollution"
"Now a study in science (Science?) suggests waves from the most distant temblers (sic) can cause quakes"
"The notion of actual earthquakes triggering is not new, thermo and volcanic areas"


I just can't take him anymore I was looking forward to last nights guest but it was boring I want the old coast to coast back :'(


Quote from: coaster on July 11, 2013, 06:20:43 PM
I was throwing together some stupid shit that Noory says into a video. I was going to make it several minutes long, but I grew tired of it after listening to Noory for a few hours. I just couldnt take it. Heres a few though.

George Noory's Rambling on Coast to Coast Am

Hysterical!  I can't stop watching it.  Great work, coaster.


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on July 13, 2013, 07:00:32 PM
Hey Coaster! How arrrre yeewwww?
Just thinking if you were planning a new compendium of Nooryisms, you might want to consider these gems from the top of last night's show, in the 'Heere's What'sh Happaneen' section.

"Two million human caused outdoor air pollution"
"Now a study in science (Science?) suggests waves from the most distant temblers (sic) can cause quakes"
"The notion of actual earthquakes triggering is not new, thermo and volcanic areas"

I'm unable to decide if English is sNoory's third or fourth language. It's definitely not his first.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on July 13, 2013, 02:58:37 AM
What is it with these out of touch celebrities who think everyone wants to listen to their childhood heroes?

It's Georgie getting in touch with his failed attempts at becoming a Hollyweird celebrity and Lost Wages crooner. It's unfortunate that he has to take the listening audience along for the boring ride as he drives C2CAM over a precipice.


Okay, I just now heard Noory's throat healing story.  I CALL COMPLETE BULLSHIT.  So this complete zero, Noory, claims to have healed this bartender ( surprise, surprise) of fucking cancer by touching his underpaid  throat on the same week that Art makes his apparent comeback hint.  Noory makes a point of naming the restaurant this poor guy is 'tending at so he can verify the Snoozer's miraculous cure.  If I were tending bar, had a wife and kid at home and some puffy rich guy offered me a thousand bucks to spread this bullshit, I would absolutely do that.  Any one of you who think you are above that, congratulations.  You have never been an underpaid bartender with a wife and kid at home.

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