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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on July 10, 2013, 01:14:13 AM
I have recently come to the conclusion that George plays the exact same music schedule every week...
Quote from: Morgus on July 10, 2013, 01:28:20 AM
yeah thats been observed before...

     Yep.  Occasionally something different slips through, but for the most part it all seems to be on auto pilot.  So there's no thought waisted on bumper music, and George doesn't read the books, and his questions are the same as always, and he doesn't review the news stories for big confusing words...I suppose all the ship's energy goes to making sure all callers are either drunks, or idiots, or both.

Quote from: onan on July 10, 2013, 03:44:47 AM
Or it may be some "hater" saying they are from Pahrump but in reality from anywhere.

     That would be an interesting tactic.  A sort of "soft" protest.  Perhaps ending the call with a "you're a real genius, George" to boot.

Quote from: michio on July 10, 2013, 01:48:22 AM
George "truly" knows how to pick the cream of the crop for his guests and helpful topics, the anti-science dirt bag I've always insisted that he is...

     I tuned out most of what tonight's guest, Reid Lance Rosenthal and Scott Tips, had to say.  I'm sure it was riveting.  George opened the show with a story about a lady who died, and when the doctors got ready to cut her up for organ parts she woke up, walked out of the hospital, and killed herself two years later.  Great.  A fine story that stirs the mind on many levels, but is George now including items in the news segment that occurred years ago?  I guess so.   


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on July 10, 2013, 03:05:06 AM
I noticed that, and have heard others call from Pahrump recently.  It seems they have a disproportionately high percentage of call-ins for such a small town.  It may always be the same person -- I haven't paid enough attention -- but I think the previous one was male.  Frankly I was surprised the screener was letting them through as it may upset George to hear that name.

A few nights ago, a caller came on with his tongue firmly up Joorch's portal: how great he and the show are etc, etc. Joorch lapping it all up. The caller then said he especially enjoyed the Mel's Hole calls. There was an icy cold pause before Joorch said, with a distinct sneer in his voice:
"Oh, well, that was with Art Bell, about a hundred years ago. We tried to get him on again, but the guy had disappeared"
With ten years in the job behind him, it's extraordinary how threatened Noory is by the mere mention of Art.

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on July 10, 2013, 07:42:36 AM
... With ten years in the job behind him, it's extraordinary how threatened Noory is by the mere mention of Art.

George knows he sucks.  How could he not, his inbox must be perpetually full of emails telling him.

He wishes he didn't suck, and likes to pretend he doesn't.  He'd do anything to be good at his jib, to be a star, anything that is except put in some effort.


Its disgusting how Noory (and now Wells) have turned C2C into a platform for fringe right kooks and extremists.  Jerks like Rosenthal were historically relegated to handing out their pamphlets on street corners, but now they get national exposure from PRN and internet blogs. I listened to this alarmist for an hour, and Noory never once asked for a citation or for the stated basis of any of the broad-brush examples of govt seizures Rosenthal presented with no context; "A woman in Michigan had her farm seized because she planted a vegetable garden". Not a peep from Noory except blind affirmation. Callers were mostly those with similar stories that were similarly accepted without question.

If Lyndon LaRouche were alive, he'd be a Noory regular. 

Bigfoot hunter in second half tonight...undoubtedly to be preceded by two hours of either some fringe-right blogger spouting a govt conspiracy or a health quack.
So why do we continue to listen?  Same reason we look at nasty traffic accidents as we pass by.

Quote from: michio on July 10, 2013, 04:59:22 AM
The phone line went dead. The guest was lost. George was lost.  Brain farts ensued. Georgie is now "convinced" that whenever they have these types of "controversial guests" the shadow government, NSA, CIA, FBI, DOD, Illuminati, rabid squirrels, elite ruling class garden gnomes, or some other powerful entity cuts off their conversation with a "kill switch."  ::) Or maybe you're just full of yourself, Georgie.

George doesn't sound convinced to me.  In fact he sounds like he's saying it as an afterthought to build credibility for the guest and his program.  But, I think you already implied that.  I just had to state it directly for my peace of mind :).


Wait, Paper Boy. Are....are you....are you saying....that....that....that George Noory sucks?. Oh my God!!

The show-opening story Valdez mentioned about the woman waking up as she was about to have her organs harvested was bewildering and bears unpicking because it demonstrates The Idiot's inability to tell a story, understand a story, properly research a story or relate to a story as a human being.
Noory presented it as 'an unbelievable story', a simple 'dead woman wakes up' story and told it as though it had just happened. He then quite casually added words to the effect that 'and two years later, she took her own life' and moved on to the next story without further comment.
In fact, this is a far more complicated story. The real issue is medical malpractice, coming to light now because the hospital concerned, St Joseph's in Syracuse NY, has been censured and fined following an investigation.

The original story took place more than three-and-a-half years ago, which Noory failed to mention. Colleen Burns was taken into hospital after a drug overdose and was declared brain dead by doctors who proceeded to prepare to harvest her organs. This in spite of concerns raise by nurses that she had responded to stimulus applied to her feet, appeared to be breathing independently and was moving her lips and tongue. She was in fact only in a drug-induced coma. Doctors decided to give her a sedative (!) and proceed with the operation, at which point, she opened her eyes and left the hospital.

Sixteen months later - and so still more than two years ago - Colleen committed suicide after suffering from severe depression.

So, a far more complicated, difficult and upsetting story than it appeared as presented by Snoory, who went for the garish tabloid headline and ignored the details, the timeline and the human content. For good measure, he managed to slip in a Nooryism, stating that doctors decided to go ahead with the 'almost operation'. Only in the frozen tundra of Noory's head can that make any kind of sense.

Finally, as a Brit in the process of translatlantic relocation who has lived in London these last thirty years and more, I have to comment on the first guest talking about Londoners living in 'hobbit holes' which he typified as 'faceless, nameless cubicles stacked on top of each other.' He had Noory gasping incredulously, but clearly taking what he was being told at face value. I was laughing in disbelief and trying to work out what he was babbling about. Apartment blocks would cover it, I guess, or 'high rise flats' as they would be known in the UK. It is true that people in areas like the East End and the Isle Of Dogs were relocated to new dormer towns on the outskirts of London over the last several decades. The same would be true of other British cities as well. 'Slum clearance' is often what lay behind it, and it has created many problems, and the high rise blocks are not a vision of beauty and are no suburban paradise, but not quite the Orwellian, Stalinesque vision of social programming the guest was spinning.

In America, it seems to me that it is important to halt the process of suburbanization and encourage people to move back into cities. Cities need high-density population to work. Without people, cities simply fall into decline.


Quote from: Juan Cena on July 09, 2013, 01:26:57 AM
Reminds me of how I always wish Art had interviewed Neil Gaiman, who probably knows more about dreams and mythology than any of George's alledeged expert guests combined.
Hell yeah! And AMEN!

Wells' SciFi  Floppapolooza rules him out.

Knapp - I'll bet he doesn't read fiction, at all.

Ian and Neil would of been awesome.

Hell isn't some place with fire and brimstone, it's just a place where there is no Ian.



Lyndon LaRouche is still alive, but really old.


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on July 10, 2013, 10:49:33 AM

The show-opening story Valdez mentioned about the woman waking up as she was about to have her organs harvested was bewildering and bears unpicking because it demonstrates The Idiot's inability to tell a story, understand a story, properly research a story or relate to a story as a human being.
Noory presented it as 'an unbelievable story', a simple 'dead woman wakes up' story and told it as though it had just happened. He then quite casually added words to the effect that 'and two years later, she took her own life' and moved on to the next story without further comment.
In fact, this is a far more complicated story....

Thanks for pointing that out.  I made the mistake of having my radio on when The Nooron stumbled through that lady's unfortunate story. It was another WTF Noory moment when I heard how he closed the story and tripped on to something else.  I immediately clicked-off the radio in disgust.  Noory, the anti-Paul Harvey.  No wonder The Nooron trembles in his shoes every time somebody mentions Art Bell.

If there's a Hall of Shame for radio, Noory's a lock.

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on July 10, 2013, 10:49:33 AM
....The original story took place more than three-and-a-half years ago, which Noory failed to mention. Colleen Burns was taken into hospital after a drug overdose and was declared brain dead by doctors who proceeded to prepare to harvest her organs. This in spite of concerns raise by nurses that she had responded to stimulus applied to her feet, appeared to be breathing independently and was moving her lips and tongue. She was in fact only in a drug-induced coma. Doctors decided to give her a sedative (!) and proceed with the operation, at which point, she opened her eyes and left the hospital.

Sixteen months later - and so still more than two years ago - Colleen committed suicide after suffering from severe depression.....

I'm just impressed Noory's news team read the introductory paragraph of the article rather than only the headline.  At least that beats Steve Quayle who has come on making claims which could have only come from reading a headline and absolutely nothing beyond that (Queen Elizabeth II dissolves Canadian Parliament, for one).  But I agree.  When Noory ended it with "well unfortunately she committed suicide two years later" I was left bewildered at this being read as a current news item.  I'm glad you elaborated on it.

Quote.... the high rise blocks are not a vision of beauty and are no suburban paradise, but not quite the Orwellian, Stalinesque vision of social programming the guest was spinning....

They failed to mention China has a grand plan to move 250 million rural citizens into the empty cities it has been building in order to rebolster its faltering economic growth.  But I guess that would have shown that we actually do have ideologies in the west that prevent that sort of thing.

His warnings were frightening, until you listen closely to find just how much he has spun the facts to support his claim.  I'm not particularly surprised or shocked when the head of the EPA is recruited by another agency focused on conservation.  I believe global warming is a real threat.  I believe food shortages are a real threat.  I believe socialized health care is a good thing in a nation focused on the rights of all humans to a basic quality of life.  I don't believe every measure against global warming and every measure to protect the food supply is an agenda to force everyone into a centrally planned communist setting of living in identical 800 square foot apartments, or that president Obama and his administration are part of an organization enacting each measure to that end.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on July 10, 2013, 11:16:07 AM

.... But I agree.  When Noory ended it with "well unfortunately she committed suicide two years later" I was left bewildered at this being read as a current news item..... 

Of course, this occurred to us as listeners but not to The Nooron.  As usual, Noory was his usual clueless self as he read the story and ending, probably for the first time.  Again, so much for his supposed 8 hours of show prep.  ::)


Quote from: MTB on July 10, 2013, 11:04:14 AM
Lyndon LaRouche is still alive, but really old.
Whoops.  I stand corrected.  He must not be up to appearing, else Noory's bottom trawlers would have signed him up.


Steven Quayle is more full of crap than a port-a-potty at a Lallapalooza concert.


Does anyone have that classic audio of Snoorge getting caught lying about being psychic? It appears to have been removed from Youtube.. His stuttering & scrambling to dump the caller after he's found out was radio gold.

And that's the only time "radio gold" could ever be used to describe a Snoory broadcast.


I was going to upload it to youtube, but I found a another link. I'd rather not deal with copyright issues.



Fucking George Noory. He's ruined radio for me...


Quote from: coaster on July 10, 2013, 10:22:11 PM
I was going to upload it to youtube, but I found a another link. I'd rather not deal with copyright issues.


Hilarious. "Some people are transmitters, other people are receivers" indeed.. Which one are you, and which one is Tommy, George?

analog kid

I haven't tried these but evidently you can easily share videos and other media here and here.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 10, 2013, 08:34:18 AM
George knows he sucks.  How could he not, his inbox must be perpetually full of emails telling him.

He wishes he didn't suck, and likes to pretend he doesn't.  He'd do anything to be good at his jib, to be a star, anything that is except put in some effort.

The guy is such a shallow cheeseball, that I think his vision of success & stardom is different from folks of more substance, like the esteemed members of this board.  We yearn for someone who defines success more like I imagine Art did, e.g. that he was well-prepared, intelligent, articulate, thought-provoking, respectful yet challenging to his guests, etc.  Noory seems to define success more like some phony game show host or hokey musical act that gets attention and fame and money without having to deliver any real depth of experience to his audience.

In any case I think his only hope of improvement would be to travel through one of his cherished portals into parallel universe where they can perform some kind of total brain/personality transplant then send him back as someone with real interviewing talent and the dedication and interest to actually pull off a great show.

I don't believe in chemtrails, but I was listening to this guest and giving him the benefit of the doubt especially with his experience as a meteorologist -- or at least a weatherman.  Most of what he said didn't ring true with me but I still respected his thought and dedication to the subject.  I had to leave for a few minutes during call-ins.  When I came back he was talking about the war between reptilians and humans, how he expects mankind to evolve in the next fifty years, the Annunaki and all sorts of other, erm, unconventional ideas.  I had to listen for a few minutes to make sure it was the same guy.  I think even George's cuckoo meter was going off.


Yeah he got two separate callers who listened to the archon show the other night and I couldnt tell if he just fed the callers some BS to keep georgie from blacklisting him or whether he really believed it himself. Im giving him the benefit of the doubt because the first reptilian caller sounded drunk, dumb and insane...georgies target audience.

Quote from: karios8 on July 11, 2013, 01:37:43 AM
Yeah he got two separate callers who listened to the archon show the other night and I couldnt tell if he just fed the callers some BS to keep georgie from blacklisting him or whether he really believed it himself. Im giving him the benefit of the doubt because the first reptilian caller sounded drunk, dumb and insane...georgies target audience.

It could be.  It did sound a little like he was humouring her at first, but he seemed to go off into left field after that.


Quote from: ItsOver on July 10, 2013, 11:08:49 AM
Noory, the anti-Paul Harvey[size=78%].  [/size]

That is the perfect description.  It has been awhile since I have thought of Harvey.  Perhaps after his news items Noory could update the sign off to something along the lines of "And now you know a small part of the story..."


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on July 11, 2013, 01:04:42 AM
I don't believe in chemtrails...but I still respected his thought and dedication to the subject....reptilians... I think even George's cuckoo meter was going off.

     Both guest were good examples of how attitude and gusto can carry, and rise above, the George Noory treatment.  Scott Stevens sounded a lot like a cheesy Alex Baldwin, bold and certain that evil forces are controlling the weather, and yes, they may be reptilians, because reptilians are always out to kill everyone in sight.  George drew the line when a caller suggested they may be Monsantos Reptilian Nazis.  Oh, come on, George, you can't rule it out.  Cliff Barackman knows bigfoots exist so he doesn't need to prove anything because so many people are seeing them and their footprints and that's enough for him so why can't we all just get along?  Right on, bro.  Cliff mentioned a bigfoot DNA study being done at...Oxford.  And George knew about it.  Yet George has never mentioned it?  Ever?  Not cool.
the bigfoot research committee...at Oxford...University...of course


This time of the year, I often lose the first hour+ of C2C to extra inning ball games so I missed the show last night, and it sounds like some interesting stuff for a change.  I don't mind the game play, but I do get pissed that they insist on a 30-minute recap of the entire game.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on July 11, 2013, 09:06:53 AM
I don't mind the game play, but I do get pissed that they insist on a 30-minute recap of the entire game.

Actually, here it's a four minute recap and twenty-six minutes of cheesy local commercials.


I read in Krypto-News the other day that a group of pissed-off Sasquatch are starting a union this month to collectively fight against Noory.  If the listeners can't make a difference, maybe members of the paranormal will have a better chance.  I also heard that several thousand "shadow rodents" have started a class-action lawsuit against Noory for alleged defamation of character.  The Chupacabras are coming home to roost.

Quote from: valdez on July 11, 2013, 05:17:43 AM

     Both guest were good examples of how attitude and gusto can carry, and rise above, the George Noory treatment.  Scott Stevens sounded a lot like a cheesy Alex Baldwin, bold and certain that evil forces are controlling the weather, and yes, they may be reptilians, because reptilians are always out to kill everyone in sight.  George drew the line when a caller suggested they may be Monsantos Reptilian Nazis.  Oh, come on, George, you can't rule it out.  Cliff Barackman knows bigfoots exist so he doesn't need to prove anything because so many people are seeing them and their footprints and that's enough for him so why can't we all just get along?  Right on, bro.  Cliff mentioned a bigfoot DNA study being done at...Oxford.  And George knew about it.  Yet George has never mentioned it?  Ever?  Not cool.

the bigfoot research committee...at Oxford...University...of course


Quote from: onan on July 10, 2013, 03:44:47 AM

Or it may be some "hater" saying they are from Pahrump but in reality from anywhere.

Anyone who gets through and doesn't say they're from Pahrump is depriving us all of what few minor amusements we can still find in this abyss of suckitude. 

Quote from: VtaGeezer on July 11, 2013, 09:06:53 AM
This time of the year, I often lose the first hour+ of C2C to extra inning ball games so I missed the show last night, and it sounds like some interesting stuff for a change.  I don't mind the game play, but I do get pissed that they insist on a 30-minute recap of the entire game.

I listen to the Dodgers (radio broadcast) and their normal games usually end around 10:30pm. At 10:30pm, C2C is in the middle of 10 minutes of commercials, followed by 15 minutes of commercials at 11pm, so I don't tune in until around 11:15pm or so.

Quote from: valdez on July 11, 2013, 05:17:43 AM

      Cliff Barackman knows bigfoots exist so he doesn't need to prove anything because so many people are seeing them and their footprints and that's enough for him so why can't we all just get along?  Right on, bro.  Cliff mentioned a bigfoot DNA study being done at...Oxford.  And George knew about it.  Yet George has never mentioned it?  Ever?  Not cool.

This segment was entertaining-rock throwing bigfoots, the whooping call of bigfoots, stories of bigfoot children, moose attack survival tips (hint: they can crush your car if you try to hide in there).
The callers were fun too:
"Everyone thinks I am crazy because I see these things"
"Train engineers have lots of bigfoot stories"

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