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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Just a sample.

"Tell me more"
"Do these demons possess people?"
"Did the ancients attempt to contact demons?"
"These uh demons, have they been known to attack people?"
"Is that like the Old Hag Syndrome?"
"Can (random filler) demons enter portals like ouija boards?"
"Can you tell if someone's been demonized?"
"What if they're stuck with this demon?"
"Are there people practicing demonology, you know, people worshipping demons?"

Bush league.  Bush league.


"it is seem that people are acting brain dead." Brilliant.


Quote from: Jambar on July 09, 2013, 01:28:42 AM
Just a sample.

"Tell me more"
"Do these demons possess people?"
"Did the ancients attempt to contact demons?"
"These uh demons, have they been known to attack people?"
"Is that like the Old Hag Syndrome?"
"Can (random filler) demons enter portals like ouija boards?"
"Can you tell if someone's been demonized?"
"What if they're stuck with this demon?"
"Are there people practicing demonology, you know, people worshipping demons?"

Bush league.  Bush league.

Agreed its like he has the same 10 questions. I've heard him ask these questions so many times its just boring. If its UFOs it's a different 10 questions. If its crypto it's a different set of the same 10 questions. Sad there is utterly nothing interesting on Noory anymore. I find myself listening to the missing 411 nights all the time. Paulides is a great story teller along with Knapp.


Quote from: coaster on July 09, 2013, 01:49:55 AM
"it is seem that people are acting brain dead." Brilliant.
Noory would after all be an expert on brain deadness...


He annoyed me to no end when he kept saying "werewolfs".  Werewolves Noory. I did laugh when he asked if Einstein had dreams. He quickly realized how stupid that sounded, and then added "did he dream up his equations?" I honestly think he was drunk tonight.


Quote from: Jambar on July 09, 2013, 01:28:42 AM
"Tell me more"
"Do these demons possess people?"
"Did the ancients attempt to contact demons?"
"These uh demons, have they been known to attack people?"
"Is that like the Old Hag Syndrome?"
"Can (random filler) demons enter portals like ouija boards?"
"Can you tell if someone's been demonized?"
"What if they're stuck with this demon?"
"Are there people practicing demonology, you know, people worshipping demons?"
Quote from: Gd5150 on July 09, 2013, 02:10:54 AM
Agreed its like he has the same 10 questions. I've heard him ask these questions so many times its just boring. If its UFOs it's a different 10 questions. If its crypto it's a different set of the same 10 questions. Sad there is utterly nothing interesting on Noory anymore....

     Amazingly, mind numbingly, boring.  I think I may have heard Rosemary Ellen Guiley say something that almost sounded interesting, but it just slipped away under George's barrage of meaningless, empty, drivel. "Aren't you glad you're an expert on dreams?"  Even Paul Moller's segment on the "skycar" was useless.  And in the "I will read anything for a buck" department, George, pushing something called Prevagen, a memory enhancing something or other, says "think about how important your brain is."  Huh?  What?  How does someone see that line a script and not cross it out with a big black sharpie?  Who performed this lobotomy?

The most awkward part of last night's "program" was when George Noory thought he was being fun and cute by playing the Beatles Happy Birthday.
George is so kind.
He is beyond a kind man.. he is gentle.
His soul is filled with love and beauty.
So he says.
But we all know how mad the stache can get.

Thanks to Rosemary, George has someone talk to the dead for him. He also has someone be an expert on subjects ... in George's world, as the Night Hawk,  he latched on to Rosemary years back.. he knew she could write. Unlike him, she was literate. And then... books and fun.
The least he could do is play a happy birthday song.
Wonder who thought up that fun moment on radio? Tommy...I'd say.
Over a sandwich.

In the mean time.. George thinks up a way to ask his questions in a different way.. ahhh, hell with it,  he says. He just asks them all the same way.
Love grows..

edison lighthouse - Love grows where my rosemary goes


Quote from: Morgus on July 08, 2013, 11:53:25 PM
Noory actually did manage to have a short few minute guest on early in the first hour tonight to mark the Roswell crash anniversary.

Entirely consistent with Joorch's 'Here's What Was Happaneen Yeshtuhday (Stuff You Already Know But I'm Going To Tell You Anyway)' opening to the show.


Oh I listened for awhile. Snoorz is upping his game - I guess...  Anyone hear that convoluted reply, "That has a high probability of being true", in lieu of his usual (lame), "That's true too". 

I know I'm nitpicking. 

OK OK.  I will recall another great moment. After Rosemary explores several pretty deep disturbing subjects, Snoorz probes deeper.  "So what else are you working on; what's next?"  Amazingly, she launched into a completely different subject.  Venus Williams could not have done better.   Boo yah!  Whats next for you Mr. Worker in the Light?


I wish he would eliminate the word "stuff" from his vocabulary.

Quote from: valdez on July 09, 2013, 05:37:19 AM

     Amazingly, mind numbingly, boring.  I think I may have heard Rosemary Ellen Guiley say something that almost sounded interesting,

That was a bad show, and completely on Noory. I've heard RE-G be interesting in the past, and she certainly knows plenty about her eh...subject.  What terrible radio.

Quote from: HorrorReporter on July 09, 2013, 06:07:01 AM
The most awkward part of last night's "program" was when George Noory thought he was being fun and cute by playing the Beatles Happy Birthday.
George is so kind.
He is beyond a kind man.. he is gentle.
His soul is filled with love and beauty.
So he says.
But we all know how mad the stache can get.

Thanks to Rosemary, George has someone talk to the dead for him. He also has someone be an expert on subjects ... in George's world, as the Night Hawk,  he latched on to Rosemary years back.. he knew she could write. Unlike him, she was literate. And then... books and fun.
The least he could do is play a happy birthday song.
Wonder who thought up that fun moment on radio? Tommy...I'd say.
Over a sandwich.

In the mean time.. George thinks up a way to ask his questions in a different way.. ahhh, hell with it,  he says. He just asks them all the same way.
Love grows..

edison lighthouse - Love grows where my rosemary goes

I agree, that bit with the Beatles Happy Birthday song just seemed painful in an extremely awkward, neuron grinding, sort of way.  I'm not sure why exactly.  I wonder of Noory was sweating bullets when he realized how it came off, just waiting for the catch line in the song to play so he could jump in and explain it.


Quote from: Jambar on July 09, 2013, 01:28:42 AM
Just a sample.

"Tell me more"
"Do these demons possess people?"
"Did the ancients attempt to contact demons?"
"These uh demons, have they been known to attack people?"
"Is that like the Old Hag Syndrome?"
"Can (random filler) demons enter portals like ouija boards?"
"Can you tell if someone's been demonized?"
"What if they're stuck with this demon?"
"Are there people practicing demonology, you know, people worshipping demons?"

Bush league.  Bush league.

Jorch's "PremRat Question Formulation Committee":


Quote from: Juan Cena on July 09, 2013, 01:26:57 AM
Reminds me of how I always wish Art had interviewed Neil Gaiman, who probably knows more about dreams and mythology than any of George's alledeged expert guests combined.
Truly that would have been awesome. 

I'd also love to hear a show using the interesting movie Waking Life as a reference point to discuss lucid dreaming, and the nature of dreams & reality in general.


Quote from: sleeplessinca on July 09, 2013, 07:50:19 AM
Oh I listened for awhile. Snoorz is upping his game - I guess...  Anyone hear that convoluted reply, "That has a high probability of being true", in lieu of his usual (lame), "That's true too". 
Noory seems to live in a unviverse where everything is always true, except criticisms of himself.

I have recently come to the conclusion that George plays the exact same music schedule every week, so that midnight, Monday will always be the same song, Wednesday at 11:30 will always be the same, etc.  In other words, you can always tell what day and time it is by what is playing during the break.  Is this common knowledge, or can anyone verify this? 


Quote from: HorrorReporter on July 09, 2013, 06:07:01 AM
The least he could do is play a happy birthday song.
To be fair to Jorche, he would have to pay if he wanted to sing happy birthday to her (I do not know if he would have to pay if he just played a recording of somebody else singing...) 

If you actually want to take a quick look at the class action law suit that might force poor Warner to stop collecting 2 million a year on a song they really do not seem to have a legal claim to, you can follow this link (or you could listen to George tonight instead...) [size=78%]http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/14/news/companies/happy-birthday-lawsuit/[/size]


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on July 10, 2013, 01:14:13 AM
I have recently come to the conclusion that George plays the exact same music schedule every week, so that midnight, Monday will always be the same song, Wednesday at 11:30 will always be the same, etc.  In other words, you can always tell what day and time it is by what is playing during the break.  Is this common knowledge, or can anyone verify this?
yeah thats been observed before, his staff apparently has a regular bumper music schedule especially on Friday nights.
Noory apparently isn't really involved unless he hears a song he doesn't like...


uh-oh, Noory's guest just disappeared mysteriously mid-sentence ...

Quote from: Morgus on July 10, 2013, 01:28:20 AM
yeah thats been observed before, his staff apparently has a regular bumper music schedule especially on Friday nights.
Noory apparently isn't really involved unless he hears a song he doesn't like...

Thanks Morgus.


/rant on
George "truly" knows how to pick the cream of the crop for his guests and helpful topics, the anti-science dirt bag I've always insisted that he is.

"At first glance, this credo may seem "democratic" and somehow related to unfair business competition. What NHF really means, however, is that government should not help scientifically based health care to drive unproven methods out of the marketplace. NHF wants anyone who merely claims to have an effective treatment or product to be allowed to market it without scientific proof that it works."

"The National Health Federation (NHF) is a lobbying group which promotes alternative therapies. The NHF is based in California and describes its mission as protecting individuals' rights to use dietary supplements and alternative therapies without government restriction. The NHF also opposes mainstream public-health measures such as water fluoridation and compulsory childhood vaccines."

Does any of this sound familiar from hearing it before on 'The George Noory Show?' I think this federation of bad medicine is a prescription for sickness, death, quackery, and consumer rip-off, all of which George sNoory is a Premiere supporter.
/rant off

Did the guest just say as some sort of revelation that you're more likely to die if you go to the hospital than if you take a supplement?  So.. I guess it's some sort of medical malpractice if you die after getting rushed to the hospital under cardiac arrest.  Should have just taken a supplement.


Noory had a caller on in the last hour tonight that was in Pahrump, Nevada but interestingly Noory didn't even mention Art Bell with that caller.
You would think he would at least say, a caller in Art Bell's hometown or something.
But he doesn't want to even hear the name Art Bell lately?

Quote from: Morgus on July 10, 2013, 03:00:21 AM
Noory had a caller on in the last hour tonight that was in Pahrump, Nevada but interestingly Noory didn't even mention Art Bell with that caller.
You would think he would at least say, a caller in Art Bell's hometown or something.
But he doesn't want to even hear the name Art Bell lately?

Don't underestimate George's ignorance, or ability to not be aware of what he's reading, or what someone is saying.

I noticed that, and have heard others call from Pahrump recently.  It seems they have a disproportionately high percentage of call-ins for such a small town.  It may always be the same person -- I haven't paid enough attention -- but I think the previous one was male.  Frankly I was surprised the screener was letting them through as it may upset George to hear that name.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on July 10, 2013, 03:05:06 AM
I noticed that, and have heard others call from Pahrump recently.  It seems they have a disproportionately high percentage of call-ins for such a small town.  It may always be the same person -- I haven't paid enough attention -- but I think the previous one was male.  Frankly I was surprised the screener was letting them through as it may upset George to hear that name.

Or it may be some "hater" saying they are from Pahrump but in reality from anywhere.


The phone line went dead. The guest was lost. George was lost.  Brain farts ensued. Georgie is now "convinced" that whenever they have these types of "controversial guests" the shadow government, NSA, CIA, FBI, DOD, Illuminati, rabid squirrels, elite ruling class garden gnomes, or some other powerful entity cuts off their conversation with a "kill switch."  ::) Or maybe you're just full of yourself, Georgie.


Quote from: michio on July 10, 2013, 04:59:22 AMThe phone line went dead. The guest was lost. George was lost.  Brain farts ensued. Georgie is now "convinced" that whenever they have these types of "controversial guests" the shadow government, NSA, CIA, FBI, DOD, Illuminati, rabid squirrels, elite ruling class garden gnomes, or some other powerful entity cuts off their conversation with a "kill switch."...
It's quite common for paranoid schizophrenics to have delusions that they are so uniquely dangerous to shadowy powerful interests that great steps are taken to silence them, while in fact these same schizophrenics are so obsessed with their delusions that they simply cannot be shut up.

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