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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: JesusJuice💯👌👏 on March 18, 2017, 06:04:38 PM

He's been doing this multiple identity stuff online since at least 1995. People on other internet forums have had this same conversion about him and wondering which identities are his after they've caught on. He doesn't have an actual agenda. He's just deranged. He's also a boot thief and he sued the social security administration.

I liked some of jackstars trolling but then it always devolves into being mean and spiteful. if he was bobo he needs to do more stuff like that and drop theONE personal attacks bullshit

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: albrecht on March 18, 2017, 05:46:29 PM
What I don't understand is why a billionaire, Hollywood-style, who is under IRS audit, who that does large international financial transactions, and is running for President would be the only person that is exempt from the NSA, GCHQ, etc etc from spying on him.
They admit, or it is leaked, on spying on pretty much everyone else, even some kid playing video games, but, I guess, there is a special "Trump-exemption?"
Note the "right wing" fake-news sources:

Specfically, show the proof that Trump was bugged by GCHQ at Trump tower. Only you and Sean Spicer believes it. Trump just believes whatever he agrees with.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 18, 2017, 05:45:31 PM
Your English is marginal at best --trust me.  If you are trying to be humorous you are failing.  It sounds like you sincerely believe YP is a pedophile.  What you don't seem to understand is that others are using the assertion that he is a pedophile as a rhetorical device and do not believe that he is actually is a pedophile.  It's nothing more than trash talk and everyone seems to know that but you.

Kidnostad3, I know very well that my English is what it is.
I never pretended that my English it above marginal, you don't have to assure me of that, Sir.,
but is good enough for you to comprehend, (at least sometimes) because you failed miserably 
to grasp my point when I was 'returning fire' at YorkshitPuddle suggesting that he is pedo since he was accusing another poster of being a pedo
for posting facts and videos of pedophilia in the Rotten_not_so_GREAT-any_more_BRITAIN. 

You know actually I'm now not so sure that YorkshitPuddle is that innocent, if he was he would not be so vivid in reacting to those pedo videos,
nobody else did, except him.
You know what they say, where there is a smoke there is a fire....?

BTW, perhaps you are not aware of it, but I did talked about the fact that I never=ever learned English
by attending courses or even studying from a book.
I just listen to radio and was reading on my own.
I admit it was a mistake not going to learn proper English, but you know what...fuck it knowing proper English
is not a priority for me.
I'M laughing how some of morons here get triggered (ShittyVashtir) comes to mind when they spot wrong spelled word or luck of coma.

But I tell you this secret, if I was posting posts here and kissing all of your asses you would never comment
or baby-bitch-cry that my English sucks...take Gab from Sweden, his posts are so fucked up that you would puke compared to mine.
Just go to his (Gab from Sweden) threads and try reading it if you never did.
But because he never confronts some assholes here with true challenge his posts are accepted regardless that his English'
sucks donkeys dick compared to mine.

So that shows that your bitching about my English is based on the fact that you are disagreeing with me on my views,
because if I was posting stuff that you agreed with you would never mention or baby cry about my English that sucks.

Simple as that...Sir! 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 18, 2017, 06:04:48 PM
I think the problem is he is remarkably uninformed about the US, yet thinks he knows better than those of us who live here, then goes on to lecture us on the issues we have here while ignoring those of his own country. 

I can see where that might draw some of the posts we've seen.

Its patently obvious I have more knowledge of what goes on in the US. But I have to give way to Trump on being uninformed. He has the intellectual understanding of a toddler with the temperament of a petulant sixth grader. And he never ever takes responsibility. Good luck with that when there is something more critical than his baseless accusations of GCHQ bugging him.

Quote from: albrecht on March 18, 2017, 05:54:53 PM
Credit to aldous for finding this:
The Hawaii judge who ruled against Donald Trump’s Refugee freeze, U.S. District Judge Derrick Kahala Watson, also happens to be a college classmate of Barack Obama....After Watson had ruled against Trump, he and Obama had dinner together at Hawaiian restaurant this week.

So corrupt and not even afraid of the "optics," indeed they flaunt it on social media and take pictures. At least when Bill was negoiating with Lynch at the airport they tried to keep it secret and an "accident."

Judge shopping.  There's a reason these suits were filed in the courts of these specific obscure judges - previously in Washington State and now in Hawaii.  Those filing suits knew in advance how those particular phony judges would rule.

It's also not a coincidence they were filed in the most Left leaning district - the 9th Circuit District Court of Appeals (covering the western states and Hawaii).  Any appeal by the administration would be heard by the 9th, and denied.

The Left doesn't support our Constitution, our system of government, democracy, any of it.  They are happy to use it against us, and are quite clever in doing so.  The Congress should make the case to the American people, and move to impeach and remove these phony judges, and move to deny standing to the Left-wing hate groups that have been playing our judicial system for decades now. 

If any real Americans brought suit on any variety of issues, we would simply be denied standing - but not the Left-wing hate groups - they always seem to have standing.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on March 18, 2017, 06:10:45 PM
Specfically, show the proof that Trump was bugged by GCHQ at Trump tower. Only you and Sean Spicer believes it. Trump just believes whatever he agrees with.
You are missing the point, everyone has been spied upon to some extent or another. That being the case why was Trump, as you claim, exempted from these programs- some of which go back decades? If you cannot provide the documentation that Trump and his staff was specifically exempted from all the various programs than the presumption is that he was also spied upon or monitored at some point. Simply flying to visit one of his overseas projects or transferring that amount of money would place him under some scrutiny and "spying." If they are going to spy on kids playing video games I'm sure they are going to "check in" on a billionaire businessmen with global business connections and projects who also happens to be running for President. Heck, getting a low level job in government they do background checks and "spying." We know he claimed he was under an IRS audit (interesting to see if he still is now. Haha.)

Note the "right wing" fake news websites:
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/may/29/qanda.janeperrone ECHELON
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/06/us-tech-giants-nsa-data PRISM



Quote from: albrecht on March 18, 2017, 05:46:29 PM
What I don't understand is why a billionaire, Hollywood-style, who is under IRS audit, who that does large international financial transactions, and is running for President would be the only person that is exempt from the NSA, GCHQ, etc etc from spying on him.
They admit, or it is leaked, on spying on pretty much everyone else, even some kid playing video games, but, I guess, there is a special "Trump-exemption?"
Note the "right wing" fake-news sources:

As usual you are trying to restore order on this thread by introducing intelligent and cogent commentary.  How long have you had this Don Quixote thing going on.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 18, 2017, 06:15:47 PM
Judge shopping.  There's a reason these suits were filed in the courts of these specific obscure judges - previously in Washington State and now in Hawaii.  Those filing suits knew in advance how those particular phony judges would rule.

It's also not a coincidence they were filed in the most Left leaning district - the 9th Circuit Court District (covering the western states and Hawaii).  Any appeal by the administration would be heard by the 9th, and denied.

The Left doesn't support our Constitution, our system of government, democracy, any of it.  They are happy to use it against us, and are quite clever in doing so.  The Congress should make the case to the American people, and move to impeach and remove these phony judges, and move to deny standing to the Left wing hate groups that have been playing our judicial system for decades now. 

If any real Americans brought suit on any variety of issues, we would simply be denied standing - but not the Left wing hate groups - they always seem to have standing.
Yep, that is the problem with those on the Right or just mainstream, try to stick to the law and have principles. The Left is much more willing to deceive or align themselves with people they don't agree with to advance their agenda. And accept partial victories versus demanding purity. Too often the Republicans and others on the Right demand perfection instead of settling for the good.

And, as we seen increasing see Muslims do in Europe, and the illegals here, use our kindness, laws, rules, and customs against us. At some point the Constitution is not a suicide pact (thank you Justice Jackson) and we need to be practical about applying our liberal values on a political movement (Islam,) Leftist-anarchism, communism, or illegals/"refugees" bent on destroying the West.


Quote from: NewStar on March 18, 2017, 06:14:12 PM
Kidnostad3, I know very well that my English is what it is.
I never pretended that my English it above marginal, you don't have to assure me of that, Sir.,
but is good enough for you to comprehend, (at least sometimes) because you failed miserably 
to grasp my point when I was 'returning fire' at YorkshitPuddle suggesting that he is pedo since he was accusing another poster of being a pedo
for posting facts and videos of pedophilia in the Rotten_not_so_GREAT-any_more_BRITAIN. 

You know actually I'm now not so sure that YorkshitPuddle is that innocent, if he was he would not be so vivid in reacting to those pedo videos,
nobody else did, except him.
You know what they say, where there is a smoke there is a fire....?

BTW, perhaps you are not aware of it, but I did talked about the fact that I never=ever learned English
by attending courses or even studying from a book.
I just listen to radio and was reading on my own.
I admit it was a mistake not going to learn proper English lessons, but you know what...fuck it knowing proper English
is not a priority for me.
I'M laughing how some of morons here get triggered (ShittyVashtir) comes to mind when they spot wrong spelled word or luck of coma.

But I tell you this secret, if I was posting posts here and kissing all of your asses you would never comment
or baby-bitch-cry that my English sucks...take Gab from Sweden, his posts are so fucked up that you would puke compared to mine.
Just go to his (Gab from Sweden) threads and try reading it if you never did.
But because he never confronts some assholes here with true challenge his posts are accepted regardless that his English'
sucks donkeys dick compared to mine.

So that shows that your bitching about my English is based on the fact that you are disagreeing with me on my views,
because if I was posting stuff that you agreed with you would never mention or baby cry about my English that sucks.

Simple as that...Sir! 

It's not your English that I have an issue with.  What is your native language anyway?


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 18, 2017, 06:04:48 PM
I think the problem is he is remarkably uninformed about the US, yet thinks he knows better than those of us who live here, then goes on to lecture us on the issues we have here while ignoring those of his own country. 

I can see where that might draw some of the posts we've seen.

+ Infinity  :)


Quote from: NewStar on March 18, 2017, 05:43:17 PM

theONE, is that you? Now go fetch your mother. The boys are waiting


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 18, 2017, 06:27:59 PM
It's not your English that I have an issue with.  What is your native language anyway?

It's English. He brags that he has "Shakespearean English" and that he types this way on purpose to "throw his enemies off". His other identities "speak" English just fine. He's not from Mongolia or Malaysia. He's an American. Don't let him fool you.


Quote from: JesusJuice💯👌👏 on March 18, 2017, 06:32:58 PM

It's English. He brags that he has "Shakespearean English" and that he types this way on purpose to "throw his enemies off". His other identities "speak" English just fine. He's not from Mongolia or Malaysia. He's an American. Don't let him fool you.

You really think that TheONE is Jackstar? Or are you talking about someone else?  ???


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 18, 2017, 06:27:59 PM
It's not your English that I have an issue with.  What is your native language anyway?

Mongolian, I'm Mongolian yak herder.
Some assholes here claim that I'm Mongolian yak fucker but that is not true.
I never did fucked any of mine (or belonging to other herders) yaks, or any other animals.
I only fuck my gorgeous Mongolian wife.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 18, 2017, 06:36:04 PM
You really think that TheONE is Jackstar? Or are you talking about someone else?  ???

theONE has specifically stated that he has "Shakesperean English" and pretends to be third world to throw his "enemies" off.


Quote from: TigerLily on March 18, 2017, 06:32:31 PM
theONE, is that you? Now go fetch your mother. The boys are waiting
TigerLily how about I fetch your mother and boys can have fun with her... and you can watch and hold her hand or put a pillow
on he face if she starts to scream too loud.


Quote from: NewStar on March 18, 2017, 06:38:23 PM
Mongolian, I'm Mongolian yak herder.
Some assholes here claim that I'm Mongolian yak fucker but that is not true.
I never did fucked any of mine (or belonging to other herders) yaks, or any other animals.
I only fuck my gorgeous Mongolian wife.

Okay, we'll just assume that you are an agent-provocateur from eastern Ukraine or Russia. 


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 18, 2017, 06:27:59 PM
It's not your English that I have an issue with.  What is your native language anyway?

Don't be shy, spit it out, I'm far away in the Mongolian steppe inside of my yurt, tho I do own an exclusive penthouse in Ulaanbaatar 


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 18, 2017, 06:46:39 PM
Okay, we'll just assume that you are an agent-provocateur from eastern Ukraine or Russia.

Sir, you are wrong.
I'm not an agent-provocateur. My history of supporting you President Donald Trump is very well documented on this fine piece of a forum.
Just ask those who know -- they will conform my hate for the dishonest bitch Hillary Clinton. 

Jackstar is not newstar or theOne.  theOne  is obviously aping Jackstar with his new identity.


Quote from: JesusJuice💯👌👏 on March 18, 2017, 06:38:45 PM

theONE has specifically stated that he has "Shakesperean English" and pretends to be third world to throw his "enemies" off.

I don't think this guy is Jack Star, TheOne or any other of the usual suspects.  He is a quick study and could have picked up a lot from scanning old posts.  I don't think he's been around too long.  His style and syntax are unique as far as I'm concerned and he is too fast in his responses to be taking pains to disguise it from someone's writing we would recognize.    All are invited to tell me why I'm wrong.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 18, 2017, 06:54:48 PM
Jackstar is not newstar or theOne.  theOne obviously was aping Jackstar with his new name.

It's not the username. There were other things.

But it doesn't matter. It ultimately doesn't matter who's who. It's all funposting regardless of who's doing the actual typing.

Just keep an eye on your boots.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 18, 2017, 06:54:48 PM
Jackstar is not newstar or theOne.  theOne obviously was aping Jackstar with his new name.

21stCM, prove that you are you by posting (again) horse porn picture,
you know like you posted before in Art Bell thread and you were falsely blaming me for it
because you vere afraid that MV will ban you for it.
Remember when you pull YorkshitPuddle on me -- and replaced pictures and were doing the same low life scam by trying to set me up.
But I and JesusJuice we did catch you, when your falsify my post.

I still have all the proofs.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 18, 2017, 06:20:14 PM

As usual you are trying to restore order on this thread by introducing intelligent and cogent commentary.  How long have you had this Don Quixote thing going on.
;D Apparently too long. The personal attack stuff and the weird internet world of fake and multiple online identities aren't my bag. Sometimes they are interesting or entertaining to some, I guess, but I try to stick to the facts like Joe Friday and logical argument, for the most part.

For example: Obama was highest official in government, under his aegis US agencies were spying on almost everyone in one way or another, so it is absurd to think that only Trump and his staff or family were somehow exempt. Now did Obama specifically put out a memo: "spy on Trump!," I doubt it. He is an attorney and his experience is in Chicago, a city known for its political corruption and organized crime, and would know how to get things done with a wink and touch of the nose- like with the IRS etc. Underlings "know" what "needs to be done" and do it. But the President has plausible deniability and distance from the crimes. Likely happened but every find proof? We are talking about secret security agencies, but at a minimum Trump was under some kind of spying simply for being a US citizen. Especially though with large, international financial transactions and businesses?

Quote from: JesusJuice💯👌👏 on March 18, 2017, 07:00:23 PM

It's not the username. There were other things.

But it doesn't matter. It ultimately doesn't matter who's who. It's all funposting regardless of who's doing the actual typing.

Just keep an eye on your boots.

Jackstar has been around for years now and he didn't play these stupid games that theOne likes to play.

Quote from: NewStar on March 18, 2017, 07:01:59 PM
21stCM, prove that you are you by posting (again) horse porn picture,
you know like you posted before in Art Bell thread and you were falsely blaming me for it
because you vere afraid that MV will ban you for it.
Remember when you pull YorkshitPuddle on me -- and replaced pictures and were doing the same low life scam by trying to set me up.
But I and JesusJuice we did catch you, when your falsify my post.

I still have all the proofs.

Get lost.  You are on my ignore list from here on out.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 18, 2017, 07:06:57 PM
Get lost.  You are on my ignore list from here on out.

Oh, poor baby got caught falsifying posts to save his own ass, how low life of you. 

At one time JesusJuice was using name: "Roasting Porch Testicles On An Open Fire (Happy New Year)
and you can read it in his post that was directed to me, that he saw it happen in real time that 21stCenturyMan changed the pictures.

21stCM you acted like lowest of rats trying to save your ass and setting me up for it.
In the Army or in prisons they do very bad things to scums like you.


Quote from: albrecht on March 18, 2017, 07:03:52 PM
;D Apparently too long. The personal attack stuff and the weird internet world of fake and multiple online identities aren't my bag. Sometimes they are interesting or entertaining to some, I guess, but I try to stick to the facts like Joe Friday and logical argument, for the most part.

For example: Obama was highest official in government, under his aegis US agencies were spying on almost everyone in one way or another, so it is absurd to think that only Trump and his staff or family were somehow exempt. Now did Obama specifically put out a memo: "spy on Trump!," I doubt it. He is an attorney and his experience is in Chicago, a city known for its political corruption and organized crime, and would know how to get things done with a wink and touch of the nose- like with the IRS etc. Underlings "know" what "needs to be done" and do it. But the President has plausible deniability and distance from the crimes. Likely happened but every find proof? We are talking about secret security agencies, but at a minimum Trump was under some kind of spying simply for being a US citizen. Especially though with large, international financial transactions and businesses?

All that you say makes abundant good sense to me.  I'm just wondering if we'll have to wait until someone writes a book about all of it 10 or 15 years from now.  Can you imagine what the impact on the public of concurrent or even closely sequenced revelations about all or even a significant portion of what currently suspected wrongdoing by the government and major political figures.  For the sake of discussion let's say that only 50% of the allegations turn out to be valid.  The impact of that alone  would destroy the public's confidence in our institutions and political system and have profound consequences.  I'm guessing there will be an initial wholesale cover-up followed by years of slow rolling revelations. 

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