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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Morgus on July 13, 2013, 05:16:55 AM
A caller managed to ask Noory on the air about Art Bell and of course Noory claimed Art won't talk to him and wouldn't do a short interview with him.
Too bad the caller didn't let Noory know about the artbell.com website coming alive recently and the cryptic messages that have appeared there...

morse code : WANNA   TAKE   A   RIDE?


Thanks, hateaolic, for posting so that I can post something that is not consecutive with my previous drivel. Listening to Snoozy's Friday night show I heard the earnest plea from a caller who appeals to the giant ego of Jesse Ventura to drop his lawsuit against the wife of the most successful sniper in U.S. military history, Chris Kyle over their bar fight ( for chrissakes). Noory says that Ventura made it clear that his  suit is against the ESTATE of Chris Kyle not his wife. As Sardondi might say, "What the fuckity fuck fuck?".  Who does this dumbass think depends on that estate?
I am truly sorry to monopolize the thread tonight.  I am so angry with the absolute assholery of Noory that ... well
I'll give ya'all a break.


Quote from: ziznak on July 13, 2013, 09:22:37 AM
It was probly mentioned here but I heard something come out of George's mouth the other night that had me rolling.  Thats a surprise right? not really... I only listen to George for the lulz.  Anyhoooo... Maybe somebody can confirm if this was a recent show or maybe a replay on funky's stream but he totally said
"Get her on tumeric!!"
in an almost yell as a call came to a close.  I believe it was some crazy new age "health" type show where George has idiots come on and tell us that taking vitamins will cure cancer.
Ziz...why stink up your posts with that ugly avatar?  You're better than that.


Quote from: Morgus on July 13, 2013, 01:53:23 PM
yeah he also is trying to get singer Engelbert Humperdink too...

Engelbert...The PJs and Bathrobe Years???  It would be worth having Humperdinck on C2C just to hear Jorch mangle his name a few times.  I'm sure Noory could come up with some inadvertent "creations" we've never heard.


Quote from: ItsOver on July 14, 2013, 12:48:27 PM

Engelbert...The PJs and Bathrobe Years???  It would be worth having Humperdinck on C2C just to hear Jorch mangle his name a few times.  I'm sure Noory could come up with some inadvertent "creations" we've never heard.
Sweet Fanny Brown! What the hell?! Please, God, tell me he didn't wear that ludicrous outfit to sing "After The Lovin' ".


Now that Noory has revealed himself to be a miracle worker (the bartender throat cancer farrago), and Pope Francis appears to have lowered the bar to just the one attested miracle, can we not begin a campaign to have Noory sanctified?

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on July 14, 2013, 03:23:39 PM
Now that Noory has revealed himself to be a miracle worker (the bartender throat cancer farrago), and Pope Francis appears to have lowered the bar to just the one attested miracle, can we not begin a campaign to have Noory sanctified?

How dare you questions Noory's ability to be a miricale worker. He learned to do this sort of work in the telescope club as a small child.


Quote from: michio on July 13, 2013, 08:58:32 PM
I'm unable to decide if English is sNoory's third or fourth language. It's definitely not his first.

English .592 of his first language.


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on July 14, 2013, 03:23:39 PM
Now that Noory has revealed himself to be a miracle worker (the bartender throat cancer farrago), and Pope Francis appears to have lowered the bar to just the one attested miracle, can we not begin a campaign to have Noory sanctified?

I'm all for it if he would have to remove himself from radio to fulfill his "saintly duties."  Saint Noory, "The Patron Saint of Boobery."


I have read through many posts that he also has an uncanny way of curing insomnia among certain posters on this thread.
St. George of St. Louis and Los Angeles.  There are no coincidences.  He was put here for a reason.  He gravitates between these two heavenly localities spreading great bounty wherever he lights.

anyony want to take a guess on Noory's nexy obviously made up story??

My bet is on how he knew or was part of some excorcism.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on July 14, 2013, 11:55:43 AM
Ziz...why stink up your posts with that ugly avatar?  You're better than that.
so sorry... that avy was a trainwreck radio reference from the last show.  I guess maybe a little too much of an inside joke for the rest of the site. 

I heard some witch call in recently who claimed he put a healing spell on noory during the pizza roll fiasco.  Was that a recent call?  I can't keep track of what show's im listening to anymore between all the streams I connect to.

and nice audio clips coaster!


Quote from: ziznak on July 14, 2013, 07:42:44 PM
I heard some witch call in recently who claimed he put a healing spell on noory during the pizza roll fiasco.  Was that a recent call?  I can't keep track of what show's im listening to anymore between all the streams I connect to.
yeah that was a just a couple nights ago during Friday's open lines.
After hanging up on the caller (a woman who sounded more like a man) Noory responded that the healing spell must have worked after two weeks...

Quote from: Morgus on July 14, 2013, 07:56:23 PM
yeah that was a just a couple nights ago during Friday's open lines.
After hanging up on the caller (a woman who sounded more like a man) Noory responded that the healing spell must have worked after two weeks...

I didn't stay up for that call, but from the posts here it sounds like Sabrina, the TG witch (I use that expression not out of disrespect, but because she has identified herself that way and more importantly it alliterates with Sabrina, the Teenage Witch from the Archie Andrews comic series)... a frequent caller who at times could go head-to-head with Bill from Hartford for her ability to get past the screener on an almost nightly basis.


Quote from: ItsOver on July 14, 2013, 04:37:56 PM

I'm all for it if he would have to remove himself from radio to fulfill his "saintly duties."  Saint Noory, "The Patron Saint of Boobery."

I just do not know if boobery needs a patron Saint at this point.  However, incompetence, mediocrity, and jackassery are all looking for a Saint to call their own.  Could George fill all three openings?  Possibly just the patron Saint of failure?  Think of how many people fail and could pray to another failure who tripped into the right opening at the right time.  If George can do it in his life, he may be able to help others as well...

Quote from: ItsOver on July 14, 2013, 04:37:56 PM

I'm all for it if he would have to remove himself from radio to fulfill his "saintly duties."  Saint Noory, "The Patron Saint of Boobery."

George Noory receives the 2nd Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence.  The first was given to Homer Simpson (to avoid a lawsuit, I think) since he didn't have any concrete skills worthy of distinction either.


George, the Patron Saint of Boo Berry.


Quote from: WOTR on July 14, 2013, 10:27:52 PM
I just do not know if boobery needs a patron Saint at this point.  However, incompetence, mediocrity, and jackassery are all looking for a Saint to call their own.  Could George fill all three openings?  Possibly just the patron Saint of failure?  Think of how many people fail and could pray to another failure who tripped into the right opening at the right time.  If George can do it in his life, he may be able to help others as well...

George is the Patron Saint of people that don't have computers


This isn't' the first time I have heard Jorch mention the throat thing. I swear he told it a few years ago.

Histronic Fop

GN's only miracle is that he still has a job. But I'm sure he has stories of making a blind man walk and how once he cured a ham.


Quote from: popple on July 15, 2013, 12:14:51 AM
This isn't' the first time I have heard Jorch mention the throat thing. I swear he told it a few years ago.

Not only has he told it more than once on Coast, he also writes about it in "Worker In The Light."

No chance he would keep a self-aggrandizing story like that under wraps!  ::)


Quote from: ziznak on July 14, 2013, 07:42:44 PM
so sorry... that avy was a trainwreck radio reference from the last show.  I guess maybe a little too much of an inside joke for the rest of the site....
And so you put up an avatar of...well, let's see who that is. It couldn't be a current teen heartthrob singer, because it looks so incredibly angry gay, and for him to look like that, well, he'd have to be having a very public drug-based nervous breakdown, and we know that couldn't happen. So I'll say...Sinéad O'Connor! From 1994.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 14, 2013, 11:47:43 PMGeorge is the Patron Saint of people that don't have computers.
...and who chose to eat supper at the 7-11.


Quote from: WOTR on July 14, 2013, 10:27:52 PM
I just do not know if boobery needs a patron Saint at this point.  However, incompetence, mediocrity, and jackassery are all looking for a Saint to call their own.  Could George fill all three openings?  Possibly just the patron Saint of failure?  Think of how many people fail and could pray to another failure who tripped into the right opening at the right time.  If George can do it in his life, he may be able to help others as well...

From the Urban Dictionary.

Boobery:  As defined by being boob-like; stupid; acting fool-heatedly.

Incompetent boobery:  From the Simpsons, used by Montgomery Burns.  Means a huge mistake due to the persons incomptence or stupidity.

We lost that account because of your incompetent boobery!

Maybe The Patron Saint of Incompetent Boobery covers it. ;)


Quote from: Elinor on July 14, 2013, 10:59:27 PM
George, the Patron Saint of Boo Berry.


Nice work!  Scary how Jorch looks better as a Patron Saint than he does as the King of Rock and Roll.  :o

Uncle Duke

First time poster......

I propose a new drinking game, everytime George says, "Of course...", you take a drink.  You'd be slobbering drunk by  the end of the second hour.

I'm amazed the network people don't "self scout" the C2C programs to fix some of the problems with Noory.  Does he know how many times he says "of course"?  Is there a guest he doesn't ask,  "You never stop, what drives you?"?   When did "good point" become an intellegent response to guests?  For the love of God, do
es anyone affilated with the program not understand how annoying Catherine Austin Fitts is?

The most irritating thing about Noory is just how poorly he prepares for interviews.  I'm actually embarassed for him.  Many of his interviews with intelligent guests come off sounding like the old Bob and Ray routine where the Komono dragon expert is interviewed.  No wonder he likes to have motor-mouth morons like Hoagland and Jones on all the time, all he has to do is ask one question and away they go.

Another listener reaches the breaking point.  Welcome aboard.


So true, absolutely, absolutely true, truly, that could be true, true, could that be true, ......... :P


I had heard that GN was doing an internet TV show but didn't think much about it.
Finally broke down and took a peek.  It's an even more bizarre Goat Screw than I
could have imagined:

Gaiam TV Beyond Belief - Male Plastic Surgery

The Doc hung in there pretty good......

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