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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 23, 2017, 07:03:01 AM
Well, a few things. 

As I posted above, ''not only was ''incidental intelligence'' collected, instead of being redacted and discarded as is standard operating procedure for incidental intelligence collected on an untargeted American during a wiretap, it was instead disseminated among all 17 intelligence agencies''.

Second, if you haven't noticed, for weeks the Fake News Media has been doing everything they could to insist it didn't happen - both to cover for Obama's criminal actions, and as part of their operation to destroy Trump by making him appear unbalanced - and have now pivoted to playing it down and pretending it's normal. 

That it was circulated among all intelligence agencies instead of being redacted and discarded is a big deal.  Why do you think the information ended up being circulated there instead of being discarded?  Imagine if the same had been done to, say, the Obama family.  These are felonies.

The Obama administration was obviously spying on Trump during the campaign and during the transition.  Imagine if it were a Republican president doing this to a Democrat.  Like, you know, Nixon and Watergate.

It seems to me that the practice of labling surreptitiously acquired intelligence as "incidental" would be an excellent way to cover any number of sins.  Who can know what was in the mind of operatives when they set up on a target?  Was it the declared target that they were primarily interested in or was the target chosen because of his connection with, or proximity to, the real party of interest.

As to who ordered the surveillance, I have spent enough time working within and for the federal government to know that the desires of people in control can be communicated to subordinates without the issuance of a spoken or written directive.  I doubt that any recorded evidence exists that will lead to the individual who actually initiated the effort to dig up dirt on Trump under the cover of legal electronic eavesdropping directed against a third party.


Trump Just Signed New Law Making Drug Tests Mandatory For Welfare: Look What Immediately Happened!  3.23.17.



Florida began drug testing for welfare recipients. The law required the recipient to pay for the test, but repaid the fee if the recipient passed. If her or she or one of the other 5000 genders failed the test, benefits would be cut off. Florida spent more money paying for the passed tests than it saved in cut-off benefits. You don't always get what you suspect.


Quote from: Juan on March 23, 2017, 10:13:30 AM
Florida began drug testing for welfare recipients. The law required the recipient to pay for the test, but repaid the fee if the recipient passed. If her or she or one of the other 5000 genders failed the test, benefits would be cut off. Florida spent more money paying for the passed tests than it saved in cut-off benefits. You don't always get what you suspect.

Ah yes, the old "peeing for dollars" scam.


Quote from: Juan on March 23, 2017, 10:13:30 AM
Florida began drug testing for welfare recipients. The law required the recipient to pay for the test, but repaid the fee if the recipient passed. If her or she or one of the other 5000 genders failed the test, benefits would be cut off. Florida spent more money paying for the passed tests than it saved in cut-off benefits. You don't always get what you suspect.

Actually, that's  TOTALLY  what I expected. ;D If you are just looking at dollars, the amount of money to test everybody will have to be more than the people you kicked off the system.

It's something  that sounds great on a rant, but just real bad policy  when you crunch the numbers. BTW stuff like this is why republican  governments  sound like they are cutting  the budget  but in the end of the day  they hardly  ever do.


Quote from: Zetaspeak on March 23, 2017, 10:44:45 AM

Actually, that's  TOTALLY  what I expected. ;D If you are just looking at dollars, the amount of money to test everybody will have to be more than the people you kicked off the system.

It's something  that sounds great on a rant, but just real bad policy  when you crunch the numbers. BTW stuff like this is why republican  governments  sound like they are cutting  the budget  but in the end of the day  they hardly  ever do.
Yeah, we did something similar here for steroids etc in HS football. Went way over budget, never fully implemented, nobody caught, lawsuits aplenty ate up tax-dollars (why football only? Why not all sports? Band counts as sports credit so must test marching band, etc. You profile if you single the guy out who comes back for summer 2 a days with no neck and zits all over his back, etc) I think we finally did a way with it. Now, there is a limited subgroup of people who it would be cheaper to test drug: politicians, judges, even police? Let's see how that goes over in the legislature! Ha.

Quote from: Zetaspeak on March 23, 2017, 10:44:45 AM
... BTW stuff like this is why republican  governments  sound like they are cutting  the budget  but in the end of the day  they hardly  ever do.

That's not why.  In the end, with the Fake News Media in a frenzy, with the only people called to testify before committees being those who favor more handouts, with the only people out marching being those in favor of bigger government, with endless overblown reports of people who would fall through the cracks if cuts were implemented, they lose their nerve and at best vote to cut the increase in the growth rather than make actual real dollar cuts. 

It's the swing voters who decide the outcome of some elections.  They are the ones most susceptible to being swayed by these tactics, and who then are found to be opposed to cuts.  The Ds are always against cuts, enough RINO Republicans won't vote for them either, and enough of the conservative legislators end up doing what they think is prudent in holding onto their seats instead of voting for their principles.

That's what the idea behind the whole term limits thing was - to send the signal they may as well make cuts because they won't be allowed to keep their seats even if they please these people and get their votes.


Quote from: Meister_000 on March 23, 2017, 02:45:48 PM
"Master Negotiator"
My favorite part was watching all the Democrats this morning on C-Span "outraged" that they might be asked to vote on a bill without reading it and pleading "so honestly and heart-felt" about "taking time" to "read and debate the bill." Flashbacks of Obamacare when the same people (some weren't in office yet but the core people were) that "we needed to vote Obamacare through to see it." Classic duplicity. Hopefully this fails because it is still way too much bloat and welfare for people, but we will see. Trump has just about everyone Inside-The-Beltway against him, for different reasons, but a common goal of keep DC large and keep budgets and personnel growing; no matter the situation, political party, or economy.


Trump just gave an interview to Time Magazine.


QuoteI guess, I can’t be doing so badly, because I’m president, and you’re not. You know. Say hello to everybody OK?

What the fuck is his problem?


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 23, 2017, 01:19:09 PM
That's not why.  In the end, with the Fake News Media in a frenzy, with the only people called to testify before committees being those who favor more handouts, with the only people out marching being those in favor of bigger government, with endless overblown reports of people who would fall through the cracks if cuts were implemented, they lose their nerve and at best vote to cut the increase in the growth rather than make actual real dollar cuts. 

It's the swing voters who decide the outcome of some elections.  They are the ones most susceptible to being swayed by these tactics, and who then are found to be opposed to cuts.  The Ds are always against cuts, enough RINO Republicans won't vote for them either, and enough of the conservative legislators end up doing what they think is prudent in holding onto their seats instead of voting for their principles.

That's what the idea behind the whole term limits thing was - to send the signal they may as well make cuts because they won't be allowed to keep their seats even if they please these people and get their votes.

No fake news, just reality. Local, State, and federal I noticed just as much of a bloated budget if a liberal is in, as is a conservative. They just spend money on different things. It's the great George Carlin quote "Have you noticed that your stuff is sh*t, but my sh*t is stuff"

Conservatives have their hang ups they think are important and price isn't important and liberals have their stuff they think is important. Right-wingers love pushing "Tough on Crime" bills that put petty criminals in jail which balloon the budget on enforcement, courts and filling jails.  Just look at federally now, very tough on every department but has no trouble taking any savings and throwing it all in the military without a second thought. Hell majority of Trump supports can't even simply bring themselves to say "Hey you don't have to Florida every freakin weekend" but most can't do it because it's their guy.


Quote from: Zetaspeak on March 23, 2017, 04:28:58 PM
Hell majority of Trump supports can't even simply bring themselves to say "Hey you don't have to Florida every freakin weekend" but most can't do it because it's their guy.

That's probably because DC has made him feel so welcome.  ::)


Quote from: Zetaspeak on March 23, 2017, 04:28:58 PM
No fake news, just reality. Local, State, and federal I noticed just as much of a bloated budget if a liberal is in, as is a conservative. They just spend money on different things. It's the great George Carlin quote "Have you noticed that your stuff is sh*t, but my sh*t is stuff"

Conservatives have their hang ups they think are important and price isn't important and liberals have their stuff they think is important. Right-wingers love pushing "Tough on Crime" bills that put petty criminals in jail which balloon the budget on enforcement, courts and filling jails.  Just look at federally now, very tough on every department but has no trouble taking any savings and throwing it all in the military without a second thought. Hell majority of Trump supports can't even simply bring themselves to say "Hey you don't have to Florida every freakin weekend" but most can't do it because it's their guy.

Are you forgetting Clinton's 1994 Crime Bill?  Democrats are "Tough on Crime" when they see it as being in their best interest politically.



Quote from: JesusJuice💯👌👏 on March 23, 2017, 04:00:59 PM
Trump just gave an interview to Time Magazine.


What the fuck is his problem?

Trump seems to have assumed an overly casual air with the Time reporter who he obviously has known for a while.  He probably didn't expect that the conversation would be printed verbatim and he might have chosen his words more carefully had he known.  He should realize by now that he has no friends in the MSM and that the interview would be cast in the worst possible light.  At this point the bad result is on him.


Quote from: Juan on March 23, 2017, 10:13:30 AM
Florida began drug testing for welfare recipients. The law required the recipient to pay for the test, but repaid the fee if the recipient passed. If her or she or one of the other 5000 genders failed the test, benefits would be cut off. Florida spent more money paying for the passed tests than it saved in cut-off benefits. You don't always get what you suspect.

ah, i see.  i thought those who failed the tests were afforded additional funds to cover illicit drug costs.

Quote from: Zetaspeak on March 23, 2017, 04:28:58 PM
No fake news, just reality. Local, State, and federal I noticed just as much of a bloated budget if a liberal is in, as is a conservative. They just spend money on different things. It's the great George Carlin quote "Have you noticed that your stuff is sh*t, but my sh*t is stuff"

Conservatives have their hang ups they think are important and price isn't important and liberals have their stuff they think is important. Right-wingers love pushing "Tough on Crime" bills that put petty criminals in jail which balloon the budget on enforcement, courts and filling jails.  Just look at federally now, very tough on every department but has trouble taking any savings and throwing it all in the military without a second thought. Hell majority of Trump supports can't even simply bring themselves to say "Hey you don't have to Florida every freakin weekend" but most can't do it because it's their guy.

You're certainly right about the Republican Party DC insiders.  I despise the phony RINO Republicans, in part for the reasons you laid out, although there's so much more to be frustrated about.  I don't really know who they represent or what they plan to do other than just hold power and muddle along.

But when is the last time the Conservatives held either the presidency or the Congress?

Gingrich in the mid-90s.  We got a balanced budget even with Bill Clinton in the White House, and a bunch of able bodied bums off welfare and into the work force.

Reagan in the 80s.  Do you remember him sending up a budget every year, only to have House Speaker Tip O'Neil declare it ''dead on arrival''?  I do.  I wish Reagan could have held stronger on that, but his top priorities were defeating the Soviet Union, restructuring the economy, and rebuilding a military that had been hollowed out by Carter, and had to make trade offs to get those done. 


Quote from: Meister_000 on March 23, 2017, 02:45:48 PM
"Master Negotiator"

Master is ok but I would add a couple different syllables to the end


Quote from: TigerLily on March 24, 2017, 12:06:57 AM
Master is ok but I would add a couple different syllables to the end

Master manipulator


Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 18, 2017, 07:05:29 PM
Jackstar has been around for years now and he didn't play these stupid games that theOne likes to play.

Sir, you are a gentleman and a scho... hey, wait, how do you know?

Quote from: JesusJuice💯👌👏 on March 18, 2017, 07:00:23 PM
Just keep an eye on your boots.

Make sure to leave feedback on eBay.

Quote from: Jackstar ℗ ® © on March 24, 2017, 03:27:34 AM

Sir, you are a gentleman and a scho... hey, wait, how do you know?

I was an observer long before I ever deigned to post.  However, I joined shortly before you did.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 24, 2017, 03:42:27 AM
I was an observer long before I ever deigned to post.

Make sure to leave feedback on eBay.

Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 24, 2017, 03:42:27 AM
However, I joined shortly before you did.

I've never joined.

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